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Thinks Their Own Way

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Everything posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. I voted for Genealogy mainly because of Julia to be honest. She is my favourite unit in Heroes (team captain), so I would love to play the game she appears in without an emulator with a translation patch.
  2. I'm someone who prefers having a Morgan or Kana with a sibling rather than a 3rd Generation Kana or Morgan, and Female Corrin has more options on that front (and the options don't include Shigure so that's a plus in my book).
  3. I try to go for both supports and stats/skills. I like to pair Mozu with someone you get super early because of Aptitude. Like with Awakening; because the avatar makes any child good, I like to go by, who would I like as Kana or Morgan's sibling.
  4. The base conversations do a much better job at being support conversations than the actual support conversations; tbh.
  5. I was excited when I pulled a 3* Sully because it was something fucking different for me in a long time. She's plus Attack so that's nice. I also got a better Subaki, so hopefully I can complete that quest soon.
  6. When I first played Awakening, Miriel was so amazing for me I dropped Lissa in a heartbeat when Miriel had access to healing.
  7. Most likely a design choice, like with Peri, Shigure, Setsuna and Kagero; who all have the hair covering one eye look.
  8. I'm a sucker for anything with a choir in it, it makes the battles feel bigger in my opinion. I prefer Alm's battle theme. I like all of the 2D art and redesigns (been replaying Awakening lately and looked through the Gaiden section of the Spot-pass bonus teams and the revamp was needed tbh); however, maybe it's because of the 2D/3D hybrid style they are going for the CGI movie cut scenes but those I feel look terrible.
  9. I like to wait until level 20, I even waited until level 20 for Natasha in Sacred Stones. I like squeezing every last ounce of experience before promoting and the higher stats a unit will have at 20 when compared to level 10, I feel help in the long run.
  10. I was wonder if their are any lagging issues like the double battles in Pokemon Sun & Moon when you were playing on a 3DS system that was older than the new 3DS?
  11. Big fan of having Felicia, Olivia, Ephraim, Sanaki, Julia, Henry, Gaius, Camilla, Priscilla, Jaffar, Nino, Both Corrins, Setsuna, Eirika, Jeorge, Serra and other people I can't think of off the top of my head. I really want Peri and Effie and Hector and Takumi.
  12. I got my sister into heroes, and sacred stones for a little bit. 1. Depends on what they feel like. I prefer playing on casual, but classic mode wasn't an issue for my sister. 2. Depends, my sister didn't give a shit about the FE characters in smash; prefers playing as Zelda or Link. The most I've explained a character to my sister was how Eirika would be the type of girl to go into the basement in a horror movie with a slasher loose in the house. 3. Depends on the person; for example my sister would enjoy the shipping aspects and going off who she likes using in Heroes; I feel she would S-support Subaki in a god damn heartbeat. 4. You can get a game-boy advance emulator on your phone (not my method), no way in hell I'm lending anyone my 2DS. 5. She tried out Sacred Stones on her own, I would recommend Sacred Stones or Birthright because I feel that their difficulty levels are the most accessible to new comers (those who know nothing what so ever). 6. I would make them restart if they skip a chest, let alone a character dying.
  13. I'm starting to think that this inclusion is the reason why Gaiden is being remade in the first place; but I'll wait and see what they do.
  14. I have feeling that a tie-in with Awakening is the main reason why Gaiden is the game that got green-lit for a remake. I like Grima from a design and mythological stand point, I'm curious to see what they do with them.
  15. Do the villagers level cap at 10 (like Ross, Amelia and Ewan in FE8 when they are in their trainee class) or 20 like Mozu?
  16. I pulled an Easter Chrom... other than that; I now have Catria, Est and Palla, so that's cool.
  17. Out the 63 units I have (after sending some duplicates home for feathers and merging): 5 stars: 11 (M!Corrin was an upgarde of 4 stars; one that was -Speed & +HP... still worth it; and Jaffar was merged) 4 stars: 25 (Arthur, Eirkia, F!Corrin, Oboro and Saizo are merged units; Felicia was upgraded from 2 stars, Gaius and Lissa was upgraded from 3 stars) 3 stars: 23 (Adult Tiki was merged, Anna, Alfonse and Sharena were upgrades) 2 stars: 4
  18. Base makes the most sense, I also like Awakenings and FE8's shopping system as well. I really like the connivance that over-world and base shopping provide. I find the FE7 system ridiculous because in the middle of battle, shopping is the last thing you so be doing.
  19. As gimmicky as someone like Peri maybe (I don't mind her), I can at least remember something about them. Opening up Sacred Stones on my phone, looking over my army; I forgot their were Cavaliers not named Seth in that game and they were the Cain and Abel archetypes as well. I know reasons as to why I like a character is different from others. Who am I to tell someone what kind of characters they are allowed or not allowed to write. Ephraim is my favourite lord because while I believe his games tries hard to make him look cool; I thought he was cool, that's it. I find L'Arachel more annoying than any over the top 3DS character. I find Hector to be a massive prick. With Shadows of Valentia coming out, I'm really liking the idea of Celica's peace loving nature but finding the idea of Alm's aggressiveness insufferable. The main reason why I like Sanaki so much is because she cusses Ike out. I hate Arthur's patriotism and sense of justice, I hate Cordelia's obsession with Chrom but totally ok with Tharja and Camilla and I find Serra amusing.
  20. I thought fan service was the point to this particular banner; even the sexualized ones are nothing outrageous to me (especially when compared to some of the NSFW stuff fans draw). I kinda wish they did the big fluffy onesie now; thinking about.
  21. If Alice in Wonderland was a otome game; the white rabbit would look like Easter Chrom. Personally speaking, this entire Easter inspired banner is so stupid; it's entertaining.
  22. I'll make Faye a Pegasus Knight because it's the only unique class out of this group. As for the rest, I'll wait and see how the RNG is to them.
  23. 1. If it's harmless; than a surprise prank is fine. 3. Situational, the context in which the prank is happening. 2/4/5. No, absolutely not, never, you can't convince me otherwise.
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