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Thinks Their Own Way

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Everything posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. I've only recently played the first few chapters of FE 7 for the first time yesterday; I was looking over the supports (for later) and I really like Hector x Lyn (I'm never calling her Lyndis).
  2. Benny's child is best to recruit right away because the longer you wait the more of a hassle his paralogue gets. If you want Ophelia as a Sorcerer, it doesn't matter really (paralogues are the closes things to grinding in Conquest), but if you want her as a Dark Knight, wait til Chapter 21 so that she can start with a D rank in Swords. It's best to wait until to Chapter 19 because of Conquest limited resources (compared to Birthright) you can save Master Seals for other units.
  3. Hana's only a jerk in the supports. If you want a physically focused Kana then Hana (Hoshido Noble is more Physical than Magical). If you want a magically focused Kana then Sakura (Dragonstones are magical weapons for some reason).
  4. If it's exactly like Gaiden with a fresh layer of paint, I'm not getting the game. Stuff like magic users using up HP when performing magic and losing 1 HP when the attack is suppose to do 0 damage sounds like a poorly design game and the challenge comes across as challenging for the wrong reasons.
  5. Day 1: Henry (FE Awakening) Day 2: Female Corrin (FE Fates) Day 3: Charlotte (FE Fates) Day 4: Lute (FE Scared Stones) Characters I enjoy using in their respective games, that's my decision process.
  6. They are the one of few lords that I can probably pick out of a line up. The lord characters are normally interchangeable to me, Corrin circumstances helps in making them stand out to me (Chrom doesn't even have that going for them). But gameplay wise, they are a force deployment that doesn't make me scream fuck by the fact that I have to use them (I haven't played Radiant Dawn but Micaiah's growth rates have me screaming that and I would drop Eirika and Chrom in a heartbeat for Joshua and Lucina any day of the god damn week). They have supports I find amusing... so we cool tbh.
  7. Axefaire and Rally Strength are easily the best male exclusive skills. If you're not going to be grinding a whole lot, then Despoil (free gold is still free gold) if you really want a male-exclusive skill on her; If not, Ignis and or Veteran so that you can have those skills on her right away. Having another unit with access to every class is the selling point.
  8. Bloodthirst (Peri) Puissance (Effie) Bibliophile (Ophelia) Playthings (Selkie)
  9. I already voted for Henry and Female Corrin... I don't know who else to vote for. I'm leaning towads: Joshua (FE 8) Lute (FE 8) Charlotte (Fates) Miriel (Awakening)
  10. I did not know about DLC Katarina and Palla. But even then, out of all male exclusive Rally Strength is still probably more useful than Axefaire because of class-dependency (Very few classes females have access to have Axes as a weapon type). The male exclusive skills really suck when compared to the female ones. Noire is only child I feel should get Counter because she starts as an Archer and I've been replaying Conquest lately.
  11. First thing, their are no canon pairings in this game. Just do whatever pairings you want honestly.
  12. Personally I promote to Fighter/Barbarian then to Warrior for Rally Strength on F!Morgan and Counter on Noire But if don't care about that kind of stuff: Armsthrift from Mercenary then promote to Bow Knight honestly for Bow Breaker (might be handy on those phase where you can't counter attack Archers) or I really like going Cavalier for Discipline (handy in classes with multiple weapon types and you're at E rank with some of those weapons). Paladin gives you Aegis and Great Knight gets you Luna.
  13. It was bound to happen, and I'll be disappointed if the last of DLC isn't released and especially disappointed if it's because of the over blown localization controversy.
  14. Maybe it's because I've been playing the Gamecube version The Wind Waker not that long ago, I think allowing the player changing the names of either Alm or Celica is a good compromise if they want an Avatar system.
  15. Hana's victim blaming of Corrin in their supports so rubbed me the wrong way (Peri and Camilla don't bother me in the slightest but Hana does) and none of her other supports made me feel bad for disliking her in the first place. At least she's a decent Samurai/Swordmaster on Birthright (Revelations loves screwing her strength for me).
  16. It's a toss up between Scared Stones and Awakening because they are the only games where grinding characters were the only times I had fun with them because the story chapter maps were so god damn boring and overly simple. Awakening may get an extra point because FUCK VILLAGER NPCS, FUCK THEIR WORTHLESS ASSES. THE GAME GOES OUTS IT'S WAY TO MAKE YOU FEEL BAD FOR NOT SAVING THEIR BITCH ASSES. MAYBE IF THOSE VILLAGER FUCKING BRAIN DEAD IDIOTS; THEY'LL STILL BE ALIVE. I have a feeling Hans might have been on to something in Cheve.
  17. Two completely different mediums. Game of Thrones was designed for story telling so it better have a good one. Compared to other video games, I never found Fates story boring (unlike Awakening), and I like most of the cast (unlike Pokemon Sun & Moon).
  18. Fredrick x Olivia because Olivia benefits a lot from the pair up bonuses he gives her and l like the classes he passes down to her son. I haven't tried Fredrick x Panne, but I have a feeling that it's good gameplay wise.
  19. That I didn't know (love anything that makes grinding easier), but personal skills aren't removable (unless future games say other wise) so it being a force to have skill makes Corrin unusable which is bad for a character is forced in general. Weapons like Niles Bow and Takumi's Shinai already serve that purpose.
  20. That sounds like the worst skill ever created and makes me want to play Radiant Dawn even less.
  21. I haven't completed Pokemon Sun & Moon yet, but as of now it's one of my least favourite generations in a while. I'm not really a fan of the focus on Lillie and Nebby (I'm not really a fan of these two), I like the game when it's me doing my thing because it's the only time the game feels like my adventure.
  22. It depends on the game In Awakening Peg Knights have the benefit of Galeforce and having no bad units (Cynthia is amazing), whereas Fates Peg Knights are... Hinoka is good, Caeldori is good... that's it. I really wish Falcon Knights didn't have staves as a secondary weapon choice, I remember reading somewhere they use to have swords which I feel makes a lot more sense because I feel units who start as Peg Knights are not designed to be healers (although Orochi!Caeldori makes good use as a healer). With Wyvern Riders, with the exception of Camilla (because she defies logic with how great she is), I don't find myself using them a whole lot, most of them come off as flying armor knights, a class I'm really not a big fan of (but with the right pair up partner they can be decent). But I love Malig Knight as a class. I neutral on both.
  23. I think future games should be like Fates honestly; coming from who doesn't have nostalgia for the older, every time I see people talking about the more I don't want to play them. They just sound like chores to play gameplay wise and gameplay is the most more part of any video game that's what they are designed for and just give me good gameplay I'm happy and I think Fates gameplay is flawless.
  24. Fairy Tail: Juvia (Milotic) Jellal (Lucario) Mira-Jane (Lopunny/Mega) Wendy (Dragonite) Ichyia (Vileplume) Totomaru (Delphox) Fairy Tales: Cinderella (Gardevoir/Mega) Big Bad (Lycanroc Midnight) Naked (Empoleon) Mama or Papa (Ursaring, depending on gender) Stepmother (Gothitelle) Godmother (Celfable)
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