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Status Updates posted by Mufasa

  1. I am no little boy however. I'm 22. :D

  2. I'm surprised people actually posted Happy Birthday here. I thought I was long forgotten. Or remembered in infamy. Anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes.

    Still likely to not come back though. Good thing or not, it's for you to decide.

  3. Thanks dude. Even though I haven't been here regularly for over 2 years. Lol.

  4. Mufasa


    How have you been milady?

  5. Anyway, COME BACK TO TC. ;_; XD

  6. I still have a warn from over a year ago....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Narga_Rocks


      You also don't have very many posts in that time. Granted July to October is a decent chunk of time that you could have been posting.

    3. Mufasa


      Just because I come back, doesn't mean I stay though. Lol.

    4. riariadne


      but you still came back

      i was RIGHT

  7. Mufasa

    Oi Bianchi-chan~


  8. Yeah...it's rather....bizzare. Like coming home to my house after being gone for 3 years, only to find that it's been made into a nightclub.

    ....If you pardon the poor analogy.

  9. Ooo. Yay! Kiryn!

    Anyway, I'm just on cause I saw someone had left me a message thingy. I wasn't sure what it was, and I thought it was someone important trying to contact me. Turns out it was Revan, so eff that, but you're important, so it was worth it.


  10. Yes I am.

    ....Who are you BTW? Lol.

  11. I'm gone again bitches.

  12. Lol. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.

    Yes I'm still alive.

  13. Lol. I suppose I am the life of SF in a way. People certainly seem to flock to me whenever I show up again, though they certainly wouldn't call me the "life" of the forum.

  14. *Samurais.*

  15. <<



  16. Hey, you asked for it. Lol.

  17. I wouldn't say 'beneath', but I would call it different from the kind of place I belong in. However, I do still hold fond memories of this place, and it holds a special place in my heart. So, perhaps I'm hoping in vain, but I would like to think that the old days can come back.

    If you want my honest answer, that's what I think.

  18. Lol. That's what I figured, but I thought I would offer anyway. Good luck man.

  19. But if you're inclined to join, I can give you the link.

  20. Aww. Lame. I missed your return by like 2 minutes. Lol. Not that this place has evolved into anything worth coming back for. It's only gotten worse and worse. I even left myself, popping in from time to time to watch the retards jump around the monkey cage. Anyway, I've migrated to a different forum, it's small and it's based on Tales games. I won't beg you to join or anything,

  21. Sorry man. IF you want I can send you a link to the new site I go on. It's a Tales forum and a lot of the people from Serenes have found sanctuary there. (The cool people anyway.)

  22. I kinda don't go to these forums anymore. Sorry man. I'm done with SF. Too many psychos with their head up their asses.

    Present company excluded of course.

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