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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. So I'm relatively new to this steam thing, and can never really find anything of actual interest with the search function on steam. I saw this topic and decided to check out the sells. Skyrim is on here, which has always seemed interesting (but I didn't own a computer that could play it back when I was first checking it out.) Upon getting to a certain page, I skimmed the titles, clicked for the next page, and then my eyes caught a glimpse of a title that made me go WHOA WHOA WAIT GO BACK GO BACK. DID I TOTALLY JUST SEE WHAT I THOUGHT I SAW?! Yes, yes I did. Somehow my eyes managed to overlook it the first time, and caught glimpse of it only after clicking for the next page: Valkyria Chronicles. Then I had a moment of glee because I had always wanted to play that game, but didn't feel like a lone game was worth buying a PS3 for. I bought it. Now for it to finish downloading. :D
  2. ^ Thank you for that. Looks like they used Lyn's animation as a base for the bow-usage as well. Somewhat. After studying how he did it, I ended up doing my own thing by practicing the movements with my bow, and copy/pasting swirl frames from other vanilla animations to mimic how I was doing it. (Ignore that unfinished last frame. I kind of ran out of juice at that point lol) I have an animation in the works to ensure that these frames are going smoothly together, but unfortunately, my Animation Workshop program cannot save on this Windows 7 comp. (It's an ancient program.) I don't feel like saving all the frames as individual files and then uploading them to that online gif-maker, either, because it only uses static frame rates and it's horrifically inconvenient. -_- And after getting this far with the animation, I decided to draw this guy in a different way, but the question is: do I care enough to make a new topic in the art section for my non-pixelly works? HMM... or maybe the better question is: would other people care enough?
  3. I tried to follow these directions, but I don't think it worked. Wound up using some default animation blurs instead. Maybe you should write a guide on blur frames. I haven't been able to find any. Ignore the random floating arrow, bow and unfinished sprite. This is what I have so far...but once I was ready to bring the bow up, I realized I have no idea of how to bring the bow out of that idle frame and into a raised, ready-to-fire position. I was trying to study the ranger animation for clues, but then I just became eternally confused because the string pulls some physics-defying. <<; I have a bow and I've been toying around with it, trying to figure this out, and I have a general idea of what needs to be done, but I'm not sure how to actually draw/animate that. From what I've gathered, one would need to flip the bow so that the end pointed towards the ground when idle is actually pointed upwards. So now I just can't figure out how I'm supposed to draw that. :(
  4. I really think you should try splicing faces instead of customing them. You need to have a grasp on what looks good and what doesn't. You cannot use Kent's original hair with his head at that angle. That's why he has a massive wad of hair sticking off the front. The eyes are still small, not in the right place, and just not the right shape. Try studying vanilla sprites more.
  5. It doesn't help that nothing ever tells you about the convoy feature becoming a thing. I don't blame the OP for not noticing this.
  6. This is kind of a serious topic but I dunno where else to put it other than this forum. Mods, please move this wherever you think it belongs, if it doesn't belong here. I have a bow and I am physically copying what I can make out of the animation, but what I've done has proven that if the bow string is OVER his arm while idle, that means it will be BEHIND his arm when the bow is raised. The only way to draw the string that way is to hold the bow in front of you a little, and bend your elbow. Which is plausible I guess. But then the bowstring is STILL layered over his arm once it is drawn back. I think he just divided by zero. O_o; (Please correct me if I'm wrong. I am TRYING to reference this thing.)
  7. I don't like how some of the characters guilt trip you for selling an item they just obtained 2 minutes ago, though. Although Tharja's sell line can be a brick joke if you bought her something first. Forging items can be funny too. "Sure, you can use an anvil, but can you use an oven?" -Gaius. But my favorite quotes are the ones on level up. Having the character apologize to me or otherwise express displeasure at their awful level up slightly lessens the frustration I feel when it happens. lol
  8. I usually cap out his father, but because Maribelle's stats are so freakishly low, even after several Second Seals and a master seal. He usually suffers greatly from it, becoming the weakest child character. As others have said, though, his class doesn't help AT ALL. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has issues with Maribelle, though. Also, apparently, me making this topic was enough to shame Maribelle into performing better. She started getting level ups that had more than 3 stats. She's actually USABLE now. ._.
  9. Maribelle, my dear, you ARE the rabble. Stat-wise, I mean. I have played this game some 6-8 times, and every single play-through, I have the absolute WORST time with her stats. Right now, she is a level 10 toubadour with the following stats: HP: 23 Str: 1 Mag: 8 Skl: 8 Spd: 9 Lck: 10 Def: 3 Res: 6 And this is actually better than usual. Does anybody else have such a hard time with her? I really don't understand how EVERY single Maribelle I have ever had failed so terribly, when according to the Growth Rates page, she really shouldn't be so universally sucky. As a result, Brady is almost always miserably weak as well. -_-;
  10. I don't blame you. Hands are freaking hard to draw...I can only imagine spriting them. the far eye looks like it's not matching the tilt of her head. The lines under the eyes are both too dark and too solid. If you look closely at the original sprites' eyes, and you'll see that the lines beneath them are lighter at the edges. Your lines make the eye look as if it's flat at the bottom.
  11. I can't decide if I want to pay attention to the text or to you. Actually, I have no idea what's going on in this video, regarding the text.
  12. Not much here to see, but it's a redo of my former attempt at Kedar's sprite. He SHOULD be more in true archery form now. Also, made him keep his bow down until he's ready to draw, as per one of my friend's comments on Lyn's sprite. Thanks to aeo for the partially-done idle frame she made. I'm going to try and make him slightly less choppy than Lyn originally was... Does anybody have any tips on how to do blur frames?
  13. I don't really see anything totally wrong with the upward movement of that animation, besides the floppy, choppy hair. Editing map palettes is definitely a decent idea, but the issue is that ALL animations would have to use that same palette. (Assuming, of course, you're actually hacking. If you're using RPGMaker or FEXNA, that rule doesn't apply.) I've thought of doing it myself, since my enemies in my game are all black-clad, and the red sprites really don't reflect that. lol. @The animation: Might I ask what the flip she just did? Looks like she summoned a tree outta nowhere and then absorbed it and started to transform.
  14. Her arms look a bit awkward. Are you hiding them so that you don't have to draw her hands? (I'm guilty of doing that with my drawings lol.) The arm on our right is especially weird, as it's not matching up with her armor. @the portrait: Are you customing those eyes, or are you splicing them? Because I would recommend the latter. The eyes on your sprites always end up looking really...off, for lack of another word.
  15. This makes me feel better to know that it's not just me struggling with the first four chapters. Hard mode has them off by default, I believe. Either that, or I'm so used to turning them off when I boot up the game, I didn't even notice I did it. I was using the Pair Up feature, but even then, all those enemies with VERY high hit rate and attack were still overwhelming my units. It's definitely dumb how they restricted game mechanics so badly in the first four. Supports, I believe, are unlocked at chapter 1, wireless at chapter 2, shopping at chapter 3, and then barracks and other features at chapter 4. IMO wireless should be chapter 3 and shopping at chapter 2. <<;; I did have an aversion to using Freddie--I was mostly using him to cover for Lissa. Now I know what my error was, and I'm sure I could beat hard mode on classic now. O_o; Wow. That's...harsh.
  16. Monster Rancher. The last games in the series were on mobile. :/ The last physical game was on DS. I would love to have another title on an actual gaming device.
  17. This is a Fire Emblem site. I should be sorry for this. I am not.
  18. If this is the one I'm thinking of, and that's the one where you take on Gangrel the second time, you forgot oooooooone thing: Having to power your way to the chests while simaltaneously avoiding Gangrel because he has a magic weapon and the stats to actually kill a good number of units with it. And he doesn't just stand around, either--he'll chase anyone that even comes CLOSE to his range. I almost ragequit that chapter several times the first time I played the game. And I usually don't ragequit FE chapters. ._.
  19. So what I can gather from this is that there's no all-in-one software that doesn't a ton of money? lol No pirating, lol. Camtasia is like, stupidly expensive, although apparently you can also buy it by the month nowadays? ...Speaking of annual payments, that just reminded me of Pokebank. Oh dear... I hope my pokemon still exist. I use virtual dub for various light edits, mostly because VBA likes saving pointlessly MASSIVE videos, and sometimes I have to do something to splice two video segments back together. (not to mention that default VBA had that awful issue where sounds and visuals would stop being synch'd after a while, and dub was capable of fixing that. <_< ) That last one sounds like something I wanted to do with windows movie maker until I realized it doesn't actually come WITH windows anymore. (and I have to download some other pointless junk just to get it. WTH Microsoft?) I might check it out. GUI means a user interface, right? I guess I don't HAVE to have it, but it would be nice.
  20. Emm reminds me of a regi from Pokemon with those dots on her head. lol
  21. And y'all were talking about ethics in video game profits. Your point? I dunno, I just feel like if I can't trust them with something not-so-serious, how can I trust them with something actually serious? omg finally somebody who knows how I feel! D: I won't argue about Shulk being weak, even though I don't believe he is. What made me annoyed was that they said nobody but Riki stood out, when clearly all the main characters are deeper and have more personality than many video game characters these days...Especially FEA. *FLEE*
  22. Yeah, he really didn't turn out the way I wanted. I need to edit the eyes to actually make him look mad, I think. (Same with sad--I've tried multiple times to make him look sad, and it never works lol.) Doesn't help that the only ANGRY!/SAD! sprites I can truly see in the originals are Eliwood/Lyn and they both have their heads tilted downward, so I can't see their faces, precisely. :/ An ugly guy who's ugly. I can't tell if he's just ugly or if I need to fix him. FYI: Red is hard to make glowy.
  23. For years, my recording abilities have been restricted to the use of record functions in the games themselves--and I would like to change that. However, I really have no idea what programs out there are actually worth having, and would run on my Windows 7 32-bit comp without much lag. I am willing to pay money for it, but not something like $100 bucks or monthly fees. Any recommendations? (mods, feel free to move this if you feel this isn't in the right section. I couldn't decide if this would be a general topic or a gaming topic since video games are what I'm looking to record.)
  24. I can't help iiiiiiiiiit. Dumb things drive me nuts. I have been known to ragequit certain animes because of their stupidity. lol. That being said, I actually had to make a new file and make Chrom marry Maribelle after the original sumia topic, just to see this glitch. It was weiiird. As someone in the original topic said, YOU'RE DRUNK SUMIA. GO HOME.
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