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Excellen Browning

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Status Updates posted by Excellen Browning

  1. So you like the battlefield series eh?

    we should be mates.

  2. and a happy birthday to you.

  3. I told you three times already I would sub.

  4. Damn man, your birthday passed already? Shoulda let me know cause I wouldve crossed the channel just to congratulate you!

  5. But now that I think of it; finish the SRT draft yourself damnit!

  6. Hey mang, start playing the SRT J draft!

  7. To answer your steam question: iunno.

  8. Is that a Laynzer I'm seeing?

  9. Hey man, get off your ass and participate in the Touhou mafia game.

  10. sup man, looking for a fifth for a new SRT J draft. You down?

  11. Holy shit we can start drafting!

  12. Holy shit new OG2 draft with better rules!

  13. For spaghetti monster's sake Sirius, if you're gonna lurk the bloody hot girls/guys thread so often why not take the time to criticize or post some stuff

  14. That's exactly what I did and the whore still started moving.


  16. Still can't beat Rondo of Swords, man :(

  17. Brushing teeth while in the shower is the economical thing to dooo! You made a good choice

  18. I honestly think you're underestimating Vykan.

  19. Physics is not my strongest point. What kind of physics are we talking about?

  20. Just letting you know I find VOTOMS awesome

  21. Happy birthday, person I don;t know!

  22. Happy birthday, young kitten!

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