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C. Turtle

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Everything posted by C. Turtle

  1. Hm, so we're seeing generic enemy units now? Well, as generic as a zombie soldier is. Kind makes we wonder if we'll eventually see cards for Gaiden and Sacred Stones' monster units. After their initial sets, of course.
  2. My EB Games is doing a midnight launch (which starts at 10PM for some reason), but I likely won't be going, and will just go get the game on release day instead of the night before.
  3. To quote one of my friends from Miiverse, "R.I.P. Serra's gloves." The artwork is great, I just found it to be an interesting detail that she apparently loses her gloves upon premoting.
  4. I don't watch many shows, but when I get into a new one, I generally binge in order to catch up.
  5. Kind of a random thought, but since Series 6 got a white card based on Conquest Endgame, any of you guys reckon there's a chance of something similar happening with Birthright Endgame in Series 7? I mean, I feel it doesn't really fit as well with the theme as it did with Series 6, but it would sort of balance out the numbers between Black and White again.
  6. So, I just went ahead and rewatched all the trailers and such to get myself even more hyped for the game (as if that was necessary), and after seeing those Train On commercials, I kinda want Sho and Hoku (those were their names, right?) to make an appearance in the actual game, at least as a cameo or something. Or if not them, then the little base they set up. Those commercials were cute.
  7. I have conflicting feelings about this reveal. On one hand, I really like Decidueye's design, and Rowlet's line is still my favourite out of the starters, but that type change in for the final evolution causes problems with my team planning. I generally don't like repeating types on my team, and Ghost-type was already being filled by mister demon sandcastle. I'll probably end up just using both anyway, but it's going to irk me. Aside from that, the Battle Tree looks interesting, I might actually try it instead of ignoring it like I did the Maison. I wonder what other returning trainers we'll see. I'm surprised I haven't seen more "Sinnoh confirmed" stuff after Cynthia showed up.
  8. I'd personally prefer to have them wait a while and work on a brand new game. Give the Switch some time to grow, and let them make something that utilises the system's capabilities instead of just giving it the Wii U's leftovers. It'd also give time for the Switch to possibly establish one of its own franchises, and have it be represented alongside the likely Wii U newcomer (Inkling). That said, despite my preference, I would still be okay with an enhanced port, if only because it means I wouldn't have to worry about any characters getting cut, what with one of my mains being a clone and all.
  9. At this point, I'm honestly not surprised that the Alola Forms are only for Gen 1 Pokemon, hypocrisy in the interview aside. I wasn't planning on using them anyway, since I prefer to stick to new Pokemon when I enter a new region, so I'm not too bothered by it. That said, I would like them to keep regional variants as a concept for future games, and expand it to other generations' Pokemon.
  10. Ash from GameXplain confirmed in their most recent discussion video that he was incorrect in what he said there, and that you do still need to hold B to run, although you don't need to wait until you get the Running Shoes. Also, the battle screen only shows the effectiveness of moves after you've fought the opposing Pokemon at least once.
  11. I live in the middle of nowhere, and there's almost always someone home, so no.
  12. Hm, so if Ilima is the first Trial Captain, then that likely makes him the Normal-type Captain, and the one whose trial will have Gumshoos or Alolan Raticate as the Totem Pokemon. At least, I'd assume so. They could always still be something different.
  13. The only character I've ever described as "my waifu". No background this time. I got lazy.
  14. Assuming that in-ear is earbuds, and over-ear is proper headphones, I prefer the latter, but only when absolutley necessary. I honesltly prefer to not use headphones at all, ever since I started have problems with my ears.
  15. I've been pronouncing it "bree-own". Just felt like the most natural way to say it.
  16. I don't. I've never had to write it down so I don't know how I'd spell it. Probably omelette, though.
  17. Speaking of the starters, one of my friends on Miiverse noticed that on the Japanese Pokemon website, they put up something advertising that they'd be announcing new Pokemon Sun/Moon stuff soon, and in that image, they included pictures of the three starters. My friend speculated that perhaps this indicated that they'd finally be showing off the middle evolutions of the starters, but after looking at the website myself, I don't think it really means anything. Then again, I don't speak Japanese, so what do I know? Still thought it might be worth bringing up.
  18. It probably shouldn't bother me that they gave the mascot slots to Emma and Shade again instead of Lando or Yuzu... but it does.
  19. I mean, it's not like I leave the house that much anyway. Then again, I don't think I can really handle being in a relationship like that, regardless of how perfect the other person is.
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