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C. Turtle

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Everything posted by C. Turtle

  1. Eyy, my favourite Sacred Stones character is getting in the game. R.I.P. Orbs. I swear, if my terrible luck with Ninian becomes terrible luck with blues in general, I'm going to be rather upset. Also, new story, neato. Kinda wondering what's going to happen with the current subplots, what with Bruno being nowhere to be seen in the trailer, and Veronica apparently moving into the main story again after her traipse through paralogue land with Loki. Still curious as to whether this ice kingdom and fire kingdom or whatever after part of Zenith, or part of an original world created for Heroes. The World of Fire and Ice, or whatever. I mean, given we'll apparently be able to summon Fjorm or however her name is spelled, it makes sense lore-wise that she'd be from a different world to the Askr trio.
  2. Alice and Valjean are about as much related to Heroes as Emma, Shade, Yuzu, and Randal are related to Birthright, Conquest, Revelation, and Binding Blade. Namely, they don't hail from the game itself, but hail from the world the game is set in, and are CIpher original characters. I wouldn't expect them to really become involved in the story at all, but I'd assume they'll show up alongside the other Cipher mascots, whenever they end up coming.
  3. Limstella also features a gap in her icons, as her card lacks a gender.
  4. Almost forgot to update at the end of the Crimea banner. Didn't pull anyone from that one, but I do have two new additions to train up once the Tempest's over. 1. Fae (+DEF, -RES) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 2. Kagero (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 3. Genny (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from Starter Support - Hero Fest banner) 4. Sharena (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 5. Sheena (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 6. Amelia (+ATK, -DEF) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 7. Clive (Neutral) (Obtained from Reunited at Last tempest) 8. Athena (+SPD, -ATK) (Pulled from Heroes with Blade Skills banner) 9. Anna (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 10. Brave Ike (+HP, -ATK) (Pulled from Brave Heroes banner) 11. Brave Lucina (Neutral) (Pulled from Brave Heroes free summon event) 12. Lucina (+ATK, -HP) (Pulled from CYL Top 8 (Block B) banner) 13. Alfonse (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 14. Masked Marth (Neutral) (Obtained from To Die on the Battlefield tempest) 15. Mist (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from Tempest Trials (To Die on the Battlefield) banner) 16. Valter (Neutral) (Upgraded from 3*) 17. Catria (+RES, -DEF) (Pulled from Ninian & Hawkeye's Battle banner) 18. Black Knight (Neutral) (Obtained from Moment of Fate tempest)
  5. Seliph dressed as Julius, Lilina dressed as Idunn, Eirika dressed as Lyon, Ike dressed as Ashnard. I dunno, I just thought characters dressing up as the main antagonists from their games would be a cool theme for Halloween.
  6. So, the new Blaze/Gale/Geyser Dance only mention "Sing" and "Dance". Is that gonna change while Elffin/Nils gets added with "Play", or are they just gonna miss out on the refresher skills? I dunno whether gacha laws would effect that or not.
  7. You know what'd be neat? Halloween's a time for dressing up in costumes and stuff, right? So a lot of us are convinced it's Azura (because of the headdress or whatever that's called) and Shigure (because of Azura's pendant), but what if we've all been bamboozled? What if the banner is actually characters from older games cosplaying as characters from the newer games? ...I mean, I don't actually expect it, but it'd be pretty neat if they fooled us with the silhouettes like that.
  8. I believe Murdock and Niime's names were changed to their official ones from Blazing Blade before the poll ended. The only character I can recall whose name in Heroes doesn't match their CYL name is Thea/Thite (referred to as the former by Shanna in Heroes, but as the latter in the CYL poll). I would assume that for the most part, the names given are accurate.
  9. Going by the names from the CYL Poll, Noish's official English name would be Naoise.
  10. Eyy, BHB banner. I still want a Ninian. Free summon... no blue orbs. Got myself a 4* Wrys, and immediately gave his Rehabilitate to Genny. Then, I just sniped blue orbs, and I forgot to screenshot the summon, but the last 8 in the screenshot below are what I got. So yeah. Not the 5* I was looking for, but I'll take it. -Def, +Res. And now I'm back under 100 orbs again, so I shall retreat from summoning until the Tempest puts me back over 100.
  11. Like I said, it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. Some of the 2nd gen units are quite popular in their own right, and it's not hard to imagine a banner being built around them, possibly themed to Future Past or Heirs of Fate or some such. It's just a matter of playing the waiting game, just as I assume most people are doing as they wait for certain characters they like.
  12. They are certainly popular, but the older games have their fans as well. Personally, even though I am a fan of the 3DS titles, Awakening in particular, I think it's better they focus on titles that didn't already have characters in the game at launch, to give them a bit of time to catch up to the amount of characters other games already have in, before they start giving us more characters from games like Awakening and Fates. Even though there are quite a few characters from those games I'd like to see in.
  13. It's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. Although technically Seliph, Julia, and Lucina would all be considered 2nd generation units, I believe (not sure on the first two, haven't played Genealogy, but I'm pretty sure they fall under that category). I assume the reason they haven't yet is because the 3DS games already had quite a few characters at the game's launch, Fates in particular getting the lion's share, and they've opted to focus on other titles for the time being, outside of seasonal banners.
  14. As one New Heroes banner comes to an end and another is about to begin, now seems like a good time for an update. 1. Fae (+DEF, -RES) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 2. Kagero (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 3. Genny (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from Starter Support - Hero Fest banner) 4. Sharena (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 5. Sheena (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 6. Amelia (+ATK, -DEF) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 7. Clive (Neutral) (Obtained from Reunited at Last tempest) 8. Athena (+SPD, -ATK) (Pulled from Heroes with Blade Skills banner) 9. Anna (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 10. Brave Ike (+HP, -ATK) (Pulled from Brave Heroes banner) 11. Brave Lucina (Neutral) (Pulled from Brave Heroes free summon event) 12. Lucina (+ATK, -HP) (Pulled from CYL Top 8 (Block B) banner) 13. Alfonse (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 14. Masked Marth (Neutral) (Obtained from To Die on the Battlefield tempest) 15. Mist (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from Tempest Trials (To Die on the Battlefield) banner) 16. Valter (Neutral) (Upgraded from 3*)
  15. So, between a three character banner skewed towards females, and a new story chapter so we can finally pick up from the Brunorias cliffhanger, I'm guessing this is going to be when we get to recruit Bruno? Otherwise it just seems very odd that they'd throw out one three character banner by itself without a character from another source to pick up the slack. ...As for the banner itself, I don't really have much to say. Never had a chance to play the Tellius games. Nice that there's more than just two red fliers in the game now, though.
  16. If you want to go by her base class, Alice would actually be an infantry healer. Her promoted card in the set is a Strategist from Fates, though.
  17. I decided to do a few impulse pulls on the Tempest Trials banner because I wanted a Ninian. Those few impulse pulls swiftly turned into "Just give me a five star so my pity percentage doesn't go to waste!" Well... I got one. +RES/-SPD. I think I'm just gonna not let myself summon for a while. Thankfully Tellius is likely to be the next banner, and I have no intention of pulling from it, so I should have some time to build up my orbs again before any more of my favourites start showing up.
  18. Well, aside from the dual banners of Alm and Celica's Armies, we haven't really had a single six character banner since Blazing Shadows, so I've usually tried to keep my ideas to the more standard four characters. Plus, with Valjean now existing, I figured we could have an even male/female split on the banner, then have the two leftovers be a Tempest reward and a GHB, or something.
  19. I actually have a Notepad file full of banner idea I come up with. I guess I'll just dump 'em here. Some of them are less so banners I want, and more just random ideas I come up with for what they could do, or predictions for how they might handle a given banner (my prediction for World of Stones The Sacred World turned out to be wrong). Banners Built Around A Game Banners Built Around A Theme Joke Banner As for which ones I'd actually like to see happen out of these random ideas I've come up with, I'd say Cipher, Mirage, Future Past, and Revelation. I like the Cipher characters, I've enjoyed what I've played of TMS, and I really like Morgan and Mozu. I'd also like more Sacred Stones characters, but I haven't really thought of any good themes for them other than Gerik's Mercenaries, and for that I wouldn't know what weapon to give Tethys. Also beast units (mainly the Awakening/Fates ones since I haven't played any of the Tellius games), but we don't know how they're being implemented yet.
  20. Decided to do one last full summon on the female Voting Gauntlet banner before it ended. I mean, it's got Lyn and Lucina on it, and I could use some more good reds (or anything that isn't green). So...
  21. Choose Your Legends update. Alfonse will be the next upgraded once I get the feathers together. 1. Fae (+DEF, -RES) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 2. Kagero (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 3. Genny (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from Hero Fest banner) 4. Sharena (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 5. Sheena (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 6. Amelia (+ATK, -DEF) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 7. Clive (Neutral) (Obtained from Reunited at Last tempest) 8. Athena (+SPD, -ATK) (Pulled from Heroes with Blade Skills banner) 9. Anna (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 10. Brave Ike (+HP/-ATK) (Pulled from Brave Heroes banner) 11. Brave Lucina (Neutral) (Pulled from Brave Heroes free summon event)
  22. So, um... Yeah, that happened. I just decided I might as well do a summon before deciding on my free unit, on the off chance I managed to get Lucina or Lyn. I think he's +HP/-ATK. I mean, I have 5 green 5*s now, compared to be 1, 2, and 2 for red, blue, and colourless, but hey, a 5*'s a 5*. Oh, make that 3 for blue, because of the free focus unit.
  23. Kind of a random thought, but maybe we'll end up getting another random monster card in this set. I mean, Set 8 features cards for generic Risen, Set 9 had a Necrodragon, and Set 11's getting a Bael. With Fates being a part of the set, there's always the potential for a generic Faceless or Stoneborn to get a card or something. ...Although I suppose their weapons don't really fit into the weapon affinities in Cipher, so maybe not.
  24. Update, since I probably won't be getting any more 5*s soon unless I get lucky with the free first pulls. 1. Fae (+DEF, -RES) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 2. Kagero (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 3. Genny (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from Hero Fest banner) 4. Sharena (Neutral) (Upgraded) 5. Sheena (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 6. Amelia (+ATK, -DEF) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 7. Clive (Neutral) (Obtained from Reunited at Last tempest) 8. Athena (+SPD, -ATK) (Pulled from Heroes with Blade Skills banner)
  25. I just remembered that we get a free pull on each banner, and pulled on the Blade tome banner. ...I guess my luck is returning? +SPD/-ATK. Nice to have a 5* of every colour now.
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