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C. Turtle

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Everything posted by C. Turtle

  1. The battle screen was rearranged in the latest update. Tempest is now grouped together with Voting Gauntlet and Tap Battle in the lower right corner, while the new mode sits where Tempest used to me. ~~~ As for the mode itself, I suppose this is them trying to further push people to pull for Legendary Heroes, and perhaps to get people to use their blessings instead of hoarding them indecisively. I'm curious to see whether the mode is actually anything special, or if it's just battles with a restricted party. Either way, I should probably go ahead and figure out who on my horse team gets the Wind Blessing, so I can have a team of 4 when the mode launches.
  2. Going off the assumption that they'd want one of each colour again like last time, because it just sorta works out nicely that way. Red: Sword Infantry Celica with Beloved Zofia. Blue: Lance Armour Hector with Rex Hasta. Green: Axe Cavalry Ephraim with Garm. Colourless: Staff Infantry Veronica with an original Norse-name legendary staff. Veronica could also potentially be a flier I guess, if they wanted to balance out the movement types, and give us our first staff flyer. Not entirely sure what they're going to do for the outfits and such, whether they want to actually pull them together into a theme or not.
  3. Well then. Can't say I expected that result, although I'm certainly not disappointed. If we get a free CYL unit again, I was expecting to have to decide between Celica and Ephraim, because I don't really care about Hector and I don't like Camilla. But now that Veronica's here, that sorta throws a wrench in things. Probably going to have to wait until the costumes and unit types are actually revealed before I make my decision. I'm curious how they're going to justify Veronica in the story, though. If I remember right, the Brave Heroes are summoned through some sort of ritual at Vaskrheim, so, is the ritual going to summon Veronica from an alternate timeline where the dark god doesn't frick her bloodline? I'm just really interested in what implications with may end up having for the story. Shame about Marth, though. Screwed by the split. Hopefully IS at least gives him something to compensate, or learns from this mistake for next year.
  4. I feel like pretty much every main lord has a shot either in their promoted form, or post-game form after peace has been achieved. I'm not really a fan of alts, but Ike's already shown it's going to happen. I do think it would be cool to get characters from FE lore as Legendary Heroes, though. So long as they have enough to go on for their appearance and character, of course (R.I.P. the Five Heroes of Magvel). Most of these have already been brought up by others, either in this thread or the Feh Channel thread, with notable inclusions being Anri, the Eight Legends, and Altina. And since he's technically a character in the franchise now and no one has brought him up yet; King Gustav, a.k.a. Big Daddy Askr. I might have been wrong about him being the next Legendary Hero specifically, but I still think it'd be pretty neat to have him as a Legend and not have him fall victim to the dreaded "father of main character syndrome" and pass away.
  5. Ooo, goodie, we're finally getting a bit of plot to do with the Tempest, instead just the usual "The world is ending, help me save it." I was wondering when that might happen. Loki starting up the Tempest was still one of the big question marks about her for me. With the selection of bonus Heroes, I'm for once actually left with multiple teams I could use. I could either bring my new makeshift cavalry team with Gunnthrá and grind the SP that Sigurd and Elise still need, or I could bring one of my infantry teams with Fjorm and grind Alfonse and Fjorm's support. I might end up just alternating between the teams so I don't get bored while grinding for reward orbs.
  6. No new OC and no Ninian means I'm good to save my orbs and skip this one. Which is good because the last Legendary Banner completely drained me. I'm probably going to use my free pull on red, because I don't have any of the Red foci and I'm still looking for Seth and Soleil, even at 4*, and then back out. I just hope they keep a good mix with the Legendary Heroes and don't just keep giving us alts from now on.
  7. TBH, I'm kinda hoping they might give us some lore characters, like Anri or Roland, as Legendary Heroes, since we're now not limited to OCs. They're certainly spoken of in legend, albeit not Askran Legend. It's probably a pipe dream, but I'd rather that than more alts.
  8. My thoughts: Free orbs are always good. More training maps that I probably won't use and challenge maps that I'll struggle to beat, neat. A rhythm game, "illusory" in the name, now I want TMS characters in the game even more than I did before. The new legendary hero isn't an OC, and Ninian isn't on the banner, so I'm safe to skip. Not sure how the voting is going to work, but if I can vote for Ninian or Bunny Lucina in an attempt to get them for free, I will.
  9. They are not the only two besides Azura. Jakob and Felicia join on all routes, and for units not in Heroes yet, you've also got Shura and Mozu. So it kinda makes the perfect amount for a World of Revelation banner alongside a Fates tempest, or something. --- On topic, I'm lucky enough to live in a timezone where the broadcast is not super early/late, so I'm looking forward to it. I'm still holding onto that naive hope that we'll get new units added to the 3-4* pool, and if there was ever a time to do it, it's be the anniversary. Also playable Feh when?
  10. 1. The 2.0 update, when the story really started to pick up, and get out of the "here's some heroes, now they're free, okay we're done" phase. 2. Probably Lute, but Genny's actually the one with my Summoner Support at the moment. 3. I beat the first Squad Assault this week. That was pretty hype for me considering my usual performance. 4. Probably the most recent one. Loving Alfonse's character development and the banter between the villains. 5. Don't think I really have one, unless the release of a new story chapter counts as an event. That's what really gets me excited (I may care a little too much about the story in a mobile game). Tempest Trials are a slog, Voting Gauntlets are a salt-fest, and CYL is just a plain ol' ballot. 6. The Warriors maps were pretty cool. I never used them for grinding like everyone else seemed to, but it was a rather different experience, actually feeling like a Warriors map, and I rather enjoyed it. 7. If we're just talking in terms of characters, it'd be The Sacred World. First proper Sacred Stones banner, and had three characters I wanted to get. Although if we're talking a combination of the characters with how well we actually did with the banner, then I dunno.
  11. The results from halfway through the poll were released on the FE Heroes Twitter. We don't have the current, up-to-date, standings, however.
  12. Alright, last votes cast, now all there is to do is wait for the results. Final vote on my main account went for Kaden, to show my support for beast units, because I want Panne, Kaden, and Feh. Meanwhile, on my spare account, I voted for Brigand Boss. Couldn't resist the meme, I think it'd be hilarious if we got a GHB of him. Looking back on my votes though, for someone who claims Sacred Stones to be their favourite FE game, I sure did vote for a lot of 3DS characters instead. Probably because most of my final team's already in Heroes, and the easier accessibility of support conversations on the 3DS allowed me to get to know the characters a bit better. Full Battle Ballots, for those who care: @Anacybele I'm actually using the Nifl sisters wallpaper for my phone at the moment (even if Gunnthra's placement makes it hard for me to read the time). I'm rather fond of them. I did save the other ones, but I probably won't actually use them.
  13. Only one more day to go. Today's votes went to Ophelia and Leila. Good luck to all of you vying for the top spot, I'll probably be fine with whoever wins. Especially since Morgan (F) and Kliff seem to be in line for the next potential Farfetched Heroes (unless someone rises up to overtake them or they drop real quick).
  14. Been a while since I last updated, partially because I got lazy with updating, and partiallybecause when I went to update, I realised I forgot to check the boon/bane of my Gunnthra and Elise before leveling them up. Now that all my 5*s are level 40 and I know all their boon/banes again (and I've got a nice even 50), here's the updated list. Bolded are the new ones since last time.
  15. He uses dark magic, dark magic is Red in Heroes, hence, Lyon is a Red Unit.
  16. I am also rather pleased with this development. I do try to use official names and pronunciations where possible, so actually getting to know how to pronounce some of the stranger spellings is good, even if I do still get tripped up on some names I've been pronouncing a certain way for too long. Hopefully they keep it up with FE Switch. It's officially pronounced "see-duh", I guess would be the way to transcribe it. It's kinda like Caesar, but with a 'd'. So no, Ced probably won't be pronounced as "Sety".
  17. Hm, those are some interesting results. Can't say I expected Celica to be so high, nor Tharja to drop off so much. I am happy to see it's not as predictable as "the runners up from last year will win," like I'd initially assumed. I suppose with the poll now being more focused on FEH players rather than FE fans in general, the demographic sorta shifts. Only two of the characters I've voted for so far (and intend of voting for) actually made it into the top 20 for their gender (Kliff & Morgan (F)), but I didn't really expect my votes to win anyway, and I was really just voting as an expression on interest in those characters. At least some of them might find their way into the next Farfetched Heroes, if not a regular banner. I can't help but wonder what they'd do for a banner with the current leaders, though, since none of them really seem to be associated with colourless to me, and I feel like they'll probably one to do one of each colour like last year. Anyway, todays votes went to Ross and Cervantes. Clearly I'm not aiming for the top.
  18. It bothers me more than it should how little Marisa uses her left hand. She uses it in her special-trigger art sure, but her attack art, damaged art, and sprite (taking into account that the one we're seeing in Chpt 4 is flipped for the enemy side) all use her right hand. I know she's ambidextrous and all, but she specifically states her left hand is stronger, and her left arm is dominant, so why is she using her right hand so much? They even had a set of left-handed sword fighter animations already made for Alm, why not just reuse them for Marisa? Kinda makes me worried that if Gilliam were ever to find his way into the game, they'd completely ignore his left-handedness too and just give him the standard lance knight animations.
  19. Today's votes went to Sumia and Zola. Sumia I'm honestly surprised isn't in the game yet, considering Awakening's opening basically paints her as the closest thing Chrom has to a canon wife, although I suppose that's also probably due to Awakening not getting any new regular characters since launch. And Zola... Zola I just sorta found to be an amusing character when I met him in Birthright, and I was disappointed when I didn't get to recruit him in Conquest, so I want him in Heroes.
  20. Today's votes went to Forrest and Maribelle. Ironically, I voted for Forrest on the account I've used to vote for two female characters, and I voted for Maribelle on the account I've used to vote for two male characters. I feel like the new Eirika may hurt her chances for winning, but I was only voting for characters not in the game, so it's of no real concern to me. The next potential Ferfetched Heroes were my priority, rather than the actual winners.
  21. Okay, just to clarify something, the in-game notification mentions that Marisa is also coming, and is "a new Hero on the way, who will increase your score for the next Tempest Trials". Is that their way of saying she's a reward for the next TT? Because the way they're phrasing it doesn't make it sound like that, it sounds more to me like she's just being released later, and she'll be a bonus unit. Are they pulling an Ayra again? Can anyone remember if they've used that phrasing before?
  22. This banner has just left me very confused. Why no male characters? Why does Myrrh have a legendary weapon? Why are we getting a second Eirika? Why is second Eirika a horse mage? Why is she using Gleipnir? I am happy to have Myrrh and L'Arachel in the game though, and I'm happy that the way I tend to pronounce L'Arachel is correct. Not sure if I'm willing to dump all my orbs for them, but I'll give the banner a shot at least. It's Sacred Stones, after all. Can't go wrong with Sacred Stones.
  23. Day 1 - Mozu and Kliff Day 2 - Morgan (F) and Kaze I hope they don't decide my double accounts are sus, but if they do, it's really only 100 Platinum Points I'm losing, and each of the characters I've voted for losing one vote isn't going to change much.
  24. TBH, of the random Echoes bosses being included, Lawson really stood out to me as a strange inclusion (aside from Brigand Boss for not having a name). All the other bosses I had some sort of recollection of, but I couldn't remember anything about where Lawson is fought and what his role in the campaign is.
  25. It can't be one of the Warriors characters. Can't get last if you're not even in the running.
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