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C. Turtle

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Everything posted by C. Turtle

  1. Considering there's no "downvote" option in the poll, I really don't think how much hate a character receives has any real bearing on the ballot, only how much support.
  2. ...Well dang. Guess I should ditch my other account and figure out which of my chosen 14 I want the most. I mean, one vote off of each character I vote for doesn't seem like much, and there's not much of a reward to be lost besides yet more Platinum Points, but I'd like to make my votes count.
  3. Y'all be sleeping on the real winner. This guy's got the number one spot locked down. None of your waifus can even touch this. In all seriousness, my first votes are going to Mozu and Kliff. Villager power. I remembered I had a second Nintendo Account, so I'm voting for double the characters.
  4. I was planning on voting for Kaden, is that close enough? I've never played the Tellius games, but I'd like a system for beastshifters to be put in place so that we can have Kaden and Panne in Heroes. Godspeed, beast fans.
  5. Kind of a random thought, but since we got two infantry units and two cavalry units during the last CYL, could we maybe see two fliers and two armours this time around? I mean, it was probably just a coincidence that it worked out that way with the first CYL, having the characters emulate their fathers, but it'd be kinda neat if they made it so we had two CYL units for each movement type. I guess it might just end up depending on whether it makes sense for the units that get chosen, and the theme they try to tie them into. TBH, the only reason I even thought of this was because people were talking about Minerva, and I remember the suggestion of Camilla being an armour with Garon's axe.
  6. If his Japanese name is anything to go by, it seems to be "lee-on", rather than "lie-on". I've always pronounced it as the former, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see if his English voice acting gives us an official English pronunciation.
  7. It bothers me more than it should to see generics like Barth, Garth, and generic bandit boss that I'm pretty sure didn't have a name being included, but the Cipher characters from the DLC apparently aren't. I mean, I guess they aren't Echoes characters exactly, but it was my best chance of getting to vote for them.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. Looks like it might have just been poor wording on the part of the translation.
  9. I highly doubt they'd do that. After how they treated the original CYL heroes, I see no reason for them to treat CYL2 differently. Removing the free unit of your choice I could see happening, but if the originals were added to the pool, I don't see why they'd make the round 2 characters limited event units. I just took it to mean the same sort of they they said about the original CYL, albeit phrased differently. Can any Japanese players confirm whether it uses the same terminology used for limited time units in the JP version too?
  10. I think it's safe to assume the Special Heroes Summoning Event listed in the schedule has nothing to do with CYL2. They will likely come much further down the line like the original CYL characters did.
  11. Non-playable characters were already available in the first poll. Mikoto in particular ranked in at #204 overall.
  12. Last time, I started throwing as many votes at lute as I could towards the end, in the hope I could at least get her into the top 10 for females. It didn't work, but it did ultimately get her into the game as a Farfetched Hero. This time around, now that Lucina and Lyn have already had their chance, and I don't see them letting them get a second CYL costume, the only one of my favourites that I see having any chance of winning is Eirika, and even that's a stretch. I'm probably just going to throw votes at some of my favourites that aren't in Heroes yet in the hope that I can get them the Lute treatment by showing an interest in them. ...I mean, probably not, but if they're not near the bottom, they've probably got a better chance of getting in at some point, maybe.
  13. Sacred Stooooones! I'm not ready. I spent too much on Gunnthra's banner, I don't have enough orbs yet. Assuming the banner coming alongside Lyon and Valter is a new SS banner, or course. I'm interested to see how this'll play out in the story, assuming it's a new chapter and not a paralogue. Loki took Naglfar in order to open up the way for Surtr or whatever, so I'm curious how they're going to resolve that if Lyon shows up in the story. Could just be a simple "Hey, here's your tome back, go kill those dudes," I guess. I'm also curious to see the rules for the new CYL poll. Obviously they're not going to let the previous winners have a second set of CYL costumes (I hope, at least), but I wonder if they're changing anything else up, or just rerunning it, and, y'know, adding the Echoes characters to the Gaiden section. Because if they don't change anything else, I'm fully expecting the 3rd and 4th male and female to win in place of the top 2. I'm probably just going to vote for characters who aren't actually in the game yet this time, to sort of show an expression of interest, and maybe get them in like it got Lute in.
  14. Could be Valter too, for the 20%. From what I remember, the first Tempest Mini had both Blazing Blade GHB characters as 20%, and Valter is being rerun during the Tempest. Although that might cause complications with the associated banner, since they can't just make the banner the 40% characters like the first Tempest Mini, so maybe not.
  15. I hope the Tempest is Sacred Stones. Even if I fail to obtain any of the banner characters associated with the Tempest, I have enough SS characters trained up that I should at least have a 20% bonus. The title doesn't really give anything away, but considering both Lyon and Valter are being rerun then, I'm going with the assumption that it is. As for the bonus unit, while I would prefer a new unit, if only because more Sacred Stones is never a bad thing, I wouldn't mind if they did a repeat unit like the first Mini, if only because Tobin is still the only TT unit I'm missing. Although maybe if they do a repeat for this one, they'll do Joshua because SS, like how Marth*DeMasque was repeated for the Awakening Christmas tempest. In that case, new unit please. Either way, I'm just glad they've taken our feedback after the whole Christmas Tempest debacle. The Tempest is still a slog to get through, but at least the minis are a slog for a smaller amount of time.
  16. I haven't bothered +10ing any units. I don't promote for merges, but I do merge if I get a dupe 5* and they don't have any skills worth foddering. My feathers are instead going towards my ultimate goal of having one of every unit at 5*.
  17. So, the new story chapter name drops another character, namely I'm placing my bets that they're going to be the next Legendary Hero. Although really, I'm just glad the story seems to be well and truly out of the whole "go to a world, fight the heroes, we're free now, bye" phase it was in for a while.
  18. I could be misinterpreting what you're trying to say, but we have indeed received a free lance infantry in Heroes. Two, in fact. Sharena from starting the game, and Fjorm from playing Book II.
  19. Personally, on the whole spoilers thing, I kinda feel like expecting Heroes to not spoil aspects of the games it takes its characters from is like expecting a sequel to not spoil any of the events of its predecessors. I know going into Heroes that I don't know everything about these characters and what they went through in their own games (speaking on the characters whose games I have not played), so I go in expecting them to tell me spoilers about their games. Of course, not every spoiler is as completely blatant as this one, with most being tucked away in some sort of dialogue, so I can understand why people would be more upset over this one than, say, Arvis spoiling that Sigurd dies through his castle dialogue. It's still fine to be upset about having something spoiled for you, I just think it's important to be aware that if you choose to continue playing a game like this, you run the risk of encountering spoilers if you haven't played all the games, and IS really has no obligation to hide facts from you when they're showing off the characters to their fullest. That's just my take on it, though. That said, I personally would have preferred he wear his red armour. Not to avoid spoilers, mind you (I'd already been spoiled by Zelgius and Black Knight sharing a wiki page), but just so that he'd look a bit more different than his Black Knight form. I like variety.
  20. Oh yeah, Rhajat wasn't on that banner, was she? Still, from the characters they added at that time, four were added, two males and two females, even if one wasn't on the same banner. This case is different, in that we're getting four new characters, three males and one female, even if one isn't pullable, and that still seems surprising to me, considering it's pretty much always been either even or female focused.
  21. Honestly, to me, the most surprising thing about this banner is
  22. Ooh, something I forgot in my original post, I'm kind of expecting another CYL Poll. A poll specifically, rather than adding the next most popular characters, because of the way Feh phrased the hint drop, at least in the English version of the Feh Channel. "You all like me right? I need to start getting ready for the next Choose Your Legends event!" That first sentence makes it seem to me like Feh's hinting that you should vote for her, and hence, that a new poll is on the horizon. Although personally, I think it'd be interesting if the poll only featured characters who aren't in the game yet, to sort of show the developers which characters players want to see more, especially now that Echoes would have helped the placement of the Gaiden characters. Obviously they can't just run the same poll again with Echoes characters added, because then the top spots would probably be mostly the same, or if the previous winners were excluded, it would be entirely likely that the next most popular characters would just take their place. I'd also love it if spin-off characters were included this time. I'd definitely cast a vote or two towards the Cipher and TMS casts. I could very easily be off-base, though. I just think it'd be kinda neat to celebrate the anniversary the same way we did the launch.
  23. On the original topic, for the six-month anniversary, we got a log-in bonus, special quests and maps, and a Hero Fest. I'd expect they'll do something similar, at least with regards to the log-in bonus and the quests/maps. Not sure about the Hero Fest, seeing as we now have Legendary Hero banners competing with them, having more heroes at a time and no off-focus pity breakers. They might just tie January's Legendary Hero banner into the anniversary celebrations instead of doing a Hero Fest. As for what I'd like to see, I'd like to see new units added to the 3*-4* pool, or have units getting demoted, which was actually part of the feedback I left in the survey. The 3*-4* pool has been stagnant for long enough that most players will likely have most, if not all, of the units in said pool. I'd hoped for it to go along with Book II, but if not then, then this would probably be the best time. Getting new units would allow some of the less remarkable characters from the series to get added without needing to be on a banner, and both methods would mean games that weren't represented in the game at launch don't have all their units at 4* and above. If we're lucky, maybe we can get one of those new modes they hinted at in the survey. Tempest Trials and Voting Gauntlets have just become a bit of slog for me, so having something to look forward to other than just new characters and new story chapters would be nice. I wouldn't mind the Askr trio getting the ability to refine their weapons either, especially if it comes with an intermission that explains how their legendary weapons fit into Askran lore. I care about the story a little more than a probably should.
  24. Zola, Desaix, Grima, Haitaka. ...I'm weird. And typically don't get too attached to villains.
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