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C. Turtle

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Everything posted by C. Turtle

  1. Welp, I sure was wrong about who it would be. Neat that all the Fates siblings have an alt. now. A lot of my friends seemed to be upset by Ryoma's reveal, but I've just been left sorta confused. I mean, a Red Water hero from Fates sounds like a perfect descriptor for Corrin, so it just seems a bit weird to me that they went with Ryoma over the main Lord of the game. And that Ryoma's deviating from his canon class, something the Legendaries haven't really done. Oh well. Really all it does for me in the long run is make predicting future Legendaries more difficult. Anyway, I do like Ryoma, at least more than his Nohrian counterpart, but not enough to try pulling for him. As for the other units, there's plenty I don't have yet, but none that I'm particularly desperate for. Tiki's a little tempting, what with her being one of the few launch units I don't have, but she'll probably show up on the next New Power banner, so I'm all good on that front if I decide to try for her. So overall, this seems like a banner I can skip. Which is great, because I was pretty much drained after the last Legendary Banner and failing to get Ishtar, and I've been having to resist the Brides so my orb stockpile can rebuild. Good luck to any of you guys pulling, I'll be cheering for you from the sidelines.
  2. I not really sure. Given we haven't got the Warriors OCs even after four sets of maps celebrating the launch of the game/DLC, I kinda feel like there's legal issues involved with getting Warriors original content in Heroes. Not sure whether that'd extend to weapons as well or not. They do look pretty cool though, and I wouldn't mind seeing them get added if IS is allowed to do so, as it gives the characters in question something to make them more unique. However, not every unique weapon in Warriors was necessarily made specifically for Warriors. Of those listed in the OP, Moonlight and Spellbane Yumi are a generic tome and bow in Fates, and could easily be added alongside some new Fates characters instead of requiring an alt. For Nohrian mages, we're still missing Nyx, and for Hoshidan archers, we could still get Reina or Midori. Similarly, of those in Xenomata's post, Blessed Lance, Oboro's Spear, Niles's Bow, and Anna's Bow all exist in Fates, and in other games in the case of the Blessed Lance. Given how Hinoka's Spear and Felicia's Plate were treated, Oboro's Spear and Niles's Bow would probably end up as new uniques for their respective characters, and Anna's Bow would probably require Fates or Warriors Anna to be added to the game, but the Blessed Lance, along with the similar Blessed Sword and Bow, could be a new set of generic weapons, and would actually be the perfect weapon for Conrad to introduce, given he joins with it.
  3. I'm not sure exactly how "weird" any of these are, but here goes. Of the units available at 4*, I'm still missing male Morgan, Ares, and Lachesis. I have every Sacred Stones unit except mage Eirika and regular Ephraim. I have every Ike except the regular one, and of the Lyns I'm missing the first two to be released (regular and bride). Leif and Hector are the only Lords I'm missing. If you expand it to just main characters in general, you can add Alm, Celica, and I guess Elincia in there (does she count?). Tobin's the only TT unit I don't have, and he haunts me to this day.
  4. Ever since we knew it was red, and figured out it was probably Fire or Water, my prediction's been Roy if Fire, Corrin if Water (preferably red dragon if male, swordie with Omega Yato if female). Although, now that Hrid is a thing, it's possible he could be it if it's Water. He's about as relevant as Gunnthra was when she was added, and I think they might be deliberately not showing us what weapon Ylgr uses as a unit yet. To my knowledge, due to Lyn not reappearing until July, June's legendary must also be green. If June was colourless, then Lyn would be returning in June instead of July, since we've seen with Fjorm and Ephraim that they alternate once we have two of the same colour, and Gunnthra's already being repeated for May's banner. Bolded is confirmed (as far as I remember). May: New Red, Fjorm, Gunnthra, Grima June: Ike, Ephraim, New Green, Grima July: ???, ???, Lyn, ???
  5. Here's the thread about it on the Cipher forum, as well as the page about it on Wiki (which is also linked in the thread) https://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Lackey_CCG I can't vouch for its ease of use, considering I haven't done much with it myself, but it exists.
  6. English fan translations exist for (to my knowledge) every card currently on the market, and I believe there's also a LackeyCCG plugin that allows you to play the game digitally, complete with English descriptions for all of the cards. If a rom with a translation patch is a valid way of experiencing a Japan exclusive game, then I think that's just as valid a way of experiencing Cipher.
  7. If I recall from the xenologue before the first Tempest Trials, it was Loki that convinced Veronica to perform the ritual that created the Tempest in the first place. So while the actually cause if more likely linked to that ritual or whatever, Loki is definitely the one behind the Tempest being a thing.
  8. I'd actually say Randal's more likely to be a sword cav. He used lances in Echoes because that's all cavs can use in that game, but his whole shtick in his artwork for his purple cards seemed to be that he dual-wielded swords. Anyway, I'd absolutely love to see the Cipher characters in Heroes. I don't actually play Cipher or collect the cards (because I'm a bit iffy about ordering things online), but I have developed some sort of irrational attachment to its characters. Of course, I don't see them getting in any time soon, if only because they made the conscious choice to not let us vote for them in CYL, but I do think they probably have a better chance at getting in than any of the other spinoff characters, seeing as TMS and Warriors were both collaborations with other game developers.
  9. The most recent gauntlet was last month, with the Bunny Battle Ballot. Then another month before that was Shadow in the Mirror.
  10. The difference between Marth and Corrin is that the New Years Tempest Trial, from which Corrin was obtained, didn't start until after the Christmas vs. New Years Gauntlet had ended, meaning that if Corrin was to be included, no one on his team could possibly have a bonus unit, putting him at a disadvantage. Marth, on the other hand, will have been available for almost a week before the Gauntlet happens, and will still be available for all but the last three days of the Gauntlet. And they clearly don't have a problem with including units outside of the summoning pool in Voting Gauntlets, seeing as we got Black Knight and Fallen Takumi during the Shadow in the Mirror Gauntlet.
  11. If it does end up being Bride 2017 vs Brides 2018, I'll probably be going with Charlotte. She's the only bride I currently have, and she's a pretty fun character. If she goes down, I'll probably jump to either Lyn, Ninian, or Caeda. Haven't decided which of the three I'll jump to yet, but I guess I'll have to decide that after seeing who's left if/when Charlotte falls.
  12. Marth and the Brides being bonus units would make sense. But then again, Marisa and the Sacred Memories units being bonus units for her Tempest would have made sense as well. The title seems to imply a more story-driven Tempest like Shrouded by the Storm, but then, the Tempest doesn't coincide with a Legendary Banner to provide a source for the bonus units. As for the final boss, making it Loki would make sense, given the Tempest is named after her, but she is a shapeshifter, and she was technically the boss of Shrouded by the Storm, just in the form of Fjorm. It's possible that Loki will be the final boss, just not as Loki. I dunno. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  13. In all fairness with Odin, a Fates Dark Mage is really just a Mage that can use Nosferatu, and he joins with Thunder in his inventory in both Conquest and Revelation, so it makes sense for him to be blue.
  14. I've never played Genealogy, so as far as I'm concerned, this is skippable. Although the art is nice. I'm more interested in that Surtr Jr seen on the map at the end. Are we getting a new male OC? Nice nice. I guess this is the final member of the Burning Triad or whatever it was Laegjarn called it.
  15. Been a while since I last updated, but with my attempts at the most recent Legendary banner, now seems like a good time. Bolded is new since last time, I think.
  16. I'm down with free Kaze and free orbs, but a little disappointed that he's linked to the Grand Conquest. Wasn't particularly fond of the mode, but if they're going to start giving away new units through the mode, then I'm gonna have to play. Don't want another Tobin situation where I'm left completely unable to obtain a unit I missed.
  17. Introdasting. I expected a Legendary Wind Lyn at some point, but I didn't expect it to be so soon, nor did I expect her to be the introduction of coloured bows. I guess Lyn Emblem got the green it was missing. Anyway, now I'm left wondering who to put my orbs towards. I was hoping the new Legendary would be someone I wouldn't care about so I could just focus on Grima, but I do kinda like Lyn. On one hand, I have two Lyns (Brave and Valentines), and she shares her colour with Inigo (a character I already have) and Henry (a character I kinda like, but a variant I don't particularly care for), and on the other, I have both regular Robins and male Grima, and she shares her colour with Genny (a character I already have) and Jakob (a character I don't care for in a variant I don't care for). Ech, decisions are hard. Might go for Lyn since Gunnthra will be taking her place in the next Legendary banner, and unless the next Legendary is colourless again, Grima will probably be rerun next time.
  18. Introdasting. Can't say I saw this one coming, especially with the last new Fates banner having been more recent than others like Archanea and Elibe. Although since it it Fates, I guess that makes my guess of Legendary Takumi more likely. Also confused as to why it's Gen 2 again, when we haven't had a real Gen 1 Fates banner, but sure. I probably won't be pulling from this banner. While I like Hinoka well enough, I don't like her enough to go spending for her, and I'm not particularly fussed about Kana and Shigure. Interested in Kaze though, especially since there don't seem to be any events on the calendar for him to line up with, unless they're giving him out through the Illusory Dungeon, which I'd be all for. So unless Kaze's put on a surprise banner later on, my orbs are probably going towards trying to get Female Grima from the next Legendary Banner Personally, I'm not particularly upset that we're getting alts on regular banners, I'm pretty okay with that. I'm more bothered by the fact that we've gotten Chrom and Hinoka alts on what would otherwise seem to be Gen 2 banners. Although I suppose the banners were named after the one Gen 1 character on them. Guess I'll just deal with it and keep saving orbs.
  19. I'm not particularly fussed about this mode. I mean, it's a neat concept, but I haven't really been into Rival Domains outside of playing the easiest map each week for a free orb. It also doesn't help that you can't choose which team to support, but I suppose that had to be done so that we didn't get massive imbalances like in the Voting Gauntlet. I'll give it a go at least, but I think I'll still find myself with Tap Battle as my preferred special event. I'm honestly more interested in seeing whether we get different themes and such for future Grand Conquests. Like, the first one if confirmed to be Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna battling it out in Askr (which begs the question, if the entire map is Askr, then where is Embla?), but could we see different themes for future Conquests? Perhaps we could be joining Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector as they fight across Elibe, for example. Or I suppose they could just stick to the same map and switch up the characters, like Tap Battle does.
  20. Wait, I just realised something. Last time we got a new weapon, colourless breath, it was immediately introduced as the next Legendary Hero, Legendary Robin. So, with the next Legendary Hero being green, perhaps we're getting a green bow unit as our next Legendary? Takumi could work. He does wield the wind god's bow, after all, and wind magic is in green.
  21. In light of the pronunciation of Camus' name, I bring you,
  22. Hm, judging by the way the bow icons are grouped together like the breath icons, instead of being separated like the tome icons, bow users are going to be able to inherit across colours like dragons can. Makes sense, I can't really think of 4 different Iron Bow equivalents to spread across the colours. So now we've had IS add a colourless to a group of coloured weapons, and colours to a colourless weapon, but still they haven't added the one weapon type that's missing entirely. ...Although I guess that wouldn't really fit with this update, and would be better suited to an update happening right before a Tellius banner or some such.
  23. The highlights from the presentation for me were: I can skip the next banner because I don't care about Thracia. Even though I don't care for the banner, it's nice to finally get a 4 character New Heroes banner again, even if half of it is alts. Camus is getting re-run, so I can finally get the last GHB character I'm missing. The demotions are making it easier for me to get every character available below 5*. In particular, I was still missing Seth, Lachesis, and Lucius among those dropped, so this should help. The improvements to the Tempest are kinda nice. Rewards are always good. Tobin when? I wasn't particularly fussed by the rest. Haven't really been enjoying Rival Domains all that much, so Grand Conquest doesn't seem particularly appealing to me, especially if we're assigned to a team automatically instead of getting to choose.
  24. I mean, it aligns with his Japanese name. So I'd say Feh's got it right, even if it sounds a little strange.
  25. I think Feh is cute, and her voice has turned things like "where are my manners?" into running jokes that I repeat to myself while playing FEH. I want her to be playable once beast units become a thing.
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