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C. Turtle

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Everything posted by C. Turtle

  1. This is why we needed the lemon lords from Warriors in Heroes.
  2. Half of the Gauntlet's participants have been revealed in the latest New Heroes video. EDIT: Dangit, got ninja'd.
  3. I initially thought it would be kinda cool to have crossover characters, or cosplaying characters, to celebrate major Nintendo releases, but given how many event banners as of late, combined with the slowing rate of new GHBs, I think the inflow of new characters is slow enough without slowing it down further with non-FE content. If we're going to get "crossover content", I'd prefer it be characters from an existing FE crossover, like TMS or FEW. That was in terms of whether I would want them to do it or not, but in terms of whether I think they will do something, we've already passed over Zelda BotW, Mario Odyssey, and now Xenoblade 2, without them doing anything special, so I don't really see anything special coming in the future.
  4. To be honest, I do kinda take this as evidence towards the theory that the original villains will end up being playable eventually. I mean, it's not outright confirmed or anything, but those lines are definitely there for a reason, given they could have easily just used their combat dialogue like they seemed to do with Bruno. That said, I don't think they'll all just defect to you at some point and we'll get them for free. I think some of the villains are going to just end up being outright killed within the story, and then they can set up a GHB or something if people want them once their role in the story is finished.
  5. Considering the first Tempest was themed around Awakening, and had "Marth" interacting with both versions of Robin, and regular Lucina, I don't really think the kids recognising her would be a problem. If anything, it'd just make it easier for "Marth" to convince the kids to join in the fight.
  6. I originally made my own "The Future Past" banner idea, containing the Morgans and Gerome and Noire (who I believe where the most popular male and female 2nd gen that doesn't have a Fates version). However, given the Fates banner is having Rhajat while Tharja's already in the game, and completely ignored the Kanas, I may need to rethink my banner. I'd say keep Gerome and Noire, no sense getting rid of them, replace male Morgan with Owain, because Missiletainn, and since I can't see too much of a way to differentiate Severa from Selena, let's throw Cynthia in instead of female Morgan. If Rhajat can get in before her father, then there's nothing stopping Cynthia. Or, I guess leave female Morgan on the banner and have male Morgan as a free unit through a GHB, I guess, since Morgan's more popular than Kana, to my knowledge.
  7. The Japanese name of the banner translates to "Children of Black and White", referencing the Japanese names of Hoshido and Nohr. Or so I'm told. So it's definitely a Fates banner. There's also the fact that Book II Chapter 2 exists, but that's not important.
  8. I mean, I was more having a go at the fact you claimed it was inconsistent that she was low in one poll, and cited an earlier poll as your evidence, even though the polls had different audiences, and were held at different times. It's not "inconsistent", it's the results of different polls, with a different audience, with opinions that can change over time. I mean, I'd like Ophelia in the game eventually too, I just think it's a bit silly to act as if one poll is right, and the other is wrong and shouldn't be considered.
  9. I find it interesting that you're using the Fates poll to judge her popularity and calling CYL inconsistent, when the Fates poll (to my knowledge) was Japan only, and CYL was worldwide. Perhaps it's just that Ophelia's more popular in Japan than the rest of the world, and not that it's "inconsistent" with her actual popularity.
  10. Oh boi, my fears came true. There's more than one of the Fates kids I want, and one of them even shares a colour with another banner character. R.I.P. orbs. Guess it's a good thing I didn't want anyone from the Legendary Hero focus. Although, it kinda makes we wonder whether or not we'll still get a chapter/paralogue to go along with the banner, considering the characters that are probably in it have already shown up in the story.
  11. I found them to be pretty easy, but I don't think that's really a bad thing, given we're currently in the middle of a Tempest Trial and I'd rather be spending my stamina on that than wasting trying over and over again on a quest that was too difficult for me.
  12. To be fair, he's probably talking about the dead Olivia from the ruined future, not the Olivia that hasn't even given birth to him yet.
  13. My answers assume the following: By "side quest", you're referring to the paralogues. By "three battle chains" and "six battle chains", you're referring to Chain Challenges for one chapter and two chapters respectively. By "bonus levels", you mean the "+1" etc. you get from merging characters of the same star rating. July 20th. That's when I got a new phone that could actually run it. The Nintendo Direct that announced it. Mobile phone. Android. No, I've played tons of free to play garbage in the past on my old iPod Touch, and have continued to play free to play garbage since on my new phone. No. I have completed them all in Normal and Hard, but am missing 9-3, 11-5, 13-3, 13-5, and P11-3 on Lunatic. As stated above, I've cleared all story chapters on Normal and Hard. As above. No, I have yet to complete Chapter 12's chain challenge. No, I have yet to complete Chapter 11/12's chain challenge. No. I typically attempt Lunatic, but have yet to clear past Hard, and that's fine with me because I still get the character. I do do the ones labelled "Daily Quests", but I usually don't bother with the daily Arena Assault quests. Probably the The Sacred World banner, which I spent over 200 orbs on. I've also spent a lot of orbs trying to get Ninian, but I don't think it's reached that amount on a single banner yet. Probably blue, due to having tried, and failed, to get Ninian three times. Could also be green due to the Amelia incident, though. Not sure. Haven't really kept track of that. The only time I remember commenting on pulling a hero a lot was Beruka during the Amelia incident. Fae. Pulled her on my first summoning session. Not entirely sure what "biggest pull" means. Amelia was the one that took the most orbs, Lute was the one I was happiest for, Kagero has been the one that's been the most useful. Hopefully one of those answers the question. No. I'm mainly in it for the characters. Sharena. Ninian, Eirika, Tana. Genny. Kagero may be the most useful to me, but I really enjoy stomping opponents and healing using the same character. My usual team has become Alfonse, Brave Lucina, Anna, and Kagero. Lucina and Kagero are maxed on Hero Merit though, so I'm trying out a new team of Lute, Inigo, Lucina, and Brave Ike. Sharena. She's cute. Being able to use some of my favourite characters together. The story. Attention to detail (sprites, voice acting, etc.) Seasonal banners and 3-character banners slowing the inflow of new characters. The Voting Gauntlet multiplier. The stagnant 3* pool. I haven't had too many issues with it. I haven't had too many issues with it. I don't really care about them, but I wish they wouldn't take the place of a regular banner if they're going to come so frequently. If there's a character I really want, I will spend for them. If not, I'll use my free pull and then get out. But, if it end up using a lot of orbs trying to get a character, and then another 5* breaks my pity percentage, I'll stop pulling from the banner (after the Amelia incident). I have never been out of orbs or stamina potions, but I have had moments where I felt like I didn't really have anything to do, because I wasn't in the mood to grind the tower. No. All free-to-play. Haven't even linked a payment method to my Google account. Don't want to be tempted. Yes. Free stuff, why wouldn't I? I haven't been in an opportunity where I had a duplicate 5* yet, and I haven't deliberately promoted for the sake of merging, so I guess no? It's alright, I guess. Using units I wouldn't normally have access to is fun, but by the end of it, there's a few units I get sick of seeing (Brave Lyn), and there's too much salt in the fanbase. If I have spares of characters, I'll inherit them based on builds I saw on the wiki. Not really educated in the system enough to know which skills would be useful myself. The counter on specials instead of random chance to trigger would be kind of nice. I don't like giving an arbitrary score to reviews. It's probably the best mobile game I've played, but it's not without its issues. Make of that what you will. Answered above.
  14. Decided to try and pull for Sonya to reunite Genny with her bitter buddy. My free summon only had one green. 5* Soren (+SPD, -ATK). Kinda didn't know whether I wanted to press my luck after getting a free 5*, but ultimately decided to continue. Next pull had no greens, 3* Donnel and back next. Next one had two greens, 3* Arthur and 5* Sonya (+HP, -RES). My luck has been insane recently. I get the feeling my luck's gonna run out if the Children of Fate banner has a character I want, though.
  15. Yeah, sure, why not. I mean, I wouldn't want to be flooded with new original characters, but as a fan of FEH's story and characters, I wouldn't might having a few new ones show up/join at the start of a new book, like they're doing with Book II. Helps keep the story fresh.
  16. I'm among those that are guessing it'll be split into to banners, one for Hoshido and one for Nohr. It could just be the royal children, but given the general bias towards gender-equal or female-dominant banners, I'm guessing each banner with have a Kana, a royal child, and a popular female child. Which, going by CYL (and assuming they're not adding beast units yet) would give us; Children of Birthright: Kana (F), Shiro, Caeldori Children of Conquest: Kana (M), Siegbert, Soleil Alternatively, replace Siegbert with Forrest, since Forrest seems to be more popular, but I just thought it would be more appropriate to have the eldest brother's child in the banner before the younger brother's. I'm just sorta hoping there's only one character I want from the banner(s). I got lucky with Lute, but I don't trust my luck to hold out for one more character, let alone two. My F2P orbs wouldn't be able to handle it.
  17. Actually, to my knowledge Kozaki isn't the one who designed the Book II OCs, but rather, they're the product of Shigeki Maeshima. They say so on their Twitter.
  18. As someone who typically pulls for characters I like, rather that characters that might be particularly good in terms of stats or skills or what-have-you, the only unit that seems particularly desirable to me on this banner is Genny, and I already have her. I think I'll just pull green for my free pull, and then save my orbs for the Fates banner.
  19. My main thing was a new wave of 3-4* units to balance out the amount of characters in each pool, and go with the next part of the story. I figured something like Book II would mark the start of "Season 2" or FE Heroes, or whatever, but no dice. Or drop 4-5* and 5* units down a peg. I guess that works too. I'd personally just prefer a new wave of 3-4*s based on the games that weren't repped at launch, but are repped now, instead of making it easier to pull units already in the game. It'd allow them to add a bunch of characters that aren't really banner-worthy, and they could add beasts at the same time for all those Tellius fans. Oh, and the Boon-Bane check thing. That seems useful.
  20. I don't particularly care about Special Heroes banners. I don't particularly care about how frequently they're showing up. I don't particularly care that they're all 3DS characters (aside from the brides). What I care about is the fact that they replace a New Heroes banner in the monthly schedule. If they, for instance, ran in parallel with a New Heroes banner, rather than in place of one, then I'd have no problem with them tossing in a Special Heroes banner every month. With the current system, however, I'd prefer they dial it back a bit so we can get some more currently unrepresented characters in the game rather than alternate versions (and in some cases, alternate versions of unrepresented characters). Like, if it were up to me, I'd keep Easter for spring, swimsuits for summer, Halloween for autumn, and Christmas for winter (going by the Northern Hemisphere's seasons), and leave it at that. One for each season. But with them already having the brides and the dancers being a thing, they're probably going to continue to use those events next year. Although, on the plus side, if they keep doing so many event banners, I do get a chance to save up my orbs for characters I do actually want. The only event banner I've spent orbs on has been the Performing Arts banner, because I only had one dancer.
  21. Random thought on Fjorm, but with Fjorm apparently being summonable despite being a major part of the story in Book II, does anyone else get the feeling that Fjorm and her ice kingdom might not be in Zenith? I mean, "a land spoken of in Askran legend" could easily refer to one of the worlds through the gates, and it'd provide justification for why Fjorm can be summoned while the Askran units cannot. But then again, Fjorm and the new villains all still have the same sort swirly patterns (forgot what they were called) adorning their armour as the rest of the gang so far, so I'm probably just looking too deep into a decision made for gameplay reasons rather than story reasons. We'll all find out when the update hits, regardless.
  22. I got Lute in 24 orbs last night. The only other time I've gotten what I wanted that fast was Genny (but that was Hero Fest) and Brave Lucina (but that was a freebie). I was fully prepared to dump every last orb I had, but I'm glad I didn't have to. Now if only I could have such luck with other blues. *cough Ninian cough*
  23. Well, assuming the CYL and Farfetched Heroes maps are outdoors and the inside of Vaskrheim isn't just rather bright and covered in grass, the final map could always take place inside Vaskrheim, which we haven't seen yet.
  24. Well, I've got Lute, and I've got CYL Ike, so whatever the bonus units end up being, I'm good. Looking forward to adding another Sacred Stones character to my barracks. Considering we've got a CYL theme going, I'm guessing the map rotation is going to be using Askr maps, and the final map would be Vaskrheim.
  25. Been a while since I last updated. Got Lute rather quickly, but don't know what her Boon/Bane is yet. Also I promoted a Henry... because why not, I needed something to do with my feathers, and I can support him with Sumia whenever she gets added to the game. 1. Fae (+DEF, -RES) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 2. Kagero (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from Celica's Army banner) 3. Genny (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from Starter Support - Hero Fest banner) 4. Sharena (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 5. Sheena (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 6. Amelia (+ATK, -DEF) (Pulled from The Sacred World banner) 7. Clive (Neutral) (Obtained from Reunited at Last tempest) 8. Athena (+SPD, -ATK) (Pulled from Heroes with Blade Skills banner) 9. Anna (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 10. Brave Ike (+HP, -ATK) (Pulled from Brave Heroes banner) 11. Brave Lucina (Neutral) (Pulled from Brave Heroes free summon event) 12. Lucina (+ATK, -HP) (Pulled from CYL Top 8 (Block B) banner) 13. Alfonse (Neutral) (Upgraded from 2*) 14. Masked Marth (Neutral) (Obtained from To Die on the Battlefield tempest) 15. Mist (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from Tempest Trials (To Die on the Battlefield) banner) 16. Valter (Neutral) (Upgraded from 3*) 17. Catria (+RES, -DEF) (Pulled from Ninian & Hawkeye's Battle banner) 18. Black Knight (Neutral) (Obtained from Moment of Fate tempest) 19. Nino (+SPD, -ATK) (Upgraded from 4*) 20. Olivia (+DEF, -ATK) (Upgraded from 4*) 21. Delthea (+RES, -SPD) (Pulled from The Blood of Dragons (Block A) banner) 22. Performer Inigo (+SPD, -RES) (Pulled from Performing Arts banner) 23. Arvis (Neutral) (Upgraded from 3*) 24. Arden (Neutral) (Obtained from Genealogy of Light tempest) 25. Henry (+ATK, -RES) (Upgraded from 3*) 26. Lute (+???, -???) (Pulled from Farfetched Heroes banner)
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