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Everything posted by ___

  1. ^^Plays a game where you can cast status ailments onto units, may have used it on his own for handicap challenges or laughs. ^Is aware of the womanizer arctype.
  2. Well, don't we all go through something like that? I hope you can find some sense of peace soon. As for myself, I'm the same as yesterday, and you can repeat that a considerable number of times. Oh, I have not. There are some great stories and great shows out there, quality stuff. It would be insulting, even, to refer to it as such. But like with everything, there is also trash, movies, games, etc. I'll say I have watched some bad shows, just not the worse types.
  3. none, it was just a general statement of sorts...don't get me wrong, trash is trash regardless, but sometimes noise & nonsense are useful. that being said, i have had some disappointments with the current anime season's lineup. hey, hope you're doing fine.
  4. Sol, who radiates with personality from one corner of the the forest to the other. ...Also capable of avi posting.
  5. Our very own Persona fan, and fan of many other things.
  6. Has not changed their sig in some time. noted, sry.
  7. Did not share with me the identity of her avi/sig character, who looks amazing in her sig. But that is fine, really.
  8. ...haha, congratulations...you have, in one statement, succeeded in giving me a depression...ha, I don't even feel like I want to be a part of a community who would make such a vote...is that too harsh??? Things don't sound like sunshine and rainbows on your end, but good luck with stuff. And nice avi.
  9. Will know that curiosity is a gift, which, if used well, will do you a great service.
  10. ___


    1. RoMena


      i have revived from the deepest depths of my death GOD im sorry i disappeared like that 
      i hope youre doing fine!

    2. ___


      I'm OK, I think. A little better now that I hear from you again c;

      How are you?

    3. RoMena


      aww man ;-; im so sorry >.<

      Im...alive. Honestly college just got worse for me lmao it doesnt cut me any slack sigh
      so done with this semester
      how about you?

  11. And to be honest, I'm not too interested in Heroes at all; it's not the gameplay i like FE for.
  12. you're preferences certainly don't come across easy, but thanks for the OK c;
  13. Equality. Why, that is that hardly everything there is of interest to you; but true, that is something to count as well, however, not so much the fact as the manner.
  14. So there's the banner for the upcoming Wyvern Riders event for Heroes and looking at them and Minerva in there I just remember once more how much I prefer the older designs to the new. I know I shouldn't, but I will be very depressed when it is over and Minerva doesn't take it.
  15. Knows that is something nobody would expect. ...the wonders of the internet, right?
  16. @Kloe who is your sig character? She looks incredible.
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