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  1. My opinion (that may or may not be popular) is that Roy is basically the amount of self-insert for the player that I feel fine about, even though he isn't labled as an avatar. He doesn't have many prominent character traits other than being smart (so there's a lot of room for the player to project himself into him); he's pretty much universally respected by friend and foe, but the game doesn't shove it in your face permanently; he has six potential love interests if the player is into the whole waifu business; he's connected to the story, but for the most part he's actually not that integral to the plot (his arc ends when he saves Lilina - afterwards, he's just pulled into the Etruria/Bern conflict by accident).So yeah, if he was slightly customizable (plus maybe the option to make him a her), he'd be pretty much what I would like a FE avatar to be. Although Merlinus being wrong all the time for the sake of showing off Roy's smart decisions could be toned down a notch. ;)
  2. If you made Roy's haircolour customizable (and changed nothing else about him), he'd be a decent self-insert, too. Actually, he is a rather good self-insert as is.
  3. Cortex is the entry that I liked the best out of those since my last comment. Just puts a smile on my face. Everybody knows is once again not available in my country. :/ And I was so happy that the whole GEMA issue was resolved for now! Oh well, I know that song anyway, so I can say that I really like Cohen's basso. Way to few of those in pop music, if you ask me.
  4. Just throw in some Multiverse stuff to rationalize his appearance. Now that I think about it... didn't FFTA1 imply that all of the inhabitants of Mewt's dream were real, but transformed people? I seem to recall a cutscene or two in which they transform into one another. That would mean that (that universe's) Montblanc too was a real person and having him killed in a Jagd fight might also kill him in thre real world. I wonder how Marche sleeps at night. btw, there's a semicolon in that img link that doesn't belong (it't at the end of the Montblanc/Hurdy/Guinness scene). How bout you just git gut?! But seriously, the best thing about the FFTA2 law is that the consequences of breaking it aren't nearly as severe as they were in FFTA. And that you can at least see them at the top screen, so you don't just forget them quite as often. And that unlike FFTA they don't make missions unwinnable (as far as I know, at least) by doing them on the wrong date.
  5. "The best argument against monarchy is a five-minute conversation with the average royal." - Don Carlos (written by Friedrich Schiller)
  6. iirc, I let Shanna ferry two units over the wall to where the arena is - Shin (with a longbow in his inventory) and a strong sword user (probably Rutger or Deke). They basically lured all of the fighters and archers on the right towards them, so that the main army could just waltz through the remaining opponents. Allen and Lance then took the long way as fast as possible, to support the skirmishers and to catch the brigant going for the NE villages. If you want to go through the cracked wall, Geese with the Brave Axe can speed that up quite a lot.
  7. There is a bug you can abuse - basically, if your thieves get berserked (and only then), they can steal the dragonstones from the enemy manakete. That's obviously cheating though, and Fae's animation won't like the wrong dragonstones. Fae is still usable, though. Her growth rates are absolutely stellar, so if you feed her a few kills, she'll be able to deal some fierce and accurate blows. Just try to make sure that she gets a kill everytime she fights someone. Other than that, she's a good sponge for long-range magic, thanks to the Res bonus on her dragonstone.
  8. "You would make a ship sail against the winds and currents by forcing an enslaved firebender under her deck? I have no time for such nonsense." - Kuvira
  9. Yeah, Lilina is basically Micaiah v0.6 and the Power Mage to Lugh's Speedy Mage. Don't get too optimistic with Ellen's weapon rank because unlike in the other GBA games, more advanced weapons do not give the user more weapon EXP. Since Ellen is too squishy to see much enemy phase action, you'll have to invest pretty heavily to get to the S-Rank. I assume you meant ch.11A? Save all the green units (the escort of two of the new recruits) and visit all the villages to get some promotional items. The former can be pretty tough, though. The new recruits are 1) Enemy sniper coming from the SE (recuitable by Clarine or Roy) 2) Enemy peg knight coming from the NW (recruitable by said sniper and technically Shanna) 3) Allied Hero, appearing in front of one of the eastern houses. Recruitable by Lalum, but be careful - some enemies spawn with her. Shanna can technically recruit the new pegasus knight, but it's much easier to let the new sniper do it. Not sure if this is true for normal mode, but if the pegasus squad moves south on their first turn, they will most likely be slaughtered by cavalier reinforcements. Try to lure them to the northeast - that's where their escape point is.
  10. Dude, Fir's base stats on hard mode are comparable to Lance's stats on level 10. I agree that FE6 has some serious issues in character balancing, but Fir and Fae are not the examples you were looking for. To contribute to the actual topic: Out of the games I played (all from 6 to 12), I had the biggest trouble with 12. I beat it on Maniac (? - one below Lunatic) once, but I think it was the most challenging and occasionally frustrating (fucking Wyvern ambush spawns...) FE run I've had. FE10 might be more frustrating, though - I really dislike how they removed convenience features to create difficulty. FE11 is very annoying for me personally because not being able to do a truly complete run (recruitment and gaidens) bothers me more than it should.
  11. Look less on her base level and more on her stats and on the numbers when she fights the pirates in her joining chapter. As Glaceon Mage said, she's objectively worse than Rutger, but she is really fun to use (for me, at least) especially because of her low level. You can level her up really fast, at least 5 levels during ch.9, if you farm the pirate reinforcements for a bit.
  12. "I am a prince before I am a son or brother." - Vegeta
  13. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever." - Vlad the Impaler €: Rezzy, that was Einstein. Get it right! :/
  14. The limit on total support points per chapter doesn't help, either. In FE7 and FE8, you could just position your units appropriately and then end turn ad nauseum to increase all your support levels by one. Binding Blade doesn't even allow that.
  15. You might want to know about the reset trick: If during ch.14 you 1) restart your GBA 2) continue the chapter 3) check exactly one character portrait (by pressing R) and leave the screen afterwards 4) walk any character into an item zone 5) repeat for every hidden item in the sand, you get a 100% chance to find every item on your first try. It makes ch.14 a lot more tolerable, especially considering the relatively tight turn limit.
  16. "So there's a thing a German smallartist does and that... Oh wait, is it littleartist? Anyway, he does that thing where he takes a quote, but attributes it to someone else. Oh, and he's a comedian, I should mention that. The littleartist is just another joke of his. Also, sometimes the quotes can be altered a bit, to make it funnier." - Oscar Wilde "I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me." - Bob the Builder "When they get high, we go low." - Richard Nixon "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." - Silvio Berlusconi "Love thy neighbor." - Donald Trump "I'll be back." - Jesus
  17. Yeah, I agree, even though I see him a bit more sympathetic than you do. The own father trying to murder you will keep a lasting impression on a teenager. But in the end, Zephiel is a individual himself, not just the result of Desmond's/Hellene's/Eliwood's/... actions and it's him who chose to genocide all humans. Doesn't make Desmond any less of a dick, of course.
  18. That song makes me remember the 80ies and I wasn't even 2yo when they ended.
  19. Good video making great points. If I'm allowed to nitpick: I didn't really mind the audio quality, but the sound of your voice changes very heavily between the parts. It's really not a big deal and I know hardly anything about voice recording, but maybe it's possible to keep the mic in the same position between recordings or something like that? About the content: FE games tend not to become more challenging in the endgame, so that might be an additional argument for early promotions and for using your Jeigans.
  20. Nah, apparently I just cannot read. :D @Echidna: That's basically a recurring theme with the prepromotes in this game. They usually have great stats when they join, but their growth rates are pretty low. Iirc, Klain is the only prepromote with decent growth rates, but on normal, his bases aren't spectacular. Since you abused the hell out of the last arena, you'll probably be able to drop most prepromotes instantly. Maybe an Angelic Robe to Roy or one of your magic users? Roy doesn't promote until very late in the game, so he's going to be more and more squishy from now on. Other than that, you might as well just drop all of them on Sophia. You could also sell your Goddess Icons and Talismans - this game features both a Silver Card and buyable stat boosters, so this would be a 1:1 trade for a better boost. Don't worry about the time limit too much. Ch.12 is pretty easy, especially compared to ch11. Cath will make an appearance, so if Roy has chatted with her in ch6 and ch8, you can finally recruit her. Not that she's any good at this point of the game. :D
  21. Random Wikipedia trivia: Peter Fox put a lot of effort into the lyrics to counteract his (in his own opinion) mediocre singing voice.
  22. I think I went Mog Knight/Juggler both times I played the game and ended up spamming Dagger Throw permanently. Disable just seems too strong to me. The Elementarist's Fire Whip is at least fire-elemental, so that it deals less or no damage from time to time. I know of a really broken combination on a Seeq (that I don't wanna spoil here), but outside of that, I didn't really find their classes too appealing. The Gria classes are better, I think, but I did most sidequests as soon as possible, so the other clan members had a huge AP lead, making my Gria less impressive. :/
  23. Eh, they started to throw out the lure towards the right pretty early. It's true that they've thrown out the last parts of moderation rather recently, but I do remember Lucke (one of the founders who got bullied out later) using rather questionable vocabulary (e.g. degenerate to descibe the current political system) and then being oh so surprised that saw any connections to neo-nazi vocabulary. But whether or not we can agree on this, their claim to be the only party outside of the big unity party was part of their strategy from the very beginning.
  24. Interestingly enough, one of the main fuel sources for the growing success of the AfD (our right-wing populist party) might be too much (perceived) agreement between the established parties. Many feel that the political agendas of social democrats, christian democrats, green party and liberal party (which isn't liberal in the American meaning of the word) only differ marginally. AfD literally stands for "Alternative for Germany" and that's the image they are trying to groom: Them as the only group that isn't part of the big mainstream-leftist-PC unity party.
  25. I might be wrong, but a more likely regulation for the case of no absolute majority would be a 2nd vote just between the two candidates with the most votes in the first run.
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