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  1. I'm sure Mia would marry her weapon if she could.
  2. Why would I? Team Rocket cloning the ancient Mewtwo DNA to create Mewthree would even make countless schoolyard myths a reality! (But really, this could be integrated into a pretty canon-like plot. The Old Amber does contain Mew's DNA, but what the scientists create out of it is Mewtwo. But Giovanni somehow managed to get his hands on the result before the player did) No emergency services at all? Oof, that's rough. All the best wishes for your mom. -- "Two Dragonites on your team and you still lost?" (His final team: Dragonite (Lv.73) | Hitmonlee (71) | Porygon (73) | Seedra (73) | Marowak (76) | Dragonite (78)) My own team:
  3. _ Randomiser had two surprisingly appropriate rolls - Giovanni only had his Mewtwo for the Silph Co fight (only the rival's starter is kept for recurring opponents), but still. And Mewtwo being created for the player BY THE POWAH OF SCIENCE fits pretty well, too. Now then, on to the Elite 4! I don't remember how high their levels go in Yellow, so... let's see how prepared I am
  4. Aw man, my Pidgey starter could've been good 😐 OK, it would've been the usual mediocre 'mon for 90% of the game, but the Sky Attack TM from Victory Road being turned into Slash would've made it genuinely good for the Elite 4.
  5. Here, I made a new profile pic for you. or maybe like thisssss... "Would the story change at all if {character} was replaced by a sexy lamp?" I think it's mostly used as a catchy critique of female characters that don't actually do anything. Don't think it really applies to Ike, at least not in PoR, but eh, I'll see what conclusion Quetzal comes to and maybe then we can discuss.
  6. Hey, she's always hungry and prone to fainting. That's two notes! please ignore that those two things are connected Personally, I don't mind characters like her existing. If you like the gimmick, cool, if not, you can just ignore her. It's not like she really interferes with the story or with anybody else's characterisation, unlike some characters *coughpericough* - if I remember her supports correctly, her partners are usually just concerned for her health, which, really, is a reasonable response. Um actually 🤓, it's 1:1 for a Lv.8 unpromoted character. You only need 85 BEXP to give a Lv.1 characte a full level. (sorry for being a smartass ) Personally, I just use it to get a character that's close-ish to a level-up (like, 60+ XP, or 80+ XP if I don't really plan to use the character long-term) to the next level, so that I can reset in case of an empty level (or even rig a good level, depending on how try-hard I feel), and then dump into a new, underleveled character that I want to use. Fun Fact: If you rig a Str/Spd level on your thief after the map he joins on, he can steal the sword from the boss in the following chapter (if you bait him into using his bow).
  7. Banned because I receive all my Engage information from the TeeHee thread.
  8. You don't have to worry about spoiling me. I know Awakening and Fates's plots, and while I am technically unfamiliar with 3H, I've picked up a number of plot twists through the power of people meming over them.
  9. Hm, the overlap of what FE games we've played isn't that big yet, so I'll refrain from counter-counting. In any case, I'll take this as proof that Fire Emblem was more progressive when Kaga was still around The Intermongolian Observer Kitty Dragon Girl, duh. It seems that Germany and Spain are even in the same group so, er, I guess we're mortal enemies for the next week or so?
  10. I absolutely recommend going for Geitz in this case. On the hard difficulties, Linus!FFO has a turn requirement of 22, compared to Lloyd!FFO's 11, with neither XP (1900 vs 1650) or Funds (41500 vs 36500) being nearly as lopsided in Lloyd's favour. A 14-turn clear of Linus!FFO is basically guaranteed to be better for you than a 3-turn Lloyd!FFO, and you even have the chance to shave off another few turns. Jerme's turn requirement is 25 instead of 18, but between rout vs. seize objective, as well as more movement that you have to do through the snow, I wouldn't be surprised if it also takes at least 7 extra turns to beat his map. Is it possible that you're confusing the map requirements? Kenneth is the one if you trained your magic users more, Jerme if you trained the Hero Crest users more. No you didn't, I just cant read proper I only did a single HHM ranked run, so I can't say who's 'generally' good to promote. I went with Lowen (who was a bit stat-blessed), Sain, Priscilla, Heath, and Farina. That last name might tip you off that HHM funds isn't actually as difficult to reach as it might look during the run - I was constantly a bit worried that insisting on getting Farina might bite me in the bum in the end, but I ended up with a 90k Funds surplus. My rating even went down to four stars after chapter 27 and stayed there until chapter 30. I think I was a bit anal about using cheap weapons and I didn't use stat boosters at all (not even the boots), but I'd say you should be perfectly fine with your current plan. Body Ring on Athos doesn't really do much, I'd say. You can easily two-round the Dragon with Filla's Might on Athos and one or two Physic uses to make sure he survives the enemy phase, so I think the funds would be better invested in an additional promotion.
  11. Oh, I've basically always been going to Ilia before that last run, usually by using both Shin and Tate and giving some XP to Shanna in the earlygame. But I have to say that apart from the Gaiden, the maps haven't been nearly as bad as I remembered them to be. 17 is fog of war, but pretty straightforward with the terrain and the enemy compositions 18 is very open with a ton of Nomads, but Milady with the Delphi Shield just straight walls like three quarters of the enemies, so she can draw them away from your vulnerable units easily. If you know about the ambush, you can also circumvent it by killing the boss and seizing (with the help of a dancer) within a single turn. 19 is fine if you rush towards one of the broken wall segments. The boss is obnoxious, but pretty toothless if you attack him from 2 range (...with, say, Shin, who you probably trained if you're here) 20 can be annoying, but if you warp somebody in to deal with the two Sages in the central segment, it's doable. I don't love the map (long, narrow hallways :/ ), but it's far from the worst. I might take this route more often in the future - I still think I like Ilia's maps more overall, but having three Nomad Troopers in chapter 21 is really nice.
  12. True, true. Haven't run into any of the the birds yet, and the Pokedex doesn't show a location for Mewtwo. I think I told the randomiser to make every Pokemon catchable, so Mewtwo probably requires a fishing rod, which means that it's quite possible that I miss it. Currently running around with Meowth (forgot how hecking late Slash is in Gen1 - Lv. 51 for Persian. STAB Bite is OK, though) Growlithe (who I can't evolve until Lv.50 if I want Flamethrower... Only Bite and Ember thus far, but I might teach it Dig (field move TMs are unchanged) and/or Pin Missile (Brock's Bide TM, which almost everybody can learn) Haunter (no TM with a special attack for it yet. Night Shade ain't that bad though, and the Normal immunity is pretty clutch) Poliwhirl (freshly evolved. Has Psychic and Hypnosis, which is great, and it'll be able to learn Surf later on. Has to wait until Lv.41 to evolve into Polywrath in order to learn Amnesia) I'll probably look for a 5th team member and keep the last slot for HMs.
  13. 'Never' might be stretching it. I know that spending your money is a very important skill in competitive RTS games. In singleplayer games? Eh, it's advantageous to make use of one's resources, but it's not like playing 'suboptimal' is a problem.
  14. It's both. I believe there's five Lyns in the animation, but crits only deal x3 damage, so obviously it's two afterimages and two flesh-and-blood additional Lyns. ...ok, no, I love BinBla, I didn't even hate (most of) Sacae in my last run, but I 'm not going to try and defend that map. -- Whee! ...unfortunately, since I told the randomiser to leave TM compatibility intact, Gastly can't learn it. But since it will likely not be able to learn a good Ice move, I guess it's not a bad option for Poliwag, especially since it learns Amnesia naturally.
  15. Oh, I'm not going to use it. That would be boring The Super Nerd (with the two fossils) is a big tryhard, of course. Lore accurate. Just look at her crit animation. 2 Pokemon on Route 1 5 on Route 22 (towards victory road, you can get both Nidorans and and Mankey there in Yellow) 4 on Route 2 4 in the forest (one less than Red/Blue, since you can't get Weedle) 4 on Route 3 ...12 in Mt Moon? Or maybe it's just 4, but I think I've seen Mew only on 1F and Blastoise only on the lower levels, so that would mean it's three sets of four. Let's assume 12 for the sake of argument. So the chance to not run into Mew before the end of Mt Moon would be (150/151)^31 = 81.4%, or 18.6% that you do encounter it. With one 4 total slots in Mt Moon, it goes down to 14.2%. All assuming that the randomiser just replaces Pokemon 1:1 with no caveats. But if, for example, there can't be two slots on one route filled with the same Pokemon, the chance would be even higher since the chance to get Mew would go up to 1/150, then 1/149 etc. for every additional Pokemon on a route.
  16. If those bags are full of 1ct-10ct coins, that's accurate. (Just checking on Bulbapedia - later generations increase the $$$ to 5x level, but in this game, it's only 2x level. So nine uses buy me a potion right now)
  17. Poliwag catchable east of Pewter. Hmm... any name suggestions? Also Charmander, Dragonair, and Vaporeon in and around Viridion Forest. But nah...
  18. Pretty sure I'll toss out Pidgey sooner rather than later. It's not even something that's normally unavailable until later. What can I say, I see a needlessly antagonistic prick and the name "Wraith" just pops into mind.
  19. I was going to say "with animations, right?!?"... but it's not like "no" animations is that much faster -- _ Alright, let's do this (nothing special, I don't really enjoy Nuzlockes) Pokemon, both wild and trainers', randomised, standard Lv-up movesets, but random TMs. Opponents' Pokemon with a 20% boost to their levels - weird that this doesn't include the initial rival fight, but he does open with a Lv.11 instead of Lv.9 in the optional fight near Viridian. Wait, if Wraith is the rival... how old is Prof. Oak in this timeline?! Hmm, only Nidoking and Raichu on the first route, neither of which I would want to use, but Meowth on the way to the Pokemon League seems fun. You just don't recognise perfection. (No, seriously, I love that map... provided I have a map with the reinforcement zones ready) ...provided that you don't Haar-skip it
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