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  1. Manuela Sáenz, south american revolutionary heroine, once saved her husband-in-all-but-name Simón Bolívar from an assassination attempt by acting like a Karen. The would-be murderers planned to kill Bolívar during a masquerade. Sáenz caught wind of this and tried to warn Bolívar, but he did not believe her. So instead, Sáenz went to the masquerade, which explicitly forbade crossdressing, dressed as a man, was expectably turned away, and then continued to make such a huge scene that Bolívar ended up going home out of embarressment. She later prevented a second assassinatino attempt on the Liberator in a more classically heroic fashion. After convincing Bolívar to flee through a window instead of (as would have been in his nature) confront superior numbers head-on, she let the assassins "force" her to help them look for Bolívar everywhere in the estate, giving him the time to hide under a nearby bridge until the situation was under control.
  2. Is that your sister? Thank you. I wasn't even aware that this is possible.
  3. The French conquest of Algeria in 1830 was initially just meant to be an attempt to garner domestic support for King Charles X., the second king after the Bourbon dynasty was restored after Napoléon was forced to abdicate. Charles was an absolutist, trying to restore as much of the pre-revolutionary order as he could, and the war was supposed to bring about a surge of nationalistic pride and support for the royalist political candidates after Charles had dissolved the Chamber of Deputies (the equivalent to the British House of Commons). It did not work. Like, at all. The military campaign was successful, yes, but, well... Let's put it this way: French soldiers landed in Algeria On the 14th of June. 1830 is known to be the year of the July revolution (although I personally like the French name Trois Glorieuses).
  4. Mekkah does in his video, and it seems like he wasn't aware of the whole picture, which leads to the video portraying that guy's conduct way too uncritically. There's a very detailed comment under the video by dondon, well hidden by YT's arcane sorting algorithsm, which gives more context to this. But yeah, doesn't make the other bastard any less of a bastard. And I hope we can go back to not talking about the bastard. -- Looking cool while not actually being cool whatsoever is an integral part of the Camus archetype. Except for the Reed brothers. They cool.
  5. Has a username that consists of letters.
  6. In a shocking turn of events, the news presenter André Schünke did not wear a tie on the 30th of October, 2022 during the Tagesschau, which is the most prestigious news show on German TV. Obviously, this didn't happen during the main broadcast at 8:15 PM, only in a night broadcast at 1:40 AM, but still. The anarchy! Although, it has to be said, this has been the second Tagesschau with a male, tie-less presenter. In fact, on 14th of December, 2020, there were TWO male, tie-less presenters on camera! One was Jan Hofer, Tagesschau presenter since 1985 and chief presenter since 2004, on his last broadcast, who untied his tie as a symbolic "I'm done" act. The other was Jens Riewa, his successor, in whose case this was due to miscommunication. He was to read the news of Hofer retiring and give him some flowers, but there was some last-minute restructuring (there was a special broadcast regarding the pandemic, which had to be announced) and Hofer told Riewa to "forget about the flowers, we can't do those". Riewa thought that meant that he wouldn't appear on camera at all, so he didn't bind his tie until a crew member told him that he had to get on camera right this second.
  7. Seconding Shrimpy about Zoran - I'm following his "Train Everybody" CQ Let's Play and it has high-level gameplay plus great production value. Mekkah I like better for his scripted content - his tier list videos are nice background noise videos for me, for example. I sorta like discussions about things that don't fuckin' matter. There's still a couple of finished LPs on his channel, which are worth checking out. I think his CQ run was very impressive, although it's been a while since I've watched it. Dude's very good at both gameplay and giving interesting commentary (which imo is rare in solo LPs).
  8. No worries, you can't be expected to make a background check for every youtube video you watch/post.
  9. Obligatory reminder that Mangs is a sexual predator who (CW: sexual assault) Of course, I can't (nor would I want to) police what videos you watch. Just... please consider supporting content creators that (hopefully) aren't terrible people. I personally hate to see it when he's given additional reach on this forum, whether or not it's accepted by the moderation.
  10. Alright Dragonshield, come to papa. 😎 Well, to mama, it's an Eirika map.
  11. How embarrassing! -- Did not commit any highly embarrassing typos.
  12. And half of them are complete arse. And people say that BinBla has a particularly imbalanced cast. Wait, actually, if one half is arse and the other half isn't, does that make it perfectly balanced...?
  13. Probably didn't stop to think if it ought to be 'has never pung ping'.
  14. Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as That Guy who insists that you're playing the WRONGBAD GAMES. The intent was just to poke fun at Old Mystery deleting a bunch of characters, not at you. Roger is the big obvious one, yeah.
  15. Should've gone with the NEW Mystery... Old Mystery cuts a bunch of FE1 characters - some in both books (Wrys is replaced by a fucking Vulnerary), some, like Ogma's axe bros, only in book 2. New Mystery puts them all back in, plus a couple BSFE characters (like Ruben's eyepatch waifu), which leads to its roster being the most bloated in the series. Shiida recruiting him is pretty good, too. He starts simping over her and she immediately reacts with "You can NOT be Navabarlbavlarl". Fuel to my perception that Shiida is very shrewd and deliberate in her recruitment talks and anything but the little ingénue that she tends to play in them. If you don't manage to recruit Rickard in the previous chapter, he'll end up locked up in there.
  16. The Republic of Venice or Venetian Republic, traditionally known as La Serenissima, was a sovereign state and maritime republic in parts of present-day Italy (mainly northeastern Italy) that existed for 1100 years from AD 697 until AD 1797. --- Reads.
  17. KAGA Mein Herrz in Flammen Will dich lieben und verrdammen KAGA Dein Atem kalt So jung und doch so alt KAGA
  18. Is not only one letter removed from La Serenissima, but the letters are even adjacent on the standard QWERTY keyboard layout.
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