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  1. Was reminded of this video, YT (as it does) automatically displays German subtitles, whoever did them translated "transgender" as a slur 🙄 Fuckin' internet...
  2. I didn't. You told yourself. I think I was at least bewildered by it, but it's been a while... I definitely didn't catch that the poor involunarily freed slave becoming an alcoholic is literally reproducing real life anti-emancipation propaganda. I also didn't think of it when there was that mini-controversy about black Hermione (TL;DR: she was played by a black actress in a theatre performance, some chuds took issue, JKR responded with something along the lines of, "I never said Hermione wasn't black"). People were quoting the books back at Rowling where she described Hermione's face as "white" or "pale" when she was shocked or frightened, I thought that my god, it's not like this changes the actual story... but man, would it make everybody look even worse for telling Hermione how silly she is for caring about slave labour. I still don't fault her for standing up for the actress, it just highlights how incredibly stupid the entire SPEW storyline was. I never watched the movie (didn't like the first two), but really, good on the producers that they just cut it in its entirety. Never forget that wizards used to just poop their pant wherever they stood and then magic away the excrements. If I recall, vanishing magic is quite advanced and taught fairly late to the students at Hogwards. This implies that kids, even teenagers, would have to ask their parents to un-poop their pants. And while at a boarding school, they would have to ask a teacher or older student. Man, JKR is good at this "thinking things through" business.
  3. -- Yeah, I'm glad that I've never been hugely into HP. I read all the books, felt smug because I predicted half of the Big Twist in Halfblood Prince before it came out (I guessed the character death, since it was the logical continuation of more and more important characters being killed off, but didn't expect the How), but never re-read later books. It's not fun to learn that somebody you respect and whose work you like turns out to be a major piece of shit. Shaun's video was pretty interesting in how it pointed out some of the... oddities in Rowling's work. How one of the first things Hagrid does in the book is mutilate a child because the father was giving him lip, or how she seems incapable of seeing injustice as systemic (Book 2: "Slavery is a thing in wizardland." - Book 4(?): "...but it's fine as long as the slave owners are nice, like Harry"). Not sure if it was Shaun who pointed it out or if I've seen it somewhere else, but looking at Rita Skeeter hits quite diffrent with her TERFidity in mind - heavy-jawed, large masculine hands, heavy make-up... and a shapeshifter who uses that ability to invade private spaces.
  4. Well, if you've already watched it, we can probably skip the spoiler tags Yup, I found that to be a funny little joke, and it's worth remembering that this is not a big competitive event, but a bunch of nerds fucking around and having fun. As long as they're cool, it's cool. €: Actually, what I really hope for is Zoran accepting the challenge and mapping out a way to give Mozu the same amount of experience in an actually (somewhat) reliable fashion. I can imagine that it's possible with some dual strike shenanigans.
  5. Oh, and as a standalone introduction to Pratchett, Good Omens (which he co-wrote with Neil Gaiman) is wonderful. It features the Antichrist. He's nice.
  6. @BrightBow Can't believe you're linking Hogfather videos that don't feature Susan. I also highly recommend the Discworld series. Great stories, great characters, and a total of 41 books, so you won't run out of reading material very soon. If interested, I would also recommend googling "Discworld reading order", since there's a handful of coherent "mini-series" with recurring characters, like the witches of Lancre (my personal favourites, Granny Weatherwax is awesome), the Ankh-Morpork city guard, or DEATH and his family. Starting at the very beginning of the series can give quite the wrong impression, since the first two novels are direct parodies of fantasy stories, while everything past that neatly holds up on its own. I still like the "early Rincewinds"... but they're really quite different from the rest of the series. I also appreciate BrightBow's profile pic, even though I'm not even familiar with the character. -- @Imperator Squilla - Well then.
  7. I don't know where the usage stems from exactly, but in the last months or years, it seems that the stock music to (often slightly facetiously) underline a sacral atmosphere, or a moment of redemption, is the beginning of Josef Rheinberger's Sanctus from his Cantus Missae, an a cappella mass for eight voices. I think the recording I've linked is a bit slower than the sound bit used most of the time...? Honestly, it's a bit sluggish as a whole, especially the end of the Agnus Dei, which is supposed to be a fair bit faster than the rest of the piece.
  8. He went Super Saiyan 3. That hat is there to hide the hair.
  9. Banned because his profile pic, combined with Pinocchio lore, exposes him as a lying liar.
  10. Lol, I've been catching up on that run for the past week or so. I have already been looking forward to the shenanigans in the next part.
  11. 17 Def isn't that bad! ...is what I would say if more than two points of that came from her personal bases, and not the General class. At least it's better than Macellan's zero personal Def base New Mystery jank is just amazing I have been betrayed! Lies and deceit everywhere! As atonement, I demand to see (in addition to my initial suggestion of Myrmidon!Ryan) Cord in your eventual New Mystery playthrough. Because swords are cool, I encourage reclassing him into Mercenary, and then swap him over into Horseman after promotion. I will admit that Hero is the more "optimal" class, but I've always liked the horse archer aesthetic. Plus, Horseman gets D bows immediately, so that's arguably more valuable than E axes.
  12. South Korea is the only country in the world with a fertility rate (i.e. the average number of children a woman will have) lower than 1, at 0.81 in 2021.
  13. I was wondering if she was one of those characters that were completely gutted in the transition from Old Mystery to New Mystery, but as it turns out, NMotE gave her +6 HP, +3 Str, +9 Skl, +3 Spd, and +5 Luck, despite it famously not caring at all about late joiners' viability... and she's still pretty terrible in New Mystery. Amazing. Have you been using Kain? If so, I'm curious how he's been doing. If not, I'm totally owed a second request for New Mystery
  14. Next next step: Averages are overrated, since if a character "barely has the stats on average to double and one-round", it's more likely than not that they miss at least one of the Str and Spd benchmarks.
  15. Gotta be wayyy more specific than that. ---
  16. Don't forget My prediction: Probably would've been even more fitting if they both were the same person
  17. Singlehandedly doubled the player base, well done.
  18. ...look, I don't know how you think cookies are baked, but I also don't know if i want to know where "orgiastic" finds place in your imagination.
  19. ...if one can call that life, licking the boot of an autocratic tyrant. Cookies taste better, let me tell you that!
  20. The 9th of November is colloquially known in Germany as the "Schicksalstag", or "Day of Fate", since several hugely important events in German history happened on that date between 1848 (the execution of left-liberal revolutionary Robert Blum) and 1989 (the fall of the Berlin Wall). The latter would have made it a prime candidate for the German national holiday - however, some of the events on this date have been far more sinister: the Beer Hall putch attempted by the Nazis in 1923 and, more impactful, the "Night of Broken Glass", which marks the beginning of the november pogromes commited in Germany in 1939, so the date of the official reunion (3rd of October, 1990) was chosen instead. -- It seems that the German Kentucky Fried Chicken branch has an automated adverisement system, that sends out messages on "special" dates (to people who have some KFC app installed, I assume) encouraging the recepients to have some chicken. So, yesterday, they sent out the following message: (it obviously pales in comparison to the immense tone deafness, but I have to point out the terrible Denglish, but also the (given the context) surprisingly considerate choice of "Reichspogromnacht" over "Reichskristallnacht" - the latter tends to be seen as too much of a euphemism) To their credit, however, it only took 40 minutes for the team to notice the mistake and send out an apology.
  21. Careful, that's a dangerous precedent to set if I ever saw one.
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