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  1. SacSto doesn't really have too many roles/classes "missing" per se, I'd say, but it doesn't really double up on roles where BinBla and BlaBla did: only one Fighter, only half a Pirate, only one-and-a-half Mages... I'd say it could use some back-ups in some cases, though: A Mage with a different stat spread than Lute and Ewan. The two aren't quite identical, but "feel" relatively same-y when raised: Good to great Mag, good Spd, bad durability. A more combat-orientated Shaman. I guess Ewan can do this, but he's only "half" a Shaman to begin with. A more Canas-like Shaman with more physical durability than the other magic users could've been interesting. A second Armour Knight. I get it, the class is terrible, but SacSto does offer it a decent promotion option in GK, and you have Gilliam and his slow butt as its only representive. I guess Amelia counts, but again, only half a Knight. In a way, I almost wish that she'd join all Wendy-like as a Lv.1 Knight. I do miss Nomads. I suppose that they wouldn't fit with the promotion scheme, since there's only one class with both a horse and a bow, but still... A Pirate and/or Brigand. Ross has the former as his (imo) mechanically best path, but he feels much more like a Fighter->Warrior narratively - the Wade to Garcia's Lot, in a way.
  2. Banned for havingper for meda me meles sban
  3. Roman emperor Valentinian I was known to have quite the temper, which makes his death morbidly fitting. During negotiations, representatives of the Germanic Quadi federation insisted that a) their hostilities were provoked by the Romans first building fortifications in Quadi territory and then murdering one of their kings during negotiations, and that b) because the Quadi weren't exactly a centralised state, they couldn't guarantee that every single Quadi chief would feel bound by whatever treaty they would sign. Enraged by this lack of reverence (I, the Emperor, already determined that the Quadi are in the wrong! HOW DARE they question my judgement!!), Valentinian worked himself into a screaming rage -- which then caused a lethal stroke.
  4. I'm generally agreeing with the position that BinBla's cast has surprisingly few "unnecessary" characters that don't stand out one way or the other, but if 10 characters had to go... (in order of their recruitment) Bors. Barth is funny in his knighty knightiness, Wendy is unique in her terribleness, Bors is just kinda there. Treck, as much as it pains me. But as a bunch o' numbers, he and Noah are a double back-up for a class that already has its fair share of characters. And between the two, Noah with his higher base level and sword rank is a better potential replacement for a x-mas cavalier. Ogier. He and Fir are pretty similar in their roles - low-level sword user to train up during the Western Isles - but Fir (at least on HM) is just better than him. I never really used him because of that. Geese. I know, I know, only pirate and all that. But like Ogier, he gets overshadowed by a character in a similar-but-not-identical class who joins at/around the same time - in his case Gonzales. Elphin or Lalum. Unlike Echidna and Bartre, they're basically the same unit with different support partners. It would hardly change anything (in terms of gameplay) if one of them would join in both routes. Although I guess random/reversed recruitment players would be devestated. Dayan and Yuno. Mostly because Yuno doesn't really have a role except "air taxi for ch.21" and then applied symmetry to get rid of Dayan, who does have some combat (and rescue) utility in him. Aaaand that's only seven. Er... I guess Igrene (somewhat similar to Klein), Douglas (very underwhelming, but neither hilariously bad like Wendy and Sophia nor a fun growth project), and Yodel (discount Niime, but that's still fairly good)?
  5. The StarCraft II player Eo "soO" Yun-su is famous in the scene for reaching a lot of finals and then losing - he lost six finals of the Koran GSL without ever winning that competition, plus some international silver medals, most notably during the 2017 world championship. His first victory at a big global event was quite emotional as a result. Anyway, soO recently finished his obligatory military service and returned to the SC2 competition. Coincidently, the first big tournament that he's currently playing in is the 2nd GSL of the year 2022. It's the 22nd season that he's participating in, he was drawn into group B (i.e. the 2nd one) and finished 2nd in that group after winning against Joo "Zest" Sung-wook, losing to Lee "Bunny" Jae-seon, and then winning the deciding match against Byun "ByuN" Hyun-woo.
  6. Breitbart? What's the next "unbiased" "journalistic" source, Russia Today? I mean... that's not as bad, I guess? It's still a very odd take, to say the least. You talk like gender identity is just like picking what shoes to wear for the day. It's not my place to speculate "how it feels" to have a gender identity that's different from one's biological sex, but I assume it's more complicated for the people in question than just "picking a side". Not to mention that, guess what, non-binary people also exist and deserve recognition.
  7. Might be familiar with the phrase "Rogntudju!".
  8. @Florete's post sums up my opinions on the matter quite nicely, but I want to ask you to reflect on this stance. Trans people exist. That's a fact. You're literally telling real, actual people that you wish they didn't exist. That's pretty fucked up. "I don't condone any abuse or violence against him, buuuuuut it would be really nice if FailWood didn't exist." - that's really uncomfortably close to "I hope you die".
  9. Banned because hey, I've just been following the "havinga" trend. Okim ightha veex pan dedi tabit.
  10. Banned for havingf ulfil ledhi sdreamo fflight (double-banned because this ban will appear nonsensical after the inevitable next profile picture change)
  11. Could be worse, could be Habsburgs. Imagine how inbred they would be at this point.
  12. Banned for havinga guninh ispro filep ic
  13. ...I think it's the best game of the series, unless you count SMAC.
  14. Banned because in afe whours, thes unwill rise.
  15. Well... Not as much of a bro, though. Fairly aggressive, as far as I recall, and he might plot against you even when he's "pleased" with you. Plus, not nearly as hunky. The wise Sergeant Fred Colon of the Ankh-Morpork night watch has made a very astute observation: "Nude women are only Art if there’s an urn in it. Or a plinth. Best is both, o’course. It’s a secret sign, see, that they put in to say that it’s Art and okay to look at." He does acknowledge some additional Art identifiers, such as a high number of "i"s in the artist's name, or a fat little cherub holding a fan or a mirror. Obviously, you can't get urns everywhere. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that it's all porn.
  16. Banned for not chastising those zoomers forth eir emo jiusage.
  17. He and Tidus are the bro-est of bros, though. They're both jocks, the captain and the star player of the football blitzball team; Wakka puts Tidus in a headlock when he catches him nosing through Yuna's stuff; I believe they even do a chest-bump at some point. I'd even file Wakka under "himbo", although I do think he's one with a surprisingly satisfying character arc. Would Valbar and Leon fit? With Valbar just seeing the "bro" part and Leon being sad that the "mance" part isn't going to happen? Hmmm... Final Fantasy IX: Zidane and Blank. The latter isn't playable outside of some very short sequences, but when he's around, he and Zidane are ribbing each other pretty consistently while still obviously caring for one another. Final Fantasy VI: Sabin and Gau and Cyan. I haven't played this in a very long time and I'm not that familiar with the story anymore, but I remember these three broing it up quite a bit while they're traveling as a trio. Sabin in particular is a very bro bro with himboic tendencies. The Curse of Monkey Island: Guybrush and Murray. Bonus points for the bro being an evil, demonic skull without a body. The sense of betrayal when Guybrush refuses to pick him up near the end of the game is palatable. Civilization VI: Gilgabro. I mean, come on. Baldur's Gate II: CHARNAME and Jan Jansen. I think they make a fine partnership! Like Drizzt and Wulfgar! Elminster and Volo! Ha! They should go into the mobile vegetable-peddling business together! Mass Effect: Maleshep and Garrus. I don't really enjoy playing shooters, so this is mostly knowledge from following a LP years ago, but Garrus is quite the bro. MARDEK: Mardek and Deugan. A bit odd, in that the main character is much more bro-y, while Deugan is brainy, self-conscious, and a bit of an author avatar. Still, very bro relationship between the two. Discworld: Rincewind and Twoflower. They're an odd couple - a cowardly, failed wizzard [sic] and a supremely naive and (thanks to wonky currency exchange rates) rich tourist who thinks that Rincewind is the greatest wizard of all time. Discworld: Samuel Vimes and Willikins. They're technically lord and butler, and Willikins in particular keeps up etiquette very strictly, but they become bro-er and bro-er as the series progresses. LotR: Gimli and Legolas. Frodo and Sam. Meriadoc and Peregrin (to a lesser degree in the books, but still). Aragorn and Boromir. Faramir and Boromir (literally). Aragorn and Halbarad. Bilbo and Gandalf.
  18. The clapping physically hurts me, though...
  19. Hey, I don't mind it. It's just funny to be on the receiving end of the "far away = mysterious" trope for once, instead of the usual "German = harsh/angry". Not too different from simple Chinese words as tatoos, really. (and honestly, silly naming schemes are great fun. I love that Dragonball has a family consisting of Dr. Briefs, Panty, Bloomer/Buruma/Bulma, and Bra)
  20. Err... Iberian! Iberian! Meanwhile all the Brasilian Pedro's:
  21. Oh, not to mention that "Petra" is a fairly common name in German. Just the male version of "Peter". Somewhat out of fashion (I'd say you mostly find it with women between 40 and 60 years old), but not really a name that signals "from a faraway country" for me
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