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Everything posted by ping

  1. What do you mean? The name is Spanish! Spanish! How much more Mystique and Exoticness do you expect from a Japanese game? - Sincerely, somebody quite befuddled by the mysterious Thracian enemies named "Eins", "Zwei", "Drei", "Fünf", "Elf", and "Zwölf"
  2. Banned for herbe spectacled profile pic
  3. You know who could use some character development? Dude, I hated that so much I already suffer from severe completionist paralysis when it comes to Final Fantasy ("OK, airship unlocked, point of no return five minutes away.... exceeeeeeept that there's 18947 sidequests available now! I hope you like Blitzball and Chocobo riding!!!"), so a constant reminder that I'm almost certainly going to miss that one 6-second cutscene that actually counts as 0.5% completion and of course I'd only know at the end of the game... that's the last thing I needed.
  4. The first realm to officially adopt christianity as its state religion wasn't Rome, but Armenia. At the time, Constantine was already Augustus, but still shared that title with his rival Licinius and his support for the religion still wasn't 100% explicit at that time. And even though that changed dramatically when Constantine was the sole ruler of the Roman empire, christianity was officially named state religion only by Theodosius I some decades later. During Constantine's reign, the first council of Nicaea was held to determine what would be considered orthodoxy or heresy - Constantine was big on unity and did not want the church to endlessly fight over what he probably considered small details in the grand picture of faith. Weirdly, the first canon law listed by wikipedia is the prohibition of self-castration for priest. This isn't entirely out of left field, as Matthew 19:12 shows: This is generally considered to be stylistic exaggeration on Jesus's part, but I can imagine that some would read that as "removing your own dong is very pious", whích would explain the inclusion of that specific law. And, er, while I'm on the subject - it was somewhat common practice (although how common exactly isn't clear) in early modern Europe that boys would be castrated to conserve their soprano voice. This was basically shut down in 1878, when Pope Leo XIII decreed that the Catholic church would not hire any castrated singers anymore, but there's actually one single castrate of whom audio recordings exist.
  5. The greatest difference between, and in my opinion the greatest strength of, the ATB-based Final Fantasies is the "character progression" and not so much the combat itself, which is indeed a bit same-y among the FF classics. You have the jobs in FF5, including the ability to mix-and-match different job stats and abilities once a character is fully built. There's FF7, where you build a character's skill set out of magic rocks on top of an individual foundation of stats and limit breaks. Then there's FF9's more conservative "every character has a predetermined role", or FFX's "every character begins with a predetermined role". The combat? Eh. There's some individual cool fights, like snagging the Beta skill from the big-ass snake early, and I generally like the Seymour fights in X, but I don't think combat is consistently fun. i personally think that the fully turn-based combat of X is better because it gives you more opportunity to strategise instead of menuing fast, but that game also fills half of its duration with silly "This character hard-counters that monster" encounters. It's been a long-ass time since I've last played X-2, so I can't really comment on the encounter design, but I do think that (for all its numerous faults) it's the first FF game that both integrates character building and combat in a satisfying manner (you're encouraged to switch between the jobs you're using during combat) and makes actual use of the ATB beyond "turn-based except you have to menu fast" by giving a damage boost to synched-up attacks.
  6. Banned for posting twice withina minute
  7. Yeah, there's a number of characters fast enough to double despite a Spd penalty (Shanna with Killer Lances is a big example) or situations where a character doesn't double to begin with, but still doesn't get doubled if they switch to a heavier weapon (e.g. Allen or Lance with a Steel Sword or Gant's Lance, although that's just a single point of Spd penalty before promotion). If a character still kills with the lighter, weaker weapon, it's generally good to use that for the higher evasion, but heavy weapons can allow for a kill that you'd otherwise wouldn't get, or to avoid a counterattack by one-shotting the enemy.
  8. ping

    Pun thread!

    And what a riverting thread it had been, too. Make a monarchist pun.
  9. Sheema in New Mystery has very good growths and low bases, but unfortunately, she never goes anywhere. Her Lv.20 stats are still worse than, say, 20/20 Draug in almost every way. But she does provide a few more *tink*s per level-up than other units! Similarly, but in a less depressing fashion, Shinon, when he rejoins in Path of Radiance, has absolutely horrendous stats for that point of the game, but excellent growths. His stats end up more or less competitively with more regular characters, although he can't shed the terribleness of the Sniper class in PoR. But honesly, I can't think of any prepromotes other than Sedgar and Wolf that are good characters thanks to their growth rates. There's a bunch that are good characters and have good growths, like Seth or Titania, but they're generally good because of their bases with their growths being the icing on the top. Seth with 0% growth rates would be really good; Seth with the growth rates that he has is really really good - that kind of thing. At best, there's a few prepromotes that join late with an adequate level for that jointime, and then have growths similar to your early-game joiners, too. Calill, Largo, and Haar (all in PoR) roughly fall into that category.
  10. Remember, kids: Too much waifu will ruin your laifu. That goes for you especially, @twilitfalchion OK, I'll stop
  11. Banned because I'm quite sensible and grammatically correct.
  12. Banned because it's "havingan"
  13. Is protected by the Emperor PROTECTED FROM FUN
  14. The fursona of John Oliver, of Last Week Tonight, is a (and I quote) "sexy river otter". (the link is SFW, but, well, includes a sexy river otter)
  15. @Saint Rubenio Different monarchy, but I thought you might appreciate the comparison nonetheless:
  16. Banned by the grammar police
  17. Banned because the Imperium of Man is boring compared to "Red 'uns go fastah!" or "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! MILKH FOR THE KHORNE FLAKES!". Plus, who doesn't enjoy a good, proper heresy?
  18. Banned for not contributing a tilde. Recklessly~
  19. Dunno if it's the original meme, but I think it's the only variant that I've seen. Actually, there's an ancient version/precursor with The Rock blocking vision on a nude woman, somebody asking for a non-photoshopped version, and somebody else posting just The Rock's face. Probably 10 years old at this point. I really don't want to overthink a silly joke like this, but boobs have been around since long before Romulus was counting birds. But to be slightly seriously, I do appreciate that Roman cultural influence is pretty omnipresent around the world. But so are boobs.
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