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Everything posted by moxis

  1. Ahh that's pretty good, might clear it up. I've only finished Crimson Flower so far so I'm really looking forward to actually getting some answers hah.
  2. Didn't read all the posts so I'm not sure if anyone explained already, but: You can clearly calculate their age by knowing at the year their mother died in childbirth: 1159. The game begins in 1180. So Byleth is 21 at the start of the game. Now, Byleth's exact birthdate is a little strange because despite the game letting you choose one, according to Jeralt's diary it sounds like Byleth's mom died in childbirth during Horsebow moon, or at least just before it. This could mean that the in-game birthday is just a made up date that perhaps Jeralt gave Byleth as their new birthday or something. But the fact that Sothis claims to have the same birthdate is very strange then. I'm scared that all of this is explained in a route I haven't played yet, haha.
  3. Hi, long time no posting! Mod eclipse gave me permission to do a bit of promotion of sorts. I'm doing preorders for these charms I designed of the protags. Hope you like them! I've been spending my time on fanart since my game is still on it's way on the mail. T_T ⭐ Link to store ⭐
  4. Ah, that's pretty cool.... shame this is definitely impossible with a non-jailbroken iphone, right?
  5. So far the only 5* I got has been Cordelia, which is not bad at all! Also got 4* Robin and Shanna.
  6. Haven't read through the rest of the thread and not sure if this is too off-topic, but has anyone found out if there is a way to play with japanese voices?
  7. Morning everyone! Finally managed to grab it from the iTunes store website (even though it wasn't showing up on the mobile app store? weird) and I played some of the prologue, but now I'm stuck on that 803-0003 error, lol. Anyway, it looks great so far! Good luck on everyone's first pulls.
  8. You're likely right. I can't remember where it was announced that it'd be released in japan at 7am, but that info is nowhere to be seen on the website so it was probably wrong or outdated.
  9. Whaaaaat.. What is going on.... (i know we shouldn't make a fuss over this but still.. i wish there had been more clear info on the release date/time)
  10. No no, we're not saying it will be realeased internationally in an hour, we're saying that it will be realeased individually country by country. No international simultaneous release. No idea if it's already out in Japan, I looked around a bit but found nothing.
  11. @PowerVZ it seems we share a timezone lol.. let's hope we just have to wait one hour more!!
  12. Damn, here I was waiting for the clock to strike 23.... hoping for midnight then?
  13. Hi guys, so I'm planning the pairings for my new set of runs (all three routes) and I want to know what your favourite pairings are. Not for stats or gameplay! Just to do with plot and conversations. List me your ships!!
  14. Guys, I'm pretty sure the reason why they they have decided to represent injured units like this is because of violence filters. Fire Emblem has never featured blood and stuff like that during battle, that I know of. That's typical of battle games. So instead of wounds, they use ripped clothing and pained expressions to show that the character has been badly damaged. I personally like it lol
  15. Best wishes for your family and don't worry about the extension! It actually works really well for me because I just came back to the forums and found out about this, so I haven't even started my piece! I'm definitely entering now that I have more time. (this is my first post in a loooong while so hi everybody, and happy fire emblem hype lol)
  16. That's strange, I found the first few chapters of Awakening hard to be really difficult... (later it got way easy though) I didn't consider to do my first run of Fates on Lunatic, because, well... I'm a bit of a casual player and I never go straight to the challenge. But I do like a bit of a challenge... And also I wasn't sure if Fates Lunatic would be like Awakening Lunatic, where versatility is extremely limited and you have to rely on very concrete strategies (ie: Frederick)... Is it? Also, does BR Lunatic lock you out of grinding like Awakening?
  17. Hi everyone! Finally FINALLY my copy of Fates arrived in the post, so I just started BR and I'm at chapter 8. Still figuring out a bunch of stuff; I haven't even tried anything wireless yet. But my question isn't about that. My question is; am I just being really lucky or is hard mode not hard at all?? In my first run of Awakening (classic hard), I was tearing my hair out by chapter 2, and for the first five chapters or so I had to reset at least a bunch of times to beat them without losing anybody. It got easier later on, once challenges weren't too difficult to grind on. But on Birthright (classic hard, again)... well, like I said, I'm on chapter 8 and I've just had to reset like twice so far. And I've only done one or two challenges to even out my team's levels a bit. I'm wondering if it gets harder later on. I know BR is the easiest of the three Fates, but I also heard it was harder than Awakening, so I'm confused.
  18. Libra I haven't met anyone who dislikes him and honestly I'm not suprised. He's just really agreeable. All around a nice character, but with a strong personality. Found him a bit boring on my first playthrough, but probably because he lacks the development in-game to make him a truly interesting character. Anna For some reason I really don't like her?? I like her design and her function as a FE recurring theme etc etc. But she's SO shallow it's simply impossible for me to feel anything but annoyance for her. She just has a flat personality and on top of that she's a jerk. Panne I actually didn't find her to be all that mean towards humans. Yes, she's (understandibly) bitter and resentful and wary, but in her support convo's she's willing to open up somewhat. She even surprises some characters (Robin's support comes to mind) with how sensible she is under that icy exterior. Also I really really like the taguel design and transformations lol Severa I can't speak for the english dub since I play with japanese voices, but she's hardly the mean jerk I expected. From the get-go you can immediately tell that it's all for show and that she's all bark and no bite, which makes her snark much less effective, imo. Which in turn makes her more likeable, especially when she shows her sensitive side.
  19. Sword: Levin Sword...... <3 Lance: Superior Lance Axe: Ladle Bow: Glass Bow Tome: Cecilia's Gale (combined with Morgan's Ignis animation. he's all purple) Staff: Mend I actually like how the bronze swords in the game are designed to look like actual bronze swords from the bronze age.
  20. Thanks! I've already been using that website to plan my avatar a bit and I think I'm gonna go for a +Spd -Def for my first Birthright playthrough. A speedy offense I guess. hhehe thanks and yeeeah I've kind of abandoned the avatar art request thread for the time being... *whistles distractedly*
  21. There's this Fire Emblem website in japanese which (I think?) has extra info on characters and stuff like that. I'd really like to know what some of the text says, particularly the character descriptions and the little narrations for each chapter, but unfortunately I don't read japanese. And I haven't been able to find a translation anywhere. Does anyone know if there is one, and where I can find it? or does anyone here read japanese lmao Thanks!
  22. Is resistance still as weak in this game as in Awakening, as opposed to defense? In awakening I almost always choose Def as the weakness for my Avatar simply because, at least in hard, they always end up taking barely any damage from physical attacks. So: Do resistance growths still suck? I've heard HP is the new problem stat. Is Corrin's defense still good enough to make it their bane and live another day? (hard dificulty) ...My copy of Fates still hasn't arrived :'(
  23. Thank you! I use Paint Tool Sai, although the key to digital art is mainly the tablet... I have a Wacom, but as long as it has pressure sensitivity it makes great difference.
  24. I've decided to not close this thread and move it over to the creative section of the forums instead, so that I may continue it later on if I want to, and it's out of the way in the meantime. I've messaged an admin about it, so if you're waiting for your Avatar to be drawn you can check over there! ... also, bodies take way too long to draw. Meh. @TrueEm, @Knight of Shade, @Dark Lord, @IfAwakened
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