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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 2 minutes ago, EvanManManMan said:

    Is that it?

    A bunch of virtual votes on Bart I think, people waiting for him to post.

    54 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

    Okay, I looked at Evan's phase end and I can see where Fable's pocket theory is coming from.


    @EvanManManMan Why were you townreading Makaze so hard? Like half your posts were townreading him or agreeing with him.

    Could you answer this?

  2. 11 minutes ago, Fable said:

    I hate how he seemingly randomly picked me out of a hat to RVS and used faulty logic to comf bias into that ever since to the point of him just admitting he wasn't evaluating me and had just decided it was correct at one point, I don't care who you are that's just not a villagery mindset to have. That being said the omega tunnel has been at the back of my mind and it is probably time I go back and look at how that happened exactly because it's not impossible that this is just that (which I understand omega that game so much better now if that's the case).  

    Oh man, this reminds me of that "This is hell" rant/post of Omega

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

    There really wasn't any evolution, I was being very lazy and only reading the game and not doing analysis of my own, but I thought what Junk brought up against him was a big thing so I voted him and I stayed their because I didn't see any problems with other players that I thought was worse. 

    Curious why you think scum bart would consolidate on fable then Satsuma, when he could safely sat on his Xand tunnel and not looked suspicious when Satsuma flipped town.  

    I think he moves to fable first because it's an easy vote and because he doesn't want to be part of the core of the satsuma wagon. I think he moves to Satsuma later because that's what is expected of town!him. It's a consolidation vote, so he won't get much flak for it.

    As for stopping the nadroj tunnel, maybe he feels he's losing the argument or at least running out of bullets, or perhaps feels more and more people townread nadroj and is afraid of looking bad. I can see scum!him leaving the tunnel there.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Fable said:

    Maybe? He's very detached so it's hard to make any conclusions but I could certainly see it.

    I think seeing a reads list and actual opinions about the game state would help a lot because if he continues to be a bystander then that would be wolfy. His and Evan's off wagon votes look the worst to me which is why I want stuff from them. 

    Looking back I don't see Mak/Evan as w/w because the way Evan entered the thread felt very agenda-y especially the way he voted me with "Hey Mak you wanna vote Fable we can totally do that" felt kinda not w/w and more pocket-y than anything else. Which if we live in that world I don't know if that should make me more or less frustrated with how Mak has handled this. 

    I'll take another (or rather, my first real) look at Evan probably, I'll keep your pocket-comment in mind.

    I honestly don't see much difference between how Mak's being here compared to when he was thunderdoming Omega in IDNSFMM5, which is why I have him at null. Do you think he's acting differently here? I don't really remember you talking about this, sorry if you did.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Fable said:

    I agree with a lot of that and it's why I wanted thoughts on him because his posts felt like thread summaries which I don't get anything out of. And he never placed a real vote either while meanwhile he's still making the the wall posts 12 minutes to EoD while seemingly be oblivious the day is about to end and he hasn't made any conclusions yet. Like you can make walls all you like but the only thing I really care about are conclusions which is why he's completely null to me because he has none. 

    I don't think it's null here though. You used the term shruglynching, which was pretty accurate, and in this case I feel scum would like to stay off-wagon and let town eat themselves. Is not giving conclusions then not just null but actually scummy?

  6. Also interesting, neither of yesterday's lynch candidates, me and satsuma, are really mentioned in his wallposts. He's asking satsuma about the wagon on him once and with me he asks about why I interacted with mackc over evan, but that's pretty much it.

    For someone posting during the last hour before phase end they have very little interest in the impending lynch.

  7. ##Vote @Zeonth

    Upon reread I am very unimpressed with his wallposts. There's a lot of surface-level questions and a large amount of factually correct, but not actually relevant statements. I see very little questions aimed at determining alignments or focused on gamesolving. Additionally, I don't think he's received any heat at all for flaking/not voting, which would be very easy for scum to do.

    Like I said earlier, I don't think scum influence was necessary on day 1, as there was no focus. With that in mind, him not giving any reads/opinions/votes looks pretty bad. Today's post where he's responding signifies he's caught up, yet he doesn't give thoughts, not even a one-liner on how he feels about the flips, which is either really lazy or pretty scummy and again I'm surprised no one else commented on this.

    Feeling better about this than about Bart, who's almost a collective scumread at this point. (Still my second choice)

  8. 7 minutes ago, Fenrir Aesir said:

    210: More of a general statement than relating this post, but he feels a too lenient towards Athena, even if he thinks Athena's town. It reminds me a lot of my first scumgame (which was also the first game I played on a forum and my partner got lynched Day 1 and it was this whole THING but anyway) where I made the mistake of, to paraphrase the person who caught it, "hardly considering people I'd listed as townreads." There's the thing mentioned in 77, and then here he doesn't take any issue with Athena's misinterpretation of his comment re: Fable. Obviously he doesn't have to flip his opinion 100%, but he kind of just takes it as it is without any questions. The closest he comes to hesitation on Athena is, "And yes, I read his response of "Joking". But... isn't that a pretty easy answer?" But he doesn't have a problem with Athena using this "easy answer" and instead continues going after Xnad for not questioning it. His interactions thus far have also been limited primarily to Xnad, and he doesn't seem concerned with the fact that there's pretty consistent suspicion on Athena.

    Mhm. This is pretty similar to my early thoughts. I remember tonereading him town, but getting the idea he could be trying to softpocket me? I didn't mention it since I thought I was just being paranoid, but there was also stuff like "Athena trying to get interaction going"/"walked away with a town read" being reiterated. I appreciated someone recognizing my efforts as opposed to scumreading me for it, but at the same time it didn't really feel like super-relevant to the case he was discussing there?

  9. 10 hours ago, Zeonth said:

    I’m mildly annoyed that I went to the trouble to read everything and post my thoughts just to be ignored. Ask away. And, reiterating a point I (and Maka) has made. This isn’t a real-time game, I do read over posts, especially ones I am pinged in. If you leave me questions I’ll answer when I’m not in class or at work. 

    Just noticed this is Zeo's only post this Day and it contains no thoughts, no nothing. What's on your mind Zeo?

    Additionally, could you give me a readslist/gamestance of some sort? Your questions and analysis have looked good but I'm having trouble pinning down what your reads are.

  10. 5 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

    Going to just clear up a few things, D1 my post that athena responded too was just posted for the sake of posting,I didn't have a plan for it and I got bored waiting for a response and went to play a game. I changed my vote to Fenrir Aesir after Makaze's prodding because I felt I needed to get a non rvs vote in but I was too lazy to actually do any scumhunting myself so I just sheeped Rad cause I thought it was a good point. With Bart I made the first post before I finished reading through their interactions, my opinion on bart has changed again. Just don't expect me to be consistent, if I flip flop a lot its because I am confused. I think that answers most of the questions I have been asked? I have also ISO'd about half the players now and will post some of the results now. 

    Bolded: suck it haters

    In any case, overall I'm feeling better about Mackc after ISO-ing him and reading his D2 stuff, just mildly annoyed there's hardly anything on satsuma, which was the reason I was scumreading him in the first place.

    Mackc, could you elaborate on the evolution of your thoughts on satsuma for me? You voted for pressure I think, what caused you to stay?

    4 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

    Okay going to get some quick logic down and this is what is confusing me, the way I see it scum Bartozio has no reason to hop aboard the Satsuma wagon, he could have safely kept tunnelling Xan and Satsuma still would have been lynched. Alternatively Athena would have taken the hit and that would probably have been an even better scum conclusion because everyone probably would have leapt at Satsuma today. So unless Athena is also scum Bartozio's vote swap is a terrible play as scum 

    Bart had been townreading me for most of the game, so it would be expected of him to want to lynch satsuma over me. I feel both town and scum him would consolidate from fable to satsuma at some point.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Makaze said:

    Take up the job of prodding him if you want, but please don't just let him skate by because he's doing this on purpose. I'm reaching out with content requests, that I believe, if he delivered, could help me change my read on him. And he's acting like everything I say is an attack, so it is, and my prods just end up looking like shade attempts. Why? Because you never get to see him deliver, I never get to digest the content, and nothing comes of it.

    It's deliberately distracting from the point, and makes me want to leave the thread, like I tried to do just now. Let's see if I can again.

    This directed at me?

    He made it clear he wasn't going to produce day 1, but would pick up on later days. This is what I remember from town!him as well.

    I believe that if he's town he will start on his own. If he doesn't produce it solidifies a scumread on him, if he does we can discern his alignment from that. I do not see the point of prodding him to do shit all the time regardless of his alignment.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Makaze said:

    Meh. I'm trying to avoid this, but they are not rhetorical questions. The only way I am going to be able to read Fable town is if he actually does what he is telling everyone else to do.

    I'm getting the feeling people are just going to let him skate by complaining about no interaction without actually pressuring him to do any himself.

    While it pings me that he is asking people to talk to him about Zeo without interacting with him (something that goes against everything he has been saying), my goal is to get him to actually do that interaction.

    TL;DR I'm not making a political statement for the audience or trying to pick on him. I'm saying do it, actually talk to the person you're asking to sheep a read on. If you can't read their posts, generate some you can read, and try to get into their head.

    Do you think I am wrong for wanting that, or are you just saying I should be more kind about it?

    If Zeo's not currently here I don't think it's wrong for him to try and engage others about it. Had zeo been online I'd agree.

    I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your case, but both of you have been so caught up in this you're just framing all of each others content as bad to the point I can't take either  of your stuff on each other seriously.

  13. 7 minutes ago, RADicate said:

    Mhm. You said you had similiar thoughts on the wagon formation btw; where do you think the scum is on it?

    Worst vote is Mackc/Makaze due to being sheepish, most scummy player is Bartozio imo.

    Bartozio > Mackc >> Makaze, the latter being a nullread for me, the first two scumreads. All other people feel town.

  14. 4 minutes ago, RADicate said:

    Bold 1-While it may not have been my intention to start a wagon; I was still very much a part of it. And even said Soy could still flip scum despite my feelings about the wagon formation.

    Bold 2-Bad wording on my end tbh; what i meant was something a bit closer to what you said there at the bottom. Its an easy wagon for scum to hide in; which means its likely at least in part being pushed/driven by scum. But scum likely hopped on somewhere along the line. I need to go back and do a bit of homework on the wagon itself; where everyone hopped on and under what context etc. I'll get on that after my shift @ work tonight. 

    Okay, makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up

  15. Fenrir's response answers my question, solidifying my townlean on him.


    @Fenrir Aesir

    I actually had similar vibes with that RAD comment, but just sort of assumed he still counted himself as part of the wagon, especially as his unvote was a no-hammer vote and not a "nah, I don't think this scum"-unvote. Looking at his above post he apparently does not see himself as part of it though in which case I feel it's a very easy potshot/distance play for scum!him to make.

    My townread was for him asking the right questions I feel, combined with a good gutread. He seemed critical of people's scumreads, though admittedly I may be biased here since a bunch of his posts were in defense of me.


    20 minutes ago, RADicate said:

    (Wasnt the invitational redux the one i subbed in and idled until lylo in? Idt that smogon game had me interacting with anyone and doing anything of relevance until lylo; thats probably a bad example.... i dont like acknoledging the fact i joined that game tbh) I genuinely didnt believe it mattered whether i revoted or not when the wagon was undoubtably locked in place by that point. Still agree with fable about that wagon probably being scum driven. I believe the brunt of the wagon itself came into existance while I was at work; i personally didnt know the soy wagon had that much traction until i hopped on the thread about three minutes before my "avoid hammer" post; so I couldnt have stated my opinions on it beforehand. Also; acting under the implication that a mid-d1 lynch coupled with me asking for their thoughts (asked for them because they were stalking thread at the time) implies a scumread is probably a bit of a stretch (whether intended or not). They were null if not leaning ever so slightly scum on the basis they didnt do much. 

    Hm, I don't think the wagon is clear either and my two biggest scumreads were on there, but why do you feel it has to be scumdriven? To be completely honest, I don't think scum were getting much heat day 1. There were hardly any wagons and the only consensus reads besides townreads were "Fable is lazy" and "Satsuma should post", why would scum have to risk things by collectively pushing for a mislynch here?

    I think there are individually scummy people there and agree there should be one or two scum to be found, but I'm hesitant to call it scumdriven.

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