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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 4 minutes ago, XnadrojX said:

    Stating a fact isn't a cop out though. 


    Saying you have a higher than random chance to roll opposing alignments because you were rolling opposing alignments before is a logical fallacy.

    Saying you have a lower than random chance to roll opposing alignments because you were rolling opposing alignments before is also logical fallacy.


    The laws of probability says that each individual roll is independent of one another, what are you trying to pull here?

    Also, you mentioned "a wealth of topics", this is just one topic and is pretty irrelevant to the game state on top of that.

    I was joking.


    In any case, you've earned yourself a townread. Good job.

  2. 2 minutes ago, XnadrojX said:


    I mean this would be game-relevant stuff, but I don't think "tons" is an accurate amount of the game-relevant stuff before my post if you ask me.

    Maybe SB just hasn't gotten on yet?

    Maybe there is a wealth of topics, but I don't see any. Could you bring some up for me?


    I'll gladly bring up topics.


    Bartozio and I have been opposing alignments in all 3 games I've played in. Does this mean we have a higher or lower than random chance to roll opposing alignments?

    Perhaps this happening 3 times indicates it isn't random, but rather a law of nature and thus it will happen again.

    Or perhaps 4 is a large enough number we can reasonably expect the law of large numbers to kick in.

    In other words, what is the correct incorrect way of applying probability theory? 


    Don't say "Just random...", cause that's a cop out.

  3. 14 minutes ago, XnadrojX said:

    Oh my god u suck
    ##Vote Fenrir



    Bit of a lazy entrance imo. There's tons of game-relevant stuff to talk about.

    Like for example, why hasn't SB posted a shitpost? Is it to shield his mentee Bartozio from an untimely RVS death? Is this alignment indicative?

    A wealth of topics is available and yet you go for a pun incorporating the game's terminology.


    Oh, also I can't help but scumread people who use emoticons. It's an ailment quite common in my family.

  4. 6 hours ago, Fable said:

    Can we burn this thread and restart the game? 


    3 hours ago, Makaze said:

    MFW the entire cast of the sub game is here.

    Wow, rude

    2 minutes ago, Junk said:

    why do you think you should have reads evan? it's only been like 2 pages!

    Bad pocket attempt

    ##Vote: Junk

  5. 51 minutes ago, Jaybee said:

    rip jan mayor 

    Good times. I prefered the visit to the person asking for a watcher though.

    38 minutes ago, Refa said:

    @athena_57 Do you know how your role interacts with Inventors?  Would you be able to restore them as well?

    I doubt it, but ill ask. I restore PP and return x-shots to original amount. Why does this matter though? Im actually hoping it doesnt work, otherwise Ill feel even worse about wasting it...


    ##Vote: Baldrick

  6. 38 minutes ago, Orihime said:

    Unless Athena picked Shin as a target

    Uh what?


    I am a 1-shot shot restorer, 1-shot commuter. I used restore on N2 on Conq as I was sort of panicking and thinking I would be a lynch candidate D3 and wanted a provable claim. (This was obviously pretty dumb in retrospect)

    I used commute on N3 obviously


    Also since enough people are planning on this fsr, I already used my roleblock item on kill last night.

    Marth cannot answer the question about priorities

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