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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 2 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    Well, there's two inventors, unless you think I'm scum with Conq and faked my role. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

    I'll step in here. The item I received was a roleblock and I haven't used it on you. So unless it's an inventor that only hands out roleblocks that's not what happened.

  2. I don't mind claiming if it's helpful in figuring out what happened. I can also confirm the identity of the second inventor should that be necessary. Someone asked me if I was responsible for Baldricks action failing, and it could possibly be, but in that case Baldrick knows. I'm being a bit cryptic here, but if I did indeed block Baldrick, he should be aware of this. (Assuming he can guess my role)


    @Shinori I claimed blocked N2, not N1.

  3. Post 4/5

    @Killthestory Now I've been shaded by all the wolves, bingo! Could you also build a case on me please, that would really make my day ;)

    On a more serious note, I guess I should make my priorities a bit more clear.

    KTS > Refa > sadness

    If there is scum outside of these two I will be very sad. I think it's too soon to start re-evaluating who of the townreads I doubt though, until after a theoretical townflip. Anything right now would just come down to paranoid shading and derail us.

    I'm basically dropping my entire Orihime suspicion, defending Bart and attacking SB makes him look good and assuming KTS scum, KTS's strategy for today clearly involved dropping bus-plans (otherwise, why stop attacking SB), so I doubt he'd vote scumbuddy!Orihime there.

    I will look over the Refa cases by Baldrick and Conqueror again and reread him to see whether maybe I should swap him and KTS.

  4. Post 3/5

    12 hours ago, Conqueror said:

    Ooh, are we doing softclaims today? Because I targeted Athena last night and my action failed as well. @athena_57 Would your role have caused multiple failures if targeted? I don't want a claim, just a confirm or deny. Based on what you've said, I think I may be in a similar position as you, although it's possible I'm reading all the role clues wrong. I'm trying to piece together bits and pieces from what people have been saying in the thread.


    Yeah, my role can cause multiple failures.

    2 hours ago, Conqueror said:

    I could have even confirmed Refa's role if he's not completely bullshitting about it!

    Anyway yeah I'm changing my mind. I'm explicitly against the Baldrick lynch. I came up with some scenarios where the inventor was scum after my action failed, but with all the softclaimed actions failing everywhere, I'm going to guess it's more likely there's just a scum role messing with everyone. And with apparently no one else receiving inventions that makes it less likely it's a fabricator.

    I can do that for you. Due to a mod error I was informed of that action resolving on me, but that was retracted after Marth realized the action should've failed.

    I did receive an item at some point that wasn't on Baldrick's list (not night 3). Not going to give any stronger clues.

    47 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Athena: You asked this but I'm like "why does Town!Athena prevent me from using my action?  Now that Conqueror said his action failed on you too, I'm like ???".  I think besides NA's, you have good interactions w/Bartozio and your play is different from past games, but it's just that that bothers me

    I'll claim the ability if it gives you peace of mind, but I think enough is out there that you can make an educated guess.


    I suppose a SB guilty makes me feel better about Orihime's Bart approach, PoE leaves KTS as prime suspect atm.


    ##Vote: SB

  5. Post 2/5

    Reread Baldrick, Eury and Orihime.

    I no longer want to consolidate on Baldrick anymore, whilst his gamestance has never been explicitly stated, I think his pushes speak for themselves? If someone could outline the case more, I'd consider it, but as is stands I'm back to townreading the slot. Their lack of interactions with Bartozio is bad, but not damning considering he's far from alone on that I feel?

    Rereading Eury's D1+D2 looked pretty bad actually. All these walls and no mention of Bartozio except saying his readslist "reads OK"? Bart's flimsy townreads on her don't help these interactions either. Then D3 comes along, start is still weird, but the cases on Shinori/Refa look like they come from a good place? I actually really like that part so.... I don't know. I do know I don't really like her SB analysis, it accuses him of waffling a lot, when that was fine in my eyes. I have yet to reread SB though, perhaps I'll change my mind if I do.

    I feel pretty good about voting Orihime actually, there was nothing particularly good in her catchup and her Bartozio approach was bad as well.


    Rereading priorities for me: Refa/SB/Conqueror(/KTS)
    Where I stand now on these slots:
    Refa has been seeming townier and townier, yet his earlier stuff remains an issue for me and his Bartozio interactions aren't great. His conqueror interaction is something I've only skimmed to be honest, so I hope that'll help me.
    SB is a slot I haven't really got a grip on atm
    Conqueror was initially a pretty hard townread for me, but maybe Refa's D3 case can change that. I admit I haven't really looked back on this read since end day 2.
    KTS is KTS


    Additionally, since there were probably 1 or 2 scum on the Evan wagon and we have 3 flipped townies on there, hunting there should prove useful. I'm almost tempted to say there are two there considering Bart's defense of the wagon, but I'm iffy on getting mindgamed there.

    The two unmentioned people are Jaybee and Shinori, both of whom I'm townreading.


    I'm using my posts a bit more liberally this phase due to a busy schedule, not sure whether I'll be able to make phase end. I'll try to make my other posts wallposts though ;)

  6. Post 1/5 :(

    There are a bunch of people I need to reread (I've only ctrl+f'd "Bart" and went through the thread that way), but as of now:

    Bart was townreading Eury quite early and called her "consensus town" mid day 1, when that was debatable in my eyes. In all of Eury's walls I've only found a few small mentions on Bart and no actual read iirc. I remember liking Eury's day 3 walls though, this is one of the slots I'll reread.

    I guess I'm willing to consolidate on Baldrick, SB's notion that he's been unclear on his gamestance is correct, I'll have to reread though.

    Orihime looks the worst in my eyes, their repeated Bart defenses were ??? and their back and forth posting with me left me with a bad impression of them. This might be because I just disagree with their answers, but the whole thing felt off to me, like they were making excuses.

    Additionally, this bothered me:


    On ‎20‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 7:21 AM, Orihime said:


    While I was trying to skim back and look for day 3 start I saw Refa’s claimed role about making the lights go away and showing the vote. While that is a pro town move I dislike how they pointed out as it being a pro town role. Let me go back and quote it

    <Quote of Refa's reply to Shinori's "guilty">

    Now I don’t know about the invest results/guilty claims but I will admit I like the reaction here of asking to not go after the person claiming he’s guilty scum are more likely to wiggle out of it (with the tailor claim) and discredit the invest/go after them but that doesn’t seem to be the case here. (SWEET JESUS THE LAG I also learned I can't go add text to before quotes yikes)


    On ‎20‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 8:07 AM, Orihime said:

    <Conqueror saying Refa's reaction to guilty was bad>

    3) I really like this post because I agree with it (if that was the standpoint) if Shin was Refa’s top sr and shin guilied him the reaction I’d expect myself would be “oh this is scum lynch it after me” but it turned into a flip. Was Refa flipping the read right away? I’m looking forward to seeing the answer to this


    These posts were made within an hour of each other. I understand reads can change, but how can you make a 180 on an action so quickly?

    ##Vote: Orihime

    1 hour ago, Refa said:

    SB, I used my night action on you.  My role changed after RAD died, which is kind of poetic (it was weird because it wasn't written in my Role PM that my role would change...).  I also used my night action on Athena and only that action failed, which bothers me.  Has anyone else successfully targeted Athena the whole game?  Why does my action fail on Town!Athena?  @SB. @Shinori @Killthestory Legitimately asking because I was confident that he was town after yesterday, but now I'm like ???.

    You can ask me instead. I can confirm my role caused your action to fail on me. If you really want me to claim the ability, I will, I'd rather not though. I'm willing to divulge I'm not an ascetic (RAD successfully targeted me N1, no need for others to claim). Out of curiosity, why are you surprised this action fails on town!me specifically?

  7. Don't have time for a long post atm, I'll be back before phase end though. I've read/skimmed everything, Eury's stuff looked good to me, pretty sure she's town.

    Whilst I'm unimpressed by Bart's response (I might reply later, some of his points are disagreements, other points are minor nitpicks that even if correct, don't address the overall point), I don't think I understand why scum!Bart votes me here? I can see town!Bart getting pissed and voting me, but I'd expect scum!Bart to hop on a counterwagon of some sort...
    This vote is basically like giving up in that sense, so maybe it's a middle ground between giving up and defending? If someone could give their take on this, that'd be great.

    Also, Bart, you have yet to tell me why I'm scum. You say my D1 was following my meta, yet you've neglected to give examples/elaborations despite me asking you for this repeatedly. You describe my D2 as "pushing a scummy agenda" when a) a lot more people were voting RAD and b) there's a lot more there and you've also failed to comment on my D3 besides disagreeing with my case on you. Seconding you should claim and tell us who you're going to consolidate on.


    @Orihime Sorry if I've missed this, but you still haven't told me why you asked me to roleclaim? I'm still confused as to where that question came from.


  8. 6 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I didn't really mean I was suddenly hard townreading Athena because of questioning Ice, it was a point in his favor. Athena had been a back and forth of small things for me. His rvs interaction with me felt townie, his play after feeling similar to his scum meta felt scummy (but with me not knowing his town meta, it's not a hard scumread), and then this felt townie again. All of this is just chalking up small point, and the wagon case was strong enough for me.

    Except my play here is nothing like my scumplay actually.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Orihime said:

    I don't really consider 2 votes a "wagon" at this point plus the threat of being lynched doesn't really seem there as with Bart if 3 people voted it or 4 etc. I could see that as a counter wagon but 2 votes can be votes just sitting somewhere it doesn't really scream lynchable to me. Perhaps we have different thoughts on that though 

    Bart only has like 3 though and had 2 for a long time? And I was reading the thread as sort of okay with a Eury lynch for the most part? KTS defended them, others were okay with it iirc?

    Votes overall have been extremely slow with half the town being gone, I don't think a slot not taking off beyond 2/3 supporters is that surprising.

    3 minutes ago, Orihime said:

    Scum's job is to take control of the game and look good doing it getting results they want this is mafia 101. When mafia lose that control factor and town start becoming town cores blocking up and stuff like that it's when scum lose the game. The point I'm trying to make is if bart is sr by all over the playerlist why weren't they lynched d1 d2 etc etc either get it over with now or don't touch the slot perhaps scum are sitting back and letting bart get ml'd and then the heat will go on the people scum reading him? That's the answer I've come to at the moment 

    First line is, whilst correct, completely irrelevant here? Wtf is that even doing in this paragraph. They weren't lynched earlier because other slots looked worse day 1, they looked good for being off of Evan wagon D2 and they only really dropped off day 2?


    Agreeing Ice catchup is bad, but like, isn't this exactly what we've come to expect from this slot? How are people surprised/acting like it gives new insights?


    Jaybee's post looked good at first glance? Haven't searched it for scum intent, but most stuff was agreeable imo.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Orihime said:

    Me townreading them doesn't make them not  a likely counter wagon to Bart infact it'd be even more likely they were but I don't think a lot of people are sring them so it's not this big issue were I have to go "hm maybe bart is scum and eury is the counter wagon" the pushes on Refa/Eury are there but not to the level of Bart

    The first is exactly what I said.

    How is it weird not a lot of people are pushing them? Do you expect the entire scumteam to gang up / half the town to sheep it?

    One scum member making the push and 1/2 people tagging along seems reasonable to me.

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