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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 10 hours ago, Shinori said:

    I thought he was actually pressing Bart and giving him more scum points as that's how I was reading it.  That being said apparently it's the complete opposite and I find it weird. 

    About this, I personally feel it's harder to make joke-posts if you're nervous. By having this back and forth, I was testing whether he was capable of responding to me in a quick and natural fashion. He was, which earns him towncred in my eyes, if only a little.

    I am not bothered about SB/Refa voting me at all. The way I spoke there is really natural for me (the "I don't know him, what do you think"-part), but I can see where SB was coming from and it got the game started.

    I think I remember Refa doing the exact same sheep-thing last game, where he was town. (someone posts a case==>Refa asks some 'explain this line' question==>person explains==>Refa votes), can someone confirm/deny whether he's also likely to sheep this way as scum?


    My Randa vote was placed as a RVS vote, but it's staying there as a real vote. The "I'm dumb"-statements and flailing around really rub me the wrong way.

    As for townreads, I'm getting really good vibes from Baldrick.

    @Killthestory When you said Shinori v Randa was a scum/town combination, why didn't you elaborate on who was who?  And now you're saying they're W/W? What makes you think that? It comes sort of out of nowhere in my eyes.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I said lynching me leads to a loss for town, not voting me. I didn't get lynched during EO3, so your argument is invalid.

    Are you seriously lying to be able to accuse me of lying? You're aware role playing as BBM was only funny last game right?

    But I'm not lynching you, I'm merely voting you. Are you panicking? And if there's one thing I've learned during my brief experience, it's that roleplaying as BBM is always funny.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    That is most certainly an intresting angle. However, you started of by voting me. The past two games should have given you ample evidence that lynching me will lead to a loss for town. Thus, your vote on me would logically lead to a loss for town, yet you still claimed it would lead to your victory (lynching me will clearly lead to my loss, so I'm assuming here you're under the missconception you're the greatest Dutchman). The only logical conclusion remains that you're scum!

    Nice try talking yourself out of a scum slip though.

    False. In EO3 I voted you and town won. You weakling, is your back against the wall so soon you have to start lying already?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    You're implying only one of us can win. Which means you know our allignments differ. Only scum could possibly know this!

    ##Vote: athena_57

    Aha, you're wrong. If we're on the same side, both of us can win, and thus the greatest one as well. However, a scumlord like you would fail to consider this line of thinking.  You fell right into my trap!

    GG m8 wp

  5. Falcon Knights, Pegasi are by far my favourite class. Even the worst pegasi in the series have some niche, like Est enabling her sisters to triangle attack and Juno doing some rescue-drop shenanigans. At their best in games with rescue, but in the others they usually have something like staff utility/good combat. Great utility, high mobility and in some cases even reasonable to good combat.

    Wyverns come in second, not because I think they're worse but for some reason I just really enjoy using pegasi more :shrugs:

  6. Apparently a lot of people think I copped Makaze because we missed his watcher request amongst all the spam he was putting out. What actually happened was that we were bussing so hard we needed someone to push our scummy agenda for us and make bad cases, Makaze was the perfect guy for the job. I suicided to give him infinite towncred, so he could keep on casing townies!

    Also, @Snike I'll have you know I actually wrote that 'too good to be true' post myself without input from my buddies! You have no idea how frustrating it was for me to be cased over that lmfao. Good job on casing me though, you gave me a hard time.

    Game was a ton of fun, flavour was great, looking forward to playing again some time (hopefully rolling town at some point, I think that would be better for my mental health)

  7. According to my role PM, Snike likes quoting literature, so I figured this would be more fitting than posting a youtube video like these plebians.

     Friends, townsfolk, nerds, lend me your ears:
     I come to bury Shinori, not to praise him.
     The evil that men do lives after them:
     The good is oft interred with their bones.
     So let it be with Jaybee. The noble Vi-Astra
     Hath told you Junk was ambitious:
     If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
     And grievously hath Junk answered it.
     Here, under leave of Vi-Astra and the rest
    (For Vi-Astra is an honourable man;
     So are they all, all honourable men)
     Come I to speak in Shinori’s funeral.
     He was my friend, faithful and just to me;
     But Vi-Astra says he was ambitious;
     And Vi-Astra is an honourable man.
     He hath brought many captives home to Serenes Forest,
     Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill.
     Did this in Junk seem ambitious?
     When that the poor have cried, Jaybee hath wept:
     Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.
     Yet Vi-Astra says, he was ambitious,
     And Vi-Astra is an honourable man.
     You all did see that on the Lupercal
     I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
     Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?
     Yet Vi-Astra says he was ambitious,
     And sure he is an honourable man.
     I speak not to disprove what Vi-Astra spoke,
     But here I am to speak what I do know.
     You all did love them once, not without cause:
     What cause withholds you then, to mourn for them?
     O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts
     And men have lost their reason. Bear with me.
     My heart is in the coffin there with Shinori, Jaybee and Junk,
     And I must pause till it come back to me.

    -By Shakespeare and also me, written in 1598-2018

    Loose summary: "Y u kil my friendz, weebz"

  8. 15 hours ago, Omega. said:


    athena's a new player. In the last two games, he rolled wolf, and people mostly just ignored his posts cuz they wrote him off as noobtown. He did pretty well and got far both times, though.

    I'm going to lol if he's SK here though, because that's 3 straight anti-town roles in his first 3 online games here.

    Are you counting the troll game where everyone was a dayvig here? lmfao

  9. 5 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Both of the people I want to lynch can prove their roles.  IMO Walrein's role is real considering that Mackc2 implied that he had multiple night actions.  I'm voting him despite that because things don't add up, especially if Kill is town.  Well, also because he just votes the biggest wagon each day and leaves.

    You know what, maybe you're right. Now that I think about it, maybe I let myself get convinced to unvote too easily...

    ##Vote: Walrein

    @Makaze Please explain why your excuse for unvoting/keeping your vote on Refa over Snile was fear of a hammer when Snike was at lynch minus 4?

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