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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 41 minutes ago, Zkirsche said:

    I'd probably vote Bart over Athena right now but I keep flip flopping on Athena, Athena should claim and state their reads.

    I mostly stand by my previous reads from 21, with a few exceptions

    Marths roleclaim makes him slightly more likely to be town in my eyes.

    Bartozio's post was... disappointing to be honest, I was hoping for more.

    Zeus's post was something I guess? A bit passive and not too impressive, but better.


    Let me get this clear, you want me to claim my role? Do others agree with this?

    5 minutes ago, Jaybee said:

    Another person I'm quite uncomfortable with is eclipse. First off, I think she ultra misread (or misrepped) this - I read it as Bart >>>>> Marth > Zeus and that flows perfectly with Athena's overall play. Plus I am still very against her given reasons for lynching Zeus, exact same logic as earlier (and echoed by many others) that I'm sure this isn't the best use of our D1 lynch. I can conceivably see scum pushing this lynch, honestly, it's a fast, ez kill.

    I'm not taking anything Athena says wrt Zeus (so far) as anything alignment-indicative because of the family relationship. I felt the earlier interaction with Hydra was fine (if a little tunnelly) but he moved on to other cases which I'm a little too lazy to read now because it's 2:44am. Main thing I dislike is the vote on Nightmare now because he's not getting lynched today and I feel there could be much better uses of his vote.


    That's how it was intended, yes, with Marth>Zeus because I don't think a Zeus-lynch gives us anything. Not completely sure about that anymore though.

    That vote will be moved when we have to consolidate, it's just there to show where I currently stand. I'll be around about 1 hour before phase end, that'll be 23:00 for me (I have an exam tomorrow so I'm checking out after that).

  2. 8 minutes ago, BBM said:

    Don't have the time to follow up to check if athena actually did what bart is saying he did, but if he did then I do think there's scum intent there because pushing a lynch while saying someone is null is scummy.


    If you're referring to the "scumreading for newbplay", I didn't, because I'm nullreading him.

    4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    The first post refers to Marth.  There's three posts between the two.  I've never seen ANYONE flip a read this fast.  Combined with the earlier tone things that were bugging me, and Snike's analysis. . .


    I didn't flip? Marth is null. Zeus is null. But I'd like to see Zeus get vigged, not hanged.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Ughhh...I don't know why you'd protest the Marth wagon as scum unless this is scum/scum.  Athena, who is scum to you?

    Fair enough, but the issue still stands of you not really developing a read on him.  Your interactions just seemed really passive to me.


    3 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Like, we're obviously not lynching Nightmare (null for me, I dunno I haven't really bothered to analyze his posts because nothing stood out as obviously scummy), so who do you want to lynch?

    See my post on page 21. Of the currently existing wagons I prefer Bartozio, but a good/bad defense from either him or Marth could change my mind.

    Of the wagons that exist currently:
    Bart > Marth > Zeus

  4. 5 hours ago, BBM said:

    athena, why don't you like the marth wagon?

    Because I honestly don't see the case on him. If I'm understanding the votes correctly it's mostly because he said zeus was newbscum, only to vote Junko instead. I don't really think this is weird, as I can see the argument of thinking applying pressure on Junko is more likely to give results. He could be scumreading zeus more and still prefer to pressure Junko.
    He's not been too active and has been a bit vague at times, but there are others acting worse imo.

    Correct me if I'm missing something, but I think people are overreacting.

    19 minutes ago, Refa said:


    @athena_57 Don't like Athena's interactions w/Zeus.  My understanding is that he's obviously scumreading the dude, but the tone doesn't come across that way to me.  Just compare his interactions w/Bibbon's.

    Where do people keep getting this from? He's null to me, he has been null to me this entire game, I was trying to get him to post actual things to move beyond that, not scumreading him.


  5. 16 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    If you're playing the same as last game, then why shouldn't we lynch you?

    Perhaps I'm just incredibly good at mimicking what town!me would do as scum.

    On a more serious note, I suppose last game I just voted someone at the start of each day and attempted to "ride that vote to victory" if you get what I mean? I am quite a tunnely/stubborn person though, so I could see town!me doing the same thing. And I have to assume there are tonal differences, but once again, it's really hard for me to judge those about myself.

  6. Weapons is

    9 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

     @athena_57, do you really not find anything different between your play this game and the last?

    Nothing stands out to me in particular, but I'd say you'd be a better judge of that than I am.

    7 hours ago, Snike said:

    I'm on the athena wagon still. Aforementioned reasons and the back and forth between him and my other head where the omgus accusation came out was kind of hypocritical. 'Don't take my words seriously' (paraphrased) when one is cracking down on someone over (partially) joke votes is ??? at best, and bringing OMGUS into the conversation feels like an attempt to dismiss the other side. Then on zeus, he doesn't feel like he's really scumhunting imo. Like it's pushing zeus to try and content, but reads more like filler than town on a case. Lastly, I feel like when he has come up with reads, it's almost always after being pressured. It's not proactive, it's reactive, and I do not like it one bit. Vote stays.

    'Don't take my words too seriously' was purely directed at my manner of speaking, not at the content.

    About Zeus, the reason it doesn't look like I'm scumhunting there is because I wasn't. I was indeed trying to push him to make more content and it wasn't a case I was pushing. I don't see your point, did I ever claim I was scumreading him?

    7 hours ago, Fable said:

    Choosing to leave instead of engaging with me over his read on me and trying to have actual content is disgusting and the final nail for him IMO.

    To be fair, it was 11 PM for us at the time and he said he was tired. However, your post was made an hour earlier and he definitely could've responded there.

    6 hours ago, Junk said:

    > About Bartozio
    Athena sheeped his logic so that goes against him too (cuz i think bart's logic looks scummy). This is all  early game stuff though so he's not a huge priority


    Athena's response to Satsuma isn't very good because he misreps Satsuma's situation. He states that he finds it weird how Satsuma is critcizing others for being non confrontational despite not being super confrontational himself. However, the key difference is that Athena unvoted despite not being satisfied?


    I didn't sheep his logic, I specified so 2/3 times, I merely agreed that Satsuma was a good person place my vote on.

    Let me clarify why I unvoted there. The original vote was placed to push Satsuma into talking. After it became apparent Satsuma wasn't going to give more reads, apparently didn't have them, I decided that was the best answer I was going to get for the time and wanted to apply pressure somewhere else.

    5 hours ago, Snike said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Here's the exchange, minus the quotes inside and I think one satsuma post. Y'all should follow the links to the actual context; it makes more sense there + it'll catch stuff I'm missing

    Basically Satsuma admits to making jokeposts (In RVS) and is getting pushed for lack of content. (On Page 5 before admitting to these things) Satsuma suggests that athena's lynch happy.

    Athena says not to take his words seriously, when he made the first comment (presumably in earnest) about satsuma's chance to redeem himself. That's backpedaling + hypocrisy.

    Setsuna calls Athena on indecisiveness and that dissonance, as well as following bartozio. Explains his reasoning

    Call me out if you think I'm misrepresenting this, but that's what I'm reading.

    Just wanted to point out the stuff inside the spoilers is kind of misleading, it looks like I'm responding "fair point" to that one line of Satsuma, when Satsuma's post had a bunch more stuff. Not saying you're trying to misrep me, just that the formatting is kind of awkward. (So yeah, check the links, not the spoiler)

    I was earnest about wanting Satsuma to start producing. It's just the "chance at redemption" part which was a bit over the top and meant as a joke, which I attempted to clarify there.

    Also, Satsuma implies there that my case on them consists of them being indecisive, when what I actually said was that I was afraid his indecisiveness was "clouding my vision" so to speak.

    4 hours ago, Snike said:

    I don't think the argument about confrontation holds bc they're obviously in a confrontation : Not voting is a separate matter in a sense. I mean I'm kinda flaming marth but I'm not voting him; does that mean I'm averse to confronting him?

    The vote itself makes sense if he thinks satsuma's stuff is bad; the read on the bartozio case is ??? because he goes from agreeing with the conclusion to saying he's scummy but no need to wagon. I'd like to see more about that.

    Bro defense on zeus is null, but it's telling that his read stays the same after the zeusShow of like 13-16. It doesn't evolve despite the pushing.

    to JB's unvote before he contented, and this is what actually set me on him while I was reading in anticipation of the inevitable polysub.This is kinda a cheap shot, and the fact that he does not go to respond to JB's followup post, instead moving on to zeus, makes it look worse.

    The zeus stuff I believe I've expressed my concerns about, but afterwards, when I sub in, he responds to Satsuma + my role thing, but not to my stuff on him, when I'm directly voting him. This goes against the confrontation point from above, though maybe I'm just the Bogeysnike or something to him.

    Yes we're in a confrontation, but it's mostly Satsuma defending themselves so I wouldn't give them credit for that.

    I approved of the wagon, but it already had a bunch of votes, whereas Satsuma didn't. Don't see what's weird about that.

    My read didn't change because he doesn't produce content. He ended up basically where he started, e.g. not producing, explain/making excuses as to why and asking people not to kill him.

    I didn't follow up because I didn't think it was scummy. I didn't think the unvote post was scummy either, just felt it was funny.

    I didn't respond to your stuff because the only thing you'd voiced at the time on me was a gutread, and there's no point in arguing with gutreads.

    4 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I think Nightmare is trying to be a bit lurky. Their posts are often long because they said they only post in short bursts after most things have already finished, but he doesn't seem to give much reasoning to his thoughts. His list of reads has a lot of uncertainty, which is fine to me, but when he does say something he never goes into specifics. For example, he says Athena has pulled himself out of suspicion and gets a townread from him, but it's a sentence that essentially says nothing because he doesn't point to what Athena has done or said. He also said BBM's posts felt lackluster, but again, doesn't really point to anything. Granted, his wording implied he might not know how to describe it, but I'd still like to see something more specific from him. Not really going to file him under anything yet since he's basically not telling us how he's thinking.

    I'm conflicted about Magnificence. On one hand, he based his entire Junk case on something that could just be a verbal tic, which is just strange. On the other hand, he has yet to get on and defend his case in any manner, so I don't know what he's trying to do. I'm interested to see if he'll just bail out of this Junk thing.

    Speaking of, Junk has been inactive too, but he's reading and commenting deeply into issues when he posts, much more so than Magnificence. If the patterns continue, I'd find Junk to be the more believable one.

    I really like this post and agree with most of it tbh.

    2 hours ago, Snike said:

    I mean yes that post is the instigator  but he had some stuff p12 and never really evolved his scumreads in between the two posts. He also doesn't bring up a notable spat and instead relegates the two individuals as null/scum when he was definitely backing athena previously.


    This line contradicts itself:
    > His reads didn't evolve
    > He says bot are null, whilst first agreeing with 1 the other is scummy

    Which of the two is it?

    2 hours ago, Bibbon said:

    But to those asking me why I'm voting Zeus, it's because his play is incredibly manipulative. He plans on coasting and his "don't vig me" post was disguised as him asking a question as if he doesn't know what we're even talking about. This along with him asking the thread for the meanings of basic English words has me thinking he is fake, and for that reason, he should be lynched.  

    It's not just bad play, it's manipulative and that's my problem with it. 

    I don't think it's manipulative tbh, he isn't really a manipulative person/player in any game I've ever played with him. Him asking the meaning of words isn't too weird, he's 16 years old and not a native speaker. And most of his questions have been specifically about mafia related terminology.


    Okay, TL;DR

    I feel better about the hydra now. I still think Satsuma's early content was bad, but their recent stuff is better. I'm also liking Snike's tone, though he's mostly been tunneling on me.


    Still null on Zeus. Don't think he should be lynched, I'd rather see him get vigged. (Or produce content)
    Still townreading Eclipse and Via.
    Bibbon's content has been good imo, I like their questioning of weapons.
    Speaking of weapons, I can't see scum acting like this, so he's among the people I'm townreading.

    I don't really like the Marth wagon tbh and am not considering joining it atm.
    The bartozio wagon is fine, but there's just very little to go on. Awaiting more posts before joining this. If nothing happens before consolidation time, this is probably where I'm going as I don't like the other wagons that much.

    Of the little-posters I'm mostly bothered by Nightmare. He's been posting these very surface-level "summaries" without actually engaging with people, asking questions or anything. It doesn't help his summaries have mostly been repeating the same townreads. I'd like to hear more.

    ##Vote: Nightmare

    I'm also iffy on Fable on gut.

    I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I'm leaning town on BBM.

    I'll reread the Kirsche/Junko thing later today but am kind of busy now.

  7. 8 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Bibbon is advocating a lynch at this moment, but he wasn't at first. Just pointing that out. Unless I missed posts, Bibbon was the only one who explicitly said zeus might be a bad lynch; the others acknowledge it but would grudingly go with it.

    I was saying, it would be risky for scum to air out a specific of their role on Day 1, so that's a point against Bartozio being scum

    Your first point is fair, but the later part isn't. I for example have said before I felt his laziness was NAI and I wouldn't interpret the lack of comment of others on him as "begrudgingly going along with it", I'd interpret is as null/awaiting content.

    Let's say they're scum and don't claim. N3 he gets docced/copped and the roles becomes blocked. What's he going to say then? I don't think it's risky for scum!ascetic to claim at all, on the contrary.

    4 minutes ago, Snike said:

    Also I should probably announce that our slot is kind of weird in that we're sort of a role miller. idk what this means setupwise, but rolecop results and the like are going to be inaccurate.

    Why didn't we hear this earlier (question directed at satsuma ofc)

  8. 3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Even if he does flip scum, we won't really get an idea of who could be related to him; so far, only Bibbon (and me) have had second thoughts about lynching him. Still, he's probably the best candidate for a lynch, since I'm getting the feeling that even if we push him on later days we won't get much more than what we have right now.

    People said Bartozio's role PM thing is suspicious, but he also went out of his way to tell us not to visit him at night. That's a pretty risky bluff for scum. Also, other than FoSing me, he hasn't really done anything else. I don't have much to say about his alignment, but lynching him would resolve the role problem.

    I'm going to give Athena the benefit of the doubt and say he's probably not a good lynch target yet. I want to see more movements from him first.

    Weapons  has actively replied to people's questions with short and unhelpful answers several times, which suggests to me that he has nothing to lose.

    Shinori seems the most Town to me, and I think eclipse is confirmed Mayor too? So those would be strongest Town. Everyone else is still pending for me.

    Eh, Bibbon is advocating a lynch atm and there are multiple people who didn't agree with lynching zeus, not just you two. This reads like you preparing for him flipping town tbh. Also, just because him dying isn't awful, doesn't mean the lynch can't be better spent elsewhere.

    How does it have to be a bluff? What about a scum ascetic?

    How much more movement do you want, I've been quite active. Seems like a BS reason to keep your vote on me.

    Implying what exactly? I'm not sure I know what your conclusion is.

    Confirmed mayor does not mean confirmed town. (FTR I am townreading her, but not because of her role)

  9. 4 minutes ago, zeus_112 said:

    hm, I'm off now. -Maybe tomorrow I'll be more thougtfull..

    I certainly hope you're more productive at the very least.

    In any case, as for how I feel about Zeus now, I'm still null to be completely honest. His posts are bad, but for "IRL-meta" reasons they're NAI for me.
    However, I'm not opposed to him getting vigged if he doesn't start producing, I feel a lynch can be better spent though.

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