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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. Goddamnit team, I leave and this happens xD

    On a more serious note, good game all, Í really enjoyed it, will definitely try forum mafia again at some point. My day 3 was really bad, I had a case prepared against Omega which I had to drop ofc and realized I couldn't assemble a reasonable scumteam without myself in it, so yeah.... I deserved that lynch.

    Grace, I like the setup, I feel the balance was pretty good overall, good stuff


  2. Okay, I'm done with this crap about my commuter role being a lie. It seems I can't hide this any longer.

    I used it night 1.
    I unbinded night 2.
    I have it available now, I can use it tonight, weapons should have an action left, correct? He can check my role.

    Today we lynch Snike/Prims/whoever we decide on, tonight Weapons check me, after that you  can all decide whether

    -Ascetic AND commuter in the same scumteam makes any sense (Hint:It doesn't)
    -A scumteam without Snike, so with Eury, with me and with a 3rd person of your choice is the most likely
    -A scumteam with Snike, so without me and Eury is more likely, including something like Prims and a townread third, imo Bart is still the most likely but looks like that ain't happening.

    Obviously I'm going for the latter, I'd be down for lynching Snike, Eury (or Bart, for the record)

    16 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    @athena_57 Why do you think Prims gambiting here is less likely then the Weapons thing again?

    I don't. In my post before yours I listed Prims in 1 of my 2 scumteams, weapons in the other. I stopped townreading Prims, I thought I made that clear.

  3. 11 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    How am I needed for Weapons to be scum? There's literally nothing tying our roles together.

    I didn't say you were needed for that? My first PoE led to you two remaining, nothing more, nothing less. It didn't say anything about you two being tied together.
    In case you're referring to my "Weapons is right...."-statement, I meant that if what weapons said was right, you had to be scum, not that weapons being scum implied you were scum.

    Also, Shinori, I think you're being way to handwavey about Weapons and Eury, you're instantly dismissing the possibility Eury suggested about a redirect from Omega and ýou don't seem to really spend time on scumteams including the 2 of them or the possibility of Eury being scum but clearing town!weapons for towncred. Which by the way you ARE considering for Prims if I'm reading your stuff correctly.
    And your reason for suspecting me is that I'm scumreading people you are townreading? I'm listing all scumteams possible, I have put basically everyone in one of the possible scumteams, so of course your townreads will be in there. Unless you're specifically referring to my Weapons/Bartozio stuff, in which case I find it very weird you're NOT considering them as scumcandidates.

    On the flip side, I think I have personally not spent enough thought on the town!shinori + scum!Prims configuration. I first felt it was ridiculous scum!Prims would leave towndoc!Shinori alive and also clear him, but perhaps I should start looking at scumteams including him, considering my other scumteams aren't that much better.

    Overall I'm thinking of something like this:

    Eury/Weapons/Prims or Snike/Bartozio/???, where ??? can be anyone from Weapons, Prims and maaaybe Via (though I think that last one is VERY unlikely, as I'm still townreading Via and Shinori)

    Imo these are the only teams that make sense and a flip from either Eury or Snike would for me lock down the rest of the scumteam. I'm not sure who I'd rather lynch atm though.

    For the record, I still dislike the no lynch plan as it let's scum decide on a 4vs3 or 5vs3, why should we let them decide exactly?

  4. Okay, I missed the part where Eury said she was notified she actually "targeted" (was forced to target) Weapons, I thought she was speculating on that. So you're right that Eury and Weapons have to be on the same side.


    So Eury/Weapons/Bartozio ? Er..... This goes against my gut on 2 of the 3.

    Maybe the Shinori/Prims/Bartozio scumteam is the best choice after all.... No fucking way though.

    Okay wait, Eury and Weapons are on the same team. Snike is in the other. Shinori and Prims are in the same team. Shinori and Prims can't be a scumteam unless Bartozio is the third member.

    The only other possibility left is that my (and basically everyone's?) read on Via is wrong, this could mean either Via/Snike/Bartozio or Via/Eury/Weapons.

    I'm really tired atm, I'm gonna sleep on this and see if I feel more comfortable about scumreading any of these four groups tomorrow than I do now.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Shinori said:

    How is weapons scum athena?  He claimed to be shot and his role action has been proven by Eury's claim.  Unless you feel Eury/Weapons are buddies and everything is hell Weapons can't be scum. And you don't have Eury on your scum list which means you think Eury is town, and if eury is town she wouldn't lie about her action and if she didn't lie about her actions Weapons was the night kill target last night.

    Let me get back to you in a sec, I think I need to reread Eury's post on that as I might have misinterpreted it. Also, I'm not that convinced she's town. If what you're saying is correct I might have to swap her with Snike I guess?

  6. Since I just realized I have both Eury and Snike on my scumlist, which doesn't make any sense if they share a QT, I'm going to have to take another look at this. I'm willing to go along with the "anonymous chat"-argument that says they're on different sides, I'm not sure who is scum though. It's probably Snike, but I'm not convinced by Shinori's meta-argument, an experienced player can certainly force a different playstyle for a while, especially when your posting strategy involves infrequent but long posts you can spend a lot of time and thought on. I'd lynch Snike over Eury atm but am not certain.

    As for the other two members, I still feel Via is town and also still think scum!Shinori doccing Eury for towncred is too convoluted, so Shinori is still on my townlist. I would also find it incredibly weird for scum!Prims to not only not kill Shinori but also confirm him. Like said before, the only way Shinori is a fake doc is if Prims and Bartozio are scum as well and went for a plan that falls apart if an investigative role check Shinori.

    PoE leads to Bartozio and Weapons remaining, which is weird.

    I can see Weapons being scum, his role is scummy af and his current day has mostly instigated chaos, and his "no-lynch" vote is weird as it allows scum to chose whether thay want to kill someone or whether they want to put us back into this situation.
    Scum!Bartozio seems a lot less likely, as a vig-claim form scum!Bartozio seems incredibly ballsy.

    This is the part where my brain melts instead of coming to a conclusion...

    So either Weapons was actually right and there are some convoluted strategies w/ respect to Shinori and Prims

    Or Bartozio made a ballsy vig-claim.

    I'm gonna go with the latter as I still find the former too ridiculous, and most likely requires scum!Bartozio as well to work. Now that I think about it, is a vigclaim even that risky? I mean, almost every mafia game has a doc of some kind and I can see him betting on a doc willing to go for a guaranteed heal. I can also see him going for a roleblocked-claim or Eury night-immunity claim if things don't work out. Also, consider this claim was made under pressure after he first made a investigative claim.

    So yeah, my scumteam atm looks like:

    I'm most certain about weapons. I'm pretty sure about Snike, though this spot could also be Eury. Bart is the result of PoE.

    I'm really confused and unsure though. I don't like it, but at the same time, no other scumteam makes any sense?

  7. What even is this theory. I'm not really convinced, since if Shinori's scum, Prims has to be scum since he confirmed him. But then either Shinori made a really fucking convoluted play to earn towncred, or Bartozio is scum as well and they came up with this janky plot. I dunno man, this seems really convoluted and there a like 10 scenarios I find more likely than that.

  8. Okay, I was gonna do a structured post, but since most of today has been people just listing scumteams and trying to understand what the hell has been happening, I'll just list my scumreads and post my role

    I'm pretty sure Via's town. I hope you're okay Boron, I'm sorry, but I also feel you should be lynched today. After that, I'm less certain.

    IF Shinori's role is correct he has to be town. Since Prims confirmed him, I feel that either they're both town or both scum. Probably the former.
    If they're town, that leaves Eury/Weapons/Bartozio as the other scum members. I felt eh about Eury yesterday and still do, I had Weapons as a townread earlier but I don't think Bartozio would be lying about his role? I'm extremely confused atm.

    So for now I think the scumteam is Boron/Eury/Weapons, but I'm not so sure about Weapons. If some combination of Bartozio/Shinori/Prims is pulling something crazy on us, well, good job.

    My role:

    You are Athena, the Yggdroid.
    You begin with 35/35 TP.

    I have 2 abilities, the first is called rocket jump, it costs 15 TP and lets me be unaffected by all actions for a night (Including scum's factional kill), but it binds my legs together, which means I can't perform this role. The second ability costs 5 TP and lets me unbind my legs, so I can rocket jump again.

    So basically, I can dodge all actions twice, but not in consecutive nights. Atm, I see no reason to say what actions I have performed/how much TP I have/whether my legs are bound as I think this is information I need to keep away from scum. If you really feel I should say it I will, but I'd rather not let scum know whether or not they should target me.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Yeah, I guess. It just felt worded weirdly, like you were giving yourself enough space to get back on that wagon while dropping the vote.

    I mean, I am, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing? Yes, I want to drop the vote for now. No, I don't feel Bart is in the clear.

    I think I'm being pretty clear about this and don't see why you seem to have such a problem with my vote-swap. If I was being wishy-washy about this or how I felt about Bart, then fair, it could be interpreted as scum "fake-dropping" to return to the wagon later, but that's not the case here.


    Also echoing the sentiment that a Eury post would be nice, we need some action atm.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    Ah, okay. Can you explain a bit more what is even scummy about this though? Scum!Me wouldn't exactly gain towncred for encouraging a misslynch, even if I'm not on the wagon.


    My point is, I don't expect the full scumteam to just hop on a town wagon and roll with it. In my experience, there's almost always a scummember not on the wagon. Otherwise you'd just be able to figure out the scumteam after the second mislynch by looking at who voted twice. This is what led me to believe one of you, SB, Boron and Via is scum. Similarly, I felt it was likely about 2 of the voters were scum. After SB's death, this left Via, whom I was and am townreading, Boron, who I feel okay-ish about and you. I'm not certain of you being scum, certainly not after the claim you made, but I feel you're more likely to be scum then Boron (mostly on gut).

    If you don't follow/agree, that's fine, but for now I'm sticking with this analysis.

    6 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    There's no real benefit for town if SB claimed his role wouldn't show upon his death (it doesn't mean we'd actually know his role at this point), so why are you assuming he would say it?

    To prevent this exact discussion. Let's say it's part of SB's role. If he tells us and dies, we know for sure he died because of his role and we also know there was a doc-hit if he's the only death. If he doesn't tell us and dies, we have no idea whether there was a doc-hit, whether maf has a janitor etc. This wastes time and denies us info, whilst creating more chaos. I'd say SB wouldn't want this.

    Also, a role that kills you is pretty bad. A role that kills you and and denies town info is really bad. I'm struggling to think of an ability good enough to make this not awful. The only thing I can think of is like a vig that dies if he shoots town, but that can't be true, because he hasn't shot. Note that I'm assuming roughly equally powerful roles across the board, which I am considering the host apparently enjoys fiddling with TP (and I don't blame them).

    Lastly, I think janitor is just such a scummy ability "flavor-wise", I just auto-piloted and assumed janitor. I don't think it really makes sense as a drawback and also feel that even IF it's a drawback part of his role, SB's suicide triggering and maf hitting a docced target is unlikely enough for me to shove aside.

    It just doesn't make sense as town ability and it doesn't make sense for a townie to hide it imo, which is why I felt your comment was really weird.

  11. Okay, let's start with the vote

    ##Vote: Marth

    I'll get to the votes from other people on Marth in a sec, but the thing that started bothering me personally the most about him was his behavior towards the end. He had made a post about how he didn't like Eury and Omega and how he felt fine about Clarinets. Then Bart said there had been counterwagons, I made 1 comment on a post from Clarinets I didn't like and he instantly swapped sides, which felt very sheepish, but I didn't bother with it at the time as I was just glad to have another person on the Clar wagon. Following that he left, saying he wouldn't be around for phase end, but rather than place his vote he asked for confirmation. I'm not interpreting this as town, I'm interpreting this as scum trying to vote Clarinets whilst still being able to say "NAME [in this case Omega] told me to vote so....".

    Like, come on, Clarinets was at hammer-3 at the time, I don't think there's any danger in going to 6 votes, I'd be more scared of a scum-driven voteswing at that point (from the POV of someone certain Clarinets is scum, which he must have been as he spoke of Omega and Eury as "very scummy" but decided to swap). Besides, Shinori and some others explicitly stated there shouldn't be a hammer, what idiot scum would hammer at that point?

    To summarize: He started the day with weird questions about an obviously fake claim, then posted back and forth a bit with Boron. Apart from that the ONLY thing he did was make a catchup post condemning Eury and Omega, which was dropped out of the window when people started posting there HAD been counterwagons and a single bad post from Clarinets was shown. I know it's weird to attack him for it when I'm part of the people who convinced him, but still, he seemed to prefer sheeping over arguing, which I don't expect from a town member convinced about his reads, which he seemed to be. He then didn't place a vote on Clarinets by himself, but asked for confirmation instead.

    As for the 2 others voting Marth at the moment:


    I'm not really liking your reasons for voting Marth. The whole TvS argument still feels flimsy, though I agree with the later part about his dismissive post. I can't find the comments from him about Clarinets flipping town, could you quote what you're referring to?


    5 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    Anyhow, looking back at D1, I'm not a fan of how easily Marth dropped the no-couterwagon argument when I argued against it. Especilly after the Clarinet flip, I agree with Omega that It gives me the feeling it was more meant as a trow away comment to make himself look good then something he thought through. SB would be just as guilty for not even responding ofcourse but... yeah.


    This I like more. The dropping of his cases on Eury and Omega was weird, he felt very eager to hop on Clarinets after being encouraged a bit, as if he was scared of having an actual discussion on it.

    5 hours ago, Bartozio said:

    This night result is making me think SB died because of his role and the actual nightkill target of scum got docsaved or something. Hoping the announcer will have more relevant stuff to share soon...

    This bothers me though. You think he died because of his role and his role was just cleared randomly? This feels very off to me, as I'd expect SB to tell us his role would be erased if it was part of his own role and I'd expect scum to erase the person they're attacking. Entertain me and tell me how exactly you think SB's role got erased in this scenario?

    11 hours ago, Shinori said:

    Kokichi's death baffles me. 

    What about it exactly? Do you think it's a weird target as some people were scumreading him or is it something else?

  12. 5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


    That said, Athena dropping his vote on Bartozio feels weird. Yes, I know Athena said that he doesn't want to lynch a prospective investigative role, but also that he's still leaning scum on Bartozio so ...

    The thing is, In leaning scum on others as well. No reason to pursue the risky target.

    If your suspect came in and claimed doc, wouldn't you take some time to think?

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