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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. Chapter 32 - 3/113

    Florina rescues Hector, gets "danced" but doesn't move yet. Canas warps her, then she flies onwards toward the boss. She drops Hector on turn 2 and attacks the boss down to 8 life. In the meantime, Kent and Sain rescue-drop Canas"and Nils forward on turn 1+2, then rescue-drop Rebecca together on turn 3. Rebecca gets "danced", then warped on top of a killer ballista, dealing the final 8 damage, killing Limstella. Hector seizes. I didn't get any other loot, so no Nosferatu. Erk got some exp from the knights in the west.

    Chapter 32x - 1/114

    Canas hammernes the warp staff, gets danced and warps Florina in for the bosskill. I don't care about the treasure.

    Final: Part I - 3/117

    Athos and Canas open some doors with the help of Nils and a tradebot. Lowen and Rebecca take down Uhai on turn 1, Lowen kills the other 2 in that room on turn 2+3. Rebecca takes down Jerme (needs 2 turns), Florina kills Ursula first, then the mages in the top left. Erk takes down Darin+general. Athos kills Lloyd and Linus. On turn 3, the final enemies go down, Athos walks to Canas (who had spent his turn already), warps him to Nils, who refreshes him, allowing Canas to walk back to Athos and warp him to Nergal, killing him with a luna crit on turn 3 EP. Kent was useless af, though he did open a door with a door key. Hector kills the axe-folk.

    Final: Part 2 - 1/118

    Athos crits the dragon with Luna, Canas attacks with Luna and Hector finishes off with Armads.

    Final turncount: 188 turns, 232.30 with relative handicap added

    So, let's review the units:


    Hector - Free

    Has to be free of course, good stats and 1-2 range, but mostly someone who needs to be carried to the throne.

    Lowen - Cost:14, Bid: 14

    Pretty fucking good. Mounted, joins 2nd chapter, reasonable offense, though not amazing. Worth the cost in a vacuum, but loses some worth if you already have Marcus for the earlygame to carry Hector, and Kent and Florina later on.

    Rebecca - Cost: 1, Bid: 1

    Rebecca has one major selling point, her Lowen support, her availability. Whilst lack of enemy phase sucks, infantry move is a shame and her stats are mediocre, especially in the beginning, she has been around for so long that I'm pretty sure she saved at least 2 turns. Almost worthless is seize chapters, but can get some treasure and is sort of useful in rout chapters. Not a good unit, but definitely worth a turn.

    Marcus - Cost: 9.2, Bid: 10

    Amazing of course. Carries Hector to the throne and kills the boss in seize chapters, dominates about half the map in rout chapters, which was great in for example 13x. Definitely worth the cost imo. It hurts the exp of some other units, but they caught up very quickly in my experience.

    Merlinus - Free

    Has to be free as well imo, as he doesn't really save turns but is more of a "quality of life improvement" unit.

    Erk - Cost: 6.32, Bid: 8

    Normally I'd say he's worth the cost, but in my case redundancy hit him the hardest. In the earlygame he was completely unneccesary with my overflow of powerful units, and in the lategame Canas was the preferable one for staffing, as Erk was about level 7 when Canas joined, so got a later promotion and was thus not trained to warp. He was a better combat unit then Rebecca though, I think he saved about 3/4 turns overall.

    Florina - Cost: 13.52, Bid: 16

    I bid high on all mounts, but especially high on Florina, over 6 turns more than the average of your bids (though that number is inflated by amg's outlier). She was the only one on my team who could carry promoted Hector, I channeled a lot of exp into her which meant that during the second half of the game she fulfilled the role Marcus played in the earlier chapters, carrying Hector, killing the boss and wiping out hordes in rout chapters. She must have saved at least 3 turns in the desert chapter alone. My best unit by far, having great availability, mobility and combat. Not sure whether she's worth the 16 turns I bid, though I do think so, but she's definitely worth the 13.52 I paid.

    Kent - Cost: 8.22, Bid:8.3

    Usually pretty good, but a bit redundant in my case. Mostly overshadowed by Lowen and Florina and STR-screwed pretty hard, but still useful in rout maps. Good unit though, and saved a bunch of turns by helping the rescue-dropping of Ninian/Nils and Canas. I don't think he saved the full 8 I paid, but it's not far off.

    Canas - cost: 5.4, Bid: 7

    I promoted him ASAP to work on his staffrank, which turned out easier than I thought due to the staffspam I was able to do in the "defend"-chapters and 28x. He was a good combat unit, vastly overshadowing Erk, due to the earlier promotion, access to Nosferatu and high exp due to staffspam. He was also ridiculously MAG-blessed. A good warper, a good combat unit. Definitely worth the 5.4 turns I paid.

    Ninian/Nils - Free

    Amazing unit(s), obviously. Would usually have been left in the dust, but having Kent and Lowen allowed me to move the 3 of them very quickly as a group, most notably in chapter 28. Saved at least a turn every chapter, and therefore has to be free.

    Geitz/Wallace - Free

    Wallace is not only an afwul unit, but also costs turns to recruit, I'll pass. Not sure about Geitz (I've never played his chapter), but free seems fair, especially since it's needed for equal team sizes. I'd have bid 0 turns for them. 

    Harken/Karel - Free

    Karel is mediocre, Harken is pretty good, but both not worth the turns they cost to recruit. I agree with them being free, for the same reason as the last (though maybe in some low handicap teams Harken is worth recruiting)

    Athos - Free

    Though what he was used for could've been replicated by Canas, having a second Canas is great. Some teams "need" him to complete the final chapter reasonably, so making him free is a good choice as well


    Thoughts on the rule set:


    I like the rout-rule in the defend chapters, having people turtle and grind against reinforcements is too much against the spirit of draft. Vaida's chapter being a regular defend chapter seems fair, forcing people (especially the Vaida-drafter) to kill her for a good turncount would suck. 

    I liked the rule that 23x wasn't forced as the condition is sort of hard to fulfill without waiting for the reinforcements, especially considering most of your units are pretty overleveled in a draft. I know I didn't bother to visit it and was happy about this choice. I'm not as sure about 28x, as the condition is easier, even if you don't have mounts, and the grindfest that was 28x felt ridiculous. I understand having the same rule for them both, and punishing the Jaffar drafter by making it cost turns sucks, but 20 turns felt like an awful lot, my Florina gained like 10 levels, and Canas went from C to A staves, though he was danced each turn. Could less turns maybe work as well?

    The other rules were all good.

    Thoughts on the draft process:


    First of all, I love the idea, it was really fun to think of the bids and look at the comparisons between them. I like the 80%-20% rule for the cost, and the algorithm overall.

    I'm a bit split about the Marcus split :P: I agree having free early Marcus makes the earlygame too similar and making full Marcus draftable is pretty op (though I guess the high cost makes it fair in this system). Whilst I like having him draftable in the earlygame, it's a bit weird to me that having early game Marcus makes late game Marcus more valuable and vice-versa. Not sure how to deal with this, I guess dividing him is the best option, but I'm not completely certain of this.

    Though the redundancy thing sucks sometimes, as lacking a warper makes your turncount higher, but lowers your handicap, whilst having two doesn't make your turncount better than having one, but does make your handicap higher, which is "unfair". I don't think it should be changed as it adds some nice strategy to the bidding. Do you bid on all of them fairly, risking getting multiples, or do you focus on a few, which leaves the risk of giving someone a very cheap unit if no-one else bids on it?

    TL;DR I'd keep the rules + algorithm as they are currently, it works, it seems fair and is fun

    So overall, I'm pretty happy with my bids and turncount, there were some minor problems with redundancy, but nothing too bad. There are a few chapters where I could perhaps have saved a turn, the ones I see now:

    Maybe I'm missing something in ch 14/19, the rain/forests could've messed up my calculations
    Ch 16 can theoretically be done in 3 turns by having Florina go directly towards the boss. This puts her in a spot with like 1% chance at survival though, which I didn't feel like rigging/part of trial and erroring, also, it would've felt like cheating. I didn't do this, but felt I should mention it.
    Ch 22 and 24 could maybe have been a turn quicker if I'd channeled even more exp into Lowen/Florina, as they together needed a couldn't kill the ch 22 boss with a double PP and single EP attack and none of my units could one-round Lloyd.
    Ch 29 Perhaps if I hadn't shopped with Florina, but with Vaida this would've been a turn quicker, though I doubt it, as killing Linus wasn't the only bottleneck, But the northern reinforcements were killed the final turn.
    Finally, I might have been too stingy with my chest keys, having the brave lance was possible and might have helped. I can't think of a spot where it would have saved a turn though so maybe it's fine.

    TL;DR: It was a blast, I really enjoyed it, looking forward to reading/watching your strategies and turncounts!

  2. 15 minutes ago, Sturm said:

    @athena_57 Also good job you decided to focus Canas as the main Staffer and not Erk :awesome:

    Yeah, I really like Canas, Erk just always disappoints me, and it really worked out, looking at that big magic difference between them. Also due to the fight over exp you mentioned, Lowen, Kent and Florina sucked up most of it, which was amplified by my massive Marcus abuse, Canas was closer to promotion when he joined, which was the deciding factor for me.

    Tl;dr Canas is dope 


  3. @Sturm Yeah, my team is pretty good, the only problem is that whilst for example Lowen/Kent is worth a lot of turns, he doesn't add much once I already have all these other mounts I'm afraid, which means he doesn't save many turns, whilst still costing me a lot. (Basically, the first 2 mounts are worth the high bid, the third and fourth not so much). But eh, at least I can do some fun rescue-drop strats :P On a side note, I do agree with you that Lowen>Sain, I think the availability outweighs the minor stat difference.

    On with the turncounts:

    [I forgot to mention in chapter 28, but the boots were given to Florina immediately, she's my best unit and the only one who can carry Hector, chapter 29x speedwings to Lowen, as he was the only one with trouble doubling]

    Chapter 29 6/98

    I trigger all reinforcement zones on the first turn. Hector stays to recruit Vaida (for the spear) and spends each turn killing wyverns. Florina goes shopping, visits the warpstaffvillage, then kills the boss. Kent goes straight north to the top of the map. Lowen goes to the northwest to clear the way a bit, along with Erk. Canas gets danced a lot, so he reaches the boss to assist with the bosskill. Rebecca kills some leftovers.

    Chapter 30 4/102

    I thought warpskipping would be ideal here, but I was 1 move short of a 3-turn, so finally I settled on a dance on Florina, who had carried Hector, who was then dropped on turn 3 for the turn 4 seize. Florina got C swords, just in time for the next chapter.

    Chapter 31 3/105

    Florina gets warped towards Denning turn 1, where she kills him with a killing edge (might as well use that C sword :P). She only needs one crit (my Florina is great, she's getting the dracoshield as well this chapter). This stops the reinforcements, so all that's left to do is kill the remaining enemies. Hector goes east towards the myrmidons, Canas clears the small room, Kent goes east, Erk and Lowen clear the middle. Rebecca once again kills a few random dudes. The last remaining enemies are killed by the green units on turn 3 AP. They were all poisoned, so Erk gets to spend the remaining turns healing all the green units and building some staff rank. I don't waste chest keys on the other chests.

    Chapter 31x 5/110

    Not much interesting. Buy a bunch of weapons, do some Arena.

    Might as well post my current stats:

    Unit            Level        HP STR SKI SPD LCK DEF RES WPR
    Hector      20/3.15   41   18   19   20    11    18    7     A Ax D Sw
    (Marcus    11.05      39   20   20   12    10     10   12   A Sw/Ln/Ax)
    Lowen       12/17.31 48  18   11    17    17    20    7     A Ln B Sw D Ax [speedwings]
    Rebecca   10/15.50  36  19   18    20    17    9      11    A Bows
    Erk             12/17.44  41  14   16    24    12    10    14   S Anima D Staves (Almost C)
    Florina      13/20.00  53   22   20   25    21     17    16   S Lances C Swords [used 1 angelic robe, 1 boots, 1 dracoshield]
    Kent          14/13.28 45   14   19    23    10     11    7     B Ln C Sw D Ax (All about to increase)
    Canas       10/19.55 37   26   19    21    11     9      17   S Dark A Staves
    Nils            8.24         20    0      1     18    16     8      10     -


    Comparing to the averages, my Hector is pretty SPD-blessed (+5), Lowen average, Rebecca a little STR-blessed (+3), Erk MAG and RES screwed (-3,-5) but SPD-blessed(+3). Florina a bit screwed across the board, but higher HP/STR/DEF, which is great as her other stats are pretty amazing anyway. Kent is STR-screwed (-3) but SPD-blessed (+4). Canas ranks a bit lower in the survivability stats, but has good speed (+3) and a ridiculously high mag (+7). So I'm pretty happy with that overall.

    Turncount up to chapter 31x: 110 turns, 167.66 with handicap, 154.30 with relative handicap

  4. Chapter 20-5/54 turns

    Rebecca stayed south to get the brave bow and some exp, Canas healed a bit, the mounts carried Hector upwards for the bosskill+seize, Lyn was carried as well to recruit Legault on turn 5, who had stolen the guiding ring.

    Chapter 21-2/56 turns

    With a dance, Florina reached the elysian whip village on turn 2, with the other dance Lowen could drop Canas in the boss range on turn 2, for the turn 2 EP bosskill. The only other village I got was the restore village.

    Chapter 22-4/60 turns

    This was... awkward. With some crazy rescue-drop-dance strats I was able to attack the boss at close range with Florina and long range with Lowen on turn 3, but even that combined with the enemy phase didn't kill him... So eh, 4 turns it is. Isadora's angelic robe went to Florina. Heath was killed, Rath wasn't recruited.

    Promoted Florina at level 13 afterwards (she got the bosskill)

    Chapter 23-4/64 turns

    Florina did the most work here, flying west to kill one of the 2 subbosses, which was easy as she now had a sword. The others messed around a bit in the east, and most of them promoted. (Erk at 12, Rebecca at 10 and Kent at 14)

    I did not unlock 23x and didn't feel the need to visit it, so left it like this.
    I also didn't get any desert treasure besides the ocean seal

    Chapter 24-2/66 turns

    Baited Lloyd on turn 1, ganged up on him turn 2. None of my units were able to bait+kill him on turn 1 sadly. I obviously didn't bother with Wallace and left him unrecruited.

    Chapter 25-3/69 turns

    Florina went northeast for the bosskill on turn 2 and "seize" on turn 3. Lowen and Kent went northwest, Kent cleared the way, Lowen "seized" on turn 3. Canas, Erk and Ninian went for the southwest point. Rebecca shot some dudes from a ballista. Hector saw no combat at all.

    Chapter 26-11/80 turns

    Exp + staff rank training. Visited the Hammerne village with Florina.

    Merlinus promoted


    Unit           Lv           HP  STR SKI SPD LCK DEF RES WPR

    Hector      16.97      33    14   13    14      9     15    1     A Axes
    (Marcus    11.05      39    20   20   12     10     10   12   A Sw/Ln/Ax)
    Lowen       12/5.16  37   13   10    13     10    16    3     B Ln C Sw E Ax
    Rebecca   10/4.51   29   12   13    16     11    8      9     B Bows
    Erk             12/3.43   30   11   11    14     6      8      11   B Anima E Staves
    Florina      13/8.12   45   17   13    18    16     11    12   A Lances E Swords [used 1 angelic robe]
    Kent          14/4.23   37   10   12    18     8      11     6     C Ln C Sw D Ax
    Canas       10/7.35   29   18   14    13     8       7      13   A Dark D Staves
    Ninian       3.64         16    0      0     13    11      6      6     -

    Turncount up to chapter 26: 80 turns, 137.66 with handicap, 124.30 with relative handicap


    Chapter 27 6/86

    Florina flies towards the boss, clearing away most enemies in her path, Kent gets danced in the early turns, then rescues Hector and on turn 5 reaches Florina, gives her Hector so she can drop him 5 spaces from the throne. She and Kent take down the boss together, boss kill going to Florina once again, Hector seizes on turn 6. Rebecca got some exp in the southeast, Erk in the southwest, Lowen killed some people in the way and Canas worked on staff rank. I didn't get any treasure, nor did I recruit Harken/Karel.

    Chapter 28 6/92

    Lowen, Kent and Ninian take the left route, rescue-drop-dancing their way forward, Lowen kills the mages in the south, Kent gets the boots chest. Canas follows them, clearing away stragglers and working on staff rank. On the right side, Florina charges at Ursula, then going to rescue Jaffar, bringing him to Nino. Hector, Erk and Rebecca walk towards Nino, killing some enemies in the process. Lowen and Florina need until turn 6 to pick off the stragglers. This leaves me 9 turns to use unlock twice and heal everyone with Canas, who is now a little bit past C Staves. I didn't get any other treasure.

    Chapter 28x Free/92

    So uh, this is a lot of exp, Florina is a few kills away from lv 20, Hector reaches 20 and others are atound level 10. Canas gets danced every turn and spams barrier+mend, he reaches A Staves this chapter. I got the Recover and the speedwings. Seized on turn 20 after killing the boss with Florina.

    Turncount up to chapter 29x: 92 turns, 149.66 with handicap, 136.30 with relative handicap


  5. Chapter 15-2/26 turns

    Lowen waited at the top right door turn 1, killed the merc turn 2 PP and killed the mage turn 2 EP with a javelin. Rebecca, Hector and Erk needed 2 turns to kill all of the enemies in the south. Marcus baited the boss turn 1 and killed him turn 2 PP to prevent further reinforcements. I didn't get any chests (obviously)

    Chapter 16-4/30 turns

    Lowen went to the western village (which I didn't manage to get though). Rebecca and Erk baited some enemies and assisted Lowen later. Kent and Sain got to the southeast village. Wil distracted some enemies. Lyn went shopping. Marcus rushed towards the boss to kill him on turn 4 PP. Florina rescued Hector, dodged a ballista turn 2, dropped Hector turn 3, so he could seize on turn 4.

    Chapter 17-7/37 turns

    I'm pretty sure I'm 1 MOV short of 6-turning this, which sucks. Marcus rescued Hector and ran towards the boss, with Kent, Lowen and Florina following him and clearing the way. Erk was sort of left behind, Rebecca went southwest to get some exp. I got the Knight Crest, which will be given to Lowen.

    Chapter 17x-3/40 turns

    Basically, Florina flew towards Fargus in 3 turns, visiting the Canas village in the process. The others all got exp, Lowen and Canas in the north, the others in the south. Marcus managed to kill the boss and visit the devil axe+short bow village. Of note:Lowen reached level 10, I'm going to see whether promoting him now improves my ch 18 turncount or whether Ill give him 1 more chapter before promoting.

    Chapter 18-2/42 turns

    Marcus ran towards the boss to kill him on turn 2, whilst the others spread around to get some exp

    Chapter 19-4/46 turns

    Lowen and Rebecca killed some enemies in the northeast, Florina carried Marcus towards Uhai, dropped him on turn 3 for the turn 4 bosskill. The others killed the bow users so Florina was safe-ish. Promoted Canas.

    Chapter 19x-3/49 turns

    Aw, my last Marcus chapter... Turn 1 Florina and Marcus rescue-drop Erk forward, Kent rescues Hector, Rebecca moves into enemy range and Canas follows. Turn 2 Erk kills a knight, making Marus exactly able to reach the boss on turn 3 and put him down to 3 life due to a silver lance miss, allowing Florina, who was given Hector, and dropped him ahead on turn 2, to get the bosskill. Hector seized, others got some exp, Lowen promoted.


    Unit           Lvl          HP STR SKI SPD LCK DEF RES   WPR
    Hector      11.67     29   12    8    10      7      14     1    B axes
    Marcus     11.05     39   20   20   12     10    10     12  A Sw/Ln/Ax
    Lowen      12/1.12  33   9     10   12     9       15     1    B Ln C Sw E Ax
    Rebecca    8.09      22    7     8     11     7       4       4    C Bows
    Erk             9.08       24   8     10    9       6       5       6    C Anima
    Florina       8.82       22   8     9     12     11     5       5    D Lances (Almost C)
    Kent          10.38      28   8     9     10     5       8        2   D Sw + D Ln
    Canas       10/1.10  26  12   10    12     7      7       11   B Dark (Almost A) E Staves

     Turncount up to chapter 19x: 49 turns, 106.66 with handicap, 93.30 with relative handicap

    Farewell Marcus! Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!

    (Okay, maybe I abused him a little too much, let's see how my scrubs will fare the coming few chapters)

  6. Huh, interesting. Glad I got some good high mov units, solid earlygame and a warper, that handicap is serious though xD. Kinda sucks I got both Erk and Canas as I won't be staff training both, huh. Well, time to plan out the promotions, good luck everyone!

    EDIT: Might as well start writing my turncount here:

    Chapter 11- 6/6 Turns

    Nothing special, except Hector got SPD both level ups, which was great.

    Chapter 12-4/10 Turns

    I didn't bother with the village as I don't care about the secret book/the gold enough. Lowen and Rebecca cleared the southern region, whilst Marcus went north. Hector killed some dudes in the north whilst walking east, baited the boss turn 3 EP, attacked him turn 4 PP and killed him turn 4 EP.

    Chapter 13-5/15 Turns

    Lowen went north to visit the village and bait+kill a pegasus, so Eiwood could walk across the river towards the armory without seeing combat. Marcus rescued Hector and walked towards the boss. Guy crit Marcus, but he was still fine. Rebecca picked off stragglers, Matt recruited Guy, who ran away, opening the path for Marcus. Matthew equipped a sword so a fighter attacked Rebecca instead of him,  so he stayed out of combat. Hector was dropped on turn 4, Marcus killed the boss turn 5, Eliwood reached the Armory for an extra hand axe and some javelins and Hector seized.

    Chapter 13x-4/19 Turns

    Lowen went Southeast, Hector west, Marcus north and killed the boss. Rebecca chipped in here and there. Hector and Marcus killed their final opponents on turn 4 PP, Lowen needed turn 4 EP for the final kill, leaving me enough time to visit the village (and build that juicy Rebecca x Lowen support :P)

    Chapter 14-5/24 Turns

    Note: I had 6 turns here earlier, but improved that later.
    Marcus went west to kill the boss and the bulk of the enemies, serra recruited Erk, who killed some enemies in the northeast, the others killed the pirates+stragglers. I did not visit either village, nor did I visit the shop/armory.
    This strategy was a turn quicker than my previous one, but this did mean I wasn't able to feed the bosskill to Lowen, and no pegasi meant a level less for Hector as well.


    Total turncount up to chapter 14: 24 turns, 81.66 with handicap added.

    Unit         LV      HP  STR SKI SPD LCK DEF RES
    Hector    7.82   25   11     7      8      6     12     1
    Marcus   4.48   34   16    16   11     9     10     10
    Lowen     6.69   27   7      7      9      4      9      0
    Rebecca 4.38   20    6     6     8       5      3      1
    Erk           2.24   18    5     7      8     4       3      4

  7. I'm all up for giving them access to all physical weapons (except bows), let their niche be full weapon triangle coverage.

    On ‎16‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 7:22 PM, Phantom037 said:

    I think a simpler answer would just be to give them the same movement as other footsie units. Giving them partial wtc is only so helpful if they can't reach the enemy to begin with.

    I really hate the idea of giving them more movement though. I'd much rather enhance a class's strengths or give them a niche than eliminate their weaknesses, because in the latter case, why not "fix" other classes by giving fighters actual hit, myrmidons 2 range, archers 1 range and make all classes exactly the same? That seems dumb to me, I prefer each class having their own niche and weaknesses.

  8. Grays skill is too low as an archer, he doesn't have a good spell list as mage, cavs aren't great/more needed on Alm's route, but merc is a great class that suits him well
    Tobin with Excalibur is nice, I tend to go with that. Merc is good, but others are better at it, archer kinda works too.
    Kliff makes a good merc, it's just a good class. I'm not really a fan of mage Kliff. Cav Kliff is decent. Archer Kliff I haven't tried, but it seems bad.
    I like Faye's spell list as a cleric. However, I absolutely love Pegasus knights. I do think her spell list is amazing enough to go with that over PK. Mage/cav is just bad imo.
    Atlas is pretty bad either way. Soldier is bad. Cav is bad on Celica's route. Mage Atlas is bad. I've heard people say archer Atlas is good, but I doubt it. Merc fixes his Ski/Spd problems and is just a good class, so that I guess.

  9. As for the actual topic, I really like Finn storywise, definitely one of my top 5 favourite characters. Gameplaywise, I quite like him in FE4. Sure, being lancelocked isn't great in the axefests of the earlygame, but he's still serviceable and gets better later on as you face more varied weapons. His availability is great and he's pretty all right for a few 2nd gen chapters as well. In FE5, having the brave lance is great for capturing and he's pretty good as well.

    As for the whole pairing thingy, FE5 implies Beowulf is Delmutt's father and Finn is Nanna's father, the manga (at least the one I've read) implies Finn is the father of both and I think somewhere else Beowulf was mentioned as father of both. So eh, just make your headcanon whatever you like I guess. I myself quite like FE5's perspective but any pairing where Finn is Nanna's father is cool in my eyes.

  10. 6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I don't mind DLC really. Sure they cost more, but I love the DLC that tells a story that involves the main, but isn't actually normally playable in the main storyline. Like how the Awakening trio got into Fates. Or some of the past maps that the Echoes game did.

    I should've been more specific. I'm fine with postgame content as DLC for a harder challenge. I think expanding on background would be better as side chapter than as DLC, though I see your point.

    6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    And for the fanservice for Echoes, I refer mostly to Mathilda and Sonya. They are fanservice done right. The latter does look sexy, but she doesn't show so much like Camilla or Charlotte. If anything, it looks like it can be made for fighting, or for mages at the very least. It's not forced and suits her personality.

    Ah, of course. Nah, that's cool, I don't mind sexy/revealing clothes, as long as like you said it's encorporated well in the personality, not over the top, etc.

  11. 11 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Yeah, you are never gonna get that wish. The DLC one I mean. That's a major selling point that they won't give up.

    As for this, you're probably correct. A man can dream though (:

    11 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Also never going to happen. I would recommend no excessive fanservice like Fates, but they can keep some fanservice if its good. Like Echoes.

    I don't know what you mean by fanservice in echoes, but whatever was there I'm cool with since I didn't notice it/ wasn't bothered by it.

  12. -No kids, I liked them as a unique thing in FE4, I liked them in FE13, but disliked them in FE14. Like others have said, either take a break with them or don't have them return.

    -No My Castle type stuff, no DLC, no other crap.

    -No world map. I might be in a minority here, but I prefer a linear sequence of chapters. I really dislike grinding, and world maps open up possibilities of battles blocking paths/shops. Sure, they might add fleeing, but it just complicates drafting and adds more tedium for very little reward. World maps can be shown in cutscenes, I don't need to walk around on it to have that immersion.

    -No fanservicy stuff, we have heroes for that now. Leave it out of the main series.

  13. As far as the games I've played go:

    FE1-no support convo's or much dialogue, so can't really judge the cast until Ive played FE12 (that one had convo's right?)
    FE4-No convo's yet either, but a number of conversations. Whilst I'll agree a number of people aren't fleshed out AT ALL (hi there Beowulf), there are also some really good ones. Also, not sure if that counts, but almost all of them are properly/amazingly fleshed out in a number of manga's. If that may be taken into account to this is probably my favourite cast of the bunch, though this may not be fair.
    FE5-No convo's, no supports, so can't really judge them either.
    FE6-Pretty basic characters, a bunch of people I really don't care for, but some pretty good ones as well, like Yodel for example.
    FE7-Probably the best cast, I like the potential of FE4's more, but that game didn't have supports. Almost everyone in this game is at least likeable and there are some really good ones as well.
    FE8-Don't really care for this cast, apart from 1 or 2 exceptions. I can't point out exactly why, and if you do like them that's fine, they just don't resonate as well with me.
    FE13-I like a bunch of them, though I don't love any of them. Kind of middle of the pack imo.
    FE14-Easily the worst, hands down. Take all the small parts I disliked about FE13's cast, enlarge them and this is what you get. A bunch of over-the-top one-note Corrinworshippers with a few people with not properly handled potential added to the mix.
    FE15-Voice acting adds a lot to my appreciation of the characters, but low amount of supports undermines that a little (though I suppose it's better than writing supports for every possible duo). As for the characters themselves, they're all right for the most part. Not a fan of the villagers though.

    Total ranking: FE4 (with maga) > FE7 > FE4 (without) > FE15 > FE13 > FE6 > FE 8 > FE14
    Unranked (due to lack of conversations/haven't played): Marth's cast, Thracia cast, Tellius cast

  14. Spoiler


    20 hours ago, Mister IceTeaPeach said:
    1. When did you play this game for the first time?
      Half a year ago I think
    2. How did you get introduced?
      After finishing FE7 and loving it, this was a logical choice for the next game I was going to try
    3. Do you own a copy or do you have a rom?
      ROM, don't speak Japanese
    4. Did you play it before or after FE7?
    5. Was it your first FE game?
    6. Which is your preferred difficulty?
    7. How often have you beaten this game yet?
      Twice, once just a regular hard run, the other time a 0% growth run.
    8. If you play on a rom, have you used several patches to this game yet?
    9. Have you unlocked all gaidens yet?
    10. Have you played both routes (Lalum / Elphin + Ilia / Sacae) yet?
    11. Have you recruited all characters yet?
    12. Have you seriously used each character yet?
    13. Lalum or Elphin route?
    14. Ilia or Sacae?
      Ilia all the way
    15. What's your favorite chapter?
      Chapter 21, It's a really fun chapter and you get Yodel (I love me some staffbots)
    16. Who's your favorite playable unit personalitywise?
    17. Who's your favorite playable unit gameplaywise?
      Percival (or basically any Cavalier/Paladin in that game besides Noah and Treck)
    18. Who's usually your MVP?
    19. Who's your favorite antagonist?
      Narcian, I love this guy, he's kind of meant as comical relief but I enjoy his arc, where he diligates his work all the time, only to be punished for it and trying in vain to regain his position.
    20. What's your favorite map theme?
    21. What's your favorite battle theme?
      I'll just give my favourite overall soundtrack, which is "beneath a new light"
    22. Which three things do you like the most of this game?
      Just overall enjoyable difficulity, the game is never a cakewalk (except during endgame of course) but it's also not unfair or extremely brutal and when you die it feels like your own mistake.
      It was the game which introduced support convo's, which are great.
      You keep getting new good units throughout the game
    23. Which three things do you dislike the most?
      The game is kind of basic, the mechanics that are there are good, and most mechanics that are there would fall under the "basic fire emblem experience" but it doesn't really have it's own unique mechanics, (like capturing, 3rd tier classes etc.)
      Whilst the game is pretty balanced, there are also quite a lot of very bad units, like Wendy and Sophia. I understand that not everyone has to be on the same level, they are just so bad it's not even funny. At least give them a niche or something.
      I like the ambush spawns sometimes, but there are also times where it's just stupid.
    24. Would you agree with the statement that FE6 is Sword Emblem?
      No, whilst axe units are mostly bad, paladins with good skill can make great use of killer/hand axes. Also, lances are quite good as well. So whilst I do agree that considering the shaky hitrates in this game swords are very good, I wouldn't use the term "sword emblem".
    25. Would you agree with the statement that FE6 is the FE game with the most useful prepromoted units?
      Yes, almost all of them are great.
    26. Would you agree with the statement that FE6 went one step back in terms of game mechanics after the release of FE5?
      I'm not sure I'd call it a step back. Yes, they scrapped a bunch of mechanics to make the game more basic. I have mixed feelings about this, on the one hand, by going down to the core mechanics you get down to "pure" gameplay, on the other hand it causes the game to lose some depth.
    27. What's your favorite support conversation?
      The one between Yodel and Niime. I like Igrene and Astor as well, but I just love seeing a bit of the past of Yodel and Niime.
    28. What's your preferred ship for Roy?
      Lilina of course. Any other option is heresy.
    29. What's your opinion of Roy?
      I like him. As a unit he's pretty bad (though he's decent in earlygame due to rapier and lategame due to binding blade, his midgame is awful due to swordlock, low mov and late promotion). But this makes sense, he's the leader, the tactician, not a warrior.
    30. What's your opinion of the story?
      The story is very basic and uninspired. I like the characters though, so I'll rate it a 7
    31. What's your preferred team for the final chapter?
      Roy, Dancer, a bunch of cavs (Alan, Lance, Percival usually) and fliers (Tate/Shanna + Milady) and some staffbots (Yodel, Niime and some other).
    32. How would you rank the story from 1 to 10?
      The story is very basic and uninspired. I like the characters though, so I'll rate it a 7
    33. How would you rank the gameplay from 1 to 10?
      Once again, very basic, but good at it's core with an enjoyable difficulity, I'll give it a 9
    34. How would you rank the game overall from 1 to 10?
      I value gameplay>story, so a 8.5
    35. Would you like to see a remake of this game?
      I don't think it's needed at all.
    36. Could you imagine to replay this game anytime soon?
      Yup, still looking to draft it after I finish FE1+3 which I am currently doing.




  15. I mean, "respectfully" disagreeing is kinda hard here. Ranking trainees on top is only true if you allow for extreme arena abuse, and if you arena abuse, everyone can steamroll the game so ranking units is pointless. Furthermore, as much as I love myrmidons, claiming they're a top-tier class is just factually incorrect, especially in the case of Marisa. But yeah, I think any tier list with Marisa above Seth is just wrong. 

    I don't want to attack the author too much, but he probably should've called his list "Most fun units" or something similar, since "best" is usually defined as optimal to use in a non-grind run.

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