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Posts posted by Athena_57


    5 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

    That being said, let's get someone who hasn't posted yet involved.


    Hm, it seems I have forgotten to place a space next to vote, not sure whether it matters, but might as well do this


    ##Vote: Bluedoom

  2. Greetings everyone. Just a heads-up, though I have played mafia-type games before, I have never done so on a forum and am therefore not familiar with part of its terminology. If you would be so kind as to specify what some abbreviations mean the first time you use them, that would be greatly appreciated.

    That being said, let's get someone who hasn't posted yet involved.


  3. Not really worried. I won't be buying the switch and therefore won't play this title anyways. Mostly curious towards how heavily it will try to appeal to Awakening/Fates fans vs older fans and how much it will try to do it's own thing instead. And following up on that I'm curious to see how well it's received as these 2 questions combined matter for (hopefully) future titles which I might buy. Either way, I can wait.

    Also, is it just me or are you guys feeling less excitement for this game overall compared to previous titles or is this just because not much is known yet? I'm saying this because I'm getting the idea that a large amount of people don't really care about this title (me included I guess)

    On a side note, I agree with the people saying we already got really lucky the last couple of years.

  4. @Shinori Please just refer to me as a he, Athena being female has nothing to do with the name choice, I'm just a big fan of Greek mythology and the deity of wisdom felt like an appropriate choice, I didn't think about the confusion it could cause at the time I chose it and just stuck with it afterwards haha.


  5. In case the name is free choice, Athena works for me, :P (Or Pallas in case you're bothered by a male person naming themselves after a female deity)

    In case it has to be something referencing/otherwise dependent on the setting, ignore this post and do whatever.

  6. As someone whos played mafia-type boardgames before, but never on a forum, do you think this is doable or too overwhelming, with everyone having a role? In case you think its doable, I'd love to join. I have no idea what Etrian Odyssee is, but I suppose thats not required.


    Been saving orbs for a couple of months now, I decided to stop summoning until a Thracia banner was released.

    And they're the 3 units I wanted most too, my favourite lord, my favourite character characterwise out of the series (Finn) and my favourite unit gameplaywise out of the series (Nanna)
    Now let's see whether they gave Leif the light brand though I don't even mind if they suck at this point

  8. I like having them around, preferably without them lasting the entire chapter, on one condition. Give them to the player as well. I like the way FE5 handled it for the most part, though they were a little too good there. But a sleep/silence on the enemies every now and then adds a good layer imo and giving 1 or 2 to the player around the midgame adds some fun strats too. Of course, don't give the player too many as deciding when to use them is part of the challenge/fun.

    Berserk is a little more questionable, I'd say use sparingly on enemies and only if the player has a restore staff and either don't give to the player or only in one of the last few chapters.

    Poison on weapons/traps would be fine if the animations weren't so annoying, just have all poison resolve at once, not one by one and it's fine.

    I personally think any design space beyond merely the clashing of stats should be taken advantage of and status staves are no exception, therefore I am in favor of them.

  9. C22 10/178 turns

    Alrighty, another chapter, another batch of status staves. My strategy is as follows: Thany (14 mov) flies to the upper left to take the point, Alan (8 mov) rides to the upper right to take that point. Tate (15 mov) flies Roy to Zephiel's room. Since I can't afford Roy getting berserked and a berserk on Tate causes her to suicide I have Hugh, Fir and Juno eat berserk uses on turn 2~4. (Juno can't damage Hugh and he has trouble hitting her, so they are grouped on the left, Fir is dangerous so she's left on her own on the right). If  memory serves me right, everyone is in position on turn 5, but for reliability around my berserked units the door to Zephiels's room is opened on turn 6 so they're not wrecked by the reinforcements. Roy kills a dragon, Tate clears the way and on T8PP, T8EP, T9PP and T9EP, Roy fights Zephiel. A 2-round is possible if you manage to crit a 65% hit, 4% crit 4 times in a row, dodging a 75% both times but that's too filthy to rig for my tastes, so I settle for a 4-round instead. Sadly, the Sword of Seals has only 3 uses left at this point and I need to save a use for the final boss, so Roy'll have to settle for a wyrmslayer the next 2 chapters (not like he'll be seeing too much combat anyways)

    TL;DR I could've gotten an 8-turn, but I'm happy with this. I also regret completely neglecting to draft a staff user as these berserks were a pain to deal with.

    C23 3/181 turns

    At first my clear involved Hugh/a flier getting the bosskill so Fir could recruit Karel, but apparently Fir is the only one who can one-round the boss, to my surprise she doesn't even need a crit. So, I have Tate get Roy to the throne, which he can reach exactly on turn 3. Thany gets Fir there as well, 2 spaces behind, allowing her to reach the boss exactly on turn 3 as well. Both of them are dropped forward on turn 2 (from top to bottom: Boss-open-druid-open-open-Roy-Tate-Fir-Thany).
    To prevent the staves from ruining my attempt, none of these 4 units equip a weapon. On turn 3, Tate gives Fir the Durandal, takes the silver lance Fir was holding, and canto's forward, 2 spaces away from the druid blocking my path. Thany flies next to her, takes the silver lance and kills the druid. Fir can now reach the boss and kills the boss, Roy seizes. The others spent this chapter distracting some enemies, getting some exp and buying a new silver lance.

    C24 15/196

    The basic plan is having Tate kill all the subbosses with the Malte, Thany following her whilst carrying Roy around. The 3 biggest problem are Malte users, some dragons blocking my way and HP of Thany, Tate and Roy. To solve these problems, Alan and Juno follow along, rescue-dropping Fir and Hugh alternatingly, who can assist with the Durandal, Forblaze and heal. Alan having S swords would've been nice, but sadly he came just short of making it. Percival was deployed to carry Fa along not like I needed that slot for Garret/Echidna/Dayan anyway. Not much special, except that I was able to one-round Jahn with a Malte crit, which was possible due to the Thany~Tate C support. Malte down to 1 use, Sword of Seals to 2 uses as Roy had to heal himself once.

    Final 1/197

    Roy is rescue-dropped to be the only target for Idoun, due to his C support with Thany, he has 11 crit on her and one-shot her on EP with the sword of seals. (Yay, happy ending)

    Screenshot with proof of turncounts:



    Stats before ending turn in final (I couldn't add more images....)


    Unit       Lvl            Hp   Pow Ski Spd Lck Def Res WPR       Mov/Con change

    Roy        20/7.40   45    17    18   19   24   15  11   S Sw
    Alan       17/13.42 48    21    14    21  14   11  4     S Ln A Sw D Ax
    Thany    12/13.62 35   14     22   28  22  10   9     S Ln E Sw  +6 Move
    Fir          14/16.23 44    20    27    30  19  11  9      S Sw           +2 Con
    Tate       12/16.29 47   19   23    28    11  13  14    S Ln E Sw  +7 Move
    Garret     Wasn't recruited
    Hugh      16/13.16 42   23   21  20   12      16   14  S An E St
    Yuno       ??/11.36 33   12   15  17    16     10    12  A Ln E Sw
    Dayan     Wasn't recruited  

    Unit reviews



    Not much to be said, has to be free of course. Rapier early-game, bad midgame, sword of seals endgame. Spends most of the time in the backpack of a mounted unit.


    Pretty useful a number of times actually, used him as sacrificial bait quite a few times.


    Pretty good of course. Available from the start, mounted and very good combat. Stopped being useful after a while though as he was ironically left behind by the pegasi. Was amazing early-game though and still useful later at times. Probably worth the bid, especially since I didn't know at the time I'd be getting both Thany  and Tate.


    I was determined from the start to get either Marcus or her, I'd have been willing to pay even more and was pretty happy with this pick-up. My most important unit for the first half of the game and my second most important unit the second half of the game.


    At this point in the auction I was getting pretty nervous due to my lack of earlygame. I tried bidding on multiple previous units but ultimately failed getting any of them. I was therefore hellbent on getting either her or Shin. She proved to be extremely useful (for an infantry unit that is) as she was often the only person capable of one-rounding the boss, in the last few chapters even without crits.


    I wasn't seriously trying to get Tate, more trying to force AMG (who had the highest bid before me) to pay a proper amount for her but I ended up getting her myself. Not that I mind that for this price as not only did this force another person to to chapter 14 without a flier, having a second flier was extremely useful as Thany wasn't a reliable bosskiller, so either Fir could be brought along for that job or she could take+drop Roy at times to increase EP survivability. Since her stats were better then Thany's at the time I got my first boots, she got them, which often led to her carrying Roy, who had less mov and needed to get further, and Thany carrying Fir, swapping at some point in between in longer chapters. Otherwise, she could fly ahead, kill some enemies, then have Thany give Roy so he could travel 18 spaces in one turn. My most important unit in the second half of the game.


    I was just trying to drive up the price but then the other 2 bidders suddenly stopped and I got her, whoops. Wasn't really useful, so when a sacrifice had to be made at ch 20, it was her. I guess she visited some shops/villages and did some other minor things though. Not really worth it.


    I'll be honest, I kind of forgot at what turn Garret appeared when I bought him, I didn't recruit him. Maybe someone else would've liked to have him so there's that.


    I was pretty surprised to have gotten him so cheap, but then I realized FE6 lategame is very bootsreliant. I still payed the full 10K for him and I don't think the lost boots cost me a turn, could be wrong though. It was definitely nice to have another unit around, especially since I had no magic/staff users yet. He baited some staves, healed a bit and was an absolute terminator the few times he saw actual relevant combat.


    When I bought her she was definitely the best unit still up for grabs, so I just dumped the amount the person who had the most cash after me had on her. She was actually useful a number of times, saving at least 1 turn in ch20 by allowing her and her sisters to triangle attack, allowing Thany to go boots-shopping in ch21 by carrying Roy, adding reliability by meatshielding away some enemies from her sisters, who were usually carrying Fir and Roy and helped by rescue-dropping Fir and Hugh in ch24.

    TL;DR Fliers are always gas, even when you're Juno. And well, who'd say no to getting a triangle attack in a draft!


    At this point there were 2 people with more cash then me, Gradivus and AMG and 2 other units in the pool. If I hadn't bought Dayan, I'd have lost the Yodel battle to Gradivus and then the Karel battle to AMG, so I figured I might as well take Dayan out of the pool if I wasn't getting a unit anyways.

    Overall review:

    I'm pretty happy with this team, my earlygame was eh, but at least I had 2 mounts and my lategame was one of the best. Two obvious downsides to my team were lack of early combat units and no-one who could heal earlygame/restore lategame. And I obviously loved having all the pegasi. Like my sig says: "Skill and speed, all we need".

    I'm curious as to what turncounts you'll all get, good luck!


    Final turncount 197 turns

  10. C17 5/140 turns

    Tate gets Fir to the eastern shore, then is given Roy by Thany and gets him to the boss. Thany clears the way, so Fir can go in for the bosskill. Echidna, Alan and Hugh do a bit of arena, visit the village and buy some weapons.

    C18 5/145 turns

    Tate flies north turn 1, is given Fir turn 2 by Alan and drops her on turn 3. Thany picks up Roy turn 1, gives him to Tate turn 4, who drops him the same turn. Thany clears the way for the turn 5 bosskill+seize, Tate gets the guiding ring. The others once again do nothing.

    C19 5/150 turns

    Fir is left behind for once as Tate flies ahead, killing some enemies so Thany, who carries Roy stays safe, until Thany gives Roy to Tate again so he reaches the throne in time for the turn 5 seize after Tate kills the boss with a killer lance crit+hit.

    C20 5/155

    Everyone baits sleep uses so Thany and Tate can recruit Juno and move towards the boss whilst carrying Roy. Sadly, Echidna, who was slept first was not strong enough to survive after that. Since I felt she wouldn't save a turn after that anyways I just sacrificed her. On the bright side, I was worried she would never be useful and well, she was useful now.

    RIP Echidna

    Also, the boss couldn't be killed by Fir as she had to eat a sleep use, so instead I killed the boss by TRIANGLE ATTACKing him turn 4 with Thany, then with Juno, Tate and Thany in succession on turn 5. Aw yeah, Juno being worth that $33 and saving a turn immediately.

    C20x Free/155 turns

    Boring, move along. Though I guess it's interesting Thany has managed to build C support with Roy, Tate and Juno.

    C21 7/162 turns

    Tate starts flying Fir to the boss, drops her on turn 5, so Juno, who is 9 spots behind by then can give Roy to Tate so he moves 19 spaces in 1 turn to reach the throne on turn 7 after Fir 3-rounds Murdock. In order to reach the throne safely, I dropped Fir briefly on turn 2 and had Thany ferry Hugh along and drop him as well so only Juno was carrying someone on the enemy phase, whilst safely surrounded by others. Hugh was left behind, as the AI preferred at 10% kill chance on Hugh over a 90% chance at dealing big damage to my fliers, keeping them safe. Thany headed for the secret shop, buying 6 boots, using 1 immediately.

    C21x 6/168 turns

    Tate and Thany fly to the boss with Fir and Roy, both of them using boots on turn 2, killing an enemy on turn 3, using boots of turn 4, dropping on turn 5. Tate used another boots on turn 6, Fir one-shots the boss, Roy seizes. Hugh spent the chapter getting to S anima, Tate got to S lances, Juno distracted some enemies from her sisters, Alan killed some random dudes, now has S lances, A swords (halfway) and D axes.

    Unit stats in spoiler






  11. 2 hours ago, Carreau Diamond said:

    Also: Micaiah is stated to become Queen in the ending, though Sothe is only ever mentioned as her “husband” and “pillar of strength”, and never really King of Daein even with being married to her. Might it be fair to guess that maybe Sothe is NOT king and perhaps only Prince, leaving Miccy with all the concrete power? Might it be possible that they are only married for political reasons?


    Regarding this, In the Netherlands we have a symbolic monarch without power, which is still absolutely dumb of course. The point is, I'm not sure how this works in other countries, but when the son of our previous monarch becomes king, his wife is called a queen, but when the daughter of our previous monarch becomes queen, her husband is NOT called king. I think this is because historically kings>queens but the heir to the throne should be the most important one. So perhaps that's what they went for.

    I'm pretty sure their relationship is actually romantic, but Sothe wasn't named king because he shouldn't be more powerful than Micaiah, who was chosen to be their leader.

  12. C13 7/104 turns

    Echidna heads north for the body ring, Alan goed east to take down the ballista. Tate picks up Fir, promotes at lv 12 on turn 2, then heads for the boss. Thany picks up Roy and heads for the boss as well. Fir and Roy are dropped on turn 6, Thany buys killer weapons on turn 7, Fir one-rounds the boss with the wyrmslayer and Roy seizes.

    C14 4/108 turns

    Fliers get Roy and Fir to the boss, Fir is dropped on turn 2, so when Tate is slept on turn 3 it's fine. Fir+Thany kill the boss. Others pick up treasure, I got the boots, talisman, silence, speedwings and silver card.

    C14x 4/112 turns

    Easy chapter, Alan and Echidna walk around a bit to distract the bolting, Fir is dropped next to the axe users by Tate, Thany gets Roy to the boss and kills him.
    I used the body ring on Fir, the speedwings and boots on Tate.

    C15 3/115 turns

    Once again, my fliers get Fir and Roy to the boss, Lalum recruits some silver weapons Percival, Echidna and Alan visit the village. I drafted Garret, but he appears on T3 enemy phase. I don't think he'll save a turn and getting Lilina to the other side of the map felt either very unreliable or perhaps even costing a turn.

    C16 11/126 turns

    And.... I ran out of door keys. So I have Alan carry Roy to the right T1, then have Echidna rescue-drop him 2 spaces further, so I can start carrying him north. That basically marks the end of the chapter for them, Alan goes the left route up until the closed door to bait purge uses. Merlinus baits the long-range tome so Miledy stays out of range. The pegasi take the right route towards the boss, carrying Roy and Fir, Miledy follows them. I pay the full amount for Hugh and promote him after he gains a level at lv 16. Tate, Miledy, Thany and Hugh go to recruit Zeiss, Fir kills Narcian in 2PP and 1EP.

    C16x 9/135 turns

    Fuck this chapter. I don't have a restore user, so after Hugh is silenced turn 2 he does nothing except heal Echidna once. My plan was to have Tate fly towards the boss in 6 turns for the turn 7 bosskill+seize, with Alan, Thany and Fir clearing the way. She got blocked 2 turns though, once by the sniper who she couldn't one-round whilst carrying Roy and once by the mage+sage at the end. Maybe I could've avoided the latter, but didn't feel like redoing this. Alan got berserked on turn 7 and spent 2 turns attacking Fir. Echidna got some exp on the left.

    Unit stats in spoiler






  13. C8x 7/64 turns

    Promoted Alan at lv 17 after he got some exp. Didn't promote Thany yet. A 6 turn is theoretically possible if she's promoted, in case you're willing to rig/trial+error a 50%hit, 1%crit silver lance attack, which I am not.

    C9 6/70 turns

    Thany ferries Noah north, who equips a javelin so everyone ignores him and goes for Thany instead. Alan brings Roy to Thany, who can carry him to the boss. On turn 4 I recruit Fir with Noah, turn 5 everyone gets near the throne, turn 6 Fir and Thany clear the way for Alan's bosskill by killing Shin, Roy seizes. Fir cost me a turn, maybe 2.

    C10 5/75 turns

    Promoted Thany at lv 12. She carried Roy to the boss, dropped him on turn 4, killed the boss on turn 5, Roy seized. Fir got some exp, Alan kept her safe.

    C11 9/84

    This was a lot of fun to do, especially since I needed a lot of undrafted units whom I needed to keep out of combat. Echidna appears on turn 8 EP, so the earliest I can finish is turn 9. I need to have recruited Tate by that time and need to buy a door key for next chapter. In order to do so, I deploy all undrafted mounts I recruited (sorry Treck), so after recruiting Klein with Clarine I have Marcus, Noah and Lance rescue-drop her to Tate's spawning location. I left Merlinus there as bait, so Tate would go the right way, allowing her to buy keys on turn 9. To recruit Echidna I have Zealot ferry Lalum to Echidna's house, but to prevent him  from being attacked I gave him a javelin and let Fir follow him so all enemies attacked her. Since Fir can't reach the village in time, I need Alan and Thany to rescue-drop her on turn 2. Alan starts by clearing the way for Clarine+ the rescue-drop squad, then heads north, making it just in time for the turn 9 bosskill. Thany carries Roy to the throne, visiting the speedwings village on the way there, dropping Roy on turn 8 and getting the angelic robe on turn 9. I got both the Elysian Whip and the Orion's Bolt.

    C12 7/91

    Thany and Alan get Roy up to the throne, Alan one-rounds the boss with the wyrmslayer. Fir trains a bit on the right, Tate on the left. I didn't get any treasure. Echidna did nothing. Tate got the angelic robe. I'm not sure what to do with the speedwings, either I will use it to improve someone's avoid (Tate?) or I'll save it for Garret, probably the latter unless I start struggling with Tate's survivability too much.

    C12x 6/97

    Thany and Alan once again get Roy to the throne and kill the boss. Fir reaches lv 14 and promotes, Tate reaches lv 12, she'll be promoted next chapter. Echidna did nothing.

    Unit stats in spoiler








    EDIT: Considering I promoted Tate the next chapter at lv 12 on turn 2, I might as well add her promoted stats, image is from after ch 13:




  14. This took longer than expected as after finishing 8x I realized I let Noah die in Chapter 7, which meant I couldn't get Fir. So I had to redo the whole run....

    C1 6/6 turns

    Roy walked towards the throne for the bosskill on turn 5 PP + EP combined, critting once. Alan maked sure he could keep moving at all time. Didn't get the village.

    C2 5/11 turns

    Roy and Alan walk south, Alan picks him up on turn 2 and gives him to Thany on turn 3. She flies north and drops him on turn 4, allowing for the turn 4 EP rapiercrit bosskill. Seize on turn 5. Merlinus goes shopping, Alan kills enemies so dieck's squad isn't attacked.

    C3 7/18 turns

    Alan charges ahead to clear the way, Thany and Roy follow. On turn 6, Roy is given to Alan by Thany and then dropped in front of the boss, allowing for the turn 7 seize. Merlinus gets the mend staff.

    C4 6/24 turns

    Roy baits with rapier T1 on the east bridge, Alan with the javelin on the south bridge. After that, Thany flies him east, Alan follows. Turn 5PP+EP rapier attack kills the boss, turn 6 seize. Only got the door key village sadly.

    C5 4/28 turns

    Thany rescues Roy T1, Alan opens door T2, Thany drops. Roy attacks and damages the boss in turn 3 PP+EP, whilst Thany and Alan shield him from further attacks. Alan finishes the boss with a javelin and Roy seizes on turn 4. I didn't get the village.

    C6 4/32 turns

    Thany and Alan go straight north to bait the enemies T1 with javelins, then kill some more on T2 whilst Roy walks north as well. Merlinus baits away some enemies, once again dying, allowing Thany and Alan to rescue-drop Roy forward. They kill the boss on T4, Roy seizes. Didn't get any treasure.

    C7 7/39

    Thany flew north with Roy, had to spend an extra turn en route because it would be too dangerous to fly straight there. After dropping Roy, he fought the boss on T5 EP, then finished him on T6 PP, then seized on turn 7. Alan and Merlinus got the red gem, physic, killing edge and hero crest. Rapier broke.

    C8 18/57

    Not very interesting. Just walking basically. I tried to keep Alan moving as much as possible so he could clear away the clusterfuck of enemies in the middle. Marcus carried around Astohl for my promotion items, sadly I sometimes needed to leave Roy/Thany with him to prevent him from being attacked. Lost a turn to the elysian whip and lost 1/2 turns due to getting stuck.

    I was going to promote Alan, but figured that next chapter I will just let Thany fly Roy to the boss, so Alan isn't needed to help them, which means he can just go get some exp and promote on the last turn instead. I need to check whether promoting Thany turn 1/2 saves a turn, if so then I'll promote her now, if not I'll wait a bit longer as I'd rather promote around level 12-14.

    Compared to my previous run at this point, Thany has 2 less levels, Roy 1 less, Alan 2 more. All my units had slightly less good level ups, mostly Roy and Thany. I didn't get the angelic robe this time, but did get the red gem and shaved 2 turns, so overall better I guess?

    Unit stats in spoiler.

    My earlygame is a bit weird. On the one hand, I only have 2 units besides Roy, but on the other hand , they're both really good. So... Roy can be carried around nicely, as long as Thany doesn't get swarmed. I have to say I'm really looking forward to the other units I'm getting the next couple of chapters though.








  15. 7 minutes ago, Corncake said:

    I see..

    So for example, the author of the post would state the Banned Units, the Units that are always available, the drafting pool and the unit cap. Then, a couple other members would choose the drafted units?

    Then you go on to LTC the game with those units. Right?

    Pretty much yeah, like I said, check some posts in this subforum and you'll get a good idea of what it's like
    This is a pretty standard example:


  16. 2 minutes ago, Corncake said:

    Gotcha. So, do people bet or compete on who's the better team or something? And is there a limit to how many units one can choose?

    Depends on the rules set, usually about 4 players take turns picking units, chosen units can't be chosen again by someone else.

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