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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 3 minutes ago, zeus_112 said:

    I think of it this way: people start questioning me, I defend myself and if I've defended myself well they will question someone else. If I did not defend myself well enough they hang me.

    Whew, this is really bad. This makes it sound like you're on trial. You should be doing the questioning as well. Like, I know you're a passive player and all, but this is too much.

  2. 2 minutes ago, zeus_112 said:

    You mean my selfish (or lazy) play?

    I do understand them, but I don't really have an answer to them because I realize to that I ain't productive.

    No, I mean the part about asking me to unvote, or the "making excuses" about why you're not voting. Cause that's why via (and I think Eclipse?) are voting you atm.

  3. 2 minutes ago, zeus_112 said:

    okay, it may be a bit hypocrtitical, but: ##Vote: Fable

    I'm not sure abaut satsuma and bartiozo being town, but they made up for it in their last posts

    Mind explaining why Fable? I mean I can guess, but I'd like to hear you explain it.

    Why do you feel they were scummy earlier, and what was good about their recent stuff?

  4. 4 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    What I want to know is @athena_57, how would you describe the differences between your scum and town metas?

    I mean, this is my second game of forum mafia, so can you really speak of meta? I know I noticed myself playing vastly differently as scum last game than I play as scum in the IRL mafia games I'm accustomed to so... TBH I don't think there's too big of a difference as even as townie I find myself thinking about how I should phrase things and as scum I targeted people I'd target as town as well. Maybe there's some tonal differences and stuff, but that's sort of tough to judge about yourself.

    2 hours ago, Bibbon said:

    No, I never said that. Funny you would infer so from my post. 

    Is this a joke? You literally named a bunch of people and said they were town and then use the word "weird" to describe BBM.

    2 hours ago, Bibbon said:

    I'm not quite sure if I should believe this or not. If I do decide to believe it, then it would clear you as town... 

    Why does this clear him as town? Because he can't be targeted at night or because he claimed? Cause the exact same thing happened last game where a scum ascetic claimed in the middle of day 1.

    1 hour ago, Refa said:

    Who are the ~p o p u l a r  l y n c h  c a n d i d a t e s~ again?  When's deadline?  I know I don't want to lynch Athena, but I don't remember anyone else getting cased a bunch.

    I believe Satsuma, zeus and Bart are the ones with 3 or more votes on them. Kirsche has two. Deadline is in about 28 hours.

    1 hour ago, Bibbon said:

    I believe Athena is shaping up to be a mislynch. They just come off as a new-ish sort of player. Does anyone know how much experience they have playing? I mean, Mafia overall, outside of this site actually. 

    One game of forum mafia.
    Minor experience of TownofSalem, (online, phases of about a minute), about a week till I got sick of the afwul community.
    Mostly experience with tabletop with my cousins, werewolves of millers hollow mostly.


    Other thoughts:

    Agree Marth's entrance is mediocre and his "forgot to vote, see you later!"-post was really bad imo.
    Waiting on a game stance from Bibbon, but I disliked her questions.

    Wanted to reiterate I still do not agree with the cases on weapons, I just think scum wouldn't behave so weird. I don't know him though, anyone with more experience w/ regards to his meta capable of telling me whether this is something you'd see him doing as scum?

  5. 9 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    You keep me in the back of your head, sure, but you were still quite quick to retreat and take off your pressure and the vote, even though you said yourself that you were unsatisfied. It's going to look like I'm copying Shinori since they posted before I could while I was pecking at this between breaks, but to me that means you either didn't have much of a case to begin with, or you don't want to get into too much conflict. The former would make me question why you thought a double pressure vote was necessary, but it could be that votes on SF aren't as heavy as where I used to play. The latter would make me think you have something important to hide.

    I just found it strange that you say you dislike uncertain players, despite all of us playing a game uncertainty. I am more passive than you though, yes, especially on a first day with no information yet besides the set-up.

    I am making a guess on your mentality based on your tone, and my guess was that you want to quickly fit in. Bartozio just happened to be the other guy who voted me, and I'm not accusing you two of being buddies. Though, you don't actually have to agree with him on everything for me to think you're buddies, if I did think so.


    No I didn't have much of a case, that's true. But it was the best case I had at the time and thus the one I pursued. I do not consider a double pressure vote to be a big deal at all, especially in a 22 player game, so I don't follow your logic there.

    I didn't mean I disliked uncertain players, I dislike players who hide behind their uncertainty.

    I didn't think you were accusing us of being buddies, I felt you were accusing me of piggybacking Bartozio's case, in which case my argument stands.

    How many players are going to have to tell you D1 isn't just about meta until you start doing stuff? Even if it doesn't help you, it helps others. It feels weird placing my vote back here, but I think your later posts have been pretty bad as well. I find it pretty interesting you're attacking me for avoiding confrontation whilst refusing to place a vote yourself.

    ##Vote: SatsumaFSoySoy

    I'm liking Eclipse's stuff so far. It seems 'honest' scumhunting.
    I agree with the notion Refa seems like detached town.
    Weapons weird behavior is throwing me off, but I think it's NAI, perhaps even weird enough to make it townish.

    I approve of the case on Bartozio, he's been acting pretty weird, but I don't see any merit in joining the wagon at this point.

    Going to defend Zeus here for a sec, I can confirm saying stuff like 'I'm stupid' to people he doesn't know, sitting back and playing passively and a tendency to laziness are all things I expect him to do whether he's town or scum. Consider this a meta-read saying his behaviour is NAI. It is however extremely annoying @zeus_112, and I would urge you to become more productive.

    In similar fashion, all the other little-posters, so Fable, nightmare, JB etc. are null to me, with JB being slightly worse due to his hypocritical post about non-activity.

    Satsuma > Bartozio > JB for me atm.

  6. 3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    You seem rather uncertain yourself. You bandwagoned on a sus train, but you took your pressure off me rather easily, after my one real answer, even though you admit that you found it not specific enough, or with enough content.

    Just so we're clear on this, I wasn't offended or anything, my response was part of the game.

    But I will say, you did take me making two joke posts seriously, and you should. I take your wording seriously too, and it gave me the impression that you felt comfy with Bartozio supposedly behind you.

    Bandwagoned a train with 1 vote? Not sure whether I'd call that a train tbh.

    Abandoned easily? I listed you as one of my two prime suspects, how is that dropping the case? The vote was there to pressure you into giving reads, you made it clear you didn't have/want to say anything else, not much point in keeping it there then.

    I am uncertain myself as well, but I'm talking to generate conversations rather than hiding behind my uncertainty.

    "Comfy with Bartozio behind you", which is why I said I didn't agree with his reasoning? I made it pretty clear I wasn't agreeing with Bartozio in the sense that I agreed with his reasoning, I merely agreed with his conclusion.


    This post makes some really weird OMGUS-y attacks.

  7. 13 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Not really, so far. Everyone's pretty much just trading minimal pressure in an attempt to start something, but no one's really biting. Any stronger accusations so far (like what people are saying about your playing patterns) are more meta than logic.

    That's fair. Though you won't accomplish anything day 1 if you don't rely a bit on gut/meta

    ##Unvote for now. I'm still not completely satisfied tbh, but when you've got nothing, you've got nothing I suppose.

    7 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Though I have to say... For a pressure train that you didn't even start, and for an accusation that was rather surface to begin with, "here's your chance at redemption" is an arrogant thing to say lol. Eager to be on the mob's side?

    Don't take me too seriously when I use such terminology. What I meant to say by that was that it would be appreciated if rather than explain why you have been 'inactive', you'd become more active. Change your ways, live the good life, chance at redemption!

    7 minutes ago, zeus_112 said:

    well, that doesn't mean I'm scum right. As town you're also not very comfotable whem ya got votes on ya.
    Why I'm not diving in is because I'm a pretty passive player. I just read all the stuff you guys post and say something when I have a feeling or someone wants me to.

    True, but you're not being attacked for defending yourself, you're being attacked for defending yourself and not doing much else.
    Speaking of that, I am interested. Is there anything that stood out to you?


    Not sure where I'm going to place my vote for now tbh, I'm still not really digging Satsuma's stuff, nor do I like Zeus's stuff, but this might just be me disliking passive/uncertain players. I'll be back later, hopefully with a vote.

  8. 3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    My first two posts were only jokes, and I was under the impression that that was what we were mostly doing at the start (until I figured out you guys were for real). My third post was a little probe to see if someone would explain something to me, but I kinda got ignored so I just read on to learn.

    Well then, here's your chance at redemption. You said you didn't have any reads on people, but how do you feel about the cases being presented? Are there some you feel have scum intent? Even if you don't have an opinion on the guiltiness of the person in question, do you feel valid points are being made?

  9. 3 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Makes sense, no issues here.  What did you think about Walrein's initial case against you?  More specifically, why complain about RVS but do nothing about it?

    I think his case was fine.

    I didn't do anything about RVS because you can't just go "poof" and make it disappear, I didn't think someone had done something scummy yet so there wasn't really a case I could've started. This may be my inexperience, but I tend to (as for as you can speak of habits) wait till a wagon appears/someone pings me/someone pings someone else.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Fair enough.  What are your thoughts on Kirsche?  What about my Bartozio reply?

    Thoughts on Kirsche: As I mentioned before, I don't agree with his BBM case. I think the questions Junko's asking him are valid questions. I don't really have a read atm, but am definitely awaiting his reply.

    Bartozio reply: Reasonable question, though I think the answer seems fairly obvious imo. I think Bart thinks it's bad because you could also just say you don't have any reads without going into detail. I myself do not think this is a problem however and have a bigger problem with the aforementioned filler posts.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Refa said:

    I think what bothers me is that he has his own reasoning but states that he'll sheep a vote which is ???. 

    That might be a case of differing definitions, my bad. I was under the impression sheeping ment following someone's vote. To clarify, I do not sheep him in he sense I'm mindlessly copying his train of thought, I just agree with his vote.


    3 minutes ago, Walrein said:

    if I'm going to vote someone who has 4 posts and 0 content I'm not going to need a paragraph to explain the vote

    like I'd probably just drop a "yeah ok ##vote whoever" and be done with it

    granted not everyone is me but i still think taking so many words to explain a read on that sort of player is the sort of painfully self-conscious thing that's scummier than not 

    I mean, you're going to need to hear this from someone else, but I am overexplainy, I'm a math-student, it's in my blood. The only reference you can get on this is my brother @zeus_112 I'm afraid, this is my second game so there's not much meta to go on.

    I'd rather make my reasoning clear than be questioned all the time for being vague.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Zkirsche said:

    Athena my logic is that scum are more likely to try to fake content, that they are more likely to try and make sure their votes are on someone for "pressure". Do you disagree with that logic? How is it nitpicky and/or is that not what BBM is doing in your opinion?

    Also tbf to Bibbon the fact that they criticise weapons as well as BBM means it's more than what you're saying it is.

    I would agree with you... in later stages of the game. At the time of my vote it was straight up RVS. Any other vote would've been random/gut and there wouldn't be a confrontation either. No point in "faking content", when no-one is really producing.

    Yes, Bibbon's post is more, but only marginally so. I'm not attacking them, more curious how they see that as scummy if they don't have any reads themselves besides this read.

    5 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    Athena didn't really get that much flak for it though. He only said someone was bothered by it. Athena was mostly townread during D1 last game, so he doesn't really have any reason to change his early game now.

    @athena_57 The problem with voting inactives is that it's an easy way to avoid discussion while making it look like you're contributing. Voting someone who's not reading the thread isn't going to magically make them appear.


    I got the impression I was townread DESPITE that, not that it didn't have any negative impact. In any case, I'm not here to talk about last game.

    As for the second line, see above. It is scummy when there's something to talk about. There wasn't anything to talk about. I dont't treat it as "summoning" them, I treat it is placing pressure on someone I'm not currently townreading.


    I'll reread SoySoy, then get back on that.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Zkirsche said:


    @athena_57 Who is scum? Were you mafia last game?


    As for your first question, you're asking for my reads? I'm leaning town/null on most actives atm (and null on inactives of course)

    Second question: Yes I was scum last game, EO3 mafia.

    2 minutes ago, zeus_112 said:

    My thoughts are that its day 1 and im stupid so it aint a graet idea to vote right now

    You don't have to vote to give your opinion. What do you think of Walrein's vote on me for example? Justified/indifferent/scummy? Why? And what do you think of the BBM posts and votes?

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