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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. Just as I thought I could just only read today's posts today, my scumread gets vigged and I actually have to read back. Might as well take this opportunity to update my read pile. Note that I'm not in the mood for ITP hunting and am thus disregarding ITP-vibes.


    Town for sure:

    Via, Fable, Refa, Sully, Alette

    All people who shouldn't need an explanation.


    90% sure these are town:

    Kill, Kaoz, Baldrick

    Kill left out of "for sure" cause of rolespec, Kaoz in here because of it. I hate rolespeccing, but ugh. I still don't like Baldrick's slot but the interactions point to them being town.


    Probably town:

    Omega, Makaze, Snoyke

    First two are slots with good contributions, just not as obviously cleared as the upper regions. Snoyke would be in my town pile, but I just can't get over that vote switch yesterday.


    Other people

    LG, Arc, Mack, Walrein

    I think I was a little too lenient to LG and gave him the sub-pass when I said I liked the slot. I also think I gave Weapons too much credit for being a troll. I'm going to reread all these people and their original players and look at their respective cases... Off the top of my head, none of these slots really have any interaction with the flipped scum members?

    LG being on the Eclipse wagon gives him minus points, but Fable's stuff on Walrein is the only case I remember liking. And LG is voting Walrein...... I'm not comfortable placing a vote yet, but expect my vote going to one of these 2 unless I stumble upon something particularly interesting.

  2. 10 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    athena, I want you to explain something, see below

    I'm assuming you're referring to what I thought of that JB post after the unvote-thing? To be honest, I don't actually dislike it, especially the Eclipse/Weapons stuff I can agree with. IIRC past!me didn't feel as good about it, because I was townreading both Eclipse and Weapons at the time.

    10 hours ago, Fable said:

    Shinori ISO

    -Defends Zeus and JB on page 18 but in a direct way just in a "you should be voting for people other than them" kinda way. 

    -Also does a nightmare case on the same page which looks good for mack I think.

    -Suggests Refa as 3p on page 40? Seems like a weird angle to take on something that's w/w. Probably looks good for Refa? 

    -Pushes against Bibbon's defense of BBM which looks good for the bibbon slot if people have doubts there still. 

    -He pushes a Athena a ton so Athena should be clear af 

    -He's super hedgy on Walrein, says he's wolfy but manages to say he's gotten way better and defends him with Junko on page 47 in the same post.

    -That Omega slot is lock clear with how Shinori gets with him on page 48.

    -He pushes on Nightmare a lot too over the course of the two days. 


    I think JB is a good lynch but obviously would be boring if I piled on there too and I think the way he talked about Walrein is a lot like how he treated Junko, wolf read him but always found a way to say he was getting better or shouldn't be lynched. That tied with how obvious V the Omega slot is and how Walrein parked on him for 2 straight says make me not like him so much anymore.  

    Good call on Walrein, I completely missed/forgot that. Also, I'm curious, has Mack been using the QT? That would really help me in reading that slot.

    9 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

    So wait, there's no quicktopic this phase? Is the one between Mack and Fable still open?

    The other QT should still be open, yes. Where are you getting this "no QT this phase" from? I know I used my ability and it succeeded.

    9 hours ago, Refa said:

    If neither of the Co-Networkers claim blocked, then I would assume there is one.  According to what the Co-Networkers said, the Mack/Fable one is open until one of them dies.

    Sorry if you're trying to keep it silent, but since I connected you, you should know whether or not there is a QT atm. Is there one?

    6 hours ago, Snike said:

    I picked BBM and gaius because they were two of the people on the eclipse wagon and I felt the worst about them at the end of day.  So yes it would be their LD2 that bothered me. And particularly at that point in time gaius who I felt like was acting like a lyncher.

    How do you feel about LG as of now?

    2 hours ago, Alette said:

    I've listed my reads so far that I feel confident on. The other players are null or flipping between town/scum 

    You've all listed them at some point perhaps, but it's a lot clearer/easier if they're all in one place. Also, between posting them and now, nothing changed about any of them?

    1 hour ago, Walrein said:

    anybody willing to lay out the general case on jaybee for me?

    His D1/D2 posts have been very non-committal, he was scumreading Bibbon D1 and questioning her, but left his vote on the Bart wagon, who would end up getting mislynched. His excuse for this is inactivity. He hasn't said much about the 2 people who flipped scum and made a pretty sheepish vote on the first real counterwagon to Junko (who was lynched and flipped scum). His day 1/2 were non-interactive, he had a hand in the Bart mislynch and has bad associativity with the flipped scum members.

    He was my biggest scumread after Junk and he looks even worse now. The claim doesn't change anything for me. This wagon is already big so I might swap elsewhere at some point today, but for now I'm voting here to show where I stand.

    ##Vote: Jaybee

    With that out of the way, my thoughts:

    Phase end was disgusting. Multiple people pointed out the chaos could very well be scum trying to save junk and yet y'all almost turbo'd Kirsche.

    I already said I hated these counterwagons, but I don't think Makaze/Sully look worse because of it, their cases seem genuine.

    I am pretty bothered by the Kirsche wagon, mostly because I can't pinpoint who I dislike on it. Like I said, I'm not blaming sully, the gutreads from Makaze/Via make sense and appear honest.

    Refa just keeps on swapping and being opportunistic af, which I don't think is scummy. Omega's vote is barely explained (surprise surprise), but I don't hate the slot either because of their entrance wrt Junk.

    This leaves Snike, whose vote swap looks kind of bad I feel. I however can't get a read on this slot at all. Snike is just so incredibly towny overall but this vote is ??? and Shinori interactions don't look good either.

    Someone else I'm not sure on Is Eclipse/Baldrick. I feel the cases on the slot make sense, but they did contribute to the Junk lynch and were one of the counterwagons, which makes me think they're town? I'm going to need to hear more from Baldrick before I can develop a proper read here.


    Something else I wanted to point out wrt Shinori dancing around Kirsche at phase end. He explicitly said he was going to vote Kirsche if nothing happened, which he might have thought would discourage others from swapping. To me, it reads like he wanted Kirsche lynched without tying himself too strongly to it.

    My reads as of now:


    Via (duh, move along)
    Fable (I was already leaning town, but their firmness on lynching junk and their good post from early today bump him up to here)
    Kirsche (I know town/scum connectors make sense, but I'm not dumping my read over rolespec, esp since apparently these hosts have a history of screwing over rolespeccers)
    Refa (Opportunism is a bit weird, but still feels really town overall)

    Leaning town:

    Makaze (Good contributions imo)
    Kaoz (Because of their role)


    Snoyke (Confused on them. Also, I like the name Snoyke, props to whoever thought of it.)

    Alette (Post your reads please, I can't make anything off of this slot. Weirdness seems towny, but 'refusal' to cooperate bugs me)

    LG (I think I like this slot, just not as much as the leaning town people)

    Arc (Originally townread weapons for being weird, but if he does that as scum too then bleh)

    Baldrick (I like Makaze's case, but end of day 2 causes doubts)


    Leaning scum:

    Mack (depends on what he's done with the QT)

    Walrein (Not much to go off, need to see more of what they think after catching up, but Fable makes a good point)



    Jaybee (See above)

  3. 23 minutes ago, Fable said:


    People trying to spec on something like subs is gross and probably pointless tbh considering half the game has subbed out atp.

    ^^^ This

    Also, Junk subbed in, but only in name so far, he hasn't actually done anything. (I'm not blaming him, just saying I don't count it as him subbing back in)

    The Eclipse case is fine I guess, but I'm just not feeling it as much. I do however feel strongly about Kirsche vs Junk and am certain as well there is scum among them, like no way it would have exploded like this with the misrep-accusations being thrown back and forth otherwise. I dislike the Kirsche case and feel the longer the stronger about Junk being scum.

    My vote stays on Junk and I will definitely be looking at what caused the debacle of the past few hours, this smells like a really weird attempt to save Junk.

  4. @Omega. Good summary, except you say: "The groundwork for the zeus push has been laid with eclipse/athena voting there and more people becoming attentive to his lackluster posting ", when I didn't vote him there. My vote was placed (and removed) in RVS and ED1 respectively, way before this happened.

    Also I stand by my null-read on the slot and don't think Makaze's opening was that bad? Could you point me towards some specific posts that bother you, cause I'm not seeing it.

  5. @Refa Quoting that spoiler post isn't going to work, but this is what you said:


    Athena's early D1 replies to me show that he's thinking about the game in a way that would be hard to fake as scum.  I like his first voteswap off of Satsuma when he realized he couldn't get anything more out of the slot, very protown move.  Also IMO his revote on Satsuma reads as a natural progression (this guy is still bothering me the most even after I stepped off) to me.  Why did you approve on the case on Bartozio early on (here), but not see any merit in joining?  Why was there no merit?  Also I feel like here, he'd have to have serious balls as scum to describe his play in this game and be like "that's my play as scum".

    You should target me again IMO.  I want OC w/BBM/Bibbon/Omega/Sully/Via in particular.

    The reason I didn't see any merit in joining is that he hadn't posted in a while and he already had a number of pressure voted on him (3 I think?), me adding a fourth doesn't really add any meaningful pressure.

    I'd consider targeting you if you didn't keep asking for a jailor... Or am I mistaken in that a jailor stops me from connecting you?

    10 hours ago, Snike said:

    This would also explain the improvement of the quality of posts by athena;

    compare this (page 24)


    to this (page 42)

    They don't strike me as a natural evolution of a player's posting style within 72 hours or so.

    Are you seriously suggesting I let someone else write a post for me? Quite frankly, I feel insulted you don't believe I am capable of writing a good post. Look at the tone, look at the vocabulary, that second post matches my other posts way more than it matches anyone else here, especially Refa, who writes a lot more casual. If you really want, I can browse my documents for some reports I've written in English and you'll see the same style. The difference between these two posts merely rests on structure. Now, the first post was made 3 hours before phase end as a real-time response whilst I was on the brink of being lynched. The second post was a post I had some time to chew on, meaning I took my time to think about how I could best phrase my case. I was also a lot more certain of my reads in the second post, which makes me more determined and thus structured. I wouldn't describe the change as evolution in my posting style, but rather as me falling back on my normal posting style after the dust has settled a bit.


    8 hours ago, Snike said:

    But if you're aware this isn't satsuma's first game, what do you think about the delayed role claim?

    To be honest? I'm not sure, but after my initial surprise/concerns I don't hate it as much anymore. On the one hand, I'd expect someone with a bit of experience to see the merit in claiming such a blatantly anti-town (note:not scummy, just negative utility) ability as it can only assist town to claim it. On the other hand, if they learned to play somewhere where talking about your role is 'not done' than I can understand the hesitation. I think I'm okay with it.

    5 hours ago, Snike said:

    Jaybee: How do I put it; I don't think he's been that townie; I think the bbm case on him is good, and I think pushing the jailkeeper claim (which is basically a doc) despite the claim is suspicious; I understand the player's play's been suboptimal but DO NOT LYNCH PROTECTIVES EARLY is a motto I could live by. Especially jailkeeper because there's a chance they could block scumkill too.

    And then he jumps to the other protective claim;.

    but then the nightmare case is good;

    But I think the weapons case is bad; I don't think 2 where he's flaming a readspost is that bad?

    I scumread the slot but not as strongly as my other stuff.


    RADicate (replacing Junko): Like the reason I'm hesitating is paranoia; Athena's on the wagon; mack's now on the wagon; Refa's on the wagon; I was previously biased against him being scum  because it was kirsche posting + I think marth's case on him was bad  and suspicious d1; I don't think there's a convincing reason (logically) not to lynch him today from what is out in thread because the flip would be huge associations-wise.


    On the JB stuff: Mostly agree with what you're saying, BBM's case is the bulk of the case on him of course, but how do you feel about the stuff I've said on him?

    On Junko: You say you're townreading Kirsche and appear to be scumreading Junko, except for the fact that your other scumreads are on that wagon. You also said Junko flipping town doesn't really influence your Kirsche read.

    So you really think the odds of this being town vs town is so high? Because I really disagree on that. Town misrepping a fellow townie doesn't make sense and considering both of them have repeatedly accused the other of misrepping them, I'm interpreting it as the scummy one misrepping the other and trying to get away with it by accusing the other of the same thing, I just don't see this blowing up the way it did in a town vs town scenario?

    I was going to stop defending myself against you, since like you said it just turned into this back and forth of opinions on whether or not my behaviour is scummy, but when you start doubting scumreads I agree with because of it, I'm going to object. I would urge you to take a step back and consider the possibility you got stuck in the mindset of scumreading me without considering any of my recent stuff or the game around it. And if you're still absolutely certain I'm scum after that, who, besides Refa whom you've mentioned, make sense as my scumbuddies? Cause if I recall correctly, the only people who've been defending me so far have been people who are amongst your townreads, so BBM, Kirsche, Fable, Bibbon.


    Gamestance on Eclipse:

    The first part of Eclipse's stuff where she gets mad at people calling her out on the "easy" cases she's been advertising where she's attacking poor play bothers me.
    Then she continues by attacking Makaze for being in a slot that should be gone, which confuses me. I thought she was nullreading Zeus as well, but wanted to get rid of him for not producing, which is fine. But now Makaze is producing, so I don't see why she still wants the slot gone? I'd appreciate some clarification here, @eclipse.

    Then she spends some time talking about Junk/Kirsche without really coming to a conclusion, but I personally don't mind this, in fact I quite like it as I'd expect scum to have a stronger opinion on this conflict.

    TL;DR Not sure about this slot, I'm thinking null, maybe slightly town?


    My voting priority:

    It doesn't change much. I still have Junk > JB > Mack as biggest scumreads, but agree Mack's role makes him a bad lynch. Junk is way more valuable associative-read wise than both of them and I'm also more confident of him flipping scum. My vote stays on him and is in fact more solidified than before.
    Junk being forced to sub back in sucks for him, and having missed so much defending himself is going to be hard, but I still want him lynched today.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Kaoz said:

    I don't quite follow some of the reasoning Athena laid out either. Why is it obvious that there was scum early on the Bart wagon?

    This isn't a hard rule but when a townie is mislynched, I'm going to assume scum had a hand in it, albeit small. This doesn't necessarily mean it's a "scumpowered" wagon, but it feels to me like at least 1 scummember would either jump on the opportunity or is the source of this wagon. None of the other people on the early wagon (so votes before 1 hour till phase end) really bothered me, so PoE led me to JB. In fact, it's the biggest reason I'm still leaning scum on him.

    Do you agree with this reasoning or do you think all 4 "non-consolidation" votes are confused townies?

    And if you do agree, who else besides JB makes sense as scum FYPOV?

  7. I liked JB's post. I don't agree with the weapons case, but whatever, I can see why he would have issues. I agree with the nightmare/mack case (and vote) and I like his points on Eclipse, who I myself am still on the fence about. His cases are fine, even if I don't necessarily agree with all of them. Following closely how this progresses, but my vote can go elsewhere for now.


    I reread Kirsche and Junk and after actually looking at the blob of text Junk posted in detail I dislike it. The attack on Refa makes no sense, the attacks on me I've already mentioned and his stuff on Kirsche is bad, as discussed by others. Kirsche is looking better, Junk is looking worse and I agree with the notion there's likely scum among them. Good chance of scum, good associative reads, needs to be pressured into content, what more do you want from a vote?

    ##Vote: RADicate

    I'm interested in seeing what RAD brings to the table, mostly because Junk has been tunneling and a wider view would help a ton in reading this slot.

  8. 23 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

    Honestly, Athena's post where he caught the subs up on what was going on reads like town to me. He demonstrates a pretty good knowledge of the gamestate, and outlines his own cases really well. However, I'd like to see him update his 3 top scumreads as they all come from players who haven't really posted a lot. Hence, they don't change as frequently. Hence, they're easier to make.

    Let me start by saying my top 2 scumreads doesn't change for now. JB's reply was basically saying "yeah, you're right, good case." and it didn't even contain anything productive either. Mack is still catching up, but I was bothered when I heard he didn't use the QT at all. The martyr having a scum clausule is something I hadn't thought of and a good reason to not clear him based off his role.

    However, Zeus being subbed out means he no longer has any business being in my lynchlist.

    I looked at Marth's D1 stuff again and he remains null, I don't see where the "Upon reread, it looks worse" from Eclipse comes from at all. His D2 stuff is kind of weird, but Eclipse's vote confuses me. His bit of Snike fakeclaiming is pretty dumb, fair, but that's no reason to vote him on its own and the part where he accuses Walrein based on them flaking is clearly not just because Walrein's flaking, but because of meta-reasons as well.

    This is for me enough reason to move Eclipse into the null pile for now, especially when reinforced with a bunch of subs coming in doubting Eclipse, it makes me think we all just got stuck in this mindset of "Yeah, she's obvtown, move on."

    In any case, you were asking for scumreads and tbh I like Omega's plan of lynching one of Kirsche/Junko (now RAD I think?). I haven't received the summary of the case on Kirsche from anyone, so I'll suppose I'll start skimming the pages in search of them... Depending on what I find there and what Rad's first real post looks like one of these two will be my number 3 (or perhaps 1/2 if I'm really impressed/bothered by either).

    As a return question, you keep flip-flopping around (not that I blame you, I'd be confused as a sub as well), but it leaves me wondering, what as of now are your scumreads?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Omega. said:

    I'm finding this to be a towny post, especially when considering that this is Satsuma's first game. I'd be impressed if he pulls this in his first wolf game. This was the post that stuck out to me as I was reading the game a few days ago.

    It's not his first game, just his first SF game, hence the remarks about him adjusting to meta

  10. 5 minutes ago, Omega. said:

    Why on earth did you guys not lynch between Zkirsche/Junko yesterday? There's definitely scum between them.

    Why are you guys townreading eclipse and Walrein?

    Why are people voting/suspecting confirmed villager Marth?

    Lol @ this village. The foolishness stops today. We kill Junko, and if he flips town kill kirsche next. If he flips villa, I think maybe JB is a good shot. I don't like Shinori either, nor Weapons. Shinori, please talk to me more about Nightmare. Your guys' interaction was interesting.

    There's probably a wolf or 2 who is deep. eclipse and Walrein are both voting Marth who was obviously a villager, so perhaps it's between them.

    I really need people who are more familiar with kirsche/Junko to talk to me about how they're acting in this game. Lynching between them today and vigging the other if we hit villa would be a homerun play. Apparently we have only until tomorrow to make the play; I'm going to be in and out and checking on stuff.

    The way Sully claimed today likely comes from villa. Setsuna made a post earlier that I thought was villagery as well.

    Apparently my vote is on JB. He was was wolfy from what I remember reading along. Can someone link a case? Also, hello Refa. Is there anything important I should know? Who's likelier wolf between Junko/kirsche?

    Yo, Omega.

    Good question!

    Good question!

    Good question!

    Here's a link to my post linking to the JB case, I'm too lazy to link again. It also contains all roleclaims and my gamestance, bonus!



  11. @Makaze

    On ‎11‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 1:31 AM, eclipse said:

    There's several types of tells in a game.  Some are hard tells, like someone spilling information that they shouldn't know (say, a claimed BP posting someone else's role).  Others are soft tells, things that are subconsciously done as we play the game.  Your recent posts are responses to people - in other words, passive play.  Yet you're being awfully pushy with your lone read.  This kind of disconnect is a soft tell - in this case, a scum tell.


    On ‎11‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 6:09 AM, eclipse said:

    So let's say that you're town.  You die D1.  Not only can you not solve the game, but your lack of reads means that I can't tie you to other people come D2.

    My thing is associative reads.  But for that to work, everyone needs to interact with everyone.  What did you think of the exchange between Athena/Satsuma a few pages back?

    This sort of stuff basically. The first part where she attacks me tells me she's already looking intensively at people's tones early in the game in an attempt to move out of RVS.

    The second post does the same thing, it read to me as "honest" in the sense that it looks like she is attempting to get this game going as quickly as possible.

    I'm not sure why exactly I think it's honest, but it doesn't look like fake productivity to me.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Makaze said:

    Hello everyone I am town and I literally have not read anything other than the OP.

    I may claim if it becomes necessary but for right now I'd like to see a votecount and to see links to important cases so that I jump into the game without major upsets. Currently checking people who have flipped.

    Any confirmed town's opinions preferred over people being voted.


    If you scroll up this page, you'll see my gamestance, including a list of people who claimed a role.

  13. 1 minute ago, Fable said:

    I'm very against a shinori lynch btw, Eury went on about how Shinori was villagery multiple times so I don't see wolf!Shinori making that kill tbh. 

    Not only is that very "level 0" thinking, it also neglects the fact that scum!Shinori has a bunch of teammates. I'm not saying I agree with the case on him, but you're handwaving it a little too easy for my tastes.

  14. Okay, I see a Kirsche wagon forming, but I'm not completely sure where that's coming from. I hear he's tunneling a lot, but to me it didn't feel like that at all tbh, I'll reread him, but in the meantime, could someone link me a post containing a sort of summary of the Kirsche case (or make one)? I assume there is one, but I can't find it.

    As for Marth, I suppose I'll reread him as well (not like it's much effort) as if the attacks on him are justified it might be a good reason to re-evaluate my null read.

    47 minutes ago, Kaoz said:

    In that sense, I'd like to ask everyone what their top 3 scum reads are right now. It'd be great if you could include approximately how certain you are of each read as well as why you are scum reading that slot. If you made a more detailed case that still applies, feel free to just link that post instead.

    Also, a list of role claims would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    I claimed co-connector, each night I select someone who gets a quicktopic with someone else selected by a player with the same ability I have. This QT lasts until one of them dies, and an additional one is created each night. Last night I selected Refa, but was redirected to Nightmare (now replaced by Mack) who martyr'd Refa. The other player in the QT claimed, it's Fable, we don't know the other connector.

    Nightmare/Mack claimed martyr, (select a player, all actions targeting that player target Mack instead)

    Eclipse is confirmed Mayor

    Snike/Satsuma hydra claimed role miller I think? They'd better explain themselves, I didn't fully understand it, but the point is, investigation results on them are wrong.

    Magnificence Incarnate claimed delayer+self-watcher

    Bibbon (you) claimed jailor

    Via claimed riddler, he needs our character names and is vanilla till he knows all of them

    Sully claimed this weird role where they select someone and their action fails if that person uses a night action. They used it on Kirsche, the role failed, Kirsche confirmed (or at least didn't deny) he used a night action. (Side note, Sully made the awkward decision of starting a Kirsche case over this, but that was dropped after he realized there were way less vanilla townies (read: none) in this game than what he's used to)

    I think that's everyone? Sorry if I missed someone or got something wrong.


    As for my top 3 lynch targets:

    Nr 1: Jaybee BBM opened this case here, I joined and added some points here   and  

     He defended himself here, which I commented on here BBM also replied to him somewhere, I suggest you look it up.

    Point is, JB has been inactive, only posting surface level reads and not interacting, whilst keeping his vote on yesterday's mislynch wagon whilst he was scumreading someone else (for whom you subbed in). Then out of nowhere in the midst of questioning her (you now), he feels the need to leave himself a way out and says he feels a lot better about it today without explaining why.

    Nr 2: Nightmare/Mack (sub)

    Mack is still catching up, but Nightmare is in the same boat as JB, in that he's only been posting these surface-level uninteractive summaries from time to time. 30 minutes before phase end, when the biggest wagon was only halfway to providing a lynch, he decided to not contribute to a lynch but vote someone who wasn't going to be lynched that day. He also made a really weird comment on Snike then, saying:

    "You seem a little over-eager to push the Bartozio lynch, Snike. I know we'll need a lynch by the end of the day, but it's making me a bit uneasy", around 10 minutes before phase end whilst no lynch was a massive threat at the time, it read like he was setting himself up for a Bart town-flip.

    Nightmare has subbed out now, so my vote isn't here whilst I'm waiting for the sub to catch up.

    Nr 3 Zeus

    I'm null on him, but Zeus has made it clear he isn't going to scumhunt or contribute. Yesterday we reached a sort of consensus he should be vigged, but that didn't happen. If none of my scumreads get anywhere, I'm willing to consolidate here to get rid of him, I feel multiple people are in the same boat.


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