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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 4 minutes ago, Prims said:

    when I read his post I'm like "yeah that makes sense" so I'm willing to give him time and also see where the Marth/Boron thing goes but I could also still easily see him being scum, not a preferred D1 lynch though over clarinets/eury. on future days it really depends on how much he delivers I think

    So I take it you're still scumreading Eury, did you read their recent posts? Thoughts?

  2. Okay, I like these last posts from Eury, she gave opinions on people which was basically what I wanted from that slot.

    Via's attack on Eury is weird. Also, Clarinets is the biggest wagon, she has only made like 5 posts and you haven't read them, Via? What?

  3. The only thing that bothers me about Eury is that she still hasn't really given opinions on people and has instead continued to ask questions and defended herself against Bartozio. However, she claimed another post was coming soon-ish, so I'm going to wait and see what that post brings.

    Bartozio... His opening was meh, his case on Eury I agree with less the more I think about it. Apart from that, he hasn't posted much I think? I'm starting to not like this slot.

    But yeah, for now I'm definitely staying on the Clarinets wagon. The only thing that last post did was back off from the ill-received "attack" on SB, which further supports the notion that all he does is try to get votes off of himself.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Prims said:

    Athena seems to like to prod people to post which is an easy way to look like you're doing more than you actually are. This might just be an antsy new person thing though so FWIW people will usually get around to posting in the thread when they get the time; if it's not urgent / something you specifically want them to respond to making prods like this is pretty pointless.

    It's more of a formatting thing than a serious prod really. It makes it clear who I'm addressing with my question and takes their attention in case they're just skimming the thread. So a heads up to everyone I guess, if I prod you, I don't really need your attention ASAP, I just want that particular question answered at some point.

    If it bothers people I'll stop of course, just let me now in that case.

  5. @Clarinets You said you didn't like the case on Marth, but didn't really say how you felt about the people pursuing him, most notably Boron, unless you consider him part of the "null on everyone else"-group. I'd like some more explanations on the Marth/Boron interaction. Until then, my vote stays on you.

    @Shinori I'm curious whether your opinion on Clarinets changed after their post. I'm obviously happy they posted, but personally, I need a bit more. Same question for the other people on his wagon. (Or just people in general)

    @Bartozio After rereading your Eury case, I like it less. I still want her opinions on stuff, not just questions, but this sentence is weird:

    "I'm also somewhat suprised you're keeping your vote on Shinori when you seem to suspect Marth more."

    Where did you get that from? I initially agreed with this, but then I reread Eury and I'm not sure why you think they suspect Marth more than Shinori?

    @Omega. What makes you think Marth/Boron interaction is TvS? I don't necessarily disagree, nor do I agree. I don't really know what to make of it still, so I'm curious how you came to this conclusion.


  6. 8 minutes ago, Omega. said:

    None, barring a good gut read on him or Marth. That's my answer to Eury's question though.

    My problem with your post is that it doesn't really say anything. You basically say "I'm not confident in what I've previously said and I'm not going to say anything else". I can't really do anything with it, it's almost making a post for the sake of making a post.

    6 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I see. From your explanation, it sounds like you're not really suspecting Marth that much and are mostly on the fence about Boron. Am I missinterpreting that?

    Since you seem to think Boron's response to Marth in NAI (Not allignment Indicative), do you think it's reasonable she didn't talk about things other then Marth in her first post? And do you think she talked enough about other people in her posts after that?

    More importantly, what do you think about my case on Eury?


    Kind of. My problem with Marth is more tone-wise than action-wise. I'm not really bothered by his votes/pushes, but something about his tone seems off. (Mostly in his early posts, less so in the recent ones)

    I think it's NAI, yeah. I would've liked to here more about other cases earlier, but it appears they felt the weapons-wagon wasn't relevant at that point, which is fair-ish.
    After that, she (is it she? I assume so since everyone uses she, but the profile says male?) started discussing other stuff as well, which is better, though I would like to here more.

    As for Eury, the first part of your case feels nitpicky, but I agree the lack of a vote-swap or unvote is weird. I also agree with the notion that she prefers to ask, rather than talk about her own opinions. I'm going to stay on Clarinets, but I think it's fair that you're pushing her a bit, if only so we know how she feels about everyone.

  7. 1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

    Haven't really heard your take on the Marth/Boron thing either actually. Can I assume you were just waiting for me to post first?

    Not necessarily you, just people in general, I'm struggling with developing a proper read on the two of them as though I don't think Marth's explanation is sufficient/good, I can see where he was coming from. In fact, I was getting the same vibes at first, which combined with your inactivity made me doubt you for a while. (I liked your last post though) As for Sunwoo, I think his reactions to Marth could be interpreted as town annoyed by being accused by someone they don't trust, but could also be interpreted as scum trying to get out of the vote.

    So basically, I'm not sure about either of them, which is why I was waiting for input from other players.

  8. 1 hour ago, Grace said:

    Votals 1.1

    Clarinets (4): Prims, Shinori, Weapons, Athena
    Sunwoo (2): Bluedoom, Omega
    Weapons (2): Bartozio, Clarinets
    Bluedoom (2): Vi-astra, Sunwoo 
    Shinori (1): Eury 
    Vi-astra (1): Kokichi

    With 12 alive, it takes 4 to lynch at deadline, 8 to hammer. There are approximately 36 hours and 16 minutes left in the phase.

    Wait, didn't Via unvote?

  9. Okay, reading back I've decided to place my vote on Clarinets. Mostly because after being asked to talk more his only post was that he didn't feel anything was worth talking about yesterday. This bothers me because he still hasn't said ANYTHING about how he feels about anyone. His only "relevant" post was a vote on the quickly accumalating Weapons wagon, which doesn't help his case either.

    @Clarinets I wan't to hear thoughts/reads from you and also your opinion on your vote being on weapons currently. Is it serious? 

    ##Vote: Clarinets

    Also, could someone tell me who is meant by 'Boron'? And just to be certain, is Marth Magnificence Incarnate?

  10. Alrighty, I believe everyone has posted by now.

    ## Unvote

    At this point I'm annoyed by some previously mentioned people, Kokichi's vagueness and Weapon's lack of reply, but dont feel either warrants a vote until I've seen further replies.

    So basically, I'm going to bed and will place my vote somewhere tommorow morning after you Americans have posted some more.

  11. @WeaponsofMassConstruction Any thoughts on the wagon currently on you? Would you say it's still people messing around early D1? The only real voting action thus far has revolved around you, but you haven't stated your opinion on it. Care to elaborate?

    I'm not in a mood to put a vote on you and risk an early hammer atm but it bothers me you're not saying much.

    10 minutes ago, Shinori said:

    Bartozio's vote on weapons also pinged me so FoS: Bartozio

    Why would you say that? The lack of explanation? It being the 5th vote on a very early wagon? Note that I'm inclined to agree, but I'm curious with regards to your reasoning.

  12. 1 hour ago, Omega. said:

    athena, what mafia/werewolf-like board games have you played?

    Werewolves of Miller's Hollow is a thing we play sometimes with our family, so w/ aunts, uncles, cousins etc. I've also played stuff like "Secret Hitler" and "Shadows over Camelot", though that last one doesn't really count. Furthermore, I've played some homebrew/houseruled variants of mafia.

    I'm not in love with the vagueness of Kokichi, but not worried enough about it to warrant a vote, especially since it's not something I would expect him to say as scum. So basically, I don't like it, but I don't think it's scummy.

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