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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 39 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I think you're mixing things up here. I never said I wanted to lynch Eury over Clarinets. I only left my vote there in case you guys wanted to switch because of a last minute Clarinet claim or something. I don't think I talked about there being merit in a second wagon either, I just suspected both of them...

    Whoops, that was a typo, I meant to say I was more okay with the other 2 as they expressed they preferred the Eury wagon whereas you expressed you preferred a Clarinets wagon. As for your last statement:

    On ‎17‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 3:40 PM, Bartozio said:

    As things stand, I'd prefer a Clarinet lynch over Eury, but I feel like there's more to be gained with pushing Eury right now.

    I was referring to this. Which, granted, is back on page 4, but I haven't seen you retract that statement so I assumed it was still applicable.

    I don't think you claiming investigative makes you town, since scum!investigative is a thing and it's not too hard to claim investigative when your result got delayed. Not saying you made it up, I don't think you did, but pointing out this doesn't clear you just yet imo.

    40 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    2. The action got delayed, not blocked. I won't have to target Eury N2 to use it on her.

    Okay, please clarify whether:

    -The action will still resolve, but it will happen a turn later

    -The action was blocked, but you don't lose TP, can double action next turn and won't have to target again.

    Cause in the last case (and maybe the first case?), can't it just get delayed again?


    All of this being said, I'm not exactly thrilled by the prospect of lynching our investigative role. For the record, I'm still leaning scum on you and will be reading your posts closely, but the failcase seems so bad that I'm going to back off for now.


    In case you're interested in a mathematical explanation,  which you're probably not:


    ExpectedHappinesPostLynch = ChanceOfYouScum * MyHappinessIfWeLynchScum - ChanceOfYouBeingTown * MySadnessIfWeKillInvestigative < 0

    Not because ChanceOfYouBeingTown > ChanceOfYouScum, but because MySadnessIfWeKillInvestigative > MyHappinessIfWeLynchScum

    I'll be back later with a new vote+explanation for it, but I don't have time to type that up right now, so I'm holding off from voting.


  2. Okay, it's 1 hour past midnight here, so I'm going to bed now, but wanted to see what had happened first. My best guess is that 1 scum member was NOT on the scum wagon. There could be 0 or 2, or heck, even 3 but I'm pretty sure scum (most likely multiple) helped fuel this wagon and there's probably one chicken scum member not on it. I'm hunting for that last one, cause it's easier atm imo. Of the non-voters I'm most okay with Via and Boron as they expressed clearly they preferred a Eury lynch, mostly Via whom I was reading town anyway, whereas Bartozio expressed they preferred the Eury wagon, but felt there was merit in having a second wagon. This could be scum encouraging a wagon without jumping on it, so for now, he is my biggest scumread.

    Note I felt the same about SB as I feel about Bart, but well... You know. So I cut that part out of this post, leaving me with:

    ##Vote: Bartozio

    I've also re-analyzed the people who voted Clarinets, completing my "read-list", but I'd rather see what people have to say first before revealing that as I see little merit in doing so now and would rather gather more info first.


  3. It's a quarter past midnight here and I kind of want to go sleep, but I figure I should be giving Clarinets a chance to respond so I guess I'll stay for a bit longer, probably to phase end. I don't think he's going to show up though.

    Who needs to be properly awake for that Quantum Mechanics test tomorrow anyway

  4. Also, if Shinori ends up voting Clarinets and Clarinets votes Eury out of self-preservation we're on 7 vs 5. What happens after someone vote-swaps and its 6 vs 6? No lynch? If that's the case, what can we do to prevent that (besides force hammer)?

  5. My take/summary on Eury in chronological order:

    Page 1: RVS, move along
    Page 2: Still RVS, Eury posts some not really productive questions. I don't like it, but what else can you do at this point in time.
    Page 3: More questions.  She says (pretty clearly imo) she approves of the wagon and I interpreted what she said as  "I'd vote if the wagon weren't so big"
    Page 4: Bart is the first to attack. I feel the case is nitpicky, I've said so before. HOWEVER I agree with Bart's notion she's been unproductive.

    My feelings at that point (On Eury stuff): At first I agreed with Bart, but that dropped off later. I was annoyed by the lack of contributions, but felt null overall. I personally felt Clarinets was worse, but approved of there being a second wagon, despite me feeling null on it.

    Page 5: Nothing of relevance
    Page 6: More questions from Eury, a few statements, a vote on Clarinets. Via hops along the 'wagon' because 'It's the best existing wagon atm'. He's told it's not really a wagon, realizes that's true, but decides to stay because... (see page 7)
    Page 7: Via attacks Eury for suddenly deciding to vote Clarinets, despite declining to do so earlier. Shinori 'defends' Eury.

    My thoughts at that point (On Eury stuff): Sort of satisfied with Eury's stuff. (Reading back, I like it less though). I think Via's attack is weird and comment on it, my reasons are pretty much Shinori's reasons, as the phase is ending and commiting to the vote seems natural as a hammer is less threatening.

    Page 8: Prims says he doesn't like Eury for gut reasons. SB votes on meta reasoning and wagon strategy.
    Page 9: Nothing much

    My thoughts at that point (On Eury stuff): Not in love with SB's vote, it's a bit vague. (Gets rectified later though).

    Page 10: Boron hops on the wagon because he feels Eury has been 'fake contributing'. Bart checks out, leaving his vote on Eury to enable a swap. SB clarifies his earlier vote, saying it's about the meager actual contributions as well.
    Page 11: Nothing (yet)

    My thoughts at this point (On Eury stuff):

    Reading back, I'm less satisfied with the Eury stuff, I'm inclined to agree it didn't contribute a whole lot. I can get behind the case on her, but feel it's still not a more pressing matter than Clarinets.

    Shifting my read on her from null to slightly scum. Definitely staying on Clarinets though.

    I'd love some stuff from either Eury or Clarinets atm.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

    athena for the record I did not mean to attack you but please don't say things like I've been unproductive or useless, it really bums me out. I was only referring to your comment regarding eury, I wasn't regarding anything else you've said this game. it just felt like you dismissed her very easily.

    Okay, sorry about that, I just got sort of pissed and I tend to exaggerate when that happens. What I meant was not unproductive, but less productive then optimal. You contributed, but you could have contributed more if you'd given your take on Clarinets as well.

    5 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

    also what do you mean i haven't been posting any reads I literally just did this is really frustrating

    Same thing, you did post reads just now, but I'd have liked some earlier on Clarinets.

    2 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

    and what do you mean I'm not taking you seriously I never said that. I was trying to explain why I said the things I said, I didn't mean anything personally

    I mean the "You wouldn't understand"-statement which really rubbed me the wrong way, which got worse and pissed me off when it sort of continued in your recent posts.

    TL;DR I'm sorry, I didn't mean to attack you either. I exaggerated a bit because I got angry, which I shouldn't have done. The point is, I would've liked more on Clarinets and felt you were tunneling on Eury too much.

  7. 56 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

    @athena_57 as for my response to you. you cannot assume someone actively posting reads at surface level means they are town. everyone is going to post reads. everyone is expected to post their reads. scum have to pretend to me town and thus will do things town are expected to you. it's a lot more complicated than "eury posted reads and they look good so she must be town, and via is attacking her so he must be scum trying to discredit her!"

    and as for attempting to dodge your question. when I said "you're new so you wouldn't understand" I was referring to how my unconventional playstyle tends to throw new people off (and I don't mean to be like "lol I am so unique look at how unique and different and thus advanced my playstyle is") because yeah I do tend to flail all over the place, act on my instincts, and have trouble explaining myself at times as a result. again, I ask you to look at the context of things. when I told people not to automatically assume you're town or scum based on you being new, it's because we've in the past excused people new (and not even people who are new to mafia as a whole, but like even just new to SF and this mafia environment) and it's turned up backfiring on us. but you are still new to playing mafia here, and that was what I was referring to when I made that (admittedly kinda snide) remark last night.

    I did not assume they were town because they were posting, because first of all I didn't say they were town, I said they were null, I said so again later, please don't misconstrue my words. Secondly, I didn't like their post because it existed, I liked it because it felt productive/honest.

    In the same way, I don't think Clarinets is scum for inactivity, I feel they're scum because the content they posted was vague and "eager to please". Again, either read my posts or don't attack my opinions.

    I didn't say you were scum either, I never did. I was bothered by your seeming disinterest in something I felt was important. I don't use someone's activity as an argument to say whether they're town or not, but if someone doesn't comment I can't make associative reads. In other words, not posting/commenting isn't necessarily scummy, but it is anti-town and thus something I discourage.

    If by unique you mean "unproductive", then fine. Still, you can just say you prefer to not post reads  or not to read posts instead of saying "You wouldn't understand".

    I still don't think you're scummy, but I'm annoyed you don't take me/my questions seriously and also don't like you misrepresenting my opinions on people or my reasons for having them.

  8. 3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

    <On Nolan making early game more reliable>

    That's a statement I can get behind.

    <On forgery>

    I haven't used the forgery since I was always short on gold and prioritized Skill scrolls or powerful weapons at the shop.
    His Skill base of 11 and growth of 70 sound good... in theory. In practice, his actual growths never reflected the numbers for some weird reason (there are at least two other units in Fates that suffer from the same problem no matter how many times I play) and he usually ends up warming the bench once Jill and especially Volug join the party.

    Then we agree for the most part. I agree Jill is miles better after she joins. I also agree Nolan is at his best as a mini-Jeigan. I think the whole  "in practice" part is not a solid argument and I also think him being a solid mini-Jeigan makes him a weird pick for worst fighter when Dorcas/Bartre, Wade/Lott and Bord/Cord exist. Also, you should totally use the forgery, it's great.

  9. 2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

    If Tellius' axes are dope, then the axes in the rest of the franchise must be the lowest tier garbage of lowest tier garbage. With the exception of Haar and Titania, I have not seen a single Axe user in Tellius that showed reliable hit rates (something I consider to be mildly important in a unit). Not Boyd, not Largo and certainly not Nolan.

    Okay, then I guess I'm wrong for having an opinion based on at least 8 playthroughs worth of personal experience. *shrug*

    How often in those 8 playthroughs have you effectively used the forgery? Base hit of axes ain't bad in Tellius, a couple of forged hit and you're there. Nolan has 11 base skill (Amongst the best amongst your starting units) and his growth rate is 70. How is that bad exactly?

  10. 13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

    Controversial though as this choice may be, since people like him for... whatever reason, I'd like to nominate Nolan from Radiant Dawn as one of the worst Fighters. Not only does he have the ailment of being stuck with the worst weapon type in the franchise in one of the worst classes in the franchise, he also suffers from severe Strength problems. The ONE selling point his already terrible Fighter class offers and this guy sucks at it.

    You realize Tellius axes are dope? I agree axes usually suck, but Tellius is an exception to this rule afaik. And the reason fighters are usually classified as a bad class is due to axes being bad, not the class itself per se.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

    I don't have much to say on Athena but I think a solid stance on the game would be nice to have from you? I think you're proactive which is good in general but we've been getting more question from you in the last few pages than opinions so that would be cool.


    I'm not going to list my opinions on everyone, but most notably:

    Clarinets - I've made it clear at this point I need more from this slot. I don't like his posts, I don't like his lack of activity and I need opinions. Reading scum heavily.

    Eurykins - Though I don't hate the cases on her, the more recent stuff at least, I'm reading null atm. I sort of liked her recent posts and think most of her rebuttals were fine. Cool there's a second wagon out there, but at this point in time I'm not seriously considering a swap onto her. Null.

    Marth - I previously said I liked your actions but disliked the tone, but the tone of your recent stuff has been good. Leaning town very slightly.

    Boron - Still struggling with a read, though I tend to agree with most stuff she's said. Null.

    I feel these four are the most "relevant" discussions and this point, I don't see a reason to share my other reads, especially considering none of them are very strong. Though I guess I should mention my opinion on Via depends BIG TIME on how he responds to the questions posed, most importantly on why the hell he hasn't read Clarinets' stuff.

    As a counter-question, how do you feel about the Eury wagon? I mean both about Eury herself and the people voting her. 

  12. 59 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

    -Clarinets: [.....] Another thing is that I don't think his catch post a few pages ago is bad and it doesn't strike me as scum trying to get votes off them? [....]



    I think what I don't really like about Clarinets' post there is that when people 'forced' him to push someone, he did, only to immediately drop the case after realizing it wasn't well liked. Feels very "eager to please", which is why I classify his content as mostly trying to lose votes, not actual scumhunting.

  13. Thanks Kokichi!

    Worth noting Shinori said this an hour ago:

    1 hour ago, Shinori said:

    Clarinets is at 6 votes with Eury and Prims votes added to the previous 4.  Following that is Marth and Eury both at 2 votes.

    That's L-2 so I'm doing this to avoid an early hammer.  I still am all for a Clarinets lynch.


    Putting Clarinets at a virtual 5 votes atm, though this was before the whole Via vs Eury thingy, so I'm not a 100% certain on where he stands currently.

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