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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 13 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Well, scum wouldn't hook you and redirect you.  So if scum redirected you and your action still failed, it means there's another unclaimed role that can cause actions to fail (likely from scum, that's way too much of a coincidence that they redirected you to a target that would cause your action to fail).  But yeah, if the redirector is town,  then I'm probably being dumb here.

    I agree completely with the first part, but I assume you're thinking they hijacked me to an ascetic or something? That doesn't explain Baldrick's action failing though, he targeted Conqueror, the same person his action succeeded on N2.

    So that requires a scumrole turning people ascetic for a night? Is that a thing that's done sometimes? Just trying to follow your train of thought here assuming a scum!redirector.

    Ignoring the stuff regarding me, another possibility for town!Baldrick's role failing is Conqueror is an x-shot ascetic/commuter? Since he didn't claim, that implies scum!Conq probably. (FTR this is complete spitballing, I'd vote Baldrick>Conqueror for sure atm)

  2. 7 minutes ago, Refa said:

    that's possible, yeah.  but thinking about it, why would scum roleblock and redirect you*?  imo this implies that there's some scum role that can make actions fail.  this means that baldrick is at least not incriminated by that.

    also idt it's safeguard because i targeted everyone last night and it didn't fail.

    *i'm assuming scum redirected you because idt anyone has claimed otherwise

    ##Unvote until i can think things over later

    Uh, hm, good point. I suppose if we have a town!redirecter, I'd expect them to not claim (?), so scum!SB could've blocked me and town!redirecter redirected me?

    How does this imply scum has an action-fail role?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Refa said:

    If you get roleblocked, you don't have an action to redirect in the first place.  The way you worded it makes me think that's not the case.

    Not if redirect has higher priority, right? So my action gets redirected, then blocked? I don't know whether there are conventions for this, are there?

  4. 5 minutes ago, Shinori said:

    IF redirects are made known to the target then Baldrick is scum.  Unless his role has a gimmick like I stated previously.

    ##Vote: Baldrick

    I first received a notification my action failed (This was the N2 action, I claimed this D3), later on I was notified of a small mod-mistake, the action failed message was revised to "redirected to NAME and failed"

  5. 2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

     He claimed to not target you on n3 so....yeah...

    I mean, a redirect would've been possible, but he'd be notified of a redirect happening (I was notified of this when it happened to me). I was vague about this before to give him the chance to claim that if it were true, but considering that hasn't happened by now...

  6. 2 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Lightning Rod redirects all NA's onto the target, right?  Give it to me IMO.  If we mislynch tonight AND Athena doesn't roleblock scum NKing, then we can just NL the next day and it removes another unclear slot from the game (so I can complain in GY with maximum confirmation bias).

    Oooh, right, didn't think about that.  Since none of JB's actions could have caused Baldrick's action to fail...

    What do you mean it can't be used after tonight?


    ##Vote: Baldrick

    @Jaybee @Shinori @athena_57 @Conqueror @Orihime @Killthestory I don't see how this discrepancy happens to Town!Baldrick,  so unless you guys can explain something that I'm missing here (entirely possible), this is a good vote.

    It's a one-shot. Assuming I still have it and use it tonight, it's gone, so me living beyond that point isn't more valuable than anyone else.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Why did you claim this?  We should probably lynch today so it's less likely that you'll get NK'd zzzzz.

    Why did I claim it? So it's clear Baldrick's action failing still isn't resolved. Who cares if I get killed over someone else? Assuming I still have the item, it's a one-shot and can't be used after tonight anyways.


    4 minutes ago, Conqueror said:

    See I wouldn't mind letting the cop shot go through except I think KTS is scum so I wouldn't believe anything he said anyway. Like seriously let's say KTS comes out tomorrow with an inno on one of me/Refa/Baldrick. We lynch him. He flips scum. Result is useless.

    So if we think he's scum we lynch him today. We only let him give his result if we think he's town, which is the only case where KTS living is worth it.

    Let's say we let him cop tonight, then lynch him tomorrow.

    If he flips scum, the only thing that happened is that the lynch order was swapped. (And KTS has an extra night to use his scum!role if he has one). If he flips town, we've used our mislynch, but have a cop-result to work with.

    Is giving him a night a risk we're willing to take in order to maybe get a cop-result?

  9. 3 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    - If kill insists on lynching someone when we have a NL in hand, we string him up.

    - I want the other inventor to explain his actions

    PEDIT: ffs can someone please explain why we should risk getting a cop guilty in mylo?

    Not necessarily what I want atm, but no lynching does deny the possibility of a "free extra mislynch" through role shenanigans right? (A protective item or a second one-shot protective for example)

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