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Everything posted by salinea

  1. finally got a defense win, I was getting worried.
  2. fingers crossed for Aversa, we need more magic using fliers.
  3. Marthina is better than Chrom for a strong red attacker (Chrom is very slow, so he relies on Brave Sword builds to really put in the damage, and that's expensive since you need a Brave Sword + fodder. Mask Marth is fast and strong and only need a solid set of skills to complement her excellent bases). Tharja should be a solid red attacker too, in the magic side of things :) But if you want a defense phase Distant Striker, yeah Camus and Xander are the way to go.
  4. There are various options. The Askr trio (Alfonse, Anna, Sharena) are a good investment for always having an arena bonus unit under hand. Eirika is a great support characters for a Blade tome user and I see you have a 5*Tharja to enjoy it. Nino is another great Blade unit, especially if she has a good IV (+speed especially; +Att also good). Several of the GHB units are good to raise (like Xander, Michalis, Sharena, Ursula especially with a horse team, Legion...). It's best to time raising them with their time as arena bonus unit so that makes Legion most interesting right now of that lot. Are there any type of units you feel like you miss? If you don't like missing a 5* Blue mage, I guess Ursula becomes more worthwhile (although i'd reccomend having Odin under hand to give her a Blade tome before that) for ex? Do you want to make a flier or cavalry team? etc.
  5. Well I beat my personal best score, even if at tier 20 it's kind of useless.
  6. Did Infernal again to be more sure of my step by step; and since all the characters I used are relatively accessible enough here's how I did it: Team: Sophia 4* with Raven tome, TA 2, Green tome breaker (mine is +att not sure if that matter) Klein 5* neutral. Native skills all that matters. Nino 5* +speed, Fury, Draw Back. Speed matters but can be achieved otherwise I’d expect. Camus 5* Fury, Bonfire. (Klein and Camus both have Spur Att level 2 & 3 i don't think it matters a lot but it might smooth some kills easier) First turn: Sophia enjoying hone att goes to bait on the left, rest of the team to the right. Sophia kills the green cavalry and tanks the thief. Second turn : Camus breaks the wall so that the sword cavalry will fight him (and dies). Klein takes a chip shot at the swordsman from behind the wall because why not, Nino draws him back a spot beneath. Sophia folds back between Camus and Nino. Third turn: Nino kills the blue mage and Klein kills the thief. Fourth turn: Camus finishes the swordsman. Klein slays Clarisse. (My first round I needed Sophia to finish off the sword cavalry because Camus left him at 1 HP. I expect there was a Hone lost somewhere in small movements).
  7. Cleared Infernal with a 4*Sophia (Raventome, TA 2, Green Tomebreaker), Camus (classic Fury/Vantage/Bonfire/Repo build), Klein and Nino (+Speed, Fury, Despe) Sophia tanked a first blow and killed the green cavalry. Camus handled the swordsmen, Nino killed the blue mage, and Klein sniped the Ninja and Clarisse (had to make up of Klein and Camus' Spur Att for Nino to manage it).
  8. That's probably because Ishtar, Blume and Leptor aren't characters in Heroes (yet)?
  9. Kleinice and Prisciven look disturbing hot
  10. Giving Glacier to Eirika. It's a bit too slow to be useful. I also gave Glimmer to Sharena, but it never seemed to hurt her much. Sometimes I regret a bit Renewal vs Swordbreaker or QR for her, but it's not like Renewal itself never comes in handy so *shrugs*
  11. Given how similar Katarina's baseline stats are to Tharja, the non shitty IV Tharja is probably better. Katarina can be a nice source of skills though.
  12. Naga because there's nothing like calling a dragon to eat a dragon Aura because it doesn't kill people, it just beams them up to aliens Eksewhatever because of Zelphiel little sword twirl Hautclere because it looks cool. And is an axe.
  13. Same for me. Hoshido! Nohr! Hoshido! Nohr!
  14. Having enough SP for all the skills is what takes up time the most IMHO (if you need all those skills for decent arena score at least)
  15. Oooh lucky you! I really want Katarina! Still need to train her up :)
  16. I probably am as indecisive as you are!!! although i've yet to stockpile feathers until 80K; 60~some is my max. Nah, it's just more fun that way. But yeah i guess I could use Ursula instead. Yup! Despite my Gunter drought i have plenty of Jagen around. I was planning Hone Cavalry on Red Pony, yup, I meant the Red Pony could be Xander or i coud get lucky and it could be Eldigan... (I even vaguely considered Eliwood for that role). I also just pulled Luke recently but he's -Att so :/ I'm kind of sad of not letting Camus with his own Spur Cavalry though but i guess that's best to give him Fortify for Blade Horse Emblem.
  17. Hmmm yeah actually. I have already Camus at 5*; and a good IV Cecilia (+att/-def). The main reasons I've been holding on was 1/ still haven't pulled any Reinhardt 2/ Hoping on Eldigan on Fury Banner and to pull him 3/ Only one Gunter as fodder for Hone Cavalry. But promoting Cecilia at least should fit the program regardless, even if i don't know yet who'll get that one Hone Cavalry.
  18. I have over 60k feathers and i don't know who to promote... first world problems, I know. Is it even worth asking on the Ask thread? I feel like the field is too wide.
  19. After a lot of tries and... 2? I think it was 2 Energy potions i managed to beat Infernal with a team of Nino, Linde, Roy and Olivia. Took it pretty slow. Nino started on the left Legion then Dancedrawback, and Linde baited the Red Mage in the middle meanwhile. Lots of careful positioning to clear the enemies that could reach me after that. Didn't really leave the down part of the map at all. Roy only really got to block two remaining Legions by the end of it (although he certainly helped killing them).
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