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Everything posted by salinea

  1. What's best for Linde, Life and Death 2 or Darting Blow 3? (she's Speed +/ Def -; and i'm keeping her on Aura for now)
  2. Oh the female language thing is very interesting! On the other hand, based on mythology, Merlinus and Myrddin should be the same person, so historically Fire Emblem likes picking up mythological names but not always to keep super faithful to that sort of etymologycal links.
  3. Units I really wanted to get that I have yet to get: Sanaki, Eldigan, Soren, Titania, Reinhardt, Olwen Units I really wanted to get that I did get: Julia, Cordelia, Nino, Klein, Lilina Units I really want who aren't in the game yet: Micaiah, Jill, Elincia, Naesala, Reyson, Shinon, Lewyn, Arvis, Arthur, Tinny, Ferry, Ishtar, Altenna, Travant, Legault, Rath, Maribelle, Aversa (that one mostly because flying mage tbh) Units I really wanted but then i didn't because they weren't well done: Lachesis, Lucius, Rebecca
  4. yet another Reinhardt, Olwen, Cecilia, Xander team cost me one death on my second run through (i had one death for stupid reason in my first one too). Given the tier i'm at, i have no expectation of ever being able to go up so there's no real pressure but it's still annoying...
  5. What mages do you have?
  6. I tried to use my 4* Nowi and the answer is "not very far".
  7. 22 might, eh? I guess that's one way to make healer!Athos work.
  8. Marthette Marthine Marthorie?
  9. Olivia, Lissa, Barst, Maria for training (Serra is lagging); Klein, Sharena, Julia, Nino, Ike, Eirika, Cordelia, Michalis, Roy, Linde for arena/tough fights. Then it's the specialty team members: Caeda, Palla, Cecilia, Ursula, Frederick, Jagen, Eliwood, Zephiel, Sheena, Draug, Effie...
  10. New score of 4,816 gives me rank #1447. I think I'm good for tier 19.
  11. I resisted giving Roy Tri Adept for a long while because I thought it sucked, but when I finally did it worked very nicely for him. Give it to him. Distant Counter might not be awful in conjunction with Binding Blade's defensive bonus though, if you have a good defensive IV. Swordbreaker is probably best as a B to increase coverage. C skill depends of team (I gave mine Threaten Speed to go with that Seal Defense but that's not optimal in this ORKO happy meta). For Special I'm pretty happy with Iceberg. Aether and Galeforce have too long Countdown for Roy I think.
  12. Dire Thunder is a Prf Tome. You can't transfer it to others. Common wisdom says Olwen is better than Reinhardt in Cavalry teams, but less good otherwise. She has a fairly low might but enough Speed to quadhit. Adjust build accordingly.
  13. Woot more quotes for everything. Those are very good. Holy shit, his stats are crazy. Very scary dude to face off (which is fitting but I'd worry a little about him being OP). His kit seems great for him too. I like what do you do with the Nihil Skill but I feel it would be more fitting to call it "Parity" as it seems more similar to that Tellius skill (I feel Nihil is covered by Guard in any case). Great work on the stats and skills. Serenity is interesting, I feel it might be a bit OP... it would disable not only Spurs but all the "Blow" skills and all the Breaker skills and QR as well... and also Wary Fighter and other things I might forget. That's a bit much. Maybe if it worked only when you initiate combat for balance? Somehow I don't feel like you got her voice as well as you did the Black Knight in the quotes, though.
  14. Ah, 2 Repo is do-able, thanks! :) Hmmm I'll probably stick to Xander for now... well in any case, I probably can start with promoting Cecilia since she's a given, and we'll see if i draw anything else as we go...
  15. Well in the absence of either Olwen or Reinhardt, I could use Ursula of course. (my 4* Ursula also already has a regular Blade tome) ... well I don't have Leo. I mean, I could use Eliwood instead (I have a +att/-speed one and a -HP/+Res one), he probably tanks green mages better than Xander although I'm not sure how useful that is without distant counter. I'm not sure I have quite enough Reposition fodder for all of them though...
  16. I'm almost at 60k feathers so I'm kind of wondering if I shouldn't start making a good Cavalry team as well. However I've yet to draw a Reinhardt (:(); but I have: - A +Att/-Def 4* Cecilia. She already has a regular Blade tome. - A +Att/-Def 4* Frederick. Potential Brave Axe build, but that's a bit expensive to make. He already has Fortify Cavalry. - Xander and Camus, duh. - a random 5* Peri I drew like naturally. I guess she can be a cheap place holder or something. - a bunch of Jagen fodders, one or two Eliwood fodders, only one Gunther fodder grrr. I guess I could start from here... or try to draw Olwen in the against Camus banner...
  17. Just went off against an Armor team team featuring two Hectors, and both Zephiel and Effie had their Distant Counter (and Goad Armor); Holy Whaling Batman!
  18. Done on 2nd attempt with Ike, Nino, Klein and Linde. Nino and Ike did most of the work (Klein is Reposition bot and Linde healed Ike a little/played bait for the axe cavalry). First Nino kills Camus and I used a combination of Ike’s Swap and Klein’s Reposition to put her out of danger (cuz Ike’s the one with Hone Speed. If the Reposition bot has a good Hone speed it makes it simpler); and then Ike took out the Troubadour/blocked choke point and tanked everyone else, pretty much. Aether is pretty rad.
  19. rank #2,945 of tier 18 with 4,782. It was nice to finally be able to play Nino with Eirika (I had to phase her out just when I promoted Nino first for Ike then Roy). The result is indeed slaughterous. Kind of regretting giving Rally Res to Eirika now, cuz Nino doesn't really need it and Reposition might have been nicer... That's a relatively low score though, so I'm trying the next sequence with Ike (with Aether on) for higher BST. Might have a shot to climb to tier 19 and it's one orb. Score twin!
  20. I think Sylvia/Claude is the one that drives me crazy because it's such a loose plot thread and it feels so *winkwink* about it.
  21. You get the servant of the gender opposite your avatar, so you get Jakob for a girl (I think you get both of them eventually though, just later). She has a crush on a person who turns out to be her half brother but nothing happens between them... By FE4's standards, only a little bit incestuous :p
  22. Ah, I was very comfortably set for tier 18 with my score of 4,794. Didn't fall off. Hopefully tier 18 is less scary now (I haven't used a duelling crest yet but i'm still well ranked but this is way too early to call. Well it's either fall off or up by this point anyway) Well done on getting a deathless run already!
  23. Jakob's convo insulted my tea making abilities and then basically tried to neg me. It was remarkably uncomfortable and completely turned me off the character. (I haven't played Fates yet). Julia's convo (and writing in general) is awesome and actually gives her more characterization than she has in FE4.
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