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Everything posted by salinea

  1. I'm a very bad loser, so I think it was mostly getting tired of losing at the arena. But a bit bored with game too, ehhh, it happens. Yeah, we few, we happy few...
  2. Been in a fedupwithheroes mood for the last couple of days; but i did finally manage a deathless run by some stroke of luck in term of maps match up. That should get me to level 18 where everything is hell, hmmm.
  3. I don't have a hard time with defense tiles, actually. Loved the defensive maps that were rolled up earlier. I have a harder time with the maps with a lot of blocks though x_x I suspect I play a little bit defensively and that's why it's more of an issue for me (even though I do have two ranged units, Nino and Klein, I often rely on setting a unit to take a blow on ennemy phase to control the flow of the fight...) no Dancer cuz I'd need to promote Olivia to 5* in order to make an equivalent team. Maybe I should replace Sharena with Linde already, more range might be useful... And Sharena often fails to kill in one round because I didn't give her QR or SB , which does set her up vulnerable to WoM and the like which can be annoying. Could be giving Nino more support in general, too. Tometeam sounds fun.
  4. Mostly it's the new maps. They make anticipating the action of the enemy pretty hard. I might get a bit more used to them eventually (like the new lava map, I managed to trap myself in a pretty stupid way once, so now I know how to better anticipate that it can really cut your options if you're not careful) but some are just... difficult the way they are (the boat to boat map? ouch. Not the one that made me lose the most but it's a really tough one). Not that much issues with WoM & the like, actually. Just basic positioning on the map. My team could be stronger I guess (Did my best for Roy, but as a replacement for Ike he's pretty mediocre) but that didn't prevent me from getting deathless last week... so i think it's the maps.
  5. Yeah, I'm having a hard time as well... no deathless run yet (at least 3 deaths?) I'm starting to get gunshy *sighs*
  6. I did the first Armor quest with my -Att Sheena! Such fun. Then i had to retrain another Sheena who wasn't -Att for the second one.
  7. My current rate of success this season is one failure out of 3 fights. That's... not getting me very far :/ I liked the previous series of Defense map, but not feeling these ones very much. Too much obstruction to movement.
  8. Only the first map on lunatics gave me some trouble (first because Takumi's stat boosts had him kill unbuffed Ike and couldn't be dealt by Klein either; and then scrambling a bit the positioning to kill Effie + Olivia without setting somebody to get killed). The others were very easy.
  9. Ooooooh, so the point of the Skill is to remove the debuff innate to the Manen tome? And it could be used for on... well Dire Thunder to remove the -Speed penalty, except not because you specified Flux as a prereq? (i don't think another tome comes with a debuff). So the overall effect is that you either have a chances of making 0 damage, or have a chance of making devastatingly high damage... huh. It kind of feel needlessly complicated and inelegant overall. Trying to mimic "explosive" damage that way is interesting though.
  10. I continue to love how you write detailed quotes for everything. Very nice voice for Canas :DD 31 speed actually feels like a little much for him -- i know it's not much compared to competitive speed in the arena and such, but it's a very decent number for a character I tend to view as a little bit on the slow side. Might prefer him with a bit of a high Att instead. The rest of his stats are fine. I'm not very good at assessing how much power that Manen tome has. It seems a bit complicated (-5 att AND only 1 Mt as a + tome? Isn't that super low? Does the Res/3 suffice to compensate for it??), but I have no eyes for that kind of eyeballing numbers. Eldritch Acumen leaves me similarly at a loss about judging how efficient it is. I'm not sure it's great to have something to get rid of debuff to yourself by attacking (like, usually debuff are taken into account before attacking, right?).
  11. That's why I made this poll. So we'd get at least a little bit of data on what the people who hang out at serenes forest consider "enough" or "too little". Please let people speak about their feelings in this thread because that's the whole point to gather that intel. The thing with the gacha model as I understand it is that it needs both a public that is willing to spend money on it, and a public who is content to continue playing F2P. If either fall through, then it can't sustain itself. Am I mistaken?
  12. I'm sorry :( I don't know how to continue that conversation anymore.
  13. I made a poll to inquire what would satisfy people about free orbs and such...
  14. Well, as I already agreed that "impossible to have fun" was too strong a way to put it, I feel like you've overlooked everything else beyond that.
  15. Is that such an outlandish claim? "Impossible to have fun" is a bit strong because there are various ways to find "fun" in a variety of ways, but a baseline of one full summon per week feels like a good baseline for F2P. It's not a lot, just enough to keep you interested in the game when you can't afford to put money in it. If it's beneath that for a long while, I know I'll certainly lose interest. Can't speak for any other f2p player, of course... maybe we should do a poll...
  16. True XD I mean Klein is polite too, but Clarine would make a point of rubbing people's in their lack of good manners.
  17. Oh. Of course, you see it written in English, so you would know. I am disappoint.
  18. I'm pretty sure it's "Boorishness". He's calling people out for being uncouth; I love that about him.
  19. That's the part that really annoys me. I was very quick to put Ana on my ignore list because I can't stand that kind of non stop whining and character bashing. But so very often it spring up for pages and pages of other people quoting her and it makes her useless; and it really shits on the whole atmosphere of the forum.
  20. Woot, I managed to hold! *big breath of relief* i'm glad i didn't spend all those duel crests for nothing!
  21. True but not super useful if next season I'm not in T17 anymore :P 4794 in a run with a bit better luck in scores gets me in the middle rank by 227 spots... now if that doesn't drop in the next four hours, I'm good. It's kind of of.... *shrugs* maybe? Ranks do seem to be dropping quickly lately though.
  22. Finally managed another deahtless run after a lot of SP grind (fucking bridge map with two mages fucked another attempt) and I'm just at a score of 4784. I feel luck wasn't on my side, the teams I faced were mostly at 682 when they could have gone as high as 686 more often with this team, but even so that's pretty meh. Rank isn't updated yet though. Man this is completely disheartening. Like no matter how much I try I can't manage not to drop a rank.
  23. While I like the idea of putting back the dark/light/anime Triangle in, I'm not sure this is quite balanced, since staff damage is just not on an even ground with tome damage in Heroes. Not sure if a full Nosferatu works well in balance with other healing effects in the game, either. Nice stuff otherwise. Not sure I understand how you mean this Bolting effect to work. It seems super OP o_o How is Devotion not a super sucky Rally Defense? Nice otherwise. Clash Break and Slow and Steady are both very interesting skill ideas. Slow and Steady doesn't feel fitting to Raven though. Hey you stole my powering up when half HP tome idea! :D At might 14 it feels a bit OP for it, otherwise I like it. Respite is interesting, but I feel maybe a limitation of range (have it play like Fortify/Hone instead?) should make it work better. Love the rest of his kit. Wouldn't it be nice if that was the case!! I'd love a skill like that, yeah.
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