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Everything posted by Tactician_Iris

  1. I'm not sure what to think of this mode yet, I believe someone mentioned this is reminiscent of a game of Risk, and I'd agree to a certain extent. A rather modified game of Risk, but still. Anyway, Feh's sorting hat graciously placed me in Team Anna in Outrealm #52. Well green is my favourite colour so it sort of fits I suppose. Our team had a bit of a rough start (last round we had like 3 areas - ouch) but we've reconquered areas. Will see which way the winds of victory will end up blowing (probably Team Alfonse if their scores so far hold up). Hm...I wonder if the Pre-registration to this event was due to balancing the number of players in each team, would make sense at any rate.
  2. My that was something. Rambly thoughts below: I've probably missed something (it feels as if I have), but...busy day ahead, so this will do for now.
  3. *Phew* seems my internet is back to normal so I should be able to catch this before leaving for work. I have no expectations going in, I'm just curious on what's going to be shown. Just a little more than 10 minutes left until we see what's in store.
  4. Hm...I've seen this, particularly when coupled with inexperience with interacting outside their comfort zone. Not surprising, if one hasn't gotten used to assess something unfamiliar. Well, there are boats, but they're in the background. Some even sink But it's close since the line is spoken by a pirate. Hint 2: The game was developed in the UK and was released on the Xbox 360. It is a sequel to a game released in 2004, and a prequel to one released in 2010. It features heavy doses of British humour. The answer: I generally don't hold many expectations when it comes to announcements either (like FEH Channel/Nintendo Direct). Things happen when they happen. That said, it helps that I'm mostly patient about things in general.
  5. Ikr? It's like...can't we just be ok with "Whatever it is that floats your particular boat."* even if one doesn't ultimately agree and such? Live by the "Live and let live" rule? Why do we need to make blanket statements about strangers that ultimately hold so little value when we could have fun instead? Fandom why. */ Cookies to whomever can guess where that quote is from. Hint: Game from 2008. There's a turn of phrase I think kind of fits: "When expectations are unlikely to hold up, a small hope works instead." Might sound corny, but it helps to keep disappointments to a minimum while keeping the inner cynic at bay. Returning to the final round so far...I should take the oppurtunity to say thank you to @Alkaid, for lending me your Firesweeping Cordelia - she hits, she's gone in a Galeforce flash, and then another one bites the dust. Perfect!
  6. You do if ignoring it clearly hasn't accomplished anything constructive for an extended period of time though. At that point one might as well try and do/say something constructive in the vain hope that maybe, just maybe the pattern will change if you try. Since hope will never die and such
  7. Re: the last couple of pages on character popularity: I think there's a point that has been missed here. The point is that there are fans in this very thread who (in this case), like Kagero (myself included), for various reasons. One doesn't have to agree with those reasons, but, consider that we're here. Posts saying "Character X is only popular because of fanservice vs. this character who is popular because of Y" ten times over add nothing meaningful to these threads. The only thing they accomplish is annoy those who like the character and spoil what could be a merry mood in the thread. And while I don't know about the rest of folks, I'll say that I, for one, vastly prefer a merry mood to a meaningless discussion. Yeah, I don't think I got further than the second row on my Armour runs either, I suppose being sturdy and Armour Buffed will take you far. A couple of Armour Boots make a good fit for the occasion too. It will be interesting to see if they expand the unit borrowing to new modes at some point. Dare one hope the Feh channel might have something?
  8. Seems one can never go wrong with having a Singer/Dancer as one's rep. Unless one is in a Singer/Dancer's team on a VG. I still have flashbacks of random Singer/Dancer allies on Team NY!Azura during the Winter/New Year VG. Why did people send out their Azuras, Inigos and Shigures en masse? Ah, I had LA!Lyn (with Lance Breaker of all things) during Armour week, since I figured an armour mage with Armour March would be useful. Dunno what I'll pick for Infantry week after the VG is over though. I agree on the modes and friendlist, besides letting one try out units one doesn't have, there's also shiny builds to see in action. It's probably the most intuitive way to try units/builds one would've otherwise overlooked imo. Considering the above, it's unfortunate to be limited to 50 Friends and two modes. :/
  9. Yeah that fact hits right in the gut it does. :( And it makes the Timezone hoopla sting even more for me personally, since I had to throw 400 flags off-multiplier at the last hour. Gah. Indeed, having a Hone Cav for Spring!Xander makes a world of difference for him. Guy can tank *and*hit like a truck. Well, there's always Rival Domains for borrowing units in the meantime - I tend to have Xander as my rep often so feel free to borrow him. While I'm at it, I ought to admit I did borrow your Cain for the Rival Domains during the cavalry week. It's a special feeling seeing the AI helplessly toss themselves at a fully buffed Bull camping out. That said...in the off-chance that Kagero doesn't make it to the finals, I'll jump ship to Lucina or Chrom - whoever is still standing of the two. So...maybe? I know it's unlikely but still @Ice Dragon The quote was eaten by my phone so I @ instead Well, your Witch!Nowi has said hi and played a trick or two for me. I've had trouble getting reds, so in addition to being the Broom riding powerhouse that she is, she's been an appreciated quest completing treat on my end (in fact, your Nowi is the only red I've gotten at all this round). Hm...considering the red draught...idk if I ought to switch NY!Azura out or not Edit: Wow phone that's one way to screw up a post's format. Fixed it.
  10. Oh...uh, it appears I don't have you on my list - I don't mind adding SF posters though so I can add you if you wish.^^ Sounds like my Xander was a random match then - fun coincidence. XD
  11. Ah, good to hear he's been useful :) He has tanked many green mages (and more besides) in his history, tbh it never gets old to see him go "Nope." at mages. Which unit were you fielding for round 1? (And name - I'm a bit aloof on remembering ingame names I'm afraid) I know I got a V!Ike quite frequently as well, but there are many V!Ike's on my list it's hard to keep track of who belongs to who unfortunately.
  12. Ah no, that's not mine (I wish I could* slap Steady Stance 3 on mine though). My Xander is a basic Fury 3/Vantage3/Hone Cavalry/Quick Riposte 3 (seal) build, pretty much my standard build ever since QR3 became a seal. */ I technically can do it but I'm too indecisive on who should get it. So many options.
  13. Aw, Xander didn't make it to round 2... Well, I hope it'll happen at some point, I'll keep trying for sure when we get another chance at least. Reminds me of the Swedish proverb: "Den som väntar på något gott väntar aldrig för länge./ The one who awaits something good never waits too long" One day Xander. One day. Speaking of this past round, I want to say thanks to @Johann for your cavalry crushing Cain - your Bull has gored many opponents with his horns in my matchups. And as if that wasn't enough of a bonus, your Cain's Hone Cavalry meant my Spring!Xander hit even harder with that Carotene packed Lance of his and 46 Defense + Bonfire. "A Spring in my step!" indeed. Oof. As for my own team contribution, idk if anyone got my (regular) Xander, but I hope he was helpful for those that got him.:] Well, that's it for round 1, onto round 2 and picking a new team. In my case it's going to be another favourite of mine, Kagero. So uh, hi team Kagero! I'll rep a Flier for convenience, either NY!Azura or S!Corrin, but I'm open to suggestions.
  14. Well, since "Spring is here!", and considering he's my #1 favourite from Fates, I'm hopping on Team Xander. Here's my number should anyone whish to add me: 7909740863 (name's Ilia) To synergise with Spring!Xander (which I imagine most will be using) I put regular Xander up front as rep. Skills for the curious: If anyone needs another colour for quests, I'll switch.
  15. Yup.^^ I saw the video thumbnail and went: "Hey, her eyes and hair are drawn similarily to PA!Olivia and Micaiah...is it...? Oh, it *is* Chiko's work." My art senses really admire how Chiko renders motion and metal details in particular, and this art is no exception - there's an appropiate level of "Oomph" in F!Grima's poses. Me likey. Not that M!Grima isn't levels of oomph too, it's just rendered differently. I really like the art for both tbh.
  16. They didn't though. As in, they didn't make her because of fan reaction/complaints that M!Grima was a thing. We can tell since the full artwork of her that's been posted by the artist Chiko, is watermarked with "©2017 Nintendo / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS" so F!Grima's art was planned far earlier than Male!Grima's banner went live for the public. Anyway, it will be interesting to see the watermarks on the artworks for the upcoming banners as they get posted - especially when we start seeing 2018 on the watermark since by then we will have a better grasp on how long developing a banner takes
  17. Fwiw it's from Awakening's Harvest Scramble DLC map. All three Scramble maps in Awakening had one remix each of the main theme (Harvest, Summer, Hot-spring).
  18. Heh, Sharena did get to dress like a bunny and somehow got Alphonse to join in. I really like their art at any rate (and seeing Kozaki return for FEH made my day) Meanwhile, Anna is off...saving her seasonal debut for a theme that she thinks will bring more cha-ching than spring...? Well, joking remark aside, I think seasonal Anna is bound to happen at some point. My gut says it'll be a Summer Banner. Anyhoo...Alphonse would fit nicely for Horse Emblem so I hope I'll get him. As for the others, Sharena is another Green Mage, while not a necessary one for my purposes but...hey, it's Sharena - Askr's very own bundle of sunshine so I won't mind getting her. Then there's Catria and Kagero. I'm largely neutral on Catria, but it's nice to see SD getting more love in general. And finally, there's Kagero...she is probably my most wanted one in this set because she's one of my Hoshidan favourites, and fun looking Dagger Flier shenanigans. Mhm fun indeed. I do see ;) Looks like NoA/NoE need to re-review their information before publishing notifications. Still odd they got it wrong in at least three languages. Edit: Oops sorry for the large text in the post - my phone refuses to co-operate when copy/pasting text for some reason. It won't allow me to change the font size after pasting either.
  19. Makes me curious if there's usually been a -tachi suffix on the tease notifications previously? It's odd they'd get it wrong now though, since the same team has been translating the game for over a year (and similarly worded headlines 9 times before). Then again the English notification for L!Ephraim's reappearance in April was wrong. So maybe not so odd. Curiously, the French one was right that time. Hm. Je ne sais pas. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At any rate, the 22nd holds the answer.
  20. That would make Feh's quote a bit odd though: "Do you think the hero could be an owl? Look forward to the start of the summoning event!" Sounds singular with that wording, but it could be a mistranslation. Does anyone have the notice in another language and can help shed some more light on this? Edit: I checked in French and German, and both languages also refer to a singular hero in the notification.
  21. So uh...not sure if anyone's seen the new notification in game, but there's a new hero dropping on this seasonal banner: Looks like another "Charlotte" situation then. I wonder who it will be. But as to the silhouttes... It sure does look like a voluminous ponytail on the right - it also looks like they've got an Egg in the air by their left hand. So...Tome? Red Egg? Plus, that's a bunny tail on her back. It also appears to be the damaged artwork, since it looks like there are strips of fabric swirling around. But...ponytail...Tiki, Felicia, Tana, Oboro, Olivia, Clair or Clarine? I'm leaning towards a younger female character on the right though, as her body frame appears petite (but that might be the artstyle). So...if that's a lass on the right, then the one on the left is probably a lad. He looks like he's sporting one of those glittery capes that Spring!Chrom and Spring!Xander got so that fits. Whoever he is, he's also sporting poofy sleeves like Xander, minus the gloves. He's probably got an axe by the look of his hands (they're held too close for that to be a Lance pose). He's also got what looks like a tiny strand of hair sticking up, but he also appears to have long hair (look by his left shoulder - that's a lock of hair). I honestly can't find any guy currently in the game that fits that description...could he be the new character? (Charlotte was female so it's not entirely out there that it would be male the next time)
  22. Considering these results I'll be staying on Team Ryoma for round 2 (yay!). I picked Ryoma since I couldn't pick NY!Corrin and I had yet to pull any of the NY heroes when the VG began, I figured I might as well support Corrin's stand-in. Plus the Ryoma vs. Takumi match that didn't get to happen last time was suddenly a thing now and...well, gg Takumi, I enjoyed facing you. :) Well that wraps up round 1, so moving onto round 2...if anyone on Team Ryoma wants to add me: 7909740863 (name's Ilia) As for shoutouts, if anyone on Team Ryoma got my Kagero or PA!Azura, I hope they helped out - on my end I've gotten what I believe to be @Silith13's Matthew and @Lau's Azura. They packed quite a few punches this round so I've been happy to have them. :)
  23. Oh hey @Frenzify, your Beruka swung by on my first match for the day. Really good timing too since I went up against three blues, A Fjorm, Ninian and Reinhardt with my own Tharja and a random's Tharja. Also cool coincidence: Since it was two Tharjas and your Beruka it was a team of Stephanie Sheh voiced characters. Neat. :3 Also @Prince Endriu, I accepted your friend request didn't see it until a few minutes ago.
  24. Accepted^^ Well, I think we're all welcome under Tharja's roof no matter where we came from so long as we agree with her that Robin is the best and stuff. Also I've accepted @Neopolitan and @Johann as well - at least I think it's you given the usernames. I've kept my Reinhardt as lead for now, if anyone would prefer someone else for quests or such, poke, and I'll comply. Yeah I was curious to see if we could have a Rhajat vs Tharja showdown but alas, with the Multiplier being the cruel being that it is, it dictated a no on that front. :'(
  25. Yup, Team Tharja it is! Guess leaving this here again is an idea in case anyone on Team Tharja wants a Rhajat refugee on their Friend list: 7909740863 Summoner Name: Ilia So, hi @Jingle Jangle and @Alkaid, it seems we meet again don't we? Ah, before I go, I ought to give thanks to @Ice Dragon's Ayra, and @Astellius's A!Tiki, they were both very awesome and absolute powerhouses (whose skillsets I'm definetely taking note of for future reference). I also got that Japanese Valter again. It seems like whenever I back a female character in a VG he always shows up. I don't know wether to find that funny or mildly disturbing given it's Valter. But he's got an awesome build so I guess I'm ok seeing his face around.
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