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Everything posted by Tactician_Iris

  1. The lack of victory feathers for me suggests Faye did. Congrats Faye^^ And I ranked 113 this round. Neat.
  2. Aaand we're calculating. Guess I'll find out if it's time to join Team Tharja or gear up against Team Tharja next round. Going by predictions, it looks like it's going to be the former.
  3. Hm...should I put up my Ryoma instead of Reinhardt then?
  4. Rhajat 20,636,209 Tharja 17,402,344 Wat. I didn't expect that 1st hour score. And this was a fun moment this multiplying hour:
  5. Oh that one: "Like all problems we send them to church" That's a legend all of it's own right there. XD I technically first played CK2 via my brother's copy so for the longest time I actually couldn't access the modding forums. (Thank you Black Friday Sale you finally rectified this) Wait...come to think of it, I actually played the predecessor to both EU and CK - Svea Rike, a game released in 1997 in Swedish only. Huh I didn't realise Target games became Paradox. Like whoah, revelation of the day right there. My father would binge play it on our old Windows 95 trying to break his high score (he still plays it even). Wow...it sure brings back memories typing that. I still have a working copy of it even. It's cool to be part of something bigger and contribute, an old username of mine is still attached to a rather large mod I contributed to some years ago., it's a funny sense of nostalgia to see it these days. I agree it's really fun to see just how far one can make it with one's own character/dynasty, switching up some of the gamerules for sheer random hilarity never gets old. I mean, from the RNG blessed Irish Empire, to the Cult of Loki worshipping Norsewoman, to restoring Zoroastrianism or Judaism, the possibilities sure are endless. XD
  6. I know I'm late to the reply button, but yes, CK2 is great! I mean, I've never played any other game where all of the below can happen: After that I was hooked, though I keep playing it more in a sandbox mode than Ironman (idk seeing the sheer randomness is entertaining enough to me) and I've only scratched the surface on Jade Dragon. Incidentally, the new expansion features means I'm itching even more on eventually modding CK2 (I'm currently going through the ropes of making a simple multi-choice event for practice). Oh yes. I have nefarious modding plans for CK2. That said, I proabably ought to try out at least EU and Victoria at some point as well when I have more time and money on my hands. They are :3c Here's my floof Rex examplifying it: Oh the bolded...it's like looking into a mirror, a small group with familiar faces? Fine perfectly fine! I'll ramble their ears off. Big groups? Ehh...plz no. I get drained so quickly and get anxious fast. Ah, such is the life of an introvert. It's indeed easy to get "hooked" on crocheting. :3 I ended up being "hooked in" by my grandma when I was 11, then I had a long break from the craft, but I re-learned what I knew six years ago (when I was 21), since then I've kept at it and I keep learning as I go. Now that's a familiar feeling. ;) Between amigurumis, doilies, to bags, one thing is certain: it always takes longer to finish a project than one anticipates. XD Sewing is great fun too, patience demanding, but great fun. :3 Last year I finally saved up to get a new sewing machine to accompany an old inherited one from the 60's. Pretty much had to upgrade to something newer since working with modern elastic fabrics/thin fabric is difficult for a machine that wasn't built for it (fabric weaving has come a long way since the 60's) - still, the old one is impeccable with denim and stronger fabrics so I keep using it for "sturdier"work.
  7. Gah, that's what I get for not having my morning coffee yet >.< But woohoo, accepted!
  8. Hm... Since I pulled Rhajat as my free summon on the VG banner, I lowkey like shipping Rhajat with Mitama, and I'm largely neutral on anyone/anything else in this VG ( besides Rhajat/Tharja), I suppose I'll throw my lot in with Rhajat. Then, if Rhajat loses I'll go to Tharja if she remains. I expect my Friendlist will be short in Team Rhajat members though so if anyone wants to add me it's FC: 7909740863 (Summoner name Ilia) I've currently set Reinhardt as my lead since I expect team Faye will rep reds to counter Rhajat, and Reinhardt is, as always, a powerhouse against pretty much everything that isn't green or a Halloween!Sakura. Should anyone need another lead for quests or such I'd be happy to switch naturally.
  9. Currently FEW has broken up some of my time binge playing FEH (and I expect the upcoming DLC for FEW means it will stay that way for a while), so that's at least something to break whatever monotony I feel on FEH at times. I've also resolved to finish playing SD, Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones (Wii-U VC). And then I'll replay the Fates routes on harder difficulties and complete Support logs for Fates and Awakening at some point. And daydreaming up silly headcanons on FE. Asides from playing FE I lurk this board - I'd post more on SF if I was more often at my personal PC (since typing posts on my phone is hell) or...I would if that shiny icon for Crusader Kings 2 didn't grab my attention whenever I boot up my PC. "Oh, I'll only play 1-2 hrs or so then I'll do something else. Oh uh...it's that late already? Oops." :S If it's not CK2, it's Sims 3, some old managment sim like Caesar 3, or goofing around in Minecraft and 3DSMax that I end up using my PC for. Oh right, there's more in my games department. I still haven't gotten around to playing Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age - as my favourite FF I really ought to revisit it again. And then there's the DLC for Zelda: Breath of the Wild and new patch for Stardew Valley coming up as well. Plus, Super Mario Oddessey . There's also the occasional Pokémon and Hyrule Warriors Legends in the game mix as well. Oh, and I shouldn't forget the annual re-runs of Ocarina of Time 3DS, Majora's Mask 3DS, and A Link Between Worlds either - I've yet to do them for this year. Yeah I know, my non FEH obsessions are basically games/programs that never truly end. As for non-game things to do I draw and crochet (aka two other things I do on the commute besides FEH). I also sew on occasion, and I attend a tailoring/sewing course once a week. Earlier this year I took a course on Calligraphy as well. Fun stuff all of it. I also help out my dad in his garden - though not rn so much since it's early winter. Oh and I have my two cats ofc. And that's it for my personal free-time I suppose. *Phew* Seems like I do more than I thought I do. XD @Vaximillian D'aww what an adorable kitty trio. :3
  10. According to both NoA and NoE's twitter it's supposed to come out today: US https://mobile.twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/928291885030010882/actions EU https://mobile.twitter.com/NintendoEurope/status/928260888641069056/actions (I hope these links work - my phone is weird about pasting links for some reason)
  11. Ha, I caught this before leaving for work, sweet. Quick thoughts: Fjorm sounds interesting. And Maeshima Shigeki as the artist? I take it it's the same artist as for Xander, Camilla and Spring!Camilla then? And Fjorm's weapon...Leiptr eh? In Norse mythology, Leiptr was one of the eleven rivers of Élivágar ("Ice waves"). Cool the references are continuing I see. I'm curious as to what they named the weapons of the new antagonists. And that upcoming banner...another chance for Bride!Caeda? Celica? Plus pulling for Genny without taking a deep plunge in colourless hell? And then the inevitable Christmas banner afterwards. Oof. My poor orb stash is already crying. XD R.I.P. orb stash. I guess I'm glad my birthday is in December. Still, it's nice that out of season units can get reprises on non-season events - one would figure that they'd return eventually, but I expected they'd keep them as a sort of reprise banner alongside the new seasonals, so this kind of unexpected reprise is neat. I'll personally be postively ecstatic the day Bride!Charlotte/Summer!Robin returns.
  12. Oof, this is what I miss when my PC is broken and my phone is weird with SF again. :S Sorry for the late reply, but, if the name was Ilia, then yes, that was probably my Ryoma, I hope he helped out.^^ As a Team Ryoma refugee that joined team Takumi, I ended up fielding Ryoma since I thought it would be fitting to let him fight on his brother's behalf. :) I got your Cordelia a few times too in round 3, and I'm happy to report that she swooped down on the enemy hard whenever she showed up. In a similar vein, I ought to give a shout-out to: @Infinite Dreams PA!Inigo - he's always such a treat when he shows up, one step left, a Reinhardt gone, one right, a Brave!Lyn bows out, aaand curtains! :3 @Jingle Jangle's Halloween!Henry - he never failed to Trick up any Blues that stood in the way for a sweet victory Treat. He also reminds me I should start scrambling on training mine up. On my end, I returned to fielding PA!Azura for round 3, I figured her Urðr and Dark Song would be versatile enough to help out on most matchups - I hope she was helpful to anyone who got her. For the last hours of round 3 I fielded Hinoka so she could get the same oppurtunity as Ryoma got. Dunno if she showed up for anyone though, considering how late it was that I set her as lead, but hey, it's the thought that counts no? ~ Anyway, no matter the results, this VG had interesting moments on my end, with one highlight being this match in round 1:
  13. My, that's an interesting VG theme. XD And the long-haired gents category reminds me that Libra isn't in the game yet. Libra when IntSys? Anyway...Team Ryoma it is for me :3 I like him the most in this particular crew and I've had loads of fun ripping enemies to shreds with him in FEW. Will be fun to let him do it FEH again. Plus, seeing as this is a battle of coiffures, and he's the one whose hairlength and colour is the most closest to mine...well, all the more reason to support him, gotta rep that brunette mane of mine. :P That said, my hair is more wavy than spiky But, should he and his glorious mane fall...hm. Tough choice between Hinoka and Takumi then. :S Haha, @Infinite Dreams it looks like we're on the same team again.^^
  14. This is glorious on so many levels. This is 100% smile inducing no matter what team you were on.
  15. I hesitate in echoing this since it may come across as raining on somebody's happy parade rn - fwiw, that's certainly not my intention. But I agree that I'm also a bit wary on the numbers - something feels very off about that drop, if there was any hour to save flags for it was the last, and everyone knows this since it's the one that has the highest multiplier. The umderdog team in particular knows that everything hinges on the last hour - and correct me if I'm wrong but I can't recall any VG where the last hour had a drop of that scale. Something else that caught my attention was how quickly the results were calculated this time, since they usually take about 5-8 mins to calculate don't they? Yet, they finished calculating at 06:03 this time. Idk the coincidence just feels uneasy I suppose? :S
  16. Hm...I've gotten @Infinite Dreams's Laslow and PA!Inigo frequently, @Usana's Amelia, and Klein/Laslow from a Japanese player named サキ, I added them after an arena match with their all-5* Laslow team. In round 2 I got an Ike from an Alywar very frequently - but I haven't see him much this round come to think of it. I think we're in the same boat, I've yet to be graced by the presence of Vaximillian's Sharena as well. And much like you I also lack a Celica. :'( Oh and btw, would you mind if I added you? It occurs to me we've been on the same team in past VGs (Regular Leo) but my absent mind forgot to add you back then. :S
  17. Ok, I switched to Julia - mind, she's not a specific meta build but she can kick Reinhardt and B!Lyn butt in a pinch. Hope she helps^^
  18. Should I try switching out my Ryoma for Julia, or PA!Azura?
  19. I got busier than I anticipated so I couldn't post much during round 2. Bleh. :S Well, I hope Ryoma's been useful for those who got him on round 1 and 2. That said, anyone want me to switch him for someone else for round 3? Oh and shoutout to @Infinite Dreams's PA!Inigo, the man sure shimmied my matchups to victory on more than one occasion. ;) I also got @Usana's Amelia frequently on round 2 - she made easy work of quite a few Blue Tome/Breath users. As for round 3, I guess I'll chime in for the Team Corrin roll-call should anyone want to add me - ID: 7909740863, Name: Ilia. Yay we're on the same team again!^^ I'll keep an eye out for your A!Tiki (if you keep A!Tiki as your lead) Heh, that reminds me...F!Corrin was the first unit I ever pulled in FEH - and she stuck around as my main blue unit for quite some time, it was no wonder she was one of the first units I promotedto 5*.
  20. Indeed RNG dealt a fate most cruel for poor Lazlow. :( A Solider of Feather Fortune on the first round? :O Then again, feathers are spiffy so I can't blame you :P
  21. Added you^^ For the last 5 matchups I keep getting reds - so the minute I spy a Reinhardt or a Linde I scream a little internally since my F!Corrin is Atk+/Res-. :S
  22. Oho! It's time for another Voting Gauntlet~! Bet you can't guess who I'm backing: So fellow Team F!Corrin, including @Infinite Dreams and @Alkaid, my units are at your disposal again! As well as the mercy of the matchup system. Currently, I've got Ryoma set as my lead - if another colour is needed for a quest or such, poke and I'll swap. Speaking of units at one's disposal, this happened when I got @Infinite Dreams's Laslow earlier: Oh right, if anyone else wish to add me feel free: Friendcode: 7909740863 Summoner Name: Ilia
  23. Rejoice! F!Robin has supports! That was the one thing I was most worried about when it came to the alternate versions of F!Robin/M!Corrin, that they wouldn't get any supports while their story counterparts would. So this makes me really happy to hear. And I'm curious on all of these supports, Leo x F!Robin (a meeting of strategic minds), Lissa x Elise (that one is going to be adorable), Camilla x Frederick (I really wonder what they'll end up talking about), and Lyn x ??? (New characters are always interisting). Damnit I want to see them all...release day can't come soon enough. :P
  24. Since "Hope will never die~!" my own picks would be these: Libra>Niles>Virion>Kaze>Cherche>Kagero>Charlotte>Gregor. I mean I know their chances are slimmer than that 1% crit actually triggering, but still, a girl can dream.
  25. Well it certainly beats bitterness and salt though. XD And I'm hella sleep deprived and can't sleep so my brain is mush rn.
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