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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. I just found no point to it. I mean we all know each other now, don't we? But MS nagged me everyday so I made it to shut him up. Unfortunately, then he nagged me to make regular topics. *sigh* I just can't win.
  2. I did. I thought it was good. But since there wasn't anything constructive to add, I didn't post. That is all.
  3. When I first joined I was rather unnoticed. I think the only one that would talk to me was MS (God now I sound like Soren). But It may have been that I didn't introduce myself until four days later. I thought is was too much of a pain. Oh yeah, I changed my name and got a comment from Kiryn about it.
  4. I thought we were done with this.
  5. My first day...was kind of a blur, really. So I don't think anything special happened.
  6. Rule No. 1 of RPG Battles: Kill the healer first. Just ask Elena...bitch.
  7. ...Wow. There's two MaSu's now.
  8. One team in the desert, one on a pirate ship, and me in...nothing. Nice chapter. Though I have a bad feeling about the pirates. Any character the girls drool over always ends up starting something. *cough*Sephiran*cough*
  9. *chuckles* I figured you'd say something like that.
  10. Edward and Leonardo were amazing for me. I even brought them to the Endgame where they kicked much ass as a True Blade and Marksman, or as I like to call them, a Pirate and a Quincy.
  11. Hm. Thanks, I'll ask her about it.
  12. You don't say. Well, to each his own, as long as you win.
  13. Sounds interesting. I might try this next run.
  14. Hn. I guess I should be thankful for the compliment, even if it's for something as random as this. Thanks
  15. Yeah It's pretty late. Night all.
  16. Yup. Only one thing gets across to the guy. *cracks knuckles* GIMME YOUR KIDNEYS!!!
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