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Everything posted by SoulWeaver

  1. Hypothetically(speaking as someone with 0 modding XP) you should be able to do this by simply changing Anna's Skills and Class, right? I think all the Skills exist in the base game through Lunatic+(correct me if I'm wrong), and the Merchant Class is there as well on NPC Anna. Would that be feasible or is that just literally what you said you can't do?
  2. We've got loads of books at my house, I just finished rereading The Virginian and The Lonesome Gods this week. I haven't touched digital for anything besides No Game No Life. I switch on and off for reading, a lot of the time I'm busy playing games instead.
  3. Mainly because I liked the coin-toss round. Having multiple options but not being able to select exactly which option sounded like it could be interesting. In this case, I wanted it to have more flexibility and a little more control than just a coin toss, and any of us could alter our character chosen by selecting a different person - as mentioned earlier I intentionally chose Ana to pick my character for this reason, to reduce my chances of getting some random out there character like I was seriously considering doing had anyone chosen me. Ana being a huge Tellius and Zelda fangirl meant that I had a really high chance of getting someone from Tellius or Zelda. This being a Fire Emblem forum probably meant she was more likely to pick Tellius. She's a giant Ike fangirl, meaning my probabilities leaned heavily towards him. I'd also had Elincia, the red cav from that game, I forgot his name, and even Sylvain from 3H as backup potentials(since she's also a big Sylvain fan), and she ended up going with Elincia, though this was apparently because she didn't realize the prompt meant waking up as that character, which was funny. Basically, it meant you didn't have total control over what you could write about, but with a little digging on the other participants you could learn how to skew the odds so you were more likely to get one you'd want, which in theory incentivized learning more about each other. Chalk it up as an attempt to create more friendship among us if you like. ...This was 100% intentional and definitely not just something I bullcrapped out right now.
  4. You more or less have to just let Fandom go. Basically the one thing you could get away with editing without fear of an idiot 'refixing' is the Cipher section since it's now possible to have every character's card list completely up to date without fear of having to update for future releases(/sobs). If FE were as obscure as say Conception II or GoddessKiss you could get away with coming up with stuff and not having to worry about someone else screwing your edit over, but it's not.
  5. I mean at this point especially there's nothing prohibiting you from choosing your own character there, I just figured I'd hold onto that part of the rule myself, since I was happy to stick all of you with it at the time. Even considering I had someone else pick for my non-participation entry, I specifically chose Ana because I knew she was a Tellius girl and this brought the uncertainty down quite a bit. I was expecting her to pick Ike, but Elincia was high on my list of alternatives I'd planned for so it wasn't that big of a surprise. Honestly I expected Chloey to pick Robin/Grima, perhaps Chrom. Lissa's definitely left-field, I'm glad I have some time before I get to that one so I can let my brain work on it.
  6. I'm allowing myself an uncensored exclamation here, good God what have you done...
  7. Since I'm writing all the prompts down, @TheSilentChloey pick a character for Round 30.
  8. Also forgot that Metroid Fusion was utterly underrepresented in Ultimate. SA-X didn't even get a Spirit, what the heck. Give us SA-X Attacks already.
  9. Other possibility that you also haven't banned is buying Skills off your Logbook Units, just to mention that as that should be a way to give you a chance at beating the map...which I'm starting to think you don't want to do here.
  10. I'd like to point out you haven't technically banned Streetpass content, also you forgot Elise should also be benched.
  11. Eh, end of January. Really I could go out and buy a new thing, the problem is that I suck at budgeting and am trying to get better with my money, meaning no, I couldn't go out and buy a new thing.
  12. I also had an idea for Round 2, the one about unexpected consequences of time travel, so I might share that with you guys at some point, though it's, uh...weird.
  13. ...oh...right...yeah, definitely didn't...forget about that...ahem... To be honest, that may be tricky to actually do - my current iPod, being somewhat restricted in its available functions, can't download Docs, meaning I can't do it on mobile unless I copy the entire thing into an email and send it to myself. As for the actual comp, for some reason it has recently decided to be absolutely retarded, and now basically doesn't load my email or Docs at least half of the time. I'm working on trying to fix this situation, but it's a bit difficult when the only response I get when I ask if I can use the computer to find a new iPod is basically 'but aren't you glad you no longer have to spend time on it every single day?' Like yes, ok, not feeling forced to get on and check everything is nice, but in the meantime I still have to deal with the fact that I missed three Banners with Lif, Winter Hilda, Spring Severa, a free Forma Soul and Lynja, multiple Refines, apparently an Ishtar Merge because she was part of the most recent round of Limited Combat Manuals, every single post on DA I might have been interested in within the last six months or so, any opportunity to have any writing of mine available on both mobile and comp, etc., etc. TLDR I'll try to get back to that, but it actually is looking pretty unlikely at this point. If I can manage to get my hands on a new device to work on Docs with I'll let you know.
  14. In all seriousness, I think I might go back and try to write for each round at this point. I've already had an idea for the First Day Of A Job one that I started earlier today. We'll see how that goes.
  15. Welp, this truly is sad, but I suppose it was warranted all the same. My apologies for my own recent lack of participation, I was going to write for this last round then randomly got quite sick for 3 days, which kind of knocked everything around, and now I'm just obsessively listening to the Book III Boss Theme on repeat while playing eXceed. ...so how long until WYBO III releases, then?
  16. I mean censored Tharja is pretty much lewder than uncensored Tharja so I don't know what to tell you here.
  17. https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Iris_-another- ...This has existed for a total of one week and I am very upset I did not learn about it sooner.
  18. Hm...I suppose you have a point, though I'll still reiterate the opening of my own statement: Mii costumes honestly don't feel worth the 75 cents they cost without a music track to go with them, especially as only one person I play with even appreciates that Mii Fighters exist in the first place. I've only picked up two DLC fighters to this point, Joker because my brother enjoys playing him and Terry, not only because I like seeing other fighting games get support from Smash, but also holy cow, that's an entire game OST's worth of music for like $6-7 plus the fighter and stage, easily the biggest bang for your buck here. Admittedly this is my personal opinion, so I suppose it could be different for the rest of you.
  19. No. I ain't paying money for anything that doesn't come with a music track, and we already have enough toxicity flying around every time a new fighter is announced with everyone whining about how it wasn't X, Y, Z, or Waluigi, I'm really not interested in adding another dimension of that garbage to the discussion around this game.
  20. I'll be honest, I was kind of thinking of the complaints brought up in The Tartarans - classic writing is classic specifically because it doesn't try to speak to the 'current' world around it. ....eeeeeeeehhhhhhhh...eh. I liked Ana, but for the most part not doing a thing because it'll bother other people sounds like a dumb way to live life. That and I try to make myself out to be as much of a (censored) as possible sometimes.
  21. Missed this, that was more due to the suicide aspect of it - Anacybele used to star alongside Chloey as a regular source of...entertainment, for lack of a better word, to the rest of us on this thread(read: they fought like an old married couple every second or third round and it was kind of funny to watch). She had a family member commit suicide and it was a tender subject for her so I figured it may be in poor taste regardless of the trans aspect of it. I doubt she'd hear about it now, she got herself banned a while back, but sometimes I try to pretend I care anyways.
  22. No, just my general opinion on the subject of the LGBT community has gotten me in a couple fights before so I figured it would likely apply here as well. Technically the word count limits aren't hard numbers, we've had entries that go under 1k before. So far nobody's broke the 10k barrier because nobody's had anything that could go that long without losing the reader's attention. -cue Shulk noises-
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