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Everything posted by SoulWeaver

  1. I would argue against the 'I got vaccinated' one, though I know I'll be an odd one out here. Frankly, I find I hate the 'I voted' sticker because it reminds me every year of how unworthy I was to vote. I know next to nothing about the individuals on the ballot nine times of ten, I simply go with whoever my mother says to, as I know she does in fact do her research each year, usually with my brother alongside as he also tends to pay more attention than I do. I firmly believe people who cannot spare the time to do the research necessary to know for themselves should by all means not be allowed to vote, myself included, and thus the sticker ultimately remains more a source of shame for me, one that is generally found in the trash long before the end of the month.
  2. Looking like it's going to be some serious Velouria vs Bernadetta dueling, though it's a little early to say. I'm taking Velouria for now, but if she loses we're going the madman Gharnef, I love that guy, especially with Close Foil and ATK-SPD Lull.
  3. Hey, glad to have you back for another round! I like this, it's short, but it does a pretty good job of giving us just enough to understand the story behind it while withholding enough to make me want to see more. I could almost see this segment being used as like a tutorial level in a game, actually. Overall, pretty nice, I think my only possible issue would be what you said about it not quite fitting the prompt. It may have fit more if you perhaps made the whole thing almost like a premonition kind of dream, but then you risk falling into cliche-ing the whole thing so I think it works best as it is now.
  4. “Possibly. Do remember, though, Charlemagne said Nortia appears to have turned on humanity - who’s to say the others haven’t as well?” Difficult odds indeed...I’m most interested in seeing how this will play out.
  5. Yeah, I did use the Divine Code Amelia Manual on my Wendy already, if that changes anything. I also technically have Nah and probably won't be using her, is she better Doubler Fodder or should I be using her for Infantry Breath when I'm done with her?
  6. Would Loki run better with +SPD or +RES? Apparently I have two of her sitting around and I really don’t plan on ever sacking any Unit for their Duel Skill so that leaves merging since the ATK Wave is available through Grails now. Also I seem to have a spare Brave Ephraim and Fallen Lyon. Is there a recommendation for which Skills to give up from them? Special Fighter and Armor March are both nice, and Lyon’s kind of almost too loaded Fodder-wise.
  7. The problem is it’s going to be a pretty decent length of time for me to get Orbs up again, I have another shot at LegendaRoy coming up at the end of...November, I think, and he’s the last Roy I need.
  8. Meanwhile I make it a whole week without a single 5S, let alone any of the Ishtar merges I burned my whole(admittedly small) stash trying to get. And people say Weekly Revivals are worth the trouble.
  9. Huh, I didn't dream that happened. Uh...ok. So, uh, let's see...I already did Halloween-themed last year...holy frick it's been a whole year...uh...how about...ooh, @DarthR0xas could make some use of this one as a KH fan, not to mention the current state of FEH's story. The prompt is to write about Dreams. You can make it about someone's life goal kind of dream, someone's sleeping dream, whatever comes to mind, but the focus of the piece is Dreams.
  10. Wait what how did I do best no where’s my LIIIIST ...In all seriousness, it’s fricking 1 in the morning, we’re waiting until post-church tomorrow.
  11. Yeah, it was more built around me practicing actually writing the fighting itself out. I would probably use a different setting if I do another fight scene, to practice linking a larger story to the actual fight itself. When you say third-person limited PoV, do you mean like an actual third person acting as an onlooker?
  12. Lol, keep in mind Jotari's been absent from the writing for a while, probably hasn't noticed your worldbuilding.
  13. I mean, I don't know about anyone else, but I'd be down to read the concepts if you feel like sharing. Yeah, maybe only a country decision. Or a state one. Not quite down to county level though.
  14. ...When you stop and think about it, bread is just like chickens. You raise it specifically so you can chop off one of the ends and consume it. In other news since apparently eclipse still exists:
  15. Wait what the how long has eclipse been on here, how did I miss that.
  16. I dunno, I'd like having multiple pieces to pick between, and I think Chloey would agree. It's just us two right now, right? Anyways, I see no problem with giving feedback even if it ends up getting demoted to non-participant.
  17. Aaaalrightalrightalright, ladies and gents, let's see what you all think.
  18. I'm so close, and yet so far away, I have no idea how the frick to wrap it up.
  19. Finally a response that fits the subforum. I don't think I have any industries I outright despise, though the music industry is definitely trying its best. Owl City aside most music I hear is either crap or heavily angled towards specific mindsets/worldviews, neither of which should be on my radio in my admittedly horribly biased opinion.
  20. I mean...it's ok. The main problem I have with this is that Xane and Grima look interesting enough that I'll be a little sad if I don't summon them, but the Banner in general isn't interesting enough to merit me actually trying for anything(plus I'm broke and orbless following an attempted run for more DC Fodder - somehow I now have two -SPD +RES Lif). Actually, we haven't had a single Duo/Harmonized Hero Banner I've actually had a reason to be interested in, now that I think about it. I was interested in the 3H one specifically so I could fodder another insignificant peon to Narcian, but I ended up with free Byleth instead. They're nice, just...not really Units I like that much, and that's how all the Harmonized Heroes have been too.
  21. You pitiful fool, to think the pies are on OUR side...
  22. “Hm, in that case, perhaps Lady Karen had best take...hm, Butter, and head back. A gambler is at his worst when he’s frustrated, and a scout is not much different - forcing someone to go along when they don’t want to may result in less-than-optimal performance.” Not to mention if Karen is going to beat Cantus’ brains out using only that mirror, I absolutely must be there to see it.
  23. "No, it's not my given name - a barmaid called me that, apparently some kind of insult in her native tongue, and I went with it. I'd prefer to keep my given name to myself for the time being, my apologies for the slight rudeness of it. Well, with that, let's be off, good luck to the rest of you, we'll search for, oh, probably five to ten minutes or so and then fall back to catch up."
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