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Everything posted by SoulWeaver

  1. "Hm...can we have Lady Noelle fly up to check? We may be able to ferry the whole group up if we're careful, assuming, of course, miss Anthiese is up to the task - I should hate to see such a magnificent wyvern forced to bear more than she could handle on our account, so it may be best if the ladies take the quick route while the rest of us head up on foot."
  2. Ok, I'm not going to be finishing this whole thing in one night, so we'll end it here and maybe one of us will finish it someday. Thing, no name decided
  3. Not sure I can stretch this to the full three days worth. Mostly bad timing on my part.
  4. Can I ask clarification? The question is a little vague.
  6. "Yeah, I'm gonna say play it safe as well, guys - we're already pushing our limits with only five of us, if one of us slips and sprains an ankle we're down to three combatants if trouble arises."
  7. I got mine from this gentleman, he put it and two others together on request for me. Not sure where anyone else is getting theirs.
  8. Hey just a clarification but Mystery of the Emblem was FE3. You have it written as FE2 in the title which may be misleading.
  9. I'm liking this so far, though I'm afraid I'm not using any of my pre-existing OCs here - brand new person this time. Kind of surprised myself with the track I seem to be taking.
  10. Wow, gone for three days and somehow Shadow Mir's managed to pee on the opinion of literally everyone in the thread. Nice work I guess. Anyways, that was fun to read through, thank you for sharing it with us!
  11. -looks at my OCs- Hm.... One of my ideas on my list is 'go back and find a prompt you didn't participate in. Participate in it' so in the event that I get a win any time soon I'll see what I can do for you.
  12. Laughs in Nichol Admittedly, not everyone is willing to risk losing a Unit on a Paralogue for a second Camilla, I definitely get that too.
  13. Ahhh, poor Shura, not looking forward to the next Chapter.
  14. Woah, huh. That would explain why I didn't remember it, that's a pretty useful Skill to have.
  15. Woah wait, what's that bottom-left Skill on Nichol? I've never seen that one before.
  16. It's all good, I'm a straight guy so it would have to be genderbent anyways. A Dryad watching over the holy forest the Paladin seeks to bring balance to.
  17. You like bad unit I give you bad unit You get Merlinus.
  18. It's a pretty good combination to pick, I'd definitely recommend trying a playthrough with her some time! Interesting. Unfortunately I'm stuck on Mac, so it'd take a little more fiddling around to work out. I'll keep it in mind though.
  19. It's more that I really like Nichol, Anon tried to humor me, and everyone else was just like meh why not. In addition to being probably my favorite enemy in all of Fates speaking aesthetically, Nichol is an astounding combat unit with few contenders for his niche as Malig Knight - he's actually likely to do better than Camilla for Conquest Lunatic and is immensely superior to Scarlet on Birthright since you can get him much earlier. There's also some evidence in the game code that indicates that he and Candace were supposed to be actually relevant to the base game(which makes sense as the two of them are from the Paralogues that are available no matter which route you take), such as the fact that they're the only capturable enemies who have cut-in animations when they crit or trigger a Skill. The two of them are also the only capturable bosses you can vote for in CYL, as an aside. He's the only Unit I make absolutely sure to get and use every single time I play Fates, and I almost always use a DLC Seal on him for more combat potential, usually I make him a Vanguard because he's surprisingly useful even when not flying.
  20. Elise is awesome as a Malig Knight, I usually use her until she promotes then immediately jump her over. I'm looking forward to this, it looks most interesting. Kind of makes me want to figure out how to do this myself.
  21. You warm my heart with your consideration, good sir. ...Hey wait, an idea occurred - can you change Units to Chrom's Lord Class from the Before Awakening DLC? If so and if you get Nichol make him a Lord and then just leave him in your Castle to wander around. Also Yes please.
  22. Wait, so this is basically Conquest but you can tamper with Unit's Classes and Skills and stuff? Huh, that's cool. Out of curiosity, can you alter max Weapon Proficiency a Class has access to? If so you should definitely buff your Songstress to better than C Lances, that always killed Azura's usefulness for me. On behalf of Otts then, make Selena your Songstress(see, I'm being nice, you can have your Dancer at a measly Chapter 10) and give her...hm...Aptitude for her Lv1, I think, then of course your Dancer Skill for Lv10...how about Countermagic for third Skill, Warp for fourth, and finally Replicate? As for her join items...I believe Guard Naginata is a D rank, trade her Swords out for it and...Dual Naginata, I think it's D as well. Upgrade the Vulnerary to a Concoction. Also, if Niles is picked, then can someone pick one of the capturable bosses? I always look for a chance to make a plug for Nichol.
  23. Sorry, sorry, haven't had access to a comp for a couple days and my iPod's wigging out and won't charge. Judging duly partaken o - shoot I made things worse. YES Context for your convenience as I'm not sure you saw any of the rest of the continuity. This was a hard call, but I think ultimately Jotari snagged my vote because his premise and formatting were the most interesting, despite my nitpicks with it and my bias for the great Basilio Jones(never trust a Frederick btw).
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