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Everything posted by SoulWeaver

  1. Well yes, I was pseudo-suspended at the time and couldn't say anything about it. I'm the gentleman in question here btw, thanks for the callout Anon, haha. We also had this issue with @Anacybele repeatedly getting banned with no way for any of us to know on the WYBO contest, so she would say she had something coming then go MIA. In that case we didn't really say anything because @Dragoncat usually gave us a heads-up, but it was a gigantic pain all the same. I do sympathize with the idea that one's banned status shouldn't necessarily be broadcast, in case that isn't obvious. However, I do think there are points that one could feasibly be able to see such a thing, like perhaps when a user you are following has a current ban, you realize you haven't seen them post for a while, go check their profile, oh hey, that's good to know. It's one of those grey areas where one needs time to think about it, in my opinion. This is of course all moot since it sounds like the suggested solutions are not feasible to implement using SF's current tech.
  2. I have officially ascended. looks at quality of pop music industry I think I can rest my case without beginning it, your honor.
  3. I’ll go ahead and add mine while we’re here: Absurdity taken seriously Hopefully these two go together nicely, enjoy folks.
  4. Wait, does this mean neither of us can participate this round, or does it mean we can both participate on each other’s prompts?
  5. Ok guess here we go. Is short, forgive me. @indigoasis @AnonymousSpeed @Benice @Our anonymous friend
  6. Ah, excellent, I'm quite the opposite, so I'll send you all the silly questions I get for serious answers, you send me all the serious questions you get for silly answers, and we'll call it good, thanks!
  7. Alright so this ends in an awfully rushed fashion in my opinion but I was almost completely incapacitated on Wednesday and spent all my functional time yesterday playing Exceed and watching TerminalMontage videos because time and me do not mix. However, finished is finished so here we go. Don't have a title yet 2011~ words Notes:
  8. You take that back, Phantom Menace wasn't a spinoff no matter how much you Star Wars normies might wish it was.
  9. Where you guys are from, do your websites use biscuits to improve your user experience? Thanks in advance.
  10. Dude probably half of my early entries required like three paragraphs of pre-read exposition dump to properly understand and I'd say about half of my overall entries are just tiny pieces of a much bigger story, we'll all be happy to see whatever you have time to share.
  11. I'm working on it, Chloey can attest I have something, I'm just procrastinating again. Should be done on time now that I know where I want it to go.
  12. Hm, too bad I already shared Insanity back during the Subvert Expectations one. Might continue that story though.
  13. I don't actually care enough to vote on the top poll so it won't let me vote on the other one. I'd pick Palisade for a) the uniqueness of the setting though this is slightly cheating as someone who the setting sheet was sent to in its entirety(and it's worth looking into, bug Anon until he shares it and the link to the actual RP because it's a world definitely worth working in more and I might also use it a bit too in the future), b) the relative cleanness of the writing(read: fewest grammar errors and smoothest story progression), and quite possibly c) bias in favor of the Christmas present the writer of said piece sent me meaning that I will hopefully be a little more active with writing in general. Much obliged Anon, thanks again.
  14. 1: I've many options here to choose from in my personal list, including such amazing intellectual choices as two of the Toa Nuva from BIONICLE, three of the seven heroines from Conception 2, and the Nesquik Bunny, but I think I would have to go with Weavel from Metroid Prime Hunters. Hunters and Corruption could at least triple Metroid's representation in Smash, and out of all the Hunters I think Weavel has the most unique concept behind him thanks to his Alt Form, the Autoturret, and the fact that he can spawn an energy blade off his hand, which means he doesn't have to be built around spamming projectiles. 2: SA-X from Metroid Fusion. I find it criminal that this thing has a single reference in all of Ultimate, namely one of Dark Samus' win poses. THE X PARASITE SPIRIT DOESN'T EVOLVE INTO A SA-X SPIRIT AND THIS WILL NEVER BE OK WITH ME. 3: Honestly I wasn't feeling like either Fighter Pass was really missing anything so I'm gonna skip this one.
  15. I used to have a tentative overarching series timeline that did that, but I think we're better off just chalking that up to the same thing as Chrom knowing about every single FE continent - deus ex machina. It wouldn't surprise me to find out he knew about Fodlan too. Effie is less about working out in the Japanese version though if I recall correctly, she's hyper-obsessed with Elise instead and they lolcalized it. Might be wrong but I was pretty sure that was the case.
  16. I feel like you need to provide the link to the Timeline of Nonsense for context. Kind of not, the name immediately states for itself if you recognize the last name joke, but kind of. To step outside the bounds of mainline FE, Plumeria is Veronica's bastard older sister. There's not really a lot of evidence here, but I got the feeling from the tiny flashbacks we got throughout Book IV of Plumeria's past that she was going to be somebody surprisingly important, and I think her sharing mothers with Veronica would have been a phenomenal way to surprise the players while also continuing to establish the Eternal Frenemies relationship between Askr and Embla. In similar fashion, I was thoroughly convinced Peony was going to be an Askran royal, considering she has a tap quote about feeling sorrowful whenever she heard the word sister and that her hair matches both Sharena and Henriette. FEH took the cowards route and outright debunked Peony's relationship, but Plumeria's heritage remains ambiguous and Letizia's design is similar to both of them enough that I hold to this theory. I don't know that it's a theory per se, but I am, as far as I know, the creator and headonly proponent of the Eliwood-Laegjarn pairing. She just makes so much sense to me as Roy's mother.
  17. And Pikachu has BAir-pancaked his way under every major/half-major nerf for three years. That little rat. This game's going to be rather poorly balanced in my opinion. The dev plan seems to have been to base nerfs/buffs off of tournament standings until the final patch, but due to everything going on lockdown the game was pretty badly portrayed from a tournament setting. Pyra/Mythra is basically this game's Sm4sh-Bayo and it's too late to save them, Pichu was utterly robbed early on and never got the compensation buff he deserved, most of the late-patch buffs/nerfs are probably going to prove irrelevant... I dunno, I could be proven wrong, but I doubt it.
  18. Oh absolutely, I tracked down the Jump Promo for the sake of having it, the one with artwork by Takahashi himself. I used to have the Red one used by Arcana that came with one of the Legendary Deck sets, but I think I gave it away. Hm, Dark Magician/Blue-Eyes...been a while since I checked either of those decks but I imagine that wouldn't be too hard, you can run Dark Magician the Dragon Knight pretty easily, do Synchro 8 plays off DM and the Eyes of Blue Tuners, then go into Rank 8 plays from there...yeah, there's probably some pretty solid potential. If you haven't yet, I'd recommend looking into finding a copy of DMTDK and some Eternal Soul, those let you set up a pretty threatening boardstate that only Kaijus can really break. I don't know how hard it is to get them for you though, DMTDK only got one printing and Eternal Soul only got three, so they can be a little tricky to find. Can I ask what your current list is?
  19. That would be because he isn't. Objectively. He mostly got his mad cred from being Yugi's main card and from being the original strongest monster in the game, he was one of the first instances of powercreep any YGO card suffered, Summoned Skull rendered him mostly irrelevant to early YGO due to being the exact same strength for one less tribute, a horrendously tragic instance since he's had to struggle with meh-ATK-2-tribute-Normal-Monster Syndrome ever since. That said, as somebody who's played it casually in the past Dark Magician is a super fun deck to play when it works so whatever. Do you build to reference Yugi's anime stuff or do you use the archetype support like Magician's Rod/Robe or Eternal Soul with Dark Magician the Dragon Knight? As for the rest of you, interesting reads, I appreciated them. I'll go ahead and be the first to comment with feedback I guess. @TheSilentChloey @Jotari @eclipse @indigoasis(feel free to wait until your project is done or whatever before reading if you'd prefer, I dunno, maybe you're one of those guys) @AnonymousSpeed Overall, I think I gotta give Jotari this one for(in my eyes) conveying the prompt as it was most likely intended to be better than the others. His also takes a unique narrative style compared to the others here with the first-person funeral monologue so points for that today. Sorry for not joining in this time, guys, I had a wack idea based on an old drawing but then suddenly decided I wanted to do one for Zola from Fates with a time theme and then didn't do either. Hopefully I can get something put together next round, or maybe actually get around to the stuff I was supposed to do for my pseudo-joint-project with Chloey like two years ago instead of shooting at Mettaurs for days on end.
  20. Eitri: You think you're any different than me?! My Gharnef: Shut up I already told him that when he brought me to Level 40. ...This was just about everything I got out of this video.
  21. I like Selena-Velouria, if you don't mind the kind of meh results do that.
  22. Hm...what do you play, Archetype-specific or character-based? correct answer is of course Blue-Eyes so you can do both In other news, I COULD have used Thanksgiving and Black Friday to write...OR. Hear me out. I could spend the entire time leaping down the rabbit hole of the SCP Foundation and its potential relevance to my own Facility and also playing an English patch of Battle Network 4.5 Real Operation because I CAN BE ELECMAN POGGERS. ...pray that I use tomorrow wisely because I'm not sure I can without God's intervention.
  23. ...Well then. Hope I can live up to the task you've assigned me here, I assume that's...double-type magic duty? I dunno, my only knowledge of the term 'red mage' comes from the Bravely Default demo. Considering both my aforementioned knowledge of my role and my current track record in game within that role...
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