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Everything posted by SoulWeaver

  1. Then let's bump it up the to-do list a bit! ACTIVATE SUMMON POWERS! @eclipse Camilla's one of those strange characters where you feel she could have been great, but the writers just kind of…stopped trying. As it is, she has interesting untapped potential in her backstory during the Concubine Wars - let's be honest here, she's mentally (Self-Censored) up, if only we could at least understand what actually drove her to that point. Regrettably, we can only speculate…and cringe at how they keep degenerating what little character she had with each successive appearance(FEW Camilla, I'm looking at you). If you haven't already, go marry Selena and Subaki and get Selena-Caeldori A Support. It's almost literally the only serious moment of growth she has in Fates, and it's great to see. Plus you get to watch her cry. Somehow I can't get over how enjoyable it is to watch her cry. It's not even Awakening, I just like watching her cry in Fates. As for Tharja, from an objective writing standpoint she's very interesting, though as Armagon said it's a matter of personal preference. I recommend watching 'Tharja: How Awakening made a good, bad character' by Ghaast on YouTube, as it goes into some very good detail on her character and personality and makes a very educated judgement rather than just throwing around this and that like most casual internet forumgoers will do - heck, it turned my negative opinion of her around. He also did videos on how Camilla has a mental disorder and on how Peri is pretty much the absolute worst mistake in all of Fates(and if you ask around that's definitely saying something). I will agree Peri is an ok character on her own, but she definitely does not belong in a Fire Emblem game, much less on the good guys' team. He doesn't have one for Severa, but he digs into her relationship with Cordelia in his video on her, so that's two waifus one video something, I guess. On Topic, I'm not really certain what exactly it is about characters that grab me - sometimes it's the personality, like Fuuko in Conception 2(relatively very normal girl in this fantasy world environment), sometimes it's actually the VA, as Heroes Palla managed to show by somehow skipping into my heart, and yeah, I'll admit, sometimes it's the looks, though it isn't always for boobs, like Cordelia. Check abovementioned video on Camilla. She has a character, it's just…not really much better than just being eyecandy. There's a reason she was the main sibling I heavily rewrote when I first started working on writing set in Fates' world.
  2. And the version of Chapter 6 that occurs if you pick Revelations is Boulevard of Broken Dreams…sung by Azura because why not?
  3. Oh, haha, I never saw it like that...before…ugh, that's…WHY?! Huh. Wonder what they'd have it do. In the meantime, how many Camillas and more importantly Ikes do you think they'll come out with before finally getting to Priam?
  4. So Conquest Endgame would be something like Faint by Linkin Park?
  5. Hey, I happen to like the Awakening DLC one! Eh, you do you, I suppose. The real question is which outfit they'll choose to complete Ike Emblem, since we're just one short now. We have what, Ranger and Vanguard in addition to CYL Greil Ike, right? I haven't played Tellius yet(can't seem to get away from downloading issues with emulators) so I only really know the Heroes arts and his two arts featured in Awakening. I wonder, though…do you think Priam will get a Ragnell variant when he does finally come, or just base Ragnell? I mean, when you think about it, Ragnell is cracked and beat up by the time it gets to him. Think they'll show that in Heroes or just give him the same Ragnell as base Ike?
  6. Clearly they're saving it for Priam XD I like to pretend it was because they were hoping nobody would notice they're handing him even more titles, considering he's now 'The People's Hero' in addition to the Radiant Hero, the Strongest Hero, etc. For a guy who straight up tossed his nobility aside once the fighting was over, he sure has a lot of titles. On-Topic, there are several good ones, which makes it kind of tricky to pick. I think for now I'd say 'Voice of Dreams' is a killer title to have, though Jeorge's 'Perfect Shot' is cool too, and it's hard to best Jaffar, then of course it wouldn't be me posting without mentioning either Roy or Cordelia, in this case Cordelia's 'Knight Paragon'(and can we just say Xander and Cordelia having literally the same title swapped around was cheating?).
  7. Yeah, I thought the Fire and Energy Daggers were a stretch, but I figured I'd check anyways. Glow's not majorly important - it'd feel kind of weird in Heroes anyways, actually, considering Refined Weapons already glow and it would clash. I'd have to take another look at the list once I get a request figured out that would actually use any of the weapons - Bloom doesn't need anything from AQW(I mean, maybe she could make use of the Divinity Bow, but that'd be it), and I haven't got my next one figured out yet. Huh, that is kind of weird, especially considering how obscure NGNL is. It gives you all kinds of great quotes to throw out in out-of-context situations, though, like "Don't be a Steph" or my personal favorite, "Therefore fellow virgins YOU MUST NOT DIIIIIE!!!"(especially applicable while playing pretty much any MMO when the Healer bites it). Ever read the books? They're not half bad either. Out of curiosity, mind sharing your AQW username(s) so I can say hi if I ever run into you(and check your character page like a creepy stalker)? Finally, because I realized it fits the theme of Nifl and looks oddly Heroes-ish anyways, here's the Snowy Axe for anyone who wants to mess around with it in their preferred editing tool!
  8. There are several I've been looking at, including The Scythe of Lost Hope, Bejeweled Blade, Snowy Axe, Verde Starblade, Daggers of the Desolate Desert, Enchanted Edge of the Risen, Fire and Energy Daggers, Broken Blade, Sword of Dark Hope, Ornate Blade of Light…the list kind of goes on for a while, though several of them aren't really that important and are just me going 'hey, that'd be cool to see'. They're mostly ones that I could honestly see in a Fire Emblem game under some condition or other, but some of them are basically made up of several pieces themselves, like the Fire and Energy Daggers, and some of them have little empty areas that I'm not sure could be cleanly cut out, like the Scythe of Lost Hope, and then there are ones that end up with the letters from the item description getting in the way. Here, I can add some of them below to give you an idea... So yeah, these are the Scythe of Lost Hope, Energy Dagger, and Verde Starblade, to give you an idea of a weapon I can't get without descriptions getting in the way, a weapon made up of several separate pieces, and a weapon with empty areas that I wasn't sure could transfer over easily - basically the harder weapons to do, stuff like the Bejeweled Blade seem easy enough to even me, who's never touched PhotoShop in his life. Thoughts?
  9. Genny Genny no GENNY WHY?! ... …@Gebby well, good sir, I have found the criteria for your fondest wish... Apparently you need to get really old and rich and control more than one continent.
  10. I assume you mean Treasure Box Satan Ruler of the Sky? It's easy…if you're playing Xigbar in Mission Mode and can thus can actually hit the retarded thing while it's doing its ridiculously-fast-for-a-slow-flight thing. I just loaded up on a bunch of magic casts and threw a bunch of those at it during those moments while playing Story Mode. Thanks for being civil about it! I'll go ahead and explain my reasoning as well. I found the Panel System(and by extension the moveset alteration and limited magic) an interesting concept because it made resource management more important and allowed for a more personal touch to customization. While I wouldn't especially appreciate it in every KH because I don't think that level of swapouts fits Sora or Riku, I felt it managed to somehow fit for the Organization, plus as someone who found he prefers strategy games it was a touch that helped me personally get into the game as it was a little easier for me to manage than the other games' handling of how to equip all the things…and it meant they could hide Dual-Wield Roxas in Mission Mode without your average player stumbling across it easily, so it was a cool little easter-egg for me. Probably my only issue with the Panel system was that once you got Block and Counterattack, there was almost no point to having anything else because you just wait the enemy out, block, trigger counterattack, repeat, though Halloween Xion did a good job of forcing you to come up with a different strategy. I do agree some of the spells should have functioned differently, though - Aeroga in particular was broken as crap just as a 'give me some space' throwout. I also agree playing as the Organization should have been handled better, especially considering they're locked to Mission Mode and you have to progress so far in the story just to play as freaking Xion(who can I also whine has nothing unique about her save she just gets an upgraded Kingdom Key if you set up the panel combination for Dual-Wield Roxas), not to mention Riku, Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Sora. Speaking of, Sora's unlock condition also drives me nuts - full-complete literally every mission in the game? That means, among other things, Dust Flier, and if you're playing on Expert…not interested. On the other hand, the Organization playability did a decent job of expanding on the playstyle of each member and managed to carve out an albeit small niche for each member, with only one guy getting shafted by game mechanics, Zexion, thanks to the limited magic casts. Also Demyx being almost completely garbage was great because it meant you could challenge yourself by forcing yourself to play him(until you realize you can just spam block-counterattack with him too). I also really loved the ring that made your max HP be 1 but doubled your EXP for the same challenge reason. Overall, though, I think my favorite part of Days was the story. You're not playing as some kid who falls into a black hole, wakes up with a giant key in his hand, and goes YOLO I'm gonna go on a trip with a talking duck and dog to find Riku and a mouse because friendship is magic and forget my mom, you're playing as a kid who gets up, goes to work every day, and just tries to figure life out, and that felt much more relatable to me at the time. The video was for the on-topic storyline explanation for @DisobeyedCargo, not Days in particular. It's been a while since I watched the whole thing, but it's a fairly decent explanation for only an hour. Here it is, though it was made before 2.8 happened and so you'll need to find someone else(and probably play KHuX) to help figure that mess out.
  11. As someone who started on Days and still loved the game enough to keep going both with the game and the series(I'm currently working on my third cartridge of the game so I can play the Multiplayer with my cousins, who like the game but never had the money to buy a copy), I disagree. It's not as fluid as most of the others, sure, but it still plays fairly solid compared to DDD all things considered. I'd say it's more that Days' gameplay is a touch trickier to get adjusted to if you didn't start with the game than the other games' gameplay is if you started with Days. I had a good video I saw that explained it fairly well, let me try to find it and I'll come back.
  12. …I feel like that's a reference, and am somewhat ashamed to say I don't recognize it, but sure. Also, my question to all you spriters still stands: Let me know if any of you are willing to attempt anything involving such shenanigans. In the meantime, I have decided my own first request for the new thread - one of Arilon's lovely (not-related-by-blood)sisters, Bloom! Just so you know, my comp refuses to load the sites with the Heroes Assets, so I'm running most of this off of what I remember the pieces looking like, I may ask for a swapout if things end up weirder than I thought. The Pieces: Matthew's Legs, recolored black; Kagero's Torso, bar the scarf, recolored black, and Arms, recolored if they're not already black, I can't remember if her arm things are already black or not; Sakura's Head, using Hinoka's Hair Color(tentative, may change to Cordelia's), with the part of Gaius' headband that goes across her forehead, not the part that hangs down the side; Wielding a Poison Dagger; Two poses, idle(Home area) pose and Dagger attacking pose. If anyone picks this up, let me know if there's any more info you'd like to have.
  13. As I prepare to figure out a request, I'm curious: If I can provide a screenshot of a weapon from another game(in this and probably all my instances AdventureQuest Worlds), can any of you guys tinker with it to try to attach it to a request as a wielded weapon? Also I guess I volunteer as Thread Troll Mod-ish-thing like I ended up being last time - you know, the guy who bugs all the newbies about not being specific enough and the like. I'll also voluntarily bug Neko about updating the OP if it goes too long without being updated if that's needed, so Neko can focus on other stuff without having to check this every so often to stay caught up.
  15. Xander's battle Chapter…this is where my statement on your intro Topic comes back. There's nothing you can do about it, it's best to just prepare your feels for the worst, then if this somehow turns out feeling less painful than your worst-case scenario, great. If it is worse than you expected, though, know that we feel your pain - the Chapter completely blindsided me because I finished Birthright first(I played both BR and CQ at the same time) and didn't realize I was gonna off the guy, though I was definitely less upset about it after…basically, the Chapter kicked me right where it hurt most.
  16. Sonia, woot, this means more Black Fang! Er…maybe. I'll keep my hopes up. Now all we need is Nils.
  17. Subaki allows Selena to have the one Support in the game I will never stop harping on if you play Revelations, though - Selena-Caeldori A Support. I never let Subaki marry anyone other than Selena so I can watch Selena break down and cry go through probably the only moment of true growth she EVER goes through in Fates. Also go Sain!
  18. Wait, what? When did I…oh, wait, I think I know what you're talking about, yeah, that was me who said that wasn't it. Anyways, @NekoKnight, I was wondering if we should try to split the request list into two sections, one for stuff like the request just above where it's simple so-and-so's head on what's-his-face's body with recolors and the like, and one for trickier stuff, like when that RWBY request happened - it was a big project and it never got done, so it just sat there at the top of the list and everyone wondered what it was doing there. I've also asked for two requests in the past that would have gone into such a section, namely the Layla GenericHero ended up having to draw his own pieces for and the Dragon Core Hexer Nankaina did, if you need other examples. Basically, for something that specifies a character from another franchise or one who doesn't have much to their name in their home game and thus needs to mostly be made from scratch, you would add it to a separate list for things slightly more challenging than your average request. This would in theory make it more easy to check the lists in general since they would both be smaller and thus easier to go through and Spriters would be better able to decide if they wanted a challenge that day or just wanted to bang out a couple easy requests. Also, @Nankaina did a couple requests as well. I don't know if they're interested in being an official Spriter, but achievements include Interdimensional Observer's Touma request and my Dragon Core Hexer.
  19. Alright, took me a while to get back around to it, but thanks guys, this has been most informative! Realizes Palla is only around a year or two older than I and begins planning… So, with that, are there any characters you guys have your own imagined ages for? I'm interested in those too so I have a ballpark to work with by comparing others' thoughts on them to my own estimates.
  20. I can give you a hand too, I play with three or four guys every Thursday and they also try to keep up to date on decks to play - we actually just discussed Joshua MC last week, I can ask them for their lists if you want a general idea of some cards that can work. In the meantime, I'll give a bit of input. First, the number of copies of your MC will usually depend on the MC and the number of cards of them they have printed - for someone with only two cards, like for example my Kilmar deck, you usually want to run the maximum number allowed, so four copies of each card. With someone with more cards to their name, like say Chrom to throw a name out there, it'll depend on what you're trying to do with the deck - for example, Chrombie is going to be useless in any non-Risen deck and should only be run if you're playing a deck based on Chrombie, while Heartless Mirage Chrom should never be run except in an Itsuki MC deck. Gerik does not have a Cost 1, and can't be used as an MC. If he had one, I've been told Dieck/Deke is a decent character to play with him. Amelia can actually be a beast MC in a Purple-Green deck as one of my friends has shown us for a couple weeks now. Off the top of my head, I recall him also playing Jill thanks to her Level Up Skill, which allows you to get Amelia set up faster, and I think Ena, but I don't remember which copy of her he ran. Again, I can ask for his list if you want ideas. I think Lute does better as a Supporting Unit than as an MC, but you're welcome to try her if you want. Never tried Rutger or Fir as MC since I can't seem to get my hands on any copies of either, but they do have solid synergy. I already mentioned I'd be happy to ask about Joshua for you. Anyways, hopefully this helps, let me know too if you still want any assistance - more help is almost always better, right?
  21. Shhhhh, keep it down! We don't need anyone realizing these kinds of things, man!
  22. Hey, glad to have you aboard! Also, I applaud you for continuing with the series after starting with Shadow Dragon, I know quite a few people who decided to give FE a try and had their interest slaughtered by SD. Glad to find another fellow writer! If you feel so inclined, we'd all love to read some of your stuff, and there's a subforum for written works so if you're less lazy than myself(who just links his Google Docs to his About Me page) you're welcome to toss your stuff out there and see what people think!
  23. Obviously one of their parents had Peri-esque multicolor hair!
  24. This is why people claiming that KH3 is going to have a slightly more romantic depiction of Sora and Kairi worries me. Yes, the two are adorable and have been done fairly well up to this point, but they seem more like lifelong friends than soon-to-be-a-couple, in part because it's hard(at least for me) to imagine an ending scenario that isn't Sora, Kairi, and Riku all together - I mean, when you think about it, KH has almost always been about sets of 3, with Sora, Riku, and Kairi, then Ventus, Terra, and Aqua, then Roxas, Axel, and Xion, heck, even Sora, Donald, and Goofy. While you could argue for Kairi starting her own reverse harem, somehow I doubt that'll happen. On Topic, mostly I'm neutral towards romance in games, depending on how much it's shoved down my throat.
  25. I don't know about them but I have the Sakura if you need her. Tagging @Apples in case he missed the news. Also RIP all the missing stuff. I've got some of it saved, I'll check and see what exactly if you guys get another thread started up.
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