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The Malign Knight

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Everything posted by The Malign Knight

  1. Probably knows about The Zodiac Age and the various little changes It seems to bring.
  2. Tbh, the only ones I want to really get are Takumi and Laslow. If I can these two, I'll be satisfied enough.
  3. I went with Lyon twice and then gave the votes that I still had to Ced, Laslow, Sara, Seliph, Raigh and Arion. I begun to vote a bit later, so I had a bit less number of choices
  4. FE6. They were a part of the story and felt actually useful. In FE7, instead, they come so late that you won't use them that much.
  5. Keep in mind that Ike winning would just mean in him having aspecial outfit, so they could just release him with the Female winner. Still,I too think that Tellius will be released before Jugdral. Also,I've been thinking about it for quite some time, but how do you guys think the final bosses such as Medeus, Grima and Ashera will be handled in this game? Do you think that they will be playable or that they will be some kind of "special event bosses"?
  6. Is doing the mistake of doing a LP of FF8 instead of FF12:IZJS
  7. Likes the first game in Elibe that also has only the Seize throne objective
  8. Knows that Palla is clearly the superior Pegasus sister
  9. Out of curiosity, may I ask you at what point of FFXII you have arrived? I can se why you would be turned off from it tough, especially if you are in the early game. Anyway, I really tried to like Bravely Default but I just couldn't: the gameplay was fun and all, but I really disliked every character aside from Ringbell and the story just wasn't able to keep me interested.
  10. Classic: Etzel Veteran: Raigh. I love his character too much and is probably one of the characters I always use in every playtroguh of FE6 Modern: Leo. One of my favorite characters in the series and doesn't take too much effort to become very good unlike the other mages from Fates.
  11. Classic: Ced because, even tough he is foot-locked, I love to use him in FE4 and in FE5 he gets a bit of personality and is one of the best units in the game. Veteran: Lute because Lute Modern: Rhajat
  12. To be honest, I wouldn't mind to see Ko Takeuchi(Rhythm heaven) or Akihiko Yoshida doing an art of a FE character for this game.
  13. SD is quite polarizing in that there are people who dislike it for being too faithful to the original and for the Gaiden Chapters requirements and other people who like it for not only the first reason, but also because of the simplicity that came from Its "faithfulness". Still,if you like the typical FE gameplay a lot, then you should definitely try it. New Mistery is...strange: the gameplay is top notch and the presence of supports give more characterization to the Akaneia cast. However, It has one big problem: the Avatar, whose name is Kris; the problems regarding him is that he is Always praised by everyone for no reason and his own presence ruins certain aspects of the story - such as Marth's character. If you care primarily about gameplay tough, I'd recommend you to give it a try.
  14. Paragon Knight and Loving Priestess are the titles of the Epilogues of Xander and Sakura if they are not married. Anyway, I'm satisfied overall with this trailer: Eliwood in the new artwork, aside from the wird face, is pretty cool and Yuri does a decent at making him sound "aggressive"(tough i think It doesn't that much Eliwood being "agressive") Fae looks cute. Xander didn't initially give this impression, but the more i listen to him, the more I can say that It's the same VA from Fates. Catria's VA fits the character quite well, tough i feel she maybe a bit too much relaxed when she says " Here I go" Ben Diskin as jakob here sounds much more aggressive than in Fates. And I'm totally fine with that. I don't know what to think about Ursula's artwork: her eyes are just so...weird. They feel off, for some reason
  15. Patty, Astore and Shura. The modern choices were really hard for me, considering that i like pretty much all of them.
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