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The Malign Knight

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Everything posted by The Malign Knight

  1. I can't help but recruit everyone and make sure nobody dies. Well, except Xavier. Fuck Xavier.
  2. Tbh, I felt that FFX and FFIX did romances pretty well. I actually like Sumia x Chrom: there are much better pairings, but I find It to be really cute. I feel thar Deirdre x Sigurd was done pretty well: yes, they get in love too fast, but that's also the point: It's a love born from youth and ingenuity and It also shows how much naive Sigurd is, since he never really considers the risks that such a love would bring.
  3. I agree. I'm extremely disappointed by such a terrible result. Okay, jokes aside, this is actually a pretth decent performance, especially considering that It's more of a "side project" than anything else.
  4. Interesting. I wonder if one of those games is a Fatal Frame title?
  5. Knows that Eevee (Japanese: イーブイ Eievui) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
  6. Leo. He isn't comparable to his sibling as a unit, but he is still pretty good and his character is also very well done imho
  7. Eliwood and in particular Seliph and marth are the best choices: they all are very "lordly", have a great charisma, shows to be quite smarts and, while mah not be completely true for Eliwood, they are good leaders as well.
  8. Final Fantasy 2: "but this game already had a remake" Sure, but said remake never wanted to expand the characters, the story and the general world of the game as a whole: like, they could have done much more with the characters, especially after seeing what Dissidia did with Firion. Plus, they could always refine that neat level-up system Elite Beat Agents: the idea of special agents that helps by dancing is so hilarious that It needs to be in a sequel. Plus, the gameplay Itself was really fun and well, just give me a sequel of this game. Okay? Okay
  9. Regarding Ena: Tbh, I always tought that It was because of the land: basically, if Olwen was alive, Leif wouldn't have been able to give Illios a land of his own, but, if olwen was dead, the land that was supposed to go to her instead goes to Illios, making his wish of becoming a noble come true. Or maybe It's just because they sre both mage knights. Anyway, my only real complain has to be how the checkpoint saves of SD and NMoE never came back. Like, It was such a cool feature, why haven't they bought It back in any of othe 3DS games?
  10. I mean, Fates AI was able to shine only in CQ. In BR and REV It wasn't anything special due to how these games works and the same probably applies to Gaiden Anyway, the story of Nakanishi with Gaiden was really touching. I admit that I was going to cry a bit when reading it. Also, the different views between Higuchi and Yamagami are really interesting. I wonder how Awakening would be if It followed the "conservative" way of Higuchi.
  11. Sir, you made my emotional status pass from happiness to "how dare you insult one of my favorite FF character" Kuja was in his trance form however,(which makes him stronger than he normally would be) and even then, Kuja is still defeated by Zidane and co. No comment on Necron: guy just feels so random. Also, even Sin would be able to actually destroy the world, jf he wanted to. Anyway, I'm not sure if "destroying the world" makes the other villains look better than Sin. Especially because Sin himself, as I said, could have easily destroyed the world(hell, before Tidus and co. arrived and changed things, the only way to defeat him was to make a super powerful aeon) Also, you forget that Ivalice has things like Ultima and zodiark(who, I remember, was feared even by his creators and was forever cursed to be nothing than some sort-of-fetus, but still has gofly powers) Chaos isn't really powerful since The Emperor is...weird: like, he is strong as a human, but It's never explained how he ends up to be the ruler of Hell and Heaven. Some say that he just killed the precedent rulers, which can make you think that perhaps - during the game - he was just holding back. Anyway, regarding Ike, I think that he is held as the strongest because one of the main points about his character was his strength: Ike's objective, other than to protect Elincia and rhe others in PoR, was to becone a strong fighter - stronger than even his own father. Other lords, instead, tends to be more about how they need to learn to be a ruler, if anything else.
  12. Holy crap, the voice acting sounds excellent so far. Especially Mycen ans Gray. I love their voices too much. Also, nice to see that they are building up the romance between Celica and Alm right from the beginning of the game. Anyway, Is It just an impression of mine or does Slayder sound similar to Corey Smith?
  13. Are you sure about that? The leaked informations could have still been around and It may have discouraged some Japanese players from buting the game. However, I could definitely be wrong. Still, this is definitely a shame since Echoes seems to be a good game. I hope that at least the game will consistently sell well during time and reach a decent total of copies sold.
  14. But Ephraim has low cap in speed, which hurts his performance in the post-game. And she gets punished for it. Plus, Erika is extremely naive and at that point of the game, she was so desperate that she could have done anything to save her friend Well...at least he would be a decent magic tank?
  15. Favorite food? I...I don't know what these "fanny packs" are.
  16. I mean, FE6's gaiden chapters were just "finish x chapter in x turns", so It's not like they were that hard to get. Plus, the game even gave you signs whenever you didn't "satisfy" the requirements for unlocking the Gaiden chapters.
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