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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. This would be an interesting suggestion. It would certainly make more sense in FE4 where chapters took months at a time, compared to something like, say, FE7 where heavy rain would stop and start multiple times over the course of a few hours. It could also help balance horse units, since there'd always be a chance where poor weather conditions could seriously hamper their mobility, while infantry units would be mostly unaffected.
  2. As much as I'd love to see the squicky incest stuff gone from FE entirely, it actually plays a point in 4's plot, so it's kind of hard to get rid of. I agree with the weapon rebalances and skill rebalances for characters like Dew and Holyn. They end up being decent fathers because of their good stat growths, but nobody's using them as fathers for their stats. And unless I'm wrong, I also think it's impossible to give Ulster the Balmunk, even with Holyn as a father where he inherits major Odo blood like his sister. So I'd like to see that dealt with.
  3. I imagine they're use a new engine. Not like there's anything wrong with the 3DS engine, I just imagine that they'll use a new engine that fits the Switch better.
  4. I mean, saying Innes inspired Shinon doesn't mean that much, since the same thing happens with Rolf. There have been plenty of existential/contemplative child soldiers who shoulder their grief because if they don't, their friends will die. Fire Emblem is basically built off of those characters. Shinon's character development also comes through without Rolf. His biggest character flaw(Or his most emphasized one) is his blatant racism towards Laguz, which also gets development in his supports with Janaff. Rolf makes Shinon nicer and more receptive to the idea of working with Ike's group, but it's not accurate to say that Shinon only gets to where he is because of Rolf.
  5. Shinon, while a complete asshole, has a fun/distinct personality in PoR, even though Rolf surpasses him as a unit by the end. In RD, however, Shinon has clearly had some development, but still has his smartass/cynical wisecracks, and as a unit, he's on par or surpasses Rolf. Both are incredible units, due to Marksman being such a great class(Leo still sucks complete ass as a unit), but Shinon has a more distinct personality and design. Rolf is just "a nice guy who may as well be a time traveling Wolt" as far as personality and design go. And then his older brother steals his girlfriend. If you like Rolf, more power to you, but Shinon generally leaves much more of an impression.
  6. I like him/her more than Robin, but I still don't care for any Avatar characters.
  7. No fair, Briggid gets to be on two polls. Febail and Shinon are my answers. I HATE all of the Awakening/Fates archers, so not going to pick there.
  8. Barst, Cord, Bord, Ymir, Johalva, Dagdar, Marty, Lott, Ward, Dorcas, Bartre, Geitz, Garcia, Ross, Boyd, Nolan, Vaike, Basilio, Arthur, Charlotte. Why? Because Fire Emblem Warriors. Boy I sure hope nobody's made this joke yet.
  9. Again, I wouldn't count on it if they stick with Kozaki. They switch up artists frequently, and it's unprecedented for them to go back after they change artists in the main series. If Kozaki comes back after Heroes, that would be a series first(At least as far as I know, since the artists for 1-4 are seem to be unknown). It's always been a strength of the series, IMO. It's how a series can have like, literally 1000 unique characters without too many of them feeling like retreads.
  10. This guy gets it. Every game should have an imposter Swordmaster. Even better, make them like Shanam, where they teach one of the best units in the game one of the best skills in the game. Actually... *rushes to the FE Switch forum*
  11. Slumber


    Welcome. Back on my old message board, we tried to do a romhack of our own. We got all the baselines down stuff(Units, classes, story, support writing, custom sprites and portraits) and planning down, but once it came to actually trying to learn how to actually hacking a rom, none of us stuck with it for more than a few days, so this project we put decent effort into never took off. We all figured out how to do basic hex editing by the end of it, but stopped there. Hopefully you can stay committed to your project and you're satisfied with the result.
  12. The sales of this game will definitely be telling of how the series will probably sell going forward, but I don't think you need to be FE-obsessed to buy it. Awakening and Fates introduced this series to a lot of people, and even people who were casually enjoying those games may choose to pick this one up, because, hey. It's more Fire Emblem. I don't think people finishing all versions of Fates will be the only people considering this game. To some degree, I suspect there was a lot of burnout in Fates. While the mechanics were good and it was a good game, it was like, 90 hours of the EXACT same game mechanics, playing through the same story multiple times in different ways. Echoes, on the other hand, offers a new(Old) gameplay experience. New characters, new story, new everything, compared to Awakening and Fates. If people are still super attached to Awakening like your friend, I think they're in the minority. Fates sold pretty close, so I don't think there are that many people who have yet to get over Awakening.
  13. This is why I think having a Soldier as its own own class, along with Knights, makes more sense. If there is a branched promotion, have the branch be Halberdier/Sentinel and General, while the Knights get General and Great Knight. It works from a fun gameplay perspective. By keeping Soldier and Knight separate, you can end up with Soldier characters having the usual Soldier stats(Moderate to good strength, moderate to good defense, moderate to good speed, and always high skill). Then you can have a speedier General that never misses at the cost of defense and HP if you choose to, or you can have a Halberdier that emphasizes the Soldier's strengths even more, all while also having Knights that fight still fit the archetype. Part of the reason I think people(Myself included) want Soldiers around is because there's no variety in unmounted lance users in most traditional FEs. You get Knights and that's it. Don't like big heavy armor units all the time or a million horses on the field? Guess you're not gonna use any lances, then. And it's worse that there are 0 traditional classes that specialize in lances. Soldiers give us a break from that, and they were a fun unit in PoR/RD. I want Soldiers, but I don't want them if Knights aren't also going to be a thing, since that just replaces the only lance infantry with another lance infantry, and suddenly there's no variety again.
  14. Hot take: This only applies to the middle part of Path of Radiance. She's still good endgame, but she really only shines in the middle game. Don't even get me started on her in Radiant Dawn. It actively makes me like her less in Path of Radiance, where I used to be a big fan of hers.
  15. Yeah, Eliwood Hard is a bit harder. They're fairly comparable, IMO, but unless you're doing the Kishuna missions, Eliwood Hard is harder.
  16. Oifaye carries the team in the early chapters of part 2 when everyone is still low leveled and relatively weak. He may not be an uber unit, but his early game usefulness can't be ignored. Ares may get better stats and a holy weapon later on in part 2, but so does potentially nearly every other child. When they're at their most useful, Ares is a big fish in a lake of big fishes. Oifaye is a respectable sized fish in a lake of small fishes.
  17. To make this short and sweet: 9/10 Phenomenal unit on his own, and my only problem with him is that he doesn't get the customization that most of the other children get, which just makes him slightly less satisfying to build up.
  18. Missed opportunity to leave Kellam off the poll. Anyway, Hannibal, Wendy, Effie. Hannibal's a cool character, Wendy's garbo but so unique that she just stands out way more than any other veteran lancer to me, and Effie's cool.
  19. 7 year old me was outside building a snowman, hearing my parents swearing at the top of their lungs from inside the house.
  20. After the splitting of Mercenary/Hero and Swordmaster classes, the only ones that come to mind with good defense on top of great offense are Trewd and Shiva.
  21. And DAMMIT, why'd you have to remind me of 98? I'm actually old enough to remember that, and while it was still too early for me to care about football, it's enough to make me hate the Falcons a little more now.
  22. Yeah, but that was over 40 years ago. If I had a grudge against every team that stopped the Vikings from entering the playoffs/making it to the super bowl/winning the super bowl, I think I'd have to hate literally every team in the NFL. Plus, I'm not really that much of a Vikings fan. I'm happy when I see them do well, but I also expect for them to fall apart and I never really get my hopes up. Even this year, when they were the last undefeated team and looked like a shoe-in for the playoffs, and maybe even SB contenders, I expected them to fuck it up somehow. I'm more of a Packers hater, and being calling myself a Vikings fan gives me more free reign to hate the Packers.
  23. I think the waifu/children stuff brought in a lot of new fans who were never all that interested/aware of Fire Emblem, but I think Fates proved that the series can still sell well without it. I mean, Fates still had it, but it was de-emphasized, and I saw more criticism towards it than praise for its return.
  24. See, I'm a Vikings fan Minnesotan, so my biggest beef is with the Packers, followed by the Pats for just being such a boring team to watch and see win all the time(Plus, as somebody who has never benefited from Belichick, I have nothing for disdain for the guy). I have nothing against the Falcons, and the Steelers aren't the most electric team around, but I'd still prefer to see them win than see the Pats win any day of the week.
  25. The Falcons are a pretty easy poison to swallow compared to the rest. If the Steelers beat the Pats, I'll downgrade them to a lesser poison, too.
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