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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. That's all there is right now as far as I know. I don't know what @Glennstavos is referring to, I've only seen the leak revealing the character after Joker.
  2. DQ's Hero class in Japan is called "Brave"(Well, it's a word that means both "Hero" and "Brave" from what I've gathered), which is where the connection comes from. Every MC in the franchise is also named "Hero". I'd put my money on Erdrick, since I've expected him ever since the speculation of a second Square rep in the game. I could see a moveset working out in a number of ways. I think all of the Smashes and Tilts would be probably Sword-based, though it could also include Spears and Boomerangs, which are common weapon types for DQ heroes(And Erdrick). No idea how these'd work out. His Bs, I think, would then be all magic. Neutral B - Zap, probably similar to Pikachu's Thunder. Up B - Zoom, a straight, vertical recovery. Forward B - Possibly Frizz as a straight-line fireball. Down B - Possibly Kaclang, either as momentary invulnerability ala Kirby, or as a Parry. Also could be Sizz(If Frizz isn't part of the moveset) as a large, ground based fire attack. Or Boom, as a big, damaging AoE. His FS would probably be either Kazap or Gigagash. Gigagash being a big AoE sword attack that does massive damage, or Kazap being similar to PK Starstorm, only with Lightning. However, looking back at this, this moveset sucks and is super derivative, so hopefully the team is more creative than I am.
  3. I'll concede that I don't know the whole of Fernand's character since I never bothered with the DLC. But as he is in the base game, which I assume is what @Otts486 is going off of since we're talking about the themes of the main game, Fernand is strictly bound by classist ideals. Painted by bad former experiences or not, Alm being royalty doesn't mean Fernand was right, or anywhere near it. There's nothing indicating that either of them got the positions due to being friends with Alm, rather than their own abilities to be high ranking knights. We know that of the Ram villageers, Gray was the closest to matching Alm and regularly dueled with him. And despite this, Tobin is the one described as the exceptional knight between the two. Being friends with Alm probably helped, and it's probably not too much of a stretch to assume that Alm's party was the foundation for the The Brotherhood of Knights, but there's absolutely no indication that commoners like Gray, Tobin, Forsyth and Python didn't get into the Brotherhood through their own merits. Plus, the endings mention that Python turned down being a Knight, while no such comments are made for Kliff and Faye, two characters who really wouldn't cut it as knights. And you know Faye would have taken up the opportunity to be a high-ranking knight close to Alm in a heartbeat. So it's not like being friends with Alm is an in for the Brotherhood.
  4. On the flip side, Saias and Seliph(And Julia) being out in the open makes it pretty easy to keep tack of them. Though, knowing royalty, one of them probably had descendants who had bastards like crazy.
  5. I liked what I saw, but I'm ultimately on the fence about everything.
  6. You're right. I should have said "He'd be in an FE4 banner, but he'd also be added if there's an FE5 banner ever again."
  7. FE5 banner, because IS has no idea what to do with FE5 banners. So they'll just add an FE4 character and call it a day.
  8. Fernand's ideals aren't only that "Royalty are the ones who can rule". Fernand strictly stands for classism, where nobility uses and abuses common workers, ideals that Alm completely opposes and themes the game never tries to pass off as legitimate. Fernand(And Berkut) doesn't stand for the idea that the royalty and nobility should rule because they're fit to, he stands for the idea that they should rule because they're born and deserve to. For what it's worth, the early themes of "Anyone can be great" and "Everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their role in society" aren't proven wrong by Alm being royalty. Those themes still stand true throughout the game, and are things Alm still strives to prove, even after finding out he's the prince of Rigel. Even if Alm can't drive these themes home, characters like Tobin and Gray certainly can, and both rise to be two of the greatest knights in the Valentian Kingdom once Alm becomes king. The only theme that kind of gets spat on is the idea that even commoners can rule, which is a theme that Clive introduces, and not one that Alm really sought to prove himself.
  9. On the subject of KH, I pre-ordered 3 like, 5 years ago when it was first put up for pre-order, and even back then, it got hit with a pretty big discount. I do not like Kingdom Hearts, and I haven't been excited for KH3 in at least 7 or 8 years, so this should be pretty interesting.
  10. She thinks we should be more environmentally conscious and that the rich should pay more taxes. Which seems like common sense to me, but ya know. America's kind of backwards. EDIT: Oh, and she supports single-payer healthcare.
  11. I'm fairly sure we'll get more Akechi, given how his story seems truncated and how popular he is.
  12. I'll give you the first one, since there's so little to it that you can take it any way you want, but this is silly. Literally any ending where the world the story takes place in doesn't end could be considered open ended based on this criteria. Who's to say that the super pissed off dragons haven't figured out how to open Dragon Gates on their end and are coming to destroy Elibe? Who's to say that Jugdral wasn't completely destroyed because they missed some descendents of Galle running around and Loptyr came back? Who's to say Ashunera didn't split again and Ashera destroyed Tellius for real down the line? I dunno man, those endings were so open ended. When the game keeps railing you with one message, which, in this case, is "Grima can only kill itself", you have to take it at face value, especially when there's no evidence to the contrary. If Naga or anyone else with the authority to say such things says "This is the only way to kill Grima and another generation will be doomed 1000 down the line if you seal him", then that's exactly what they mean. Otherwise you're just pulling explanations out of your ass, and you might as well just be posting fanfiction.
  13. Favorite: Od. The family dynamics of Isaach is... interesting, to say the least. Chulainn just went off and became a pit fighter, Shannan's cool, Galzus had his chunk of the family destroyed and he just wandered the earth as a mercenary, Mareeta's awesome, Ayra's pretty overrated, but she's the mother of the only two worthwhile infantry units in gen 2. Baldr is obviously the most important/impactful. All of the main characters in Jugdral are his descendants. Least favorite: Ulir. That dipshit decided to lock most of his crazy superhuman powers behind a bow. And as bad as Dozel's house and Neir's descendants are, Edean/Briggid's family is the worst. Andorey and Scopio are so fucking punchable it's ridiculous. Briggid/Eyvel's cool, but Edean's about as interesting as a pool noodle.
  14. I think I prefer turn-based as a whole. Which is why I'll probably always have a soft spot for the SMT games, since I can't really envision them really embracing action RPG gameplay. Maybe for a spinoff or something, but not as the core of the franchise in any prominent capacity. But when an action RPG is done right, I'd probably take it over any modern turn-based JRPG. The problem here is that most RPG devs suck ass at making fun action games.
  15. There are no good complete T776 translations as of right now. For reasons I'll never understand, nobody's bothered with a proper FE5 project. You either get a nice menu patch, or a spotty translation patch. @Cirosanis being a cool dude and finally attempting a proper unified version with a new script, but it is only about halfway completed.
  16. From what I remember hearing, VAing costs a lot, but it's not astronomically high as a part of a game's budget. You're paying people for the work they provide, and unless it's a massive, massive project, you're not paying a full salary, or even close to that, for somebody's talent. I'm sure it's by the line, and as far as that goes, you're really mostly paying the voices of Alm and Celica, with Tobin, Gray, Mae, Boey, Clive, Saber, Berkut and Jedeh having a fair chunk as well. Everyone else has probably a fraction of their lines. I'd be surprised if the budget of SoV crossed 15mil, and VAing probably made up a small chunk of that.
  17. It's complicated. FE4 has a lot of moving parts to its story as far as the big players are concerned. It's definitely the most politically heavy Fire Emblem by a fair margin. The main thing about its story is that the singular game takes place over the course of about 20 years. It's much darker than other FEs, and things like mass child murder are plot points in the Jugdral stories. The part where FE4 really doesn't fuck around with its story telling(At least for gen 1) is why people like it so much. There's... a lot to keep track of, and things like Sigurd being a deconstruction of the typical FE lord are things people enjoy a lot. And the catharsis that comes with gen 2 finally bringing peace to Jugdral after Sigurd failed so tragically helps even the low points feel like there's an impact their actions.
  18. I have like, 3. Super Mario World and Final Fantasy II(As it was known back then)/IV(As it is known now) were my first "real" game experiences, though I had to play them over at a friend's. This piqued my interest, and I'd be super excited whenever I went to visit my cousins and I could play around with their SNES and Genesis collection. The first real game I had borderline unlimited access to was probably Jumping Flash! when my sister got the OG PS1 for her birthday. That's really when my life started spiraling downhill.
  19. I'm glad you can appreciate SMT as a Christian. It always felt a little distant to me, not being raised in a religious household, and I've wondered how my religious friends would feel playing an SMT game. The most I've been able to connect is that I've been able to appreciate the mythology it incorporates, and I always had a bit of a laugh whenever I took a religion course in college and heard of semi-obscure figures that I learned about from SMT/Persona. But I wonder how you feel about the interpretations of major Christian figures in SMT. Due to how SMT splits up Lucifer and his many monikers into separate beings, it means that the games give many, many, many interpretations of him. Lucifer usually plays as a pretty neutral party most of the time these days(Depending on how hardcore he is about chaos in any given game), legitimately wanting to help humanity. Though the more he tries to help, the worse he usually makes things. Beelzebub iirc is generally a shithead, but he tends to go with Lucifer's alignment in whatever event is taking place. Satan is on the side of YHVH, and is generally portrayed as the more understanding/forgiving of life of the two. YHVH himself likes to jump straight to "THEY SCREWED UP AGAIN, KILL EVERYONE", and the games' depictions of his archangels isn't very kind. Though I think the archangels interfering with humanity is supposed to be the sign of the end times in Christianity, too. And then there's the Demiurge/Yaldaboath...
  20. You're the OP and he's being a dick. The mention is just to draw attention to it.
  21. It's weird, because the game does place restrictions on who can and can't be captured. The boss of chapter 8 is a dismounted Wyvern Knight, and you need to capture him alive in order to get the gaiden chapter. But on chapter 16, he mounts his Wyvern, capping his con stat, making him uncapturable, meaning the only way to complete the chapter from then on is to kill him. So clearly there's an intention there, as the devs are using gameplay surrounding the capture mechanic to implement a turn limit. Why they just wouldn't give Reinhardt, Kempf, and Veld 20 con is beyond me.
  22. Capturing makes sense in that Leif really holds no grudges against common soldiers, and it makes a good gameplay explanation as to how Leif's army keeps acquiring weapons and supplies by stealing them. But yeah, people like Reinhardt and Kempf really shouldn't be capturable.
  23. Favorite: Toss up between GC/Wii(These should be their own era) and the SNES era. Least favorite: NES. As much shit as I say about the 3DS games, they're playable. The NES era is so ungodly slow and simple that it's just a chore to play. They're like thumbscrews compared to the 3DS games.
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