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Everything posted by LucarioGamer812

  1. Comrades definitely (sacred stones). Though I do like the Genealogy, Binding Blade (not Thracia as that theme despite being the same as binding isn't as good in my eyes), Blazing Sword, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawns, together we Ride, and Unity (echoes).
  2. So yeah, I get early access to the Beta for the game and I plan on streaming it in my free time. Most notably tomorrow and Thursday Night. I am not the best at shooters however so please no judgement if I die a lot. But overall I'm looking to having a good time streaming the game and I can answer a few questions about it from the perspective of a casual Battlefront player after I get to experience it some. Stream Info: I'll probably try every class but don't be surprised if I stick with Heavy or Specialist. I also don't plan on using starfighter so I'm wrong guy to watch if you want to see that. Also I don't have any mic set up so this will just be gameplay with me talking to you guys in chat between rounds. Link: https://go.twitch.tv/lucariogamer812 Times: Wednesday: 5 pm EST - probably 8 pm EST Thursday: 5 pm EST - probably 8 pm EST The reasons the streams start so late is that I don't get home from school until 4 pm and this gives me a little time to get settled. It also ends early due to school as well as other commitments. Also these are rough times, I may start slightly earlier (or later, of which I'll update when it'll be) depending on how fast I get set up and I may go a little over the end time to finish the match.
  3. Lol Edy putting in work I see. Glad to see this back though weird concerning the gifs not working (I'm not experienced with that so sadly I'm no help) Oh gods I remember on this level I took forever to get halfway and there was like 10 snipers I was barely holding off with 2 shocktroopers. The only reason I actually beat this level was due to extreme flanking on the right by Alicia and I think it was Edy or may have been Aisha, basically those two flanked the whole right side and captured the base from behind by knocking enemies away from the base with grenades (hey it worked and was my first real cheese in the game)
  4. Basically Fire Emblem is built on characters, and fans expect their favorites to be in the game. Fire Emblem fans who've never played a musou game care more about the content representation more then gameplay. I myself do have roster hopes, but they don't make or break the game for me. I was going to get warriors no matter what and enjoy it, I'm just lucky Cordelia is playable. I'll be honest my experience of musou games is limited to only Hyule Warriors, which made me enjoy the game type.
  5. Okay do I think the devs are making a mistake, yes, do I think they've been idiots most of this production time, at least somewhat. Just keep in mind guys, we are the hardest fanbase to please, and due to this the devs want to make as much money possible and not directly care about fan opinions because we complain about everything. So they're going with what sells basically. Am I upset at them, yes, do I still want to play the game yes, as I feel not complaining about everything and giving genuine feedback will make this series greater and have them actually listen to us. I want to pull an example here, EA, known as one of the worse companies in gaming, made Star Wars Battlefront back in 2015, now the sequel game comes out in a bit over a month, an they've taken direct fan feedback from the first game and improved the game, better multiplayer, a campaign, balanced mechanics, free dlc, fan input on future content, more Star Wars in the game. I want to say if EA can do this amount of a turnaround with one of the biggest titles in cinema, then possibly with time IS/Nintendo will do the same to us, all we have to do is not complain about every little thing and constantly bury this series more.
  6. I'm trying to forget Fates changed everything despite that being true I did enjoy Fates, and that is true, I just don't like how Fates altered them to the point I found they weren't viable mostly and most of the sky knights didn't mean anything to me
  7. For me Shadow Dragon was an interesting experience. I beat the game with no deaths (many resets) and ultimately nearly screwed myself over by only relying on like 3 units to do everything, come endgame and I had to rely on a few potent level 1 promotes but I managed. Also I got my copy the weekend Star Wars ep 7 came out due to a game store being right by the theater and it was only $25ish USD so I feel sorry for your wallet there. I agree on it being a decent title, but not one of my favorites.
  8. I'm probably an oddball, but Pegasus knights and Falcon Knights, due to their high speed and utility (either using swords, healing magic, or anti-monster) I've always used at least one, if not multiple on my team. For favorite unit hands down Cordelia, but basically shout outs to every pegasus knight and Caeldori (since Fates didn't have Pegasus Knights)
  9. So I haven't spent any money on orbs, but so far it seems like all my summons are 3 stars, with exception of Oscar and Serra, has anyone else been having crappy summon luck like me?
  10. In my eyes, to the royals No, Cordelia yes. Cordelia is the only non-plot important character out of all the games repped and confirmed playable besides Anna who is the series mascot. I'm honestly hoping for these characters: Rev: Azura, Scarlet (would be a nice mixup), and Garon. Awakening: Tharja, Severa , and probably Gangrel or Walhart. Shadow Dragon: Draug (for armor), Minerva or Merric/Linde (to get some other reps in there), and Camus as a lance cav.
  11. After completing every quest related to the new paralogues, I had 15 orbs plus the free summon, unfortunately there was three reds in the first batch so I only summoned the blues. 4* Oscar (Okay why are you here I pulled a 5* you last banner instead of Nephenee ARE YOU REMINDING ME OF THIS OSCAR?!) 3* Corrin (well crap, Draconic Aura fodder at least). Next summoning session, I go for the two greens with my last two summons 3* Arthur (Okay seriously fudge this I hate Arthur) and then 3* Frederick (WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME, WHY DOES THIS GAME HATE ME, THE SPAWN RATE FOR 3* IS ONLY 36 PERCENT, COMPARED TO OVER 50% FOR 4* UNITS, I hate bad rng) How is everyone managing to get such good summons?
  12. Characters can only go one fight before losing stamina which drops all stats except hp to 0 and hp is 1, in order to fix this you must use a banana to fix your stamina, but to obtain bananas you must either OTC prior maps or purchase then at the cost of 1 banana for $1 dollar and limited to 5 banana purchases a day. Also enemies are not affected by this system.
  13. Official: Tough one, Can we just go with (most) every track in echoes and warriors? Also shout outs to Rise to the Challenge. Unofficial: Without question this
  14. *Is an Awakening Fan, supported Lyn until Camilla, then became part of Ike*
  15. 1. I'd like to see stuff like greatlances and pole axes come back 2. Bonues EXP 3. Tier 3 would be nice 4. Falcon Knights with Swords
  16. I agree, 3-5 reps compared to 8-10ish for the other games. I understand that it should be fair. I even had the idea they could include Hardin, Jeorge, Midia, and Astram in it as surprise characters way back, but they didn't do that as those aren't recognizable when compared to Marth or Caeda or Tiki. Heck we don't even know if Navarre and Gharnef are playable yet. I don't know about FE1/3, but I thought Shadow Dragon didn't sell well in the west and hence we never got New Mystery? Either way most of the Shadow Dragon cast is obscure to most fans besides the starting crew, but they got dropped to include more known characters from the recent games which overall did sell better then this one. It is unfair but IS is basically thinking with their wallets needing to be filled for this game, lets just be thankful it's just a warriors game, it could be better, but it's not the central focus of the entire series. @omegaxis1, I'll have to rewatch that, as I thought all the arrows missed her due to her head slightly dodging. editing a quote in is hard so this is the best I could do
  17. The reason everything is focused on those games is the fact they sold well. That's basically it. They only included Shadow Dragon in there to give minor love to the original game. Trust me, I'm definitely an Awakening fan, I won't deny it has its setbacks, but I still love it, but even I get tired of seeing the Awakening cast and especially the fates cast get in over everyone else Until they throw Cordelia at me to get rid of any complaints. Yeah this should get back on topic concerning Anna in warriors. So the Ballista huh, seems a little op, I wonder if that's her Musuo?
  18. Technically he was called an elitist first. Though either way calling each other names is pointless as it doesn't change the fact this is how the game is.
  19. True, they shouldn't as they are well known and liked in the older games communities. Maybe if would have worked better if they worked at the Bazaar with that Anna being the general merchant and Jake being the smithy (assuming the Bazaar works the same as it does in HW) Now in terms of playability, only Awakening and Fates actually have Anna able to fight, I know in PoR and maybe RD she was a pegasus knight during the tutorial but thats really it, so makes sense to me to include the version that is based of the ones that can fight.
  20. So I played Shadow Dragon, whether or not that's the best portrayal of her pre-3ds character is up for debate, but what I gather is that her character is focused on her secret shop and her and Jake being a couple. Every other game (except Gaiden and Echoes) has Anna either as a secret merchant or tutorial. New Mystery is the exception with her basically serving the same role as Shadow Dragon. Then comes Awakening as a sequel to Marth's games. They expanded on her concept as a merchant. However, due to the world map being implemented and merchants randomly spawning, there would be multiple Anna's, so that could be why they did the whole multiple sister thing. And they expanded her being a merchant in her character with her being focused on money and valuable things. I saw someone saying how the original Anna didn't have too good of a business with it being a secret shop so maybe with her descendants they took a different approach due to a poor upbringing (maybe to support Anna and Jake in their older years) and so when they got money it provided them with happiness as they were able to take care of their family, this then just spreaded to all the descendants and money was just associated with happiness and that could be why all the Anna's are greedy. Just my thoughts though.
  21. I am genuinely excited for this banner, the designs look solid and so do the skills. I'm definitely getting Azura and Olivia, hopefully the others too, given this is a limited banner.
  22. I'm a newer fan and a casual player so I'm getting this game but at the same time I want some love for the older games. Where's Ike with Nephenee too, where's Roy with Lilina, and where in all the worlds is Minerva, Camus, and a good armor character at? I may be dissapointed in the roster, but I don't let who's in the game dictate whether I buy it or not, for me I just want to support this series and just have fun with it, and that includes equal or fair representation for every game too. Also Anna's trailer made me genuinely laugh, compared to the other trailers which barely did anything.
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