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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. Well, that was unexpected. Sharena, despite dominating the entire round and having the map skewed in her favour, somehow managed to lose nearly everything in the last 2 hours, while my team (Alfonse) managed to grab every territory possible to win 12/7/11

  2. I won't be able to play much tomorrow so I'll probably just help out by securing some key chokepoints later on. Sniping a spot with a few minutes left is rather risky though, since if you go overtime it nullifies your entire effort.

    Though there really isn't much incentive to play after reaching tier 20. Especially since we're already 8/3/19, and I'm on team Anna. 

  3. Apparently Sharena somehow lost the lead while I was gone. Guess I won't be promoting her unless she retakes the lead now.

    I won't be making it to tier 20 unfortunately. Messed up a few battles earlier on. Seems like you need to play really well to hit even 19, but the RNG in the mode screws you over sometimes.

  4. Hope this keeps up. More rewards is always welcome, though those feathers will be going towards promoting Sharena if she wins. Has anyone actually reached tier 20?


    Also regarding map balance, the map in FEH channel was different, which means that once this battle is over, there will probably be a map change.

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