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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. Rating criteria 


    Combat ratings:

    10: Extremely strong, shapes the meta around themselves. Requires using niche units to counter. Very few units will fall into this tier.

    9: Not quite meta defining but still very strong units with great combat performance against common arena threats and no glaring flaws.

    8: Solid units that provide good coverage against their own colour and the one they are strong against, but can be countered by some units of the colour they are weak against.

    7: Units that provide a unique form of utility be it buffs, debuffs or being anti meta while also being a decent combatant that can hold their own in a fight.

    6: Units that provide similar utility as a tier 7, but are outclassed in combat and will require support or heavy investment to contribute outside of their niche role.

    5: Middling units that are outclassed but can still perform decently with investment. Not excellent but not horrible either. Can sometimes serve a niche role.

    4: Borderline units that serve as a poor man's version of another unit (basically completely outclassed). Can achieve similar performance as a tier 5 but requires significantly more investment.

    3: Units that have poor performance against their own colour and are countered by pretty much anyone with triangle advantage. Can only really achieve anything against units they have an advantage over.

    2: Units who often fail to kill even enemies they have triangle advantage over even with investment. Generally not worth using.

    1: Bottom of the barrel units that not only perform poorly but are a handicap to the player's team. No amount of investment can save them.

    Made some changes to better use the .5 gaps between my ratings:


    Hone/Drive utility. Seasonal weapons with hones and drives will not be considered except on the source unit as per my standard.

    Healing utility (not for staff units). Mostly for the falchion users and maybe Arvis

    Chill and Possibly ploy utility, depending on how GHBs will be rated

    Also modified my dancer bonus to give +2 only to flying dancers. Infantry dancers get +1.5 instead due to lack of guidance utility.


    Dedicated team requirements.

    Buff dependence. (Mostly for mediocre Atk bladetome users)

    Applied only if there is a significant difference in combat performance with and without the mentioned factors


    And now finally the unit I've been waiting forever to rate


    Some units get powercrept as time goes on. Ephraim however, has gotten stronger after both major unit building changes. After SI, he was able to replicate Eirika's buffing niche, and refinery gave him one of the best upgrades with automatic follow up attacks at 90% HP and above. This makes his poor speed mostly irrelevant, giving him great matchups against red and blue units with deathblow. It synergizes well with his high Atk and Def, making his once mediocre statline surprisingly optimised for his new role.

    He was also the first unit to get both a sidegrade and upgrade, after getting access to flame Siegmund, allowing him to run a mixed phase build, and unlike his mounted version, can use steady breath and wrath. However aside from player phase utility, his enemy phase performance doesn't quite match up to Lukas and Shiro, and loses his buffing utility.

    He does falter against defensive greens and can't take a magical hit, limiting his enemy phase, but as long as you don't pick fights you can't win, he'll be fine.

    Though the thing I like most is how easy it is to slot him into a team, as he covers both blue offense and buff support, and doesn't require a dedicated team setup. 

    combat rating of 8, +0.5 for buffing utility for a final rating of 8.5. 

    (Eirika didn't get the +0.5 as the -0.5 from needing a specific team setup balanced it out)


    I've grown quite fond of using her as well. Back during Reinhardt's reign of terror she was basically the premier counter to him, though those days are sadly over.

    Julia has high Atk and Res, middling to poor speed and paper thin def. Her speed limits her player phase performance, mostly relegating her role to enemy phase mage tank. Naga's defensive buff isn't much so I'll only consider divine Naga here, which negates enemy buffs, neutralising bladetomes and hone based emblem teams.

    Dragon effectiveness is also a really useful bonus due to how common they are. She easily one shots most blue dragon builds that aren't optimised for magic tanking, and can usually one shot green dragons after a hone buff. However, she can fail to one shot red dragons and if she can't kill them, will die from the counterattack due to adaptive damage+QR, unless the dragon isn't running LB+ or some form of DC.

    As far as competition goes, there are many better candidates for the green slot on a team, but she does have her uses.

    7/10, dragonslaying utility and great matchups against green and blue mages makes her a good pick for arena assault if nothing else.

  2. Finally, we're done with the launch units.


    Before refinement, she was mostly a dedicated buffbot due to her poor offensive statline, even when compared to launch units. However due to bladetomes being very common then, she carved out her own niche. Refinery allowed her to copy the buffs of her allies, and as those buffs are invisible, they can stack with visible buffs up to +12, giving it great synergy with tactic and wave skills. Still, she does require being near her allies and a specific team composition which limits her flexibility. But I do like that they made her refinement complement her niche rather than trying to completely change her. 7/10


    If I thought Eirika's statline was bad, his is even worse, with way too much put into HP. Before refinement he was basically the bottom of the barrel. After refinement, he gets Sigurd's ability to tank magic when combined with the deflect magic sacred seal, but that's about it. His stats are still bad and there are high Res swords who can tank magic normally, and DC swords who can retaliate against mages instead of purely tanking the hit. 3/10

  3. 22 minutes ago, Oz ♠ said:

    Is there any functional reason why one would aspire to consistently stay in Tier 20, assuming they're F2P? I keep seeing people basically "sell" themselves off to Dragon teams and investing tons of feathers on merges...to eventually get feathers? Seems to me it'll take a lot longer for that to end up paying off, even if it's long term investment. It takes around 200k feathers to make one +10, and it doesn't seem like an extra 1,2k a week pays off anytime soon.

    Is it just a status symbol and competitive value? I literally can't even justify promoting my trio when I can rotate T19>20 and so on. The only real benefit is the sense of variety in teams at that score range, which makes it more fun than generic cavalry teams.

    I remember using nearly the exact same argument in my old arena rant after score inflation prevented me from getting to tier 20 with my normal teams. Honestly I still don't really understand it either. You basically spend a crapton of feathers on characters you probably don't even like, and the only real payoff is slightly more coins and stones every week because the feathers most definitely do not even out anytime soon. Probably just the novelty of having high scores.

    Getting your favourite character to 5* +10 I can understand, but this, not so much.

  4. So while rolling for flying Nino, the game decides to give me my fifth brave Ike. Okay? I mean, I can't say no to steady breath but this is ridiculous.

    +HP -Spd, but he's fodder anyways.

  5. Info on new AA scoring system, which begins this week (last week used the old system, scores were just inflated for some reason)

    Using a hero with the corresponding blessing to the season adds +1 to your final score, for a maximum of +28. You can probably already see the new maximum on the top rankings. This also means that for those aiming to maximise score, your choice of units is now even more restricted.

    Terrible change IMO especially for those lacking blessings or AA reserves.

  6. 2 hours ago, Tactician_Iris said:

    If I were to hazard a guess (but I suppose spriters might know better), I'd bet on that it's because hats like Joshua and Spring!Seasonals bunny ears are treated separate from the character's hair (for animation/layering purposes). 

    By contrast, Sakura's hairpain is...static? It never scales/morphs in terms of animation.

    Hmm...you know that spite asset in the last datamine, a Legault with guide boxes overlayed?

    That's probably a reference sheet for the accessories . Characters with spritelayers that already occupy such a slot/"guide box" can't equip an accessory there.

    Edit: Looked again and I had the strikethrough stuff wrong (I shouldn't post w/o coffee) - the Legault sprite is more for scaling of the sprite it would seem (there's a number for the px on it). Still, there's probably some technical limitation as to why the slots are occupied.

    (Overall it sounds similar to how a 3D model's prop bones have systems to get soft-locked, or "parented" to the prop so two props can't get parented to the same bone)

    This seems to be the most likely answer.

    Going by the spritesheets, Joshua's hat is separate from his head sprite while units like masked Marth have the mask as part of their head sprite instead of being an overlay, so she can actually equip a second mask, while Joshua can't put on a second hat.

    Though I still wonder why Feh is considered a ribbon type accessory and not a hat.

  7. Elise pitybroke me twice near the beginning of the game, once on the very first Takumi banner and on the 6 unit FE7 banner. Didn't appreciate her as much back then until the healer buffs changed everything.

    Hinoka pitybroke me twice, once on Tana's BHB banner and another time on her kinshi alt banner. Hone fliers for everyone!

    I was pitybroken by a +Atk Julia to replace by -Atk one at some point last year as well, though I can't remember exactly when.

    Katarina and Genny on the CYL banner were definitely a good consolation for not getting any focus then.

    And this is excluding any off focus free rolls or shared focus pitybreakers.

  8. IS still doesn't know how to allocate stats on red mages.


    How many free red mages are going to be stuck with the generic high res low speed spread? And they didn't even bother to give him good skills.

    Linus looks good but will probably be foddered, because goddamn, free brazen Atk/Spd is amazing.

    And of course the new infantry sword needs to have an even more powercrept statline.


  9. I want to believe that Canas will have good stats since I liked using him in FE7 but it's not looking good for him right now, especially the lack of a unique weapon.

    Legault is almost guaranteed to demote, which means Atk tactic will be in the 4* pool, a skill I have been waiting for forever.

    IS seems to be finding every possible excuse to shoo in all the fem myrms into Heroes. I doubt she'll make much of an impact aside from Spd wave fodder though 

  10. Never really cared for Karla

    Legault's cool, but daggers aren't really my type of playstyle 

    Finally we have a green tome flier that I'm willing to roll for. I have no orbs to roll for Nino though.

    I hope Linus is a decent axe unit. Canas is probably TT or GC but I already have so many red mages. 

  11. Skipped the past few days due to lack of experience with the reviewed units


    35/32 is a decent spread and with the extra +4/+4 from her weapon, she performs well, despite the tough competition in the lance flier category. However she is dependent on having support due to the weapon effect requirement, making her less flexible than the power trio of Cordelia/Tana/Shigure. Furthermore, her only set that isn't outclassed is her unique weapon set, and thus doesn't run firesweep , slaying or brave as well as the aforementioned three, further restricting her versatility. Refinement can give her additional utility, which is unique to her, or a speed refine, which no one seems to bring up. Overall, she's just one step behind the best fliers and still a perfectly viable unit.

    8/10, her main problem is that Cordelia and Shigure are pullable at lower rarity, making it kinda pointless to build her. Thankfully for her, ease of obtaining doesn't factor into my rating criteria unless it's a seasonal.


    Infantry lancer with a really balanced spread. As with most balanced units, she's outclassed in nearly every aspect and has no solid niche. Lack of a prf only makes this worse. Offensively outclassed by Ephraim, B!Lucina and Nephenee, defensively outclassed by Lukas and Shiro.

    Maybe if she had a bit more Res she could have had a niche. 4/10

  12. I don't know why but I don't have much motivation to do this one. Didn't even break 60k.

    I didn't even use groom Marth or bride Tharja much, since dragon emblem made doing this much easier. Actually the only reason I haven't foddered Tharja off yet is because I don't know who to fodder her to.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I think i accepted yours.  I've pretty much autoaccepted everybody while I have room, but let me know if it didn't go through.

    Yep, you're there. Just got your Titania in the last battle as well

    Definitely need the extra friends after dumping all those who lack the common sense to not use another red sword as their lead.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I only lost a couple I think. I know one was because at least one enemy had a Falchion while I was stuck with a couple dragons, including one that was green. Strangely, both were Grima Robins, each gender. lol

    What's your summoner name? I have two pending friend requests and I need to know which one is you and which is someone I don't know. xP

    My summoner name is Luke, with the Hardin lead

  15. Gunnthra has quite a lot of supporters compared to last round. Probably salty Grima supporters or feather hunters. Fine by me since it means we'll be getting more bonus rounds than if it was a curbstomp.

    Also, has the quest reward always been 10 refining stones? I sort of remember it being 15

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